The NAEP = National Assessment of Education Progress is the yearly federal test that is suppose to track the progress of American reading and math skills in various grades. I think it's an OK way to compare groups and different years, although I still think it's a huge mistake to set ANY bar that everybody is supposed to master as that allows the creation of a test where everybody is below "average".
Here are some highlights from Education Week: "Even within high-scoring states, however, the report shows significant disparities among subgroups of students. White students in Connecticut, for instance, produced an average reading score of 301, while African-American students’ average in that state was 265. ...Achievement gaps among subgroups didn’t shrink between 2005 to 2009 in either reading or math, even though all racial and ethnic groups and both males and females turned in higher average math scores than they
did in 2005. Progress was more uneven in reading: the only subgroups that made gains in the past four years were white students, males, and Asian-Americans."
Now going into the tables, what I find that they missed is that like on the SAT, Asian verbal skills have risen. Not only are Asians better in math, for the first time in 2009, Asians lead whites in READING. Unfortunately, wherever the numbers are, they will inevitably be used to promote ridiculous education "reforms" based on race / class / gender equity such as the disastrous "whole language" and "whole math" fads of the 1990s/2000s rather than insuring that everybody masters basic skills. These NEAP "advances" are even suspect because the NAEP have been aligned to promote fuzzy math and reading standards.
Data from tables in the report:
There are individual reports by state, with Massachusetts one of the higher scoring states in math. Scores were 163 vs 152 for national. By race, Asian scored 176 vs 167 for whites, 137/135 for hispanic / black. The report notes 32 pt black, 30 pt hispanic gap, but not the 9 pt Asian advantage which is small but a still significant 1/3 of the minority under-achievement gap.
The NAEP population is large enough that it can be expected to reflect actual population changes just like a census survey:
Percentage of NAEP by race for each year
Year 1992 1994 1998 2002 2005 2009
white 74 75 72 71 67 61
black 15 13 14 12 13 15
hispanic 7 7 10 10 17 17
asian 3 4 4 5 5 6
As nonhispanic whites approach 61 percent, it should not be a surprise that whites will be less than 50 percent at colleges where Asians can be expected to be double their 6 percent national population or more.
Asians about doubled from 3 to 6 percent since 1992. Hispanics more than doubled from 7 to 17, slightly outnumbering blacks. Whites declined from 74 to 61, blacks and native americans (1 percent) have stayed about the same.
reading results: Asians always lagged whites ... until 2009
92 94 98 *98 *02 *05 *09
white 297 293 297 297 292 293 296
black 273 265 271 269 267 267 269
hisp 279 270 276 275 273 272 274
asian 290 278 288 287 286 287 298<
nat-am 279 283
* accomodations (ok to make it easier)
Not surprising that students with higher educated parents had higher scores. Students seem to have more educated parents than adults in general as nearly half graduated from college, only 8 percent have not finished high school.
score pct tested in 12th grade
299 49 Grad from college
287 22 some after high school
276 17 grad high school
269 8 did not finish high school
Now in math, if you actually read the text, you'll find the rare admission that "the average score for Asian / Pacific Islander students was 14 points higher than for White students". Normally it is verboten to mention that ANY group does better than the supposedly imperialist = dominant whites, but there you have it. This table shows that everybody scored higher, but the gaps remained about the same, with blacks at about 24, and hispanic at about 24. That 14 point math gap is more than HALF the size of the white black gap. Again why is it politically correct to proclaim that a 24 point gap is absolutely unacceptable and proof of racism that can easily be erased by affirmative action, yet why in the blazes is a 14 point gap for whites completely OK and not worth noting in any newspaper article? Or why is that if an Asian who points this out can be accused of promoting Asian supremacy?
Year 05 09
white 157 161
black 127 131
hisp 133 138
asian 163 175
nat-am 134 144
Here's how test scores increase with education. The 14 point Asian gap is about the same as between those with parents with some education after high school and those who graduated from college.
164 grad college
150 after hs
142 grad hs
135 did not finish hs
This chart shows how test scores move up with the amount of math taken. Almost everybody, black ,white, whatever takes starting algebra, which is all you really need for a non-math college degree. In 2009, nearly half of students were in precalculus or calculus which is enough for a technical math/science degree.
score 05 - 09
121 8 5 - alg 1
127 12 10 - geometry
143 41 42 = alg 2/trig
166 21 24 + precalculus
189 18 18 = calculus
See Education Week November 18, 2010 "Seniors' Reading and Math NAEP Scores on Rise" By Catherine Gewertz
and the report at
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Crazy Asian American Dad: College Admissions
By Arthur Hu– November 12, 2010(Edit Post)
Posted in: Education, Hu's on First, Internet Media
Here’s my 2010 update on the Crazy Asian American dad schtick, based on the classic Crazy Asian Mother by Erick Liang which is up to nearly 6 million views on Youtube. Even my African American minister preached about Asian parents pushing their kids too far.
Now I’d never put my kids through that, but I could put together something based some college research and people I do know… Hey son, Harvard sent you a 4 page letter and invited you to their information session. And you say they sent an e-mail on the behalf of their Asian community? Funny, I never got into Harvard, though I did see go over to see Yo Yo Ma there. Maybe it was my 1976 essay that the F-14 Tomcat would never be replaced by the F-18 Hornet fighter jet (umm, that’s what the Navy did last year..) An ACT 30 composite puts you … nearly average and a 34 in math is just about the 99th percentile. Holy smokes, I just told you last month your SAT scores would never get you into MIT, but taking this other test improved your chances from impossible to merely highly unlikely.
But a 25 in reading is BARELY in the top QUARTER! Do you think that’s really good enough for Harvard? American born Asians beat everybody in reading, but what happened to you? Yeah, it’s nice you’re the star worship drummer, lead, sound and powerpoint, put together a band for graduation and got yourself into a FBLA trip to Nashville, got the model tennis player award and nailed a “1″ in the cello solo. Cousin Jack had higher scores, state music and state athletic awards, most popular student, and he STILL got turned down by Stanford. That Zeng kid with perfect ACT scores, his name came up every 90 seconds at the awards ceremony but ended up at U Chicago, nice but not Harvard.
Your Yeh-yeh walked halfway across China to college and your grandma walked to kindergarten dodging Japanese bombs. Yeh Yeh arrived too late for his first classes but he still aced the finals. Grandma barely caught the last plane out of Shanghai before Mao took over. Yeh Yeh got himself a graduate scholarship at USC where he shook hands with JFK (but he voted for Nixon) I was one of TWO babies Grandma raised before she finished her chemistry degree at Immaculate Heart. Uncle Jason got written up in Readers Digest and got a full scholarship to Boston University. Your mother escaped from Vietnam in a sinking boat looking out for pirates, and grew bean sprouts to sell at the camp. She paid her own way through U Mass and supported her younger brother and sister on restaurant tips for THIS?
You guys have sooo many any Asian classmates, but we were practically the only Chinese in Renton before they put up the Great Wall Mall. Go to the hallway and look again at that newspaper picture of the 7 us as kids where everybody played violin. Yeah, blame us for that whole Model Minority story. I had to walk a mile in the rain and frost to school taunted by kids who called us Japs or worse. We all played in the Seattle Youth Symphony and got into MIT or Stanford or both, and I was concertmaster and MIT’s first right wing columnist long before Rush or Fox news. Now your cousin is a swimming star at Stevens and his pal got into the Naval AND the Air Force academy. Linda got flown out to Wellesley AND Whitman for free tours, where’s YOUR tickets? (ok so nobody else we even heard of on the entire internet ever got even one ticket…) Her parents from Vietnam never even went to college. Do you think Amy Tan makes this stuff up?
