Friday, November 05, 2010

2010 Mid-term Election Exit Polls show Asians are still leaning Democratic

Asians split 56 to 40 favoring Democrats since 1994

The results are in, and it’s fair to say that if there was ever a good time to declare the Obama presidency a resounding disaster, the American voters are almost there. Now for the usual Asian Week / Arthur Hu exclusive analysis-with-Asians, I suspected before that Asians are still leaning Democrat, but it’s closer to an even split than the 90 or 60/40 split of blacks or Hispanics. I thought Asians might be moving towards the GOP again, but they haven’t moved any close than whites have.  Here’s a sequence I got from reading the New York Times exit poll series:
Asians evolve towards Democrats since 1992

1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2008 2010
50% 42% 45% 43% 44% 40% 46% 38%
49% 54% 43% 56% 59% 66% 67% 56%
-1% 12% -2% 13% 15% 26% 21% 18%
Asians about = to white in 1992 (within 1%), up 15-25% 1998 to 2010.

Asians in 2010 slightly democratic 56% to 40% , vs blacks 90% hispanic 65% democratic.

In 1992, both whites and Asians were split about 50/50. By 1994, they were 12%  farther into the Democrat columns, and 26% farther by 2002. In 2010 house elections, it’s 56 to 40.
The other thing I did was rank all of the various breakdown groups, and rank by who is the most Democrat.
Asians rank 11th out of 33 groups 56/40. Whites rank 5th most republican
New York Times Nov 2010 Exit Polls ranked by Democratic support
Source: N=New York Times C=CNN

src Demo Repub Change
Black n 90% 9% 7%
Liberal n 80% 8% -4%
Non-whites (22%) c 75% 23%
Gay/LGBT (CNN) c 68% 31% 0%
Hispanic n 65% 33% 8%
White – Other Religion (5%)
c 65% 34%
White – No Religion (9%) c 63% 36%
Not a high school graduate n 60% 36% 14%
Union in household (CNN) c 60% 38% 0%
Less than $30,000 n 57% 40% 19%
Asian n 56% 40% 18%
Asian (1%) C 56% 40%
18-29 n 56% 40% 14%
Post graduate n 52% 46% 8%
$30,000 to $49,999 n 51% 46% 13%
Women n 49% 48% 13%
First-time voter n 49% 45% 0%
30-44 n 47% 50% 13%
High school graduate n 46% 52% 18%
45-64* n 46% 52% 10%
Moderate n 45% 42% 10%
Some college education n 44% 53% 17%
More than $50,000 n 43% 55% 14%
Men n 42% 55% 19%
College graduate n 42% 56% 16%
65 and older* n 40% 58% 22%
More than $100,000 n 40% 58% 16%
White Catholic  (19%) c 39% 59%
Weekly religious services
c 39% 60%
n 38% 60% 14%
White Protestant (44%) c 29% 69%
Evangelical Born-Again c 20% 78%
Conservative n 14% 84% 16%
Tea Party Support n 11% 86% 0%
Predictably, the highest groups are the African Americans, followed by liberals, non-whites, gays, Hispanics, and the non-religious. Every group except liberals moved away from the Democrats.  Asians (who were only about 1% of the CNN sample vs 5 or 6 percent of population) were split  56 to 40, which is short of the 2:1 or higher ratio of the other most liberal groups, and about 11 out of 33 groups ranked. The most republican are the tea party supporters, conservatives and evangelical, of which I’m pretty much a member of all 3.
The other conservative news of note is that the only Asian American pundits getting much attention these days are the conservative ones. Filipina-Am Michelle Malkin was recognized by Investor’s Business Daily in “Political Blogs Rise as Trusted Sources” for #2, which she started, and her own #4 blog who doesn’t yet have her own TV or radio show, but shows up Fox and bestselling book lists. She’s even had a liberal “worst person in the world” award named after her.
Indian-Am Dinesh D’Souza who quoted me in footnotes in his affirmative action books in the 90s was featured on Glenn Beck’s television program explaining his new book The Roots of Obama’s Rage. Predictably, the book has been called “outrageous” by liberal critics. I met him speaking in the Seattle area at Cedar Park Church. His basic beef is that while people are attacking Obama for a fake birth certificate, being a socialist or muslim, none of which he believes, he believes he has solved the puzzle by declaring Obama to be a …. anti-colonialist. Thus Britain’s Churchill, who is a good guy to nearly all Americans comes off as a hated imperialist, and that explains why he expelled Churchill’s bust from US territory (it’s currently at the UK embassy which is technically on british terrirory).  I’ve seen the book featured prominently in liberal Seattle bookstores, so check it out.
By Arthur Hu for Asian Week Nov 5, 2010

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