Monday, May 28, 2007

200 yr old Volkswagen Woody Allen Sleeper

Boy they really built these things. Dad had 1961 from 1965 to 1985, and 3 different buses.
Clip for movie review only.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

PDQ Bach Hindenburg Concerto (Brandenburg Parody) MIT Symphony '82

Recorded on Sony TC-76 mono recorder, that's what we had before the IPod or the Walkman. On a rare "music tape" C-120 extended high normal bias cassette. Actually has less print through after 20 years than some Maxell XL tapes I have. Doesn't sound that bad thanks to build-in condenser mike. I was the concert matress. Shickele in a dog suit was chained to my leg in Canine Cantata. Leave some comments and I might post that one too. I believe this is the first posting of a complete, live PDQ Bach performance. Go Tech.