Your departed Yeh yeh made promise you wouldn’t end up at some public school like the University of Washington. Yes, they rank #16 in the world now, and we have friends who moved to Seattle from Texas and Kansas for the U-dub, but even they turned down that kid that ended up at community college when they turned him down even with perfectly decent scores and grades and it’s as hard to get into computer science as Brown. There’s always Santa Clara University which is a great country-club Stanford-alike, and Tufts for Harvard, and Worcester Polytechnic for MIT. Now that Coast Guard Academy trains you to play with big toys with guns and they ALMOST never get hurt. When I applied for college they didn’t have that NSA scholarship that pays 4 years at any college (those are the “No Such Agency” guys who tapped into bin Laden’s satellite phone). The CIA also has a full scholarship program which might actually give Asians a minority break if you don’t mind being a spook and not telling anybody who you’ll work for.
If I weren’t American born, your fanny would be soooo sore now. You’re going to have to take that SAT again. I’m taking out your bedroom DVR, Sprint internet and text message plan. I don’t care if they give you 4 hours of homework now. They’ve raised the bar and times have changed. Now go out, have fun, and remember that no matter where you end up …. WE’RE REALLY PROUD OF YOU!
Why does everybody think only Asians are better at math?
Why does everybody think only Asians are better at math?
By Arthur Hu– November 19, 2010 for AsianWeek at
Posted in: Education, Hu's on First, In the Classroom
A teacher ponders the stereotype that Asians are better at math, and the despair that everybody else from whites on down are disadvantaged. He’s not far from my analysis that whatever else might be going on, many of the Asian immigrants like my family were the selected top of their populations and even American minorities are expected to graduate with math up to or beyond algebra when many peasants in Asia, especially girls have little education beyond elementary school. It really burns me up when people cry “THE ASIANS ARE COMING THE ASIANS ARE COMING” and then sell clueless administrators on awful multicultural no-math mathematics that emphasizes hiring more minority teachers and putting in more names and pictures of people of various colors than usable explanations of how to add fractions. That only insures they’ll get run over by hyper-studying orientals and be dependent on government programs and quotas that try to legislate a phony equality instead of competing on equal terms with Asians who are themselves (hopefully) assimilating towards laid-back American norms.
This was originally published August 31, 2010, on and I saw it on the education watchdog Betrayed blog. Reprinted here with permission from author Nick Diaz, and John Ashbury, editor and publisher of
Originally titled Ethnicity, Racism and Math…
by Nick Diaz
In early 2009, I was coaching the MATHCOUNTS competition team at The Barnesville School, then my place of employment. MATHCOUNTS is a nationwide system of mathematics competitions, open to middle schools students in the USA.
Students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades, in public, private, and home schools are eligible to participate. From 1986 through 2009, I coached the math teams at Gov. Thomas Johnson Middle School in Frederick, Middletown Middle, and at Barnesville.
As the four Barnesville eighth graders were getting ready for the upcoming state competition, one of my “mathletes” mentioned that our team didn’t have much of a chance of placing high, because, after all, we didn’t have Asian students on our team. After all, Asian students from China, India, Korea, Taiwan, and Japan are inherently good at math, and better than anyone else.
The stereotyping of Asian students goes on, unabated, throughout our society. I consider this to be as racist an attitude as outright negative discrimination based on skin color and cultural differences.
The general attitude is that Asians are good at math because they’re smarter, can learn math much faster, know “stuff” more deeply, and are much quicker at arriving at answers. Finally, Asian students are good at math because, after all, they’re Asian.
Not only children, but also adults, share this bigoted view of the world; this is unfortunate, since two evils emanate from such attitude:
It allows people to believe that scholarly achievement, particularly in mathematics and science, is determined by genes and by ethnic extraction. This is not so; academic achievement is due to hard work and dedication, to focusing on the importance of learning for its own sake, and on being willing to practice, practice, practice…
It gives those of us who are not of Asian extraction the excuse not to perform at a high level in mathematics, science, engineering, or other similar pursuits. After all, Asians are automatically better, so why try?
It occurred to me then that my Barnesville team members deserved an explanation that was based on general mathematical principles. So, I get up on my high horse and began telling my young students to stop the racist talk and bigoted excuses.
If we would take a cross-section of the population of China, India, Korea, or Japan, I bet we could find dumb people, average people, and smart people, all in about the same ratio as ours in North America. Thinking that Chinese are better at math, and that Indians are better engineers – that smacks of racism, pure and simple, and denies a basic American conviction – that people are people, regardless of nationality or skin color.
So, why is it that so many Asians in North America do so well in math, science, and engineering?
Simple! Who comes here to live, either permanently or temporarily from China, Korea, India, etc? Mathematicians, engineers, scientists – at the graduate degree level or higher. These are the people who are even allowed to leave China and study and/or work in North America. The general population doesn’t come here – they stay there. Those who arrive here are the physicians, the theoretical physicists, the mathematicians, the engineers, the chemists, the computer scientists, the microbiologists.
These people usually arrive in North America with families. Guess what their kids will be like! Highly intelligent, well-disciplined, focused on learning, from families where learning is considered a sacred duty, and where math and science achievement is considered to be due not to raw intelligence, but to hard work and dedication.
Where are these people concentrated? In Montgomery and Fairfax Counties, suburbs of DC, where many think tanks and research facilities abound. That explains why Takoma Park Middle School in Montgomery County has won the state MATHCOUNTS competition every year since 1986. TPMS is a math/science magnet school in a highly populated area; the staff at Takoma Park and Montgomery County schools can choose who’s in and who’s out. As one can expect, on any given year, their top team of four students will consist of Chinese, Indian, Korean, Japanese, or American Jewish extraction.
What that means is that we, in general, must get rid of the stereotypical thinking that allows us to justify our obvious inferiority in math and science achievement, and blow it off as “Americans are dumber than Asians because they just ARE!” It’s particularly sad when adults, including parents, subscribe to the nonsense and keep spouting that racist line.
This year one of my eighth graders is a Korean exchange student, a very quiet, reserved girl. After one week of school, I can tell there’s something special about her. Despite the obvious language difficulty, she reads the questions carefully, engages her brain, and answers the questions. Reading and thinking properly, quickly, and accurately are the keys to success in mathematics, regardless of the student’s grade level. To be blunt, this Asian student runs circles around the rest of her classmates.
Why is that? Surely because she’s Asian – that’s what many people would say. Perhaps it could be also that she is more used to focusing, and therefore is able to recall the mathematical principles that all the 8th graders had learned in past years, (to be forgotten quickly and decisively), and put them all together and applied properly. Perhaps her parents insist that she do her best, rather than dismiss their children’s poor achievement in math by saying silly things like, “Oh, I was never that good in math,” or “My child just doesn’t have a mind for math” or “Asians are better at math anyway…”
By Arthur Hu– November 19, 2010 for AsianWeek at
Posted in: Education, Hu's on First, In the Classroom
A teacher ponders the stereotype that Asians are better at math, and the despair that everybody else from whites on down are disadvantaged. He’s not far from my analysis that whatever else might be going on, many of the Asian immigrants like my family were the selected top of their populations and even American minorities are expected to graduate with math up to or beyond algebra when many peasants in Asia, especially girls have little education beyond elementary school. It really burns me up when people cry “THE ASIANS ARE COMING THE ASIANS ARE COMING” and then sell clueless administrators on awful multicultural no-math mathematics that emphasizes hiring more minority teachers and putting in more names and pictures of people of various colors than usable explanations of how to add fractions. That only insures they’ll get run over by hyper-studying orientals and be dependent on government programs and quotas that try to legislate a phony equality instead of competing on equal terms with Asians who are themselves (hopefully) assimilating towards laid-back American norms.
This was originally published August 31, 2010, on and I saw it on the education watchdog Betrayed blog. Reprinted here with permission from author Nick Diaz, and John Ashbury, editor and publisher of
Originally titled Ethnicity, Racism and Math…
by Nick Diaz
In early 2009, I was coaching the MATHCOUNTS competition team at The Barnesville School, then my place of employment. MATHCOUNTS is a nationwide system of mathematics competitions, open to middle schools students in the USA.
