Friday, November 06, 2009

Nidal Malik Hasan Notes

Nidal Malik Hasan Notes


Notes, facts and comments picked up from the internet of the Ft Hood shooter:



  • He is American born Palestinean-American or American of Palestinean descent

  • Extended family lives in Ramallah, near Jerusalem in the occupied west Bank, capital of Palestinian National Authority (extremely anti-Israel, anti-USA, pro muslim terrorist place in case you didn't notice)

  • Hasan's mother came from al Bireh, a Palestinian town close to Ramallah. She was traumatized by her experience in the 1967 Arab-Israeli war, when she was 15, according to the source

  • attended the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences in Bethesda, MD. He graduated in 2003 with a degree in Osteopathy and later finished his residency as a psychiatrist.  In 2009, Hasan completed a fellowship in Disaster and Preventive Psychiatry at the Center for Traumatic Stress.

  • He was promoted to major status in May, according to the Army Times.

  • all three brothers -- a lawyer, a professor and a psychiatrist -- are highly educated

  • Connection with Islam compared to Timothy McVeigh and Terri Nichols bombing Oklahoma City

  • Mainstream media seems to be minimizing any connection to being a Palestinean origin, muslim, or having terrorist jihadist symphathies, concentrating on anti-muslim harassment as his reason for wanting out of the military

  • quote: "The  Muslims have a right to stand up against the aggressors"

  • quote: "Maybe we should have more of these where people strap bombs on themselves and go into Times Square"

  •  Blog Atlast Shrugs calls him a muslim terrorist,

  • poliblogger says it's too soon to make a connection"Geller is an extremist who, on the one hand, deserves to be ignored"



Found Comment:

Hasan was born in Virginia to Palestinian parents who emigrated from Jordan. there is nothing more you need to know. Of course there are good and bad in every group. But the INS should be using common sense. here is a Palistinian in our army. You think Israel should treat these people like one of their own. They're murderers. He wouldn't defend his country while in uniform. A coward. A traitor. Defending terrorism is what Arabs do daily. The world is better off without them.


"Experts say fighting two wars has put unprecedented stress on soldiers forced to endure multiple deployments in combat zones where battle is unconventional." This man was NOT suffering from being deployed in battle, and he was not suffering from PTSD.


7:43 AM

Nov 6, 2009

"Experts say fighting two wars has put unprecedented stress on soldiers forced to endure multiple deployments in combat zones where battle is unconventional." This man was NOT suffering from being deployed in battle, and he was not suffering from PTSD. It's an incredible insult to compare this murderer to those who have seen battle, suffered and then returned again to serve their country. This man killed because he disapproved of the US fighting against Muslims, and he joined his fellow Muslims in an act of jihad against his fellow soldiers, whom he had called the "aggressors".

Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan was a soldier who didn't want to go to war, a man of God who defended murder and a doctor who shot up the soldiers he was supposed to heal.

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6:30 AM

Nov 6, 2009

Why is it that mass murderers always show ominous signs that stupid people ignore? What is wrong with these morons???


6:32 AM

Nov 6, 2009

ArmyRanger, I am tlking about the big picture and how that can way so heavily on a man's consecience. You're talking contracts and obligations which matter only when you are in a normal frame of mind. Once you are pushed so far out there, such things become very low on your list of priorities.


6:40 AM

Nov 6, 2009

How did an anti-American, supporter of Islamic terrorism and suicide bombing rise to the rank of Major in the United States Army? This is a horror story. It makes the US military look like a bunch of bumbling idiots. Was anyone listening when this man was making his anti-American statements? This looks like infiltration to me. I hear there was more than one shooter, so, that means he wasn't the only insider who felt that way. Every American should be terrified that this could happen on US soil and in our own military. This is also similar to the radical, pro-terrorism, anti-American propaganda that is going on outside the Islamic mosque in NYC.



Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan was a soldier who didn't want to go to war, a man of God who defended murder and a doctor who shot up the soldiers he was supposed to heal.

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6:30 AM

Nov 6, 2009

Why is it that mass murderers always show ominous signs that stupid people ignore? What is wrong with these morons???


6:32 AM

Nov 6, 2009

ArmyRanger, I am tlking about the big picture and how that can way so heavily on a man's consecience. You're talking contracts and obligations which matter only when you are in a normal frame of mind. Once you are pushed so far out there, such things become very low on your list of priorities.


6:40 AM

Nov 6, 2009

How did an anti-American, supporter of Islamic terrorism and suicide bombing rise to the rank of Major in the United States Army? This is a horror story. It makes the US military look like a bunch of bumbling idiots. Was anyone listening when this man was making his anti-American statements? This looks like infiltration to me. I hear there was more than one shooter, so, that means he wasn't the only insider who felt that way. Every American should be terrified that this could happen on US soil and in our own military. This is also similar to the radical, pro-terrorism, anti-American propaganda that is going on outside the Islamic mosque in NYC.



