For 9/30/2007
For Freedom
"Impeach Bush! Out of Iraq Now!"
We need more Asians to diversity those aging white war protesters. I've seen more young Asians in uniform proudly back from Iraq than waving for defeat. A generation of Asians properly indoctrinated by elite colleges has forgotten why you'll find a "Little Saigon" and never a "Little Ho Chih Minh City" in many communities. Those anachronistic red and yellow flags defiantly recall a free Saigon, not Jane Fonda's favorite totaltarian regime, infamous for her photos in front of guns aimed at American pilots.
If GW and the Democrats bought into bad intelligence, that's not an impeachable lie. Senator John McCain can tell you what torture is really about after being shot from this his Navy Skyhawk. If the Democrats succeed in pulling out our boys in 90 days, you can bet they'll keep on killing Americans, Africans, Koreans, and whoever else they can blow up instead of giving peace a chance. After the slaughter of WWII, are a few car bombs and IEDs going to send Uncle Sam packing? Bush showed leadership in taking out Afghanistan instead of lobbing a few late missles at empty camps like Hillary's hubbie.
John Wayne's "Green Berets" movie appeared just about when the Tet offensive turned opinion against the war, and the main communist NVA army in tanks took over from guerillas. But George Takei and Jack Soo still look magnificent on AMC cable as ARVN (South Vietnam Army) commandos fighting the Viet Cong. Back then, the VC were targeting every official and every teacher for assasination and bombings, just like our Islamic friends are doing in Iraq. Our forces and allies were being mutilated and beheaded long before Al Jazeera made it fashionable. Do you think the average Iraqi citizen cheers the blowing up of shoppers and shooting random students just to clear their streets of Marines?
"VENT Hot Air TV in Baghdad" on Youtube shows America's fearless Michelle Malkin taking the point by going to Iraq to show us what is really going on. Instead of banning recruiting, Asians should support military careers for the (*gasp*) non-college bound, ROTC and military academies along with Ivy League colleges. At least one young Korean American would have been more positively occupied hunting down insurgents instead of students and faculty. Those who advocate shuttering defence plants should ask why we sent soldiers into battle with tactics and equipment unsuited to the same sort of roadside carnage first encountered by ARVN and American units a generation ago in 'Nam. Why did the Army nearly cancel instead of ramping up production of armoured cars, mine protected trucks, armour and gunshield kits for vulnerable humvees, just like Israel and South Africa have been using for years? Why expensive Strykers instead of dusting off proven Vietnam-era M113s "Gavin" tracked carriers which shrug off small arms fire? For better or worse, we are at war. Let us work to make things better, not worse for freedom. Vent Hot Air in Bagdad For Freedom by Avalon
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Seattle School Board picks
My picks for Seattle School Board-August Primary
Posted by: "School Advocates" schooladvocates at schooladvocates
Mon Aug 20, 2007 10:33 am (PST)
(thanks for asking Gary)
Maria Ramirez has been a strong and populist leader in her latino community. She has worked with Campana Quetzal for years, as an education advocate for years, and from my perspective is fair and realistic about the issues. Her main concern is with disproportionality in education and discipline but she works for all the kids. She has been a supporter of Mary Bass and Sally Soriano. Her main opposition is Steve Sundquist, establishment supported investor who seems to know little about Seattle public education-especially disproportionality issues around the last round of closures.
I have been especially impressed over the years with Maria's ability to work in the face of powerful opposition of the people around her. She works constructively with people she does not necessarily agree with and manages to move an agenda forward that benefits the students and families. She is not a member of CEASE (Citizens for Effective Administration of Seattle Education) directly, but we have worked together on issues and both were on the Multi Racial Task Force on Education. She opposes the privatization of public education-beyond saying she is against charter schools.
She also has Dan Dempsey as an opponent. Dan is a career teacher and populist. Dan says he is absolutely against closing schools, and has ideas about how to make them financially sustainable-by using shared leadership over two or three small schools for example, or using retire-rehire principals on a 1/2 time basis for small schools. Dan fought hard against the TERC or Everyday math curriculum adoption, and educated many folks, got involved in district politics and policy and is now running for the board. He can be seen on many board public testimony videos.
In district 2, I am supporting Lisa Stuebing. She is the only candidate with any concern for Marshall high school, and wants community schools that receive investment from local social service organizations instead of parsing our schools out to private education projects like TAF(Technology Access Foundation-a heavily business supported private program that nearly took over the entire campus of Rainier Beach High School, and would have dispersed existing community last year). She is diminutive in stature but I think large on integrity, a sense of democracy and a desire to defend public education from privatization. Lisa worked for a year to change the University Women's Association pro-WASL lobby into an anti-WASl lobby, a significant feat.
Darlene has proven herself to be less than her rhetoric, sounding wonderful on equity issues but voting to close our most disadvantaged and voiceless schools while voting to continue the contract for our only charter-the New School. Then voting again to provide them with a $64 million dollar building when others were available, and other schools had waited so much longer. She sounds great, but in my opinion can't be trusted to prevent closures and privatization, and certainly does not work positively and collaboratively with others most of the time.