Students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades, in public, private, and home schools are eligible to participate. From 1986 through 2009, I coached the math teams at Gov. Thomas Johnson Middle School in Frederick, Middletown Middle, and at Barnesville.
As the four Barnesville eighth graders were getting ready for the upcoming state competition, one of my “mathletes” mentioned that our team didn’t have much of a chance of placing high, because, after all, we didn’t have Asian students on our team. After all, Asian students from China, India, Korea, Taiwan, and Japan are inherently good at math, and better than anyone else.
The stereotyping of Asian students goes on, unabated, throughout our society. I consider this to be as racist an attitude as outright negative discrimination based on skin color and cultural differences.
The general attitude is that Asians are good at math because they’re smarter, can learn math much faster, know “stuff” more deeply, and are much quicker at arriving at answers. Finally, Asian students are good at math because, after all, they’re Asian.
Not only children, but also adults, share this bigoted view of the world; this is unfortunate, since two evils emanate from such attitude:
It allows people to believe that scholarly achievement, particularly in mathematics and science, is determined by genes and by ethnic extraction. This is not so; academic achievement is due to hard work and dedication, to focusing on the importance of learning for its own sake, and on being willing to practice, practice, practice…
It gives those of us who are not of Asian extraction the excuse not to perform at a high level in mathematics, science, engineering, or other similar pursuits. After all, Asians are automatically better, so why try?
It occurred to me then that my Barnesville team members deserved an explanation that was based on general mathematical principles. So, I get up on my high horse and began telling my young students to stop the racist talk and bigoted excuses.
If we would take a cross-section of the population of China, India, Korea, or Japan, I bet we could find dumb people, average people, and smart people, all in about the same ratio as ours in North America. Thinking that Chinese are better at math, and that Indians are better engineers – that smacks of racism, pure and simple, and denies a basic American conviction – that people are people, regardless of nationality or skin color.
So, why is it that so many Asians in North America do so well in math, science, and engineering?
Simple! Who comes here to live, either permanently or temporarily from China, Korea, India, etc? Mathematicians, engineers, scientists – at the graduate degree level or higher. These are the people who are even allowed to leave China and study and/or work in North America. The general population doesn’t come here – they stay there. Those who arrive here are the physicians, the theoretical physicists, the mathematicians, the engineers, the chemists, the computer scientists, the microbiologists.
These people usually arrive in North America with families. Guess what their kids will be like! Highly intelligent, well-disciplined, focused on learning, from families where learning is considered a sacred duty, and where math and science achievement is considered to be due not to raw intelligence, but to hard work and dedication.
Where are these people concentrated? In Montgomery and Fairfax Counties, suburbs of DC, where many think tanks and research facilities abound. That explains why Takoma Park Middle School in Montgomery County has won the state MATHCOUNTS competition every year since 1986. TPMS is a math/science magnet school in a highly populated area; the staff at Takoma Park and Montgomery County schools can choose who’s in and who’s out. As one can expect, on any given year, their top team of four students will consist of Chinese, Indian, Korean, Japanese, or American Jewish extraction.
What that means is that we, in general, must get rid of the stereotypical thinking that allows us to justify our obvious inferiority in math and science achievement, and blow it off as “Americans are dumber than Asians because they just ARE!” It’s particularly sad when adults, including parents, subscribe to the nonsense and keep spouting that racist line.
This year one of my eighth graders is a Korean exchange student, a very quiet, reserved girl. After one week of school, I can tell there’s something special about her. Despite the obvious language difficulty, she reads the questions carefully, engages her brain, and answers the questions. Reading and thinking properly, quickly, and accurately are the keys to success in mathematics, regardless of the student’s grade level. To be blunt, this Asian student runs circles around the rest of her classmates.
Why is that? Surely because she’s Asian – that’s what many people would say. Perhaps it could be also that she is more used to focusing, and therefore is able to recall the mathematical principles that all the 8th graders had learned in past years, (to be forgotten quickly and decisively), and put them all together and applied properly. Perhaps her parents insist that she do her best, rather than dismiss their children’s poor achievement in math by saying silly things like, “Oh, I was never that good in math,” or “My child just doesn’t have a mind for math” or “Asians are better at math anyway…”
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Teacher ponders why everybody thinks (only) Asians are good at math
Monday, September 20, 2010
Ethnicity, Racism and Math…
by Nick Diaz
(Originally published August 31, 2010, on
Republished on the Betrayed blog with permission from author Nick Diaz,,
and from John Ashbury, editor and publisher of
In early 2009, I was coaching the MATHCOUNTS competition team at The Barnesville School, then my place of employment. MATHCOUNTS is a nationwide system of mathematics competitions, open to middle schools students in the USA.
Students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades, in public, private, and home schools are eligible to participate. From 1986 through 2009, I coached the math teams at Gov. Thomas Johnson Middle School in Frederick, Middletown Middle, and at Barnesville.
As the four Barnesville eighth graders were getting ready for the upcoming state competition, one of my “mathletes” mentioned that our team didn’t have much of a chance of placing high, because, after all, we didn’t have Asian students on our team. After all, Asian students from China, India, Korea, Taiwan, and Japan are inherently good at math, and better than anyone else.
continued at link above....
The stereotyping of Asian students goes on, unabated, throughout our society. I consider this to be as racist an attitude as outright negative discrimination based on skin color and cultural differences.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Ethnicity, Racism and Math…
by Nick Diaz
(Originally published August 31, 2010, on
Republished on the Betrayed blog with permission from author Nick Diaz,,
and from John Ashbury, editor and publisher of
In early 2009, I was coaching the MATHCOUNTS competition team at The Barnesville School, then my place of employment. MATHCOUNTS is a nationwide system of mathematics competitions, open to middle schools students in the USA.
Students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades, in public, private, and home schools are eligible to participate. From 1986 through 2009, I coached the math teams at Gov. Thomas Johnson Middle School in Frederick, Middletown Middle, and at Barnesville.
As the four Barnesville eighth graders were getting ready for the upcoming state competition, one of my “mathletes” mentioned that our team didn’t have much of a chance of placing high, because, after all, we didn’t have Asian students on our team. After all, Asian students from China, India, Korea, Taiwan, and Japan are inherently good at math, and better than anyone else.
continued at link above....
The stereotyping of Asian students goes on, unabated, throughout our society. I consider this to be as racist an attitude as outright negative discrimination based on skin color and cultural differences.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Finally Seattle has a giant Filipino Supermarket at Southcenter
Giant Japanese Uwajimaya, Chinese 99 , Vietnamese Viet-Wah and Korean H-mart and now.... Filipino
At the old Mervyns in Southcenter in Tukwila near Renton.
Haven't seen it yet, but here's a great review with photos, my dentist says it's very good.
Southcenter has a hit with Filipino, Asian food
At the old Mervyns in Southcenter in Tukwila near Renton.
Haven't seen it yet, but here's a great review with photos, my dentist says it's very good.
Southcenter has a hit with Filipino, Asian food
Thursday, November 11, 2010
More Gender Equity Nonsens: Title IX Complaints Filed Against NYC, Chicago Districts
They didn't even talk to the districts to see what was going on, more quota pushing in the name of gender "equity".
Title IX Complaints Filed Against NYC, Chicago Districts
Title IX Complaints Filed Against NYC, Chicago Districts
Friday, November 05, 2010
2010 Mid-term Election Exit Polls show Asians are still leaning Democratic
In 1992, both whites and Asians were split about 50/50. By 1994, they
were 12% farther into the Democrat columns, and 26% farther by 2002.
In 2010 house elections, it’s 56 to 40.
The other thing I did was rank all of the various breakdown groups, and rank by who is the most Democrat.
Predictably, the highest groups are the African Americans, followed
by liberals, non-whites, gays, Hispanics, and the non-religious. Every
group except liberals moved away from the Democrats. Asians (who were
only about 1% of the CNN sample vs 5 or 6 percent of population) were
split 56 to 40, which is short of the 2:1 or higher ratio of the other
most liberal groups, and about 11 out of 33 groups ranked. The most
republican are the tea party supporters, conservatives and evangelical,
of which I’m pretty much a member of all 3.
The other conservative news of note is that the only Asian American pundits getting much attention these days are the conservative ones. Filipina-Am Michelle Malkin was recognized by Investor’s Business Daily in “Political Blogs Rise as Trusted Sources” for #2, which she started, and her own #4 blog who doesn’t yet have her own TV or radio show, but shows up Fox and bestselling book lists. She’s even had a liberal “worst person in the world” award named after her.
Indian-Am Dinesh D’Souza who quoted me in footnotes in his affirmative action books in the 90s was featured on Glenn Beck’s television program explaining his new book The Roots of Obama’s Rage. Predictably, the book has been called “outrageous” by liberal critics. I met him speaking in the Seattle area at Cedar Park Church. His basic beef is that while people are attacking Obama for a fake birth certificate, being a socialist or muslim, none of which he believes, he believes he has solved the puzzle by declaring Obama to be a …. anti-colonialist. Thus Britain’s Churchill, who is a good guy to nearly all Americans comes off as a hated imperialist, and that explains why he expelled Churchill’s bust from US territory (it’s currently at the UK embassy which is technically on british terrirory). I’ve seen the book featured prominently in liberal Seattle bookstores, so check it out.
By Arthur Hu for Asian Week Nov 5, 2010
Asians split 56 to 40 favoring Democrats since 1994
The results are in, and it’s fair to say that if there was ever a good time to declare the Obama presidency a resounding disaster, the American voters are almost there. Now for the usual Asian Week / Arthur Hu exclusive analysis-with-Asians, I suspected before that Asians are still leaning Democrat, but it’s closer to an even split than the 90 or 60/40 split of blacks or Hispanics. I thought Asians might be moving towards the GOP again, but they haven’t moved any close than whites have. Here’s a sequence I got from reading the New York Times exit poll series:Asians evolve towards Democrats since 1992 | |||||||||||||
1992 | 1994 | 1996 | 1998 | 2000 | 2002 | 2008 | 2010 | ||||||
White | 50% | 42% | 45% | 43% | 44% | 40% | 46% | 38% | |||||
Asian | 49% | 54% | 43% | 56% | 59% | 66% | 67% | 56% | |||||
Diff | -1% | 12% | -2% | 13% | 15% | 26% | 21% | 18% | |||||
Asians about = to white in 1992 (within 1%), up 15-25% 1998 to 2010. | |||||||||||||
Asians in 2010 slightly democratic 56% to 40% , vs blacks 90% hispanic 65% democratic. | |||||||||||||
The other thing I did was rank all of the various breakdown groups, and rank by who is the most Democrat.
Asians rank 11th out of 33 groups 56/40. Whites rank 5th most republican | |||||
New York Times Nov 2010 Exit Polls ranked by Democratic support | |||||
Source: N=New York Times C=CNN | |||||
src | Demo | Repub | Change | ||
Black | n | 90% | 9% | 7% | |
Liberal | n | 80% | 8% | -4% | |
Non-whites (22%) | c | 75% | 23% | ||
Gay/LGBT (CNN) | c | 68% | 31% | 0% | |
Hispanic | n | 65% | 33% | 8% | |
c | 65% | 34% | ||
White – No Religion (9%) | c | 63% | 36% | ||
Not a high school graduate | n | 60% | 36% | 14% | |
Union in household (CNN) | c | 60% | 38% | 0% | |
Less than $30,000 | n | 57% | 40% | 19% | |
Asian | n | 56% | 40% | 18% | |
Asian (1%) | C | 56% | 40% | ||
18-29 | n | 56% | 40% | 14% | |
Post graduate | n | 52% | 46% | 8% | |
$30,000 to $49,999 | n | 51% | 46% | 13% | |
Women | n | 49% | 48% | 13% | |
First-time voter | n | 49% | 45% | 0% | |
30-44 | n | 47% | 50% | 13% | |
High school graduate | n | 46% | 52% | 18% | |
45-64* | n | 46% | 52% | 10% | |
Moderate | n | 45% | 42% | 10% | |
Some college education | n | 44% | 53% | 17% | |
More than $50,000 | n | 43% | 55% | 14% | |
Men | n | 42% | 55% | 19% | |
College graduate | n | 42% | 56% | 16% | |
65 and older* | n | 40% | 58% | 22% | |
More than $100,000 | n | 40% | 58% | 16% | |
White Catholic (19%) | c | 39% | 59% | ||
c | 39% | 60% | ||
n | 38% | 60% | 14% | |
White Protestant (44%) | c | 29% | 69% | ||
Evangelical Born-Again | c | 20% | 78% | ||
Conservative | n | 14% | 84% | 16% | |
Tea Party Support | n | 11% | 86% | 0% |
The other conservative news of note is that the only Asian American pundits getting much attention these days are the conservative ones. Filipina-Am Michelle Malkin was recognized by Investor’s Business Daily in “Political Blogs Rise as Trusted Sources” for #2, which she started, and her own #4 blog who doesn’t yet have her own TV or radio show, but shows up Fox and bestselling book lists. She’s even had a liberal “worst person in the world” award named after her.
Indian-Am Dinesh D’Souza who quoted me in footnotes in his affirmative action books in the 90s was featured on Glenn Beck’s television program explaining his new book The Roots of Obama’s Rage. Predictably, the book has been called “outrageous” by liberal critics. I met him speaking in the Seattle area at Cedar Park Church. His basic beef is that while people are attacking Obama for a fake birth certificate, being a socialist or muslim, none of which he believes, he believes he has solved the puzzle by declaring Obama to be a …. anti-colonialist. Thus Britain’s Churchill, who is a good guy to nearly all Americans comes off as a hated imperialist, and that explains why he expelled Churchill’s bust from US territory (it’s currently at the UK embassy which is technically on british terrirory). I’ve seen the book featured prominently in liberal Seattle bookstores, so check it out.
By Arthur Hu for Asian Week Nov 5, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
A Conservative Nov 2010 Ballot Review for Snohomish County / Northshore WA
A Conservative Nov 2010 Ballot Review for Snohomish County / Northshore WA
Ballot Snohomish County Washington November 2010
Review by Arthur Hu Oct 2010, Bothell, WA
Summary: If you are conservative, you can follow me. If you are Democrat/ progressive, you can vote the opposite. If you are happy with the "hope and change" leadership of Obama / Reid / Pelosi or are afraid of the "Tea Party" movement, vote for Democrats. If you want to repeal Obamacare and stop out of control state/federal spending giving your money away, vote for Republicans.
1053 discourage tax increases: yes
1082 industrial insurance: yes
1088 state income tax on rich: heck no
1100 stop liquor monopoly: yes
1105 stop liquor monopoly: yes
1107 repeal food bev sales taxes: yes
52: bonds and water sales tax for energy saving: no
8225: increase state debt limit: no
4220: expanding denying bail: yes
Senator: Rossi
State Rep 1st pos 1: Dennis Richter
State Rep 1st pos 2: Heidi Munson
State Supreme Court pos 6: Richard B Sanders
Online Voters Pamphlet
Republican positions:
Democrat positions:
Progressive (democrat/left) guide:
Initiative Measure no. 1098 - State Income Tax on the Rich
NO - Sneaky way to bring in state income tax and sell it as a "middle class tax cut", which gives WA advantage over states like California and Massachusetts, and voters always turn down when legislators want to increase taxes so they can spend more. Most money is from unions that will benefit from more state money going their way. If you do income tax, tax everybody. This is promoted for tax fairness, but it's not fair to target just one unpopular part of the population, especially the ones that generate more jobs since many are small business owners.
Endorsements – Yes (Washington State Democrats) Who’s behind it: Bill Gates Sr., Washington Education Association. Who benefits: Kids, seniors, public schools, health care services, businesses, property owners, lower and middle class families would all benefit from better schools and better quality healthcare, small business benefit from elimination of the B&O tax, and property owners benefit from a property tax cut.
Who loses: Wealthy people who make over $200,000/year would pay a limited income tax on income above that threshold.
Substitute House Joint Resolution 4220 - deny bail
State Supreme Court Court Pos 6
Initiative Measure No. 1053 - (Eymann) make it harder to raise taxes - YES (Democrats - NO, harder to fund "important programs" like schools, etc)
Initiative Measure No. 1082 - allow private industrial insurance - YES, saves industry money and jobs.
NO: (Washington State Democrats) Who’s behind it: The Building Industry Association of Washington (BIAW), a longtime conservative political player. Who benefits: Big insurance companies, the BIAW, and the conservative candidates funded by the BIAW’s warchest. Who loses: Businesses who have to pay more in premiums; workers who are injured on the job.
Initiative Measure no. 1098 - State Income Tax on the Rich
NO - Sneaky way to bring in state income tax and sell it as a "middle class tax cut", which gives WA advantage over states like California and Massachusetts, and voters always turn down when legislators want to increase taxes so they can spend more. Most money is from unions that will benefit from more state money going their way. If you do income tax, tax everybody. This is promoted for tax fairness, but it's not fair to target just one unpopular part of the population, especially the ones that generate more jobs since many are small business owners.
Endorsements – Yes (Washington State Democrats) Who’s behind it: Bill Gates Sr., Washington Education Association. Who benefits: Kids, seniors, public schools, health care services, businesses, property owners, lower and middle class families would all benefit from better schools and better quality healthcare, small business benefit from elimination of the B&O tax, and property owners benefit from a property tax cut.
Who loses: Wealthy people who make over $200,000/year would pay a limited income tax on income above that threshold.
Initiative Measure no. 1100, 1105 - close state liquor stores - YES (not the state's job to sell liquor, and some people would rather buy liquor at Costco instead of overpriced state stores, endorsed conservatives, GOP did not endorse )
NO if you want to restrict liquor, if you think it raises money and taxes, Seattle Times thinks it's a net revenue generator. Opposed by beer industry competition for hard liquor, and of course the people that would lose their jobs at these stores. Wash Democrats: No Who’s behind them: Wal-Mart, big grocery chains, out of state liquor distributors. Who benefits: [and Costco, but they favor democrats!] Wal-Mart, big grocery chains, big liquor distributors, binge drinkers and underage kids. Who loses: City, county and state services would lose $700 million over 5 years; local craft brewers and Washington wineries would get pushed off the shelves; [state evidently features local products]and alcohol-related crimes like drunk driving would increase.
Initiative 1107 - end "silly sales taxes" on "sweet" and "out of state" food and beverages - YES (If you don't tax food and beverages, don't tax any of them or tax all of them, don't use government to pass judgement on what is "good" or "bad" food)
NO: Democrats: Who’s behind it: The American Beverage Association, national lobbyist for the big soda companies. Who benefits: Soda pop companies. Who loses: loses: Kids, seniors, public schools and health care services would lose $100 million each year.
Ref Bill 52 - sales tax on bottled water and bonds for energy efficiency school projects -
I'll vote no. If it saves money, then it should come out of regular education budget. This is one for the "green" religion, feel good about saving the earth no matter how much it costs.
Yes: Who's against schools and being green? Here's democrat page: Yes (Washington State Democrats)
Who’s behind it: Representative Hans Dunshee (D-44) wants to make public schools a healthier place for children, so he referred this measure to the people.
Who benefits: Kids and teachers benefit from a healthier place to learn and work; construction workers benefit from new jobs; public schools benefit from saved energy costs.
Who loses: No one
SJR 8225 - Increase state debt limits since the Federal Government pays to offset some of this debt.
NO (Conservatives think this will only encourage more spending, we pay for the feds too)
(Yes WA Democrats did not endorse, but they would like to take advantage of federal subsidies to increase debt limit, but we pay for the federal money too)
Substitute House Joint Resolution 4220 - deny bail
Me: Yes
No? Liberals were not sure how to vote on this, they are worried about unfairly denying bail, which adversely affects groups with higher incidents of being accused of crime.
Vote YES to Expand When Judges Can Deny Bail
Vote NO to Work Within Existing System and Avoid More Bias
- No Campaign Web Site
- Voters Pamphlet
There is not a clear progressive recommendation on this measure. HJR 4220 expands the circumstances under which judges may deny bail. This amendment allows judges to deny bail in cases punishable by life in prison where there is convincing evidence that the accused has a propensity for violence and is a danger to others or the community. Currently judges can deny bail only in death penalty cases, but can set bail higher in cases where an individual is dangerous or a flight risk. The ACLU is opposed, believing that judges already have the discretion they need to set higher bail amounts and keep the public safe, and that proven racial disparities in the current bail system will be made worse by this change.
Vote Yes if your top priority is making sure that judges have expanded ability to deny bail to people accused of serious crimes who appear to be dangerous. Vote No if your top priority is addressing racial bias in the criminal justice system.
Yes on 4220: Endorsements include: Washington Coalition of Crime Victims Advocate, WA Fraternal Order of Police, Washington State Council of Fire Fighters, Washington Council of Police and Sheriffs, Washington State Patrol Troopers Association, Lakewood Police Independent Guild, The Stranger.
No on 4220: Opponents include: ACLU of Washington, Washington Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, Washington Defender Association
Vote Yes if your top priority is making sure that judges have expanded ability to deny bail to people accused of serious crimes who appear to be dangerous. Vote No if your top priority is addressing racial bias in the criminal justice system.
Yes on 4220: Endorsements include: Washington Coalition of Crime Victims Advocate, WA Fraternal Order of Police, Washington State Council of Fire Fighters, Washington Council of Police and Sheriffs, Washington State Patrol Troopers Association, Lakewood Police Independent Guild, The Stranger.
No on 4220: Opponents include: ACLU of Washington, Washington Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, Washington Defender Association
U.S. Senators
X Dino Rossi. Republican. Popular with conservatives still upset over the squeaker governer's vote. I'm voting for a Republican who will control the Obama / Reid / Pelosi agenda of spending as much of our money as possible for their pet agendas.
? Patty Murray. Democrat She's got clout for the state, she's from Bothell, she's popular with folks who don't fear Democrats. She makes a point of Boeing getting the Tanker contract and helping veterans, which hardly makes her Henry Jackson. Rossi doesn't mention about Boeing and veterans, though it's usually Republicans who are best on defence, and she's made some awful comments on terrorism such as Osama bin Laden building schools and doing other nice things.
U.S. Representative Dist 1
X James Watkins is a fairly conservative Republican who opposes cap and trade, stimulus, Obama care, but relatively unknown. Former bank manager, now at microsoft.
? Jay Inslee. Well established hard-to-beat Democrat for a long time, he's got clout. He not particularly unpopular in a county that's nearly as liberal as King County, but the Democrats and Obama's gang are considerably less popular than in 2008. If you're OK with Democrats, you'd vote for this guy, if you're upset with how Democrats are running things, vote for Watkins who has the general GOP strategy going.
1st District State Rep Pos 1
x Dennis Richter: I'm voting for the Republican Boeing engineer. He ran for similar position a few years ago. Active in church, against increased state spending. He's the real conservative.
