Tuesday, January 19, 2010

BARF! MIT is taken over by Diversity-Speak of radical liberals

See my response, and response from MIT alumni office below:

The MIT whitewash report is here http://web.mit.edu/provost/raceinitiative/?tr=y&auid=5808857

To the members of the MIT community:

To advance the frontiers of knowledge and innovation, to take on the world's great challenges, and to educate our remarkable students, MIT must attract and cultivate the finest talent. The history of the Institute and of the United States shows that brilliant minds can emerge from anywhere; we must ensure that for those women and men who have the ability and ambition to succeed at MIT, MIT is a place where they can thrive.

Today, Provost Reif and I share with you the report from the Initiative on Faculty Race and Diversity. It describes MIT's progress on diversity, but it finds that progress to be uneven. Through the search and tenure processes and in their daily lives on campus, the experience of many of our faculty members from underrepresented minority groups is different from that of their majority peers. The report makes clear that to achieve a true culture of inclusion, we still have much work to do.

This work continues to grow in importance. A richly diverse America does not await us, it is upon us; it is our present and our future. We draw most of our faculty, students and staff from America, and we must make full use of the talent this country has to offer if we hope to continue to invent the future. We share this challenge with our peer institutions; only by working together with them can we effectively increase the pipeline of academic talent, the central resource in meeting our diversity and inclusion goals.

Creating a culture of inclusion is not an optional exercise; it is the indispensable precondition that enables us to capitalize on our diverse skills, perspectives and experiences, so that we can better advance the fundamental research and education mission of MIT. To maintain the Institute's unrelenting standards of excellence, all members of our community must contribute at the apex of their abilities. A productively diverse community at MIT will make us better at what we do: broader and deeper as thinkers; more effective as collaborators; more creative as teachers; and more understanding as colleagues and friends.

The report outlines practical, systemic reforms, such as broadening search practices and providing new faculty with much better mentorship, but it also highlights the overarching need to foster a culture of inclusion. Ultimately, a community reaps the benefits of diversity only when it looks beyond the numbers alone and actively creates a culture where everyone feels valued and included--an environment in which everyone can do their very best work.

MIT will use this important report to strengthen our practices and to develop and implement innovative strategies so that we can achieve the kind of leadership on diversity and inclusion that we expect from ourselves in every other realm.


Susan Hockfield

From me:

I'm sorry but I need a barf bag for this study. So I was ripped off in my 1970s education because all my professors were white men with not enough women? Did my parents come all the way from China to send me to MIT so I can send my son to a place known foremost for "celebrating diversity" like every other silly college in this nation of PC?  I am thankful I did NOT graduate from MIT into the 1980s brainwashed into the cult of diversity like those I knew who graduated from Stanford. The study does not examine representation of Asians in the facutly, nor does it compare faculty to the pool of people with PhDs who are qualified to teach at MIT. This is institutionalized racism in the name of political correctness. Expect to see a letter to the Tech expressing my disgust at this initiative.

Arthur Hu class of 1980, Asian American and mad as heck.

And from the alumni office:

Dear Arthur,

Thank you for responding to President Hockfield’s announcement about the diversity report. We understand you are concerned about MIT’s vitality and leadership in science and engineering. We are convinced that building a more diverse community will help assure MIT’s excellence in the future.

A diverse intellectual community promotes deeper thinking, more effective collaboration, more creative research, and it upholds MIT’s tradition of meritocracy.

We hope you will take the time to read the report which outlines MIT’s actions to strengthen the quality of students and faculty and points to our challenges.

Maggy Bruzelius


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