Sherry Carr is the CPPS(Communities and Parents for Public Education) pick for Darlene's district, saved Bagley as Area Council PTSA president but is ok with closing other schools. I don't trust her to make decisions that won't lead us to privatization, and I don't trust her to collaborate with anyone who is not wealthy or connected. At the City Club Forum, she said we should close more schools, that "public/private partnerships" (the new school is one, and arguably is a contracted, charter school) are the way of the future, and that we have too much choice in this district.
Harium Martin-Morris is the CPPS/establishment pick for Brita's district and unfortunately, the only viable candidate. His opponent is way over-the-top, saying that "no decent human being ever sat on the Seattle School Board". My hope is that Harium ( I don't know him) is his own man and will do his own analysis of the issues. I have heard now that he has some support from the alternative school community.
Sally Soriano is the only one of four who were elected in "03 who stood by her promises and ethics and insisted on voting no when it was important to do so. She has gotten a lot of criticism for voting no on the facilities bond (yes on the levy) and for submitting a statement for the anti-closure law suit. I think her reasoning on those issues is sound, and her own description of them will be on her web site within a week or so.
Her opponent Peter reportedly transfered $70,000 left over from the levy campaign into a newly formed PAC that is supporting a slate that includes him. Barbara Schaad Lampere (pre '03 board member) is a lead organizer of the PAC-it was reported in "Eat The State" by Geoff Parish shortly after the levy campaign ended. Not illegal, just not right. (I'm repeating what I read published by Geoff Parish, others have told me the plan was considered but not carried through).
Peter not only ran the levy campaigns but sat in on the district planning for a year before each campaign (by his own public admission) but failed to increase the level of accountability or transparency of the funding and the building that followed (when I questioned him about this, he said he tried to tell them people were unhappy). Many promised projects over the years were shortchanged in favor of others after the public voted-usually southend and alternative schools lost funds for improvements and big north end schools went into cost over-runs. I think Peter is likely to approve every proposal the administration brings him. The campaign organization-Schools First-did a survey that has some have questioned the validity of which concluded that Seattle citizens don't trust the school board, the results are repeated by Peter and by Sherry Carr.
Sally has huge support in SE Seattle , and with unions (though didn't get an endorsement from the leadership of the SEA, she has many teachers), especially the Teamsters, and the Green Party. She lost some endorsements from the Democrats, they complained about her endorsing Nader then Dixon and therefore she is not a democrat in their eyes.
She says look around you, its time to start voting for issues and individuals(anti war and anti voucher/charter/privatization), I've been a democrat for a long time but issues and ethics are more important than partisanship.
CPPS is supporting their slate, they also supported a legislative effort to allow appointed school boards, to have Norm Rice appointed as superintendent, and they profess to be a democratic institution but fail to have public meetings to make decisions. They came together to fight for the survival of their own schools-Pathfinder, Bagely, Summit, Montlake, and were successful but fail to fight for the other schools, which are mostly poor schools for kids of color or high-needs special ed.
I'm populist, an advocate for equity and democratic process as well as for quality education, I expect a lot of money to pour into the establishment/business slate after the primaries, but the people we are meeting in person seem to know the issues and want the populist candidates.
Maggie Metcalfe
Parent/Foster Parent
CEASE President
(Citizens for Effective Administration of Seattle Education)
Posted by: "School Advocates" schooladvocates at schooladvocates
Mon Aug 20, 2007 10:33 am (PST)
(thanks for asking Gary)
Maria Ramirez has been a strong and populist leader in her latino community. She has worked with Campana Quetzal for years, as an education advocate for years, and from my perspective is fair and realistic about the issues. Her main concern is with disproportionality in education and discipline but she works for all the kids. She has been a supporter of Mary Bass and Sally Soriano. Her main opposition is Steve Sundquist, establishment supported investor who seems to know little about Seattle public education-especially disproportionality issues around the last round of closures.
I have been especially impressed over the years with Maria's ability to work in the face of powerful opposition of the people around her. She works constructively with people she does not necessarily agree with and manages to move an agenda forward that benefits the students and families. She is not a member of CEASE (Citizens for Effective Administration of Seattle Education) directly, but we have worked together on issues and both were on the Multi Racial Task Force on Education. She opposes the privatization of public education-beyond saying she is against charter schools.
She also has Dan Dempsey as an opponent. Dan is a career teacher and populist. Dan says he is absolutely against closing schools, and has ideas about how to make them financially sustainable-by using shared leadership over two or three small schools for example, or using retire-rehire principals on a 1/2 time basis for small schools. Dan fought hard against the TERC or Everyday math curriculum adoption, and educated many folks, got involved in district politics and policy and is now running for the board. He can be seen on many board public testimony videos.
In district 2, I am supporting Lisa Stuebing. She is the only candidate with any concern for Marshall high school, and wants community schools that receive investment from local social service organizations instead of parsing our schools out to private education projects like TAF(Technology Access Foundation-a heavily business supported private program that nearly took over the entire campus of Rainier Beach High School, and would have dispersed existing community last year). She is diminutive in stature but I think large on integrity, a sense of democracy and a desire to defend public education from privatization. Lisa worked for a year to change the University Women's Association pro-WASL lobby into an anti-WASl lobby, a significant feat.
