What ANOTHER Pixar movie with no Asian parts????? ........

AUGH I just saw this movie, and NONE of the critics got what it was about. It is not about feminism. This is maybe Pixar's first grown up movie that hits on the level of Sleeping Beauty or Beauty and the Beast.
protagonist = Merida the archer girl, easy
villain = the bad brother bear, not too hard
love interest = .... ready??....THE QUEEN.
NOT the 3 suitor guys although the middle guy might be a passable surfer dude type.
You know how the Beast has to make Belle love her to break his curse? Well, while the little girl Merida loved her mom, she hated her mother so much as a rebellious teen, she was selfish enough to get a with to put her curse on her mother, with the fine print "mend what was broken".
OK, I saw it coming that what was broken was the relationship with her mother, and that was what would have to be mended. Before long, Merida protects her mother by showing momma bear how to fish, and against her father who just thinks she is a bear. Merida also finally uses her training from her mom to make a speech to bring the clans back together. Finally in the big fight scene, momma bear fights to protect her cub/daughter. Only when Merida breaks down sobbing "I love you mother" is the spell broken, just as Belle shows she finally fell for Beast, bringing him back to life. Tangled pulled the same trick at the end.
Overall, the movie looked a lot like Avatar in scenery and willo wisps, Miyazaki with female protagonist, Tangled (I liked that mother better) B and Beast, and Mermaid (deal with witch again, spell conditional on achieving love) and much less than the usual playful Pixar story, though somebody else noted that Nemo was a father-son story.
Mother's day clip:
Watch for the automated message menu operated by putting in different labeled potions as a modern cultural reference.
Nobody remembers that other nearly-forgettable Disney movie that was probably the nail in the coffin of d
eclining animated musicals, Brother Bear in which the native hunter is turned into a bear for the needless killing of a mother bear. I don't remember if the guy changed back into a human though.
Archery Contest Trailer
Michael Medved says it's too scary for small kids (or queasy women?)
Some say it's good, but not Pixar great.
Another guy says the 3D glasses ruin the great artwork.
Young Kids Shouldn't "Brave" Disney's Latest
Thursday, June 21, 2012 |
The Disney-Pixar partnership has produced some of the greatest animated movies of all time, and their new release “Brave” looks especially appealing, with its medieval Scottish setting and spunky, flame-haired heroine. But consumers should understand that this ambitious film, despite superb artistry in its animation, is so dark and disturbing that young children may become deeply uncomfortable while watching it. Read the full article

CBS News - 3 hours ago
Disney-Pixar's latest film, "Brave," opens Friday to mostly positivereviews Read more by Amethyst Tate on CBS News' Celebrity Circuit.
"Youngsters with a taste for adventure will no doubt overlook the movie's workmanlike outlines and applaud its spirited, self-reliant heroine, who proves to be as appealingly unruly as her tumble of Titian curls," explains Ann Hornaday, Washington Post.
"The Pixar name used to mean something. And it never quite meant pleasantly safe, safely forgettable movies like this," writes Stephen Whitty of the Newark Star-Ledger. "It's a lively, psychologically astute tale filled with humanity, wit and charming performances," writes Claudia Puig of USA Today. "This Celtic-themed story hews so closely to classic fairy-tale tropes, it's the studio's most Disney-fied production yet," notes Sara Stewart, New York Post. "'Brave' isn't a bull's-eye, but it's close enough," writes Tom Long of the Detroit News. "Leave the kindergarteners at home, and take your tween daughter to this one, if she is willing to be seen in public with you," explains Willie Waffle of wafflemovies.com. "Brave" is easy to like but hard to love, a feel-good fable with the latest bells and whistles," Joe Williams of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch writes.
MLive.com - 11 hours ago
A brief, but important aside: I saw “Brave” in 3-D, which was detriment to its beauty. Imagine wearing sunglasses to the Art Institute of Chicago. All that wondrous color, dimmed considerably. The movie’s shadowy, woodsy setting and torchlit castle interiors must be stunning without those stupid glasses compromising the brightness of the images. ..
She stuffs Merida in a corset and hides all that hair, trotting her in front of the trio of kilted dude-bros, who exhibit various degrees of dipstickedness. Like her mountainous father Fergus (Billy Connolly), the would-be suitors prefer to brawl and bagpipe and bellow in their burly brogues, lifting their kilts to moon their rivals.
The men and their uncouthness are the big butts of the screenplay’s comedy. And Merida’s triplet kid brothers are future buffoons, being general agents of mild mayhem. Makes sense, considering “Brave” aspires to be a you-go-girl modernist fairy tale. Her sex is intellectually superior here, and seriously so. But the screenplay only goes partway towards developing Merida as a strong, confident female character. She’s more of a standard rebellious youth than a feminist figure.
Brave has received mostly positive reviews from film critics. On April 3, 2012, Pixarscreened the first 30 minutes of the movie, and it received a positive reaction ...
5 hours ago – There's one thing that critics agree on about Pixar's latest animated filmBrave: It's beautiful. Other than that, critics can't seem to decide.
| | 5 hours ago – The movie Brave is Pixar's first feature with a female protagonist — a medieval Scottish princess named Merida (voiced by Kelly MacDonald) ... |
Rating: 7.5/10 - 1002 votes
... her kingdom. Granted one wish, Merida must rely on her bravery and her archery skills to undo a beastly curse. ... Reviews: 35 user | 42 critic | 29 from Metacritic.com. Determined ... 'Brave' is a Disney Princess that Lacks Pixar Depth 3 hours ...
Directed by Mark Andrews, Brenda Chapman. Starring Kelly Macdonald.
Rating: 73% - 137 reviews
Jun 15, 2012 – Merida is a skilled archer and impetuous daughter of King Fergus (Billy Connolly) and Queen Elinor (Emma Thompson). Determined to carve her own path...
Directed by Mark Andrews. Starring Kelly Macdonald, Billy Connolly.
4 hours ago – 'Brave' is more Disney-like than Pixar's best work, but the best thing about the film is heroine Merida.
Jun 10, 2012 – Pixar's 13th film, which follows an adventurous Scottish princess, is visually stunning and strongly voiced, but doesn't take any real risks.
Jun 11, 2012 – Review: Pixar's 'Brave' Is A Powerful But ... The D Is Silent: Inside The Trailer For ' Django ... Happy 30th Birthday 'E.T:' 5 Things You Might .
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11 hours ago – I'm sure there's an animator for roughly every three hairs on Merida's fiery red head. The heroine of “Brave” surely has the most impressive ...