Wednesday, October 19, 2005

US Better at Math, But Asians Lead, Equal to White Reading


National Assessment of Educational Progress

The Nation's Report Card

AP Oct 19, 2005

AP reports that Americans are doing better in math on the NAEP
nation test. Blacks are "catching up" with whites. But they don't mention
that Asians are still leading whites in math, as Asians have in most years
since 1992. In grade 4, Asians lead whites by about the same margin that
Hispanics lead blacks. Asians are equal to whites in reading at both grade
4 and 8, on most tests like the SAT, Asians tend to lag in verbal scores,
but they appear to be assimilating at these grades, or just studying a lot.

Grade 4
1990 1992 1996 2000 2003 2005 Rank
W 220 227 231 234 243 246 2
B 188 193 199 203 216 220 5
H 200 202 205 208 222 226 34
A NA 231 226 NA 246 251 1
N NA NA NA NA 223 226 34
L 207 208 222 225
L = free / reduced lunch
Asians lead whites by same margin as Hispanics
lead black.
Free/Reduced lunch students score better than black

Grade 8
1990 1992 1996 2000 2003 2005 Rank
W 270 277 281 284 288 289 2
B 237 237 242 244 252 255 5
H 246 249 251 253 259 262 4
A NA 290 NA 287 291 295 1
N NA NA NA NA 263 264 4

Asians score equal to whites in Readng
Grade 4
1990 1992 1996 2000 2002 2003 2005 Rank
W 224 224 226 225 229 229 229 12
B 192 185 193 190 199 198 200 5
H 197 188 195 190 201 200 203 4
A 216 220 221 224 224 226 229 12
N 207 202 204 3
L 203 201 203

Grade 8
1992 1994 1998 2002 2003 2005 Rank
W 268 267 271 272 272 271 12
A 267 265 267 267 270 271 12
N 250 246 249 3
H 241 243 245 250 246 246 4
B 237 236 243 245 244 243 5

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