Darlene has proven herself to be less than her rhetoric, sounding wonderful on equity issues but voting to close our most disadvantaged and voiceless schools while voting to continue the contract for our only charter-the New School. Then voting again to provide them with a $64 million dollar building when others were available, and other schools had waited so much longer. She sounds great, but in my opinion can't be trusted to prevent closures and privatization, and certainly does not work positively and collaboratively with others most of the time.
Sherry Carr is the CPPS(Communities and Parents for Public Education) pick for Darlene's district, saved Bagley as Area Council PTSA president but is ok with closing other schools. I don't trust her to make decisions that won't lead us to privatization, and I don't trust her to collaborate with anyone who is not wealthy or connected. At the City Club Forum, she said we should close more schools, that "public/private partnerships" (the new school is one, and arguably is a contracted, charter school) are the way of the future, and that we have too much choice in this district.
Harium Martin-Morris is the CPPS/establishment pick for Brita's district and unfortunately, the only viable candidate. His opponent is way over-the-top, saying that "no decent human being ever sat on the Seattle School Board". My hope is that Harium ( I don't know him) is his own man and will do his own analysis of the issues. I have heard now that he has some support from the alternative school community.
Sally Soriano is the only one of four who were elected in "03 who stood by her promises and ethics and insisted on voting no when it was important to do so. She has gotten a lot of criticism for voting no on the facilities bond (yes on the levy) and for submitting a statement for the anti-closure law suit. I think her reasoning on those issues is sound, and her own description of them will be on her web site within a week or so.
Her opponent Peter reportedly transfered $70,000 left over from the levy campaign into a newly formed PAC that is supporting a slate that includes him. Barbara Schaad Lampere (pre '03 board member) is a lead organizer of the PAC-it was reported in "Eat The State" by Geoff Parish shortly after the levy campaign ended. Not illegal, just not right. (I'm repeating what I read published by Geoff Parish, others have told me the plan was considered but not carried through).
Peter not only ran the levy campaigns but sat in on the district planning for a year before each campaign (by his own public admission) but failed to increase the level of accountability or transparency of the funding and the building that followed (when I questioned him about this, he said he tried to tell them people were unhappy). Many promised projects over the years were shortchanged in favor of others after the public voted-usually southend and alternative schools lost funds for improvements and big north end schools went into cost over-runs. I think Peter is likely to approve every proposal the administration brings him. The campaign organization-Schools First-did a survey that has some have questioned the validity of which concluded that Seattle citizens don't trust the school board, the results are repeated by Peter and by Sherry Carr.
Sally has huge support in SE Seattle , and with unions (though didn't get an endorsement from the leadership of the SEA, she has many teachers), especially the Teamsters, and the Green Party. She lost some endorsements from the Democrats, they complained about her endorsing Nader then Dixon and therefore she is not a democrat in their eyes.
She says look around you, its time to start voting for issues and individuals(anti war and anti voucher/charter/privatization), I've been a democrat for a long time but issues and ethics are more important than partisanship.
CPPS is supporting their slate, they also supported a legislative effort to allow appointed school boards, to have Norm Rice appointed as superintendent, and they profess to be a democratic institution but fail to have public meetings to make decisions. They came together to fight for the survival of their own schools-Pathfinder, Bagely, Summit, Montlake, and were successful but fail to fight for the other schools, which are mostly poor schools for kids of color or high-needs special ed.
I'm populist, an advocate for equity and democratic process as well as for quality education, I expect a lot of money to pour into the establishment/business slate after the primaries, but the people we are meeting in person seem to know the issues and want the populist candidates.
Maggie Metcalfe
Parent/Foster Parent
CEASE President
(Citizens for Effective Administration of Seattle Education)
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Monday, August 13, 2007
Monday, July 30, 2007
Friday, July 27, 2007
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Monday, July 23, 2007
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Friday, July 20, 2007
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Monday, July 09, 2007
Friday, July 06, 2007
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Monday, July 02, 2007
Friday, June 29, 2007
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Friday, June 22, 2007
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Friday, June 15, 2007
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Monday, June 11, 2007
Friday, June 08, 2007
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Monday, June 04, 2007
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Friday, June 01, 2007
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Monday, May 28, 2007
200 yr old Volkswagen Woody Allen Sleeper
Boy they really built these things. Dad had 1961 from 1965 to 1985, and 3 different buses.
Clip for movie review only.
Clip for movie review only.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Saturday, May 19, 2007
PDQ Bach Hindenburg Concerto (Brandenburg Parody) MIT Symphony '82
Recorded on Sony TC-76 mono recorder, that's what we had before the IPod or the Walkman. On a rare "music tape" C-120 extended high normal bias cassette. Actually has less print through after 20 years than some Maxell XL tapes I have. Doesn't sound that bad thanks to build-in condenser mike. I was the concert matress. Shickele in a dog suit was chained to my leg in Canine Cantata. Leave some comments and I might post that one too. I believe this is the first posting of a complete, live PDQ Bach performance. Go Tech.