.Smooshie 6:40 AM Nov 6, 2009
How did an anti-American, supporter of Islamic terrorism and suicide bombing rise to the rank of Major in the United States Army? This is a horror story. It makes the US military look like a bunch of bumbling idiots. Was anyone listening when this man was making his anti-American statements? This looks like infiltration to me. I hear there was more than one shooter, so, that means he wasn't the only insider who felt that way. Every American should be terrified that this could happen on US soil and in our own military. This is also similar to the radical, pro-terrorism, anti-American propaganda that is going on outside the Islamic mosque in NYC.


ny times


Born and reared in Virginia, the son of immigrant parents from a small Palestinian town near Jerusalem, he joined the Army right out of high school, against his parents’ wishes. The Army, in turn, put him through college and then medical school, where he trained to be a psychiatrist.


expressed deep concerns about being sent to Iraq or Afghanistan. Having counseled scores of returning soldiers with post-traumatic stress disorder, first at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington and more recently at Fort Hood, he knew all too well the terrifying realities of war, said a cousin, Nader Hasan.


a man who called himself Nidal Hasan, a law enforcement official said. The postings discussed suicide bombing in a favorable light, but the investigators were not clear whether the writer was Major Hasan.

In one posting on the Web site Scribd, a man named Nidal Hasan compared the heroism of a soldier who throws himself on a grenade to protect fellow soldiers to suicide bombers who sacrifice themselves to protect Muslims.

“If one suicide bomber can kill 100 enemy soldiers because they were caught off guard that would be considered a strategic victory,” the man wrote. It could not be confirmed, however, that the writer was Major Hasan.


His mother’s obituary, published in The Roanoke Times in 2001, said she was born in Palestine in 1952. It


“He was doing everything he could to avoid that,” Mr. Hasan said. “He wanted to do whatever he could within the rules to make sure he wouldn’t go over.”

Several years ago, that included retaining a lawyer and making inquiries about whether he could get out of the Army before his contract was up, because of the harassment he had received as a Muslim. But Nader Hasan said the lawyer had told his cousin that even if he paid the Army back for his education, it would not allow him to leave before his commitment was up.


Major Hasan was not married and had two brothers, one living in Virginia and another in Jerusalem, his cousin said. The family, by and large, had prospered in the United States, with various members working in law, banking and medicine, Mr. Hasan said.


 But he said he had not expressed anti-American views or radical ideas.

“His parents didn’t want him to go into the military,” Mr. Hasan said. “He said, ‘No, I was born and raised here, I’m going to do my duty to the country.’ ”

Malik Nadal Hasan, the jihadi that led the attack on Fort Hood, was quoted as saying “Muslims have the right to rise up against the US military” …”The Muslims have a right to stand up against the aggressors” “….maybe we should have more of these where people strap bombs on themselves and go into Times Square”--quotes from Colonel Terry Lee 

Military service is compulsory in Israel. For all but Muslim Israeli citizens. In fact, they will not even let them into the army. This is not racism, it is self preservation. The first thing a Muslim interpreter in the British did was to offer information to Iran. When will the west learn?


A source tells NPR’s Joseph Shapiro that Hasan was put on probation early in his postgraduate work at the Uniformed Service University of the Health Sciences in Bethesda, Md. He was disciplined for proselytizing about his Muslim faith with patients and colleagues, according to the source, who worked with him at the time. NPR


Six months ago Hasan came to the attention of the FBI because of Internet postings that discussed suicide bombings.

After lauding a Muslim U.S. Army soldier who killed comrades in Kuwait in 2003, Hasan wrote in an online posting, "If one suicide bomber can kill 100 enemy soldiers ... that would be considered a strategic victory."


Fort Hood Shooter Malik Nadal Hasan -- He Wanted Muslims to "Stand Up"


ExChristian88 (13 hours ago) Show Hide

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He is the person who wanted to server his nation, but after 9/11 racists in military harassed him so much that he wanted release from military. He violent stories from soldiers coming back from Iraq, he heard about killing of innocents in Iraq hundreds of times. Any person can become mentally ill after going through so many things.

ExChristian88 (13 hours ago) Show Hide

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He was wrong in his shooting , but he is right Muslims should get up against the white racists who want to destroy the world. Not only Muslims, All Vietnamese, Chinese , all Asians should stand up against white racists.



12>> Fort Hood gunman worked at Walter Reed


10>>Major Muslim Hasan Advised Obama's Department of Homeland Security


9>>Arab Street is Rejoicing at the Slaughter of US Soldiers

8>> Powerline:




6>>   The War on America: Muslim Attacker "come to the attention of law enforcement at least six months ago because of Internet postings that discussed suicide bombings and other threats"




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