? Derek Stanford: 1999 phd in statistics consulting now at telecommunications company. Statement sounds like stealth democrat in conservative clothing, stands for "basics" "small business" "living wage jobs", "sustainable budget" Seattle Times endorsed. "who holds a Ph.D. in statistics from the University of Washington. Stanford is a business-oriented candidate, who adds an analyst's demand for data to the pursuit of balance and stability in public policy."
1st District State Rep Pos 2
x Heidi Munson: I'm voting for the Republican here, seems a nice enough person. Worked at various positions, now runs house cleaning business. Big statement that she hasn't been elected vs blank for Moscoso. Seattle Times endorsed: "a self-employed house cleaner. She likewise has no direct political experience, and makes that a point of pride. She pledges to fight for leaner government — an appropriate view for the Legislature's daunting challenges. She is endorsed in part because the Republican Party has no political bench, and needs to develop a credible reserve of office seekers and officeholders.Munson's capacity to learn quickly and keep the best interests of her district in the forefront will be watched closely. She certainly has the energy to succeed."? Luis Moscoso: Democrat Community Transit bus driver, to his credit he's been to graduate school, been on all kinds of professional positions like Washington Public Employees Association, and all kids of boards that are good for people seeking office. He also talks like a conservative for a "balanced budget" while "working families need a strong voice" the usual Democratic line. Seems like a fine choice for people who like Democrats.
State Supreme Court Court Pos 6
X Richard B Sanders - He's quite popular with conservative and libertarians, and not afraid to take controversial views against liberal initiatives which shock some liberals.
? Charlie Wiggins - Popular with democrats and progressives. Progressive voters guide: Charlie Wiggins has worked in Washington as both an attorney and judge for more than 30 years. A former judge with Division II of the Court of Appeals, Wiggins frequently sits as a pro-tem judge in Jefferson County. Wiggins' opponent, Justice Richard Sanders, is an anti-choice social conservative who has consistently ruled against LGBT civil rights and the environment. Sanders' time on the court has been marked by political and ethical controversies as well as philosophical opposition to progressive causes.
Seattle switched endorsements because Sanders wasn't afraid to state that some groups have higher crime rates than others and not blame all justice disparities on racism:
Seattle switched endorsements because Sanders wasn't afraid to state that some groups have higher crime rates than others and not blame all justice disparities on racism:
In its endorsement, the Times said: “Justice Richard Sanders should be re-elected to the Washington Supreme Court. The court's most fundamental job is to push back against the other two branches of government — the executive and the legislative — when they step on the rights of the people. No member of the court does that more consistently, and with greater gusto, than Sanders.”
But in the wake of controversial comments Justice Sanders made about racial disparities in the criminal justice system, the Times has taken a self-admitted “unusual step” of withdrawing its endorsement of Sanders. “The Seattle Times now supports lawyer Charlie Wiggins, who was a close call in our primary endorsement. We said then that Wiggins was fully qualified to serve on the bench and be a strong voice pushing back against government.”
PUD District 1 Commissiner District 3 (Snohomish County)
X Tanya (Toni) Olson did not jump on the bandwagon to require getting a fixed quota of energy from fashionable, but expensive "alternative" sources. Challenger Brian McMahan wants to press even harder to push the "green" bandwagon and increase the number of board members from 3 to 5, which increases government
? Brian McMahan: If you want to be as green as possible and increase government to do it, vote for this guy.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
31 days of Windows Phone Blog
Nice series of blogs on programming for the new Windows Phone 7 here:
Monday, October 25, 2010
Power Mirrors / 6V plug does not work Subaru Legacy / Outback
Kudos to Evergreen Autoworks in Bothell to fixing my problem: Power mirrors stopped working.
They charged me less than the normal diagnosis charge and actually fixed the problem.
Fix: they changed the fuse. They also opened up the dash to inspect the wires. Probably put too much stuff on the 6V lighter plug, which shares the same fuse. So if you have this problem, check the fuse first, and don't run a big converter off of the 6v.
They charged me less than the normal diagnosis charge and actually fixed the problem.
Fix: they changed the fuse. They also opened up the dash to inspect the wires. Probably put too much stuff on the 6V lighter plug, which shares the same fuse. So if you have this problem, check the fuse first, and don't run a big converter off of the 6v.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Air Force of the Global Islamic State
Forget about truck bombs, suicide bomber packs, or weapons of mass destruction. When there is a Global Islamic State, they'll have a real military. These guys are already planning how to fight the USA, China AND Russia as a global state.
No more terrorism, they'll be able to fight and beat us at our own game.
Replace Al Queda with a real state. - Here is their statement that the West and islam are at odds and Islam must win. Not just Israel. The whole west. Explains how the Islamic nations already have a footprint large enough for a New Global Islamic State.
"In the same way the Khilafah will have control over key strategic straits such as the Bosphorus and Hormuz and control over the airspace that comes under the lands it controls; hence the Khilafah will decide which nation can travel through its straits and fly over its airspace. As a result countries such as the US will find it hard to launch attacks on the Muslim world as the Khilafah will restrict American manoeuvrability.
Here's their plan for global air dominance. Never mind the nations listed are dependent on technology from both the capitalist world and former communist world for their airplanes such as F-16s and the JF-17 which is a Chinese airframe with Russian engines: - Here is their statement that the West and islam are at odds and Islam must win. Not just Israel. The whole west. Explains how the Islamic nations already have a footprint large enough for a New Global Islamic State.
"In the same way the Khilafah will have control over key strategic straits such as the Bosphorus and Hormuz and control over the airspace that comes under the lands it controls; hence the Khilafah will decide which nation can travel through its straits and fly over its airspace. As a result countries such as the US will find it hard to launch attacks on the Muslim world as the Khilafah will restrict American manoeuvrability.
If the US was not allowed to pass
through the straits of Hormuz and use the airspace of Turkey, Pakistan,
Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states, it would have been very difficult for
the US to attack Iraq and Afghanistan. Fighter Jets cannot fly non-stop
from the US to Iraq or Afghanistan, hence the US requires local air
bases and aircraft carriers for its operations."
Here's their plan for global air dominance. Never mind the nations listed are dependent on technology from both the capitalist world and former communist world for their airplanes such as F-16s and the JF-17 which is a Chinese airframe with Russian engines:
Air Force of the Khilafah
In the modern age, any nation that wants
to ensure its borders are impenetrable, needs a strong and
technologically advanced air force. An air force is part of the national
armed forces which conducts aerial warfare. An nation's air force also
provides close air support (CAS) to its armed forces and allies.
The various air forces in
existance today consist of fighter aircrafts, transport aircrafts,
bombers, reconnaissance aircrafts and a number of other types of
aircraft. Since WW2 aircrafts have played a pivotal role in the outcome
of many battles and wars. Aircrafts played a significant role in World
War I & II, the Falklands war, and the Gulf wars.
A nation with air superiority will have
control of the skies and hence a major advantage over its opponents.
These reasons alone make it essential for a future Khilafah to field the
best air force in the world. The head of the air force in the Khilafah
will be the Chief of Air Staff (Highest post within the air force) and
this post will report to the Ameer of Jihad and the Khaleefah is the
Commander in-Chief. The Chief of Air Staff will be responsible for
managing and upgrading the air force. There will be various divisions
within the air force and each division will have a specific
responsibility. For example some divisions will be dedicated to carrying
out surveillance whilst other divisions will be dedicated to carrying
out aerial warfare; these divisions will primarily consist of fighter
Muslim World
The Khilafah will make use of the
current infrastructure that exists within the Muslim world which is used
to design and develop aircrafts. The state will also take ownership of
the current aircrafts that exist within the air forces of the Muslim
world as these assets are the property of the state. The existing
aircrafts will be used to defend the Khilafah from its inception.
Countries such as Turkey, Iran, Pakistan and Indonesia have made
advancements in military aviation.
The Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI)
has been producing fighter aircraft under license and this includes a
total of 232 F-16 Fighting Falcon aircraft for the Turkish Air Force.
Many of the F-16s built by Turkish Aerospace Industries were also
exported to other countries. The Turkish Aerospace Industries also
manufactures the following hardware:
• Panels for the Airbus 319/320/321 aircraft
• Wing tips and flight deck panels for Boeing 737 aircraft
• Rear doors and engine cowlings for Eurocopter EC135 helicopters
• Nose landing gear doors for the Boeing 747
• UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle)
• Wing tips and flight deck panels for Boeing 737 aircraft
• Rear doors and engine cowlings for Eurocopter EC135 helicopters
• Nose landing gear doors for the Boeing 747
• UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle)
Pakistan has the Pakistan Aeronautical
Complex (PAC) which assembles and manufactures aircraft for the
Pakistani air force. The Pakistan Aeronautical Complex has also
developed the MFI-17 Mushshak which is used as a trainer by the
Pakistani air force. The facility also carries out maintenance on
various fighter jets such as the F-16 and Dassault Mirage 5. Pakistan
and China jointly developed the JF-17 Thunder (4th generation fighter
jet). Pakistan has also created cruise missiles which are capable of
carrying nuclear warheads.
Turkish and Pakistani fighter pilots are
among some of the best fighter pilots in the world. Pakistani fighter
pilots provide training to pilots of other Muslim countries. Fighter
pilots from Pakistan participated in the 1967 Arab-Israeli 'Six-Day' War
siding with the Muslims of the Arab countries.
Iran has developed the Saeqeh-80
single-seater fighter jet. The Indonesian Aerospace Company (IAE) has
been designing and developing parts for various aircrafts and it
currently produces the NC212 (transport aircraft) under license.
Currently a number of Muslim countries possess air defenses and these
air defenses constitute various ground-to-air missiles (GTAM), jamming
devices, radars and many other aspects which are required for an
effective air defence. Air defences are used in conjunction with the air
force with the purpose of protecting a nation's borders.
There airbases are dotted all over the
Muslim world and this is an advantage that the Khilafah will have from
its inception. The airbases will provide the Khilafah with an
opportunity to deploy aircrafts and ground forces anywhere within the
Khilafah at a moment's notice. If there were to be natural disasters,
the airbases will also be used for relief operations.
The Khilafah will ensure that it
enhances the current infrastructure that exists within the Muslim world
so that the state can design and develop both civilian and fighter
aircrafts independently without assistance from outside. The air force
of the Khilafah will have the following advantages:
• Control over strategic international airspace and naval straits
• Access to large reserves of oil and other natural resources which will be required to develop and power the air force
• One of the largest and technologically advanced air forces in the world
The Muslim world is situated in a
strategic geographical position giving the Khilafah control of a
strategic airspace. Therefore both military and civilian aircrafts of
other nations will have to seek permission from the Khilafah to fly
through its air space. Today, the US and its allies have launched air
attacks against Muslim countries such as Iraq and Afghanistan due to
corrupt Muslim governments giving permission to the US and its allies to
fly through their air space and this is the fundamental reason why the
US and its allies were successful in the air. Had permission been
refused to the US and its allies, it would have been very difficult for
the US and its allies to launch an air assault upon Iraq and
Afghanistan. For an air force to carry out an assault operation on a
country, it requires friendly airspace which is in close proximity to
the country that will be attacked. For example an Airborne Warning and
Control System (AWACS) or an air refuelling tanker requires friendly
airspace to fly over as these types of aircrafts cannot fly over hostile
Currently Muslim countries lack
development in a number of key areas, which are essential for developing
a strong air force. The Muslim countries lack development in aircraft
carriers (a warship with the primary objective of deploying and
recovering aircraft), air to air refueling technology, AWACS technology
and many other aspects which are required to gain air superiority. The
Khilafah will have policies in place that will drive forward the design
and development of the necessary technology that will be required for
gaining air superiority. The state will need to set up institutions that
will be dedicated to nurturing aerospace engineers. These engineers
will be responsible for the design and development of different types of
aircraft (military and civilian), aircraft carriers, guided missiles,
aircraft engines, helicopters, propulsion units and other related parts.
The institutions will also be responsible for producing fighter pilots
and pilots for civilian usage. The Khilafah will need to ensure that
these institutions provide the best training in the world. To project an
image of strength to the world, the Khilafah will provide military
hardware to its allies and conduct military exercises with them.
It will take time for the Khilafah to
gain air superiority. If we look at the US, it took them decades through
trial and error to achieve air superiority. Despite the corrupt Muslim
Governments, the Muslim world has had some limited success in the
aviation field. If a sincere leadership arises within the Muslim world,
this leadership will unite the Muslim world leading to the natural
resources, pilots and aerospace engineers of the Muslim world merging
together with the aim of developing the best air force in the world.
This will aid the state in spreading Islam throughout the world. The
main reason why the US has the best air force in the world is due to its
vision; which is to dominate the world and be the leading nation. Any
nation with global aspirations will succeed in attaining dominance as
its vision will push it to acquire economic and technological might
allowing it to become a super power.
The Khilafah has a vision which is to
spread Islam to the whole world, and this vision will naturally push the
Khilafah state to acquire technological and economic strength. At its
height the Khilafah had control over large swathes of the world and the
majority of the technological advancements of the time emanated from the
Khilafah. This was due to the vision of the Khilafah which was to
spread the light of Islam to the world.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
How to fix !@#$% Weather Direct USB ERF Gateway Weather station
Picked up a clearance $20 Weather Direct WD-3106UR-B internet weather station at Radio Shack early 2010. It's like the next 3 day weather report on a web page except you don't need to surf on a PC, it's on a little LCD display like a thermometer. It worked fine on one computer, but not the one with AVG on it.
Going to blue box with sun right click "push button" does not reset the gateway display.
Called up the support line, 15 min later they called back and said to go to AVG and turn off link scanner and resident shield features.
Then exit the exit usb-erf-gateway adn restart it.
Until you figure out how to let AVG let this program through firewall, this is how to update daily weather
1. exit gateway
2. open avg user interface
3 tools advance settings
4 disable resident shield link scanner
5 start gateway
6 press hold + button until beeps
2nd beep means the weather is updated
7 enable link scanner and shield
They don't have this information on this website, so I've posted it here.
Going to blue box with sun right click "push button" does not reset the gateway display.
Called up the support line, 15 min later they called back and said to go to AVG and turn off link scanner and resident shield features.
Then exit the exit usb-erf-gateway adn restart it.
Until you figure out how to let AVG let this program through firewall, this is how to update daily weather
1. exit gateway
2. open avg user interface
3 tools advance settings
4 disable resident shield link scanner
5 start gateway
6 press hold + button until beeps
2nd beep means the weather is updated
7 enable link scanner and shield
They don't have this information on this website, so I've posted it here.
Sunday, October 03, 2010
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
Discovery Gunman / Suicide Bomber Yet Another Angry Asian Guy?
Discovery Gunman / Suicide Bomber Yet Another Angry Asian Guy?
Watching the evening news, I was astonished to see yet another Angry Asian Gun Man at work, so I followed my usual leads with Glenn Beck pointing to Michelle Malkin’s Hot Air which pointed to TMZ. It looks like one James Jay Lee who looks, is named, and writes wacked out manifestos like a Chinese American who dresses up in looking like a paramilitary UPS guy walked into the Discovery Channel offices with 2 backpacks and what looked like 2 pipe bombs. He threatened 3 hostages and was promptly dispatched by police and is no longer a Living Person.
My usual analysis is that with the usual news emphasis on alleged Islamic terrorists being busted in the US, Canada and Amsterdam, you’ll never see an Asian guy threatening to kill or blow up somebody or someone in the name of God, but this guy comes awfully close. Seems he’s a worshipper of the extreme environmentalist variety, against immigrants (which is odd coming from a member of an ethnic group that is mostly immigrant), against population and baby shows, and against wars and shows like “Future Weapons” and “Mail/Male Call” which are MY favorite shows. This guy is definitely not your average Asian American studies program graduate. While the nice font and graphics might get the guy a nice webmaster job, his manifesto certainly wouldn’t get him into Stanford or Harvard if that was his admissions essay, that’s for sure. It’s certainly no worse than the weird stuff that creeped people out at Virginia Tech.
I’m sure we’ll be finding out more about this guy, and I’ll update. But being the guy who’s up on Asian statistics and stereotypes, I wonder if this guy had parents who thought he was a failure for not getting into University of Where-ever, for not marrying Miss Perfect Asian girlfriend, if he was ever spurned by Miss not-Asian, and if this guy was partially alienated for not fitting in with either as an honorary white guy, or not having any friends-that-looked-like-him. The guy’s written English looks like that of a kid who was born, or nearly born in America, and certainly I don’t think any immigrant is going to produce anything like that in their English writing course final essay
Correction Sept 7, 2010: According to translation of he has a "Korean father and Japanese mother" I forgot the "Lee rule": Lee is most likely Korean (with Park and Kim), Chinese, or Confederate.
I didn't mention the other "Angry Asian Men" who I think fit this unusual pattern since it seems we get about one Chinese or Korean going off on a mass shooting each year or so, even though Asians are still in the single-digit population percentage. The most famous was the Virginia Tech shootings of April 2007 by Korean-American Seung-Hui Cho. The massacre of 32 before killing himself was the deadliest peacetime shooting incident by a single gunman in the US by anybody. By comparison, Major Nidal Malik Hasan (technically of "Western Asian" descent) killed 13 at Fort Hood which everybody EXCEPT the Obama administration from the FBI to the Pentagon called the deadliest terrorist attack since 9/11. I suspect both Fort Hood and the Mumbai massacres were inspired as much by Cho in its methods as by radical Islam in motive. In April 3 of 2009, Jiverly Antares Wong (aka Jiverly Voong, evidently Chinese) killed fourteen people, including himself at a Binghamton New York immigration center. Just days later, 69 year old John Suchan Chong (sounds Chinese) attacked KoreanAm campers at the Kkottongnae Retreat Camp in Temecula about 85 miles from Los Angeles, killing one woman before being bludgeoned himself by other campers. The once beloved handyman pled not guilty, explaining "he was unhappy with the other volunteers because he felt they treated him disrespectfully and did not do their fair share of work." At least he doesn't hate babies.
Now the federally funded National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (Start) at the University of Maryland has declared that the Discovery attack qualifies as terrorist act, and is the first case they've seen of what looks like an environmentally inspired suicide bomber in the world. Including Lee, that's four Angry Asian Men right killing nearly 50 people in 3 years. That far exceeds the total of 13 at Fort Hood and 2 at the Little Rock recruiting station that have been even claimed by the radical Jihad.
Lee was also spotted with another sign"The Hell with the Troops Disarm them and make them clean up depleted uranium" hanging out with Veterans Against The War who said he was not with them. The depleted uranium issue is something largely promoted by the Islamist-friendly left like Chris Busby and Leuren Moret:
James Lee, Discovery Channel Gunman's Protest Past
- By
- Michael Rey
- Topics
- News
James Lee seen at an anti-war rally in front of the White House the day before the Obama Inauguration in 2009. On September 1, 2010, Lee held three people hostage at the Discovery Channel in Silver Spring, Md.
(Credit: Shepherd Johnson)
Amid the signs for anti-war groups like Veterans for Peace and Code Pink, he held aloft a sign that seemed a little off-message and covered with human skulls. It read: "The Hell with the Troops. Disarm them and make them CLEAN UP DEPLETED URANIUM."
"People thought that he was strange. Or that he was a plant, someone to make it look like the anti-war people were anti-troop protesters," said Shepherd Johnson, a Virginia native who was also marching that day. Johnson snapped pictures of Lee because, "he had a weird sign and had a loud bullhorn."
Johnson did a double take last Wednesday when news reports identified Lee as the man who had taken hostage three employees at the Discovery Channel at gunpoint and threatened to detonate explosive devices inside the company's headquarters in Silver Spring, MD.
Lee was shot and killed by a Maryland SWAT team and the hostages escaped unharmed. Several explosive devices were disarmed at the Discovery building and later at Lee's home. Local law enforcement officials announced the day after the incident that Lee had been brandishing a non-lethal starter pistol.
When Johnson shot the photos back in 2009, Lee was marching alone and shouting loudly into his megaphone. "People who were with Veterans for Peace were telling bystanders, 'he's not with us.'" Johnson said he felt a little uneasy when he realized it was the same guy because the protest that day ended up in front of the White House. In the photos you can clearly see the viewing stand on Pennsylvania Avenue where President Obama and his family stood the next day to watch the inaugural parade.
Here is another good blog post
Discovery Channel Hostage Incident
- His demands
- Audio recordings: 911 calls and police radio communications
- Pictures: View from a neighboring building
- Police were willing to wait, but hostages made a break for it and forced their hand.
- His gun was a starter pistol, but the bombs were real and more were in his home.
- Did you know?: In Montgomery County, MD, all police uses of deadly force automatically go to a grand jury.
- Arguing with anti-birth-control protestors about overpopulation [Video]
- Attending an anti-war rally with a sign saying: "The Hell with the troops. Disarm them and make them clean up depleted uranium.” [Video]
- His 2008 protests at Discovery
- In his own words
- Hiring the homeless to be bogus protestors
- Throwing money in the air [Video]
- Arrest for disorderly conduct and sentencing
- Irony: He got bomb-making tips from a Discovery program
- Convicted of smuggling an illegal immigrant -- despite condemning them in his recent manifesto
The Washington Post says news of the event -- including a picture of the gunman in Discovery's courtyard -- went out over Twitter a little after 1 pm. The official warning, however, didn't go out until 2 pm. Seems to be par for the course -- except maybe with Congress, where they got p.o.-ed about that kind of delay when DisasterMan was working there. The Post probably heard about it first, however. By coincidence, a reporter was interviewing a Discovery employee on the phone when the incident started.
In a post on a discussion forum, Lee announced plans to protest at Discovery in February 2008. This led to a spirited discussion. Lee said:
If NO ONE agrees with me, I'll be standing there all alone like a fool and then I'll leave and you'll not hear from me again. The public will have spoken that they are happy with the Discovery Channel and that's IT.When he held the protest, he claimed he wasn't alone, but admitted only “a couple” of others showed. He said, “I am seriously bummed at the turnout.”
During one protest, he threw $20,000 in cash into the air, sparking a mass scramble. [Video] Police charged him with littering and disorderly conduct. He was jailed for two weeks, and according to his description, they threw him in “the nuthouse" for four days. He also said that afterward, they “threw” him in a homeless shelter.
He was convicted of disorderly conduct (but not littering) and sentenced to probation. He also was ordered to stay at least 500 feet away from the Discovery building. Here's more from the forum about his reasons for the protests:
“The Discovery Channel produces a lot of shows about saving the planet that all have one thing in common: They don’t work. Why don’t they have REAL shows about SAVING THE PLANET? Have you ever noticed the crap they have on their network about just about everything else but that? They glorify fishermen who are overfishing the planet, they glorify Weapons of Mass Destruction. They highlight shows about people who build pollution machines and other environmentally harmful practices. What’s next? Whaling the Planet with Modern Whalers???
“If their ‘environmental’ shows are actually working, then why is the news about the environment getting worse? It should be getting better if they were doing their job and we should be seeing that reflected on the nightly news."
James Jay Lee American Hero? Hello Kenneth Eng?
This channel posts this "tribute"
In Loving Memory of James Jay Lee (1967 -- September 1, 2010) , an American hero and patriot.
Humans are the most destructive, filthy, pollutive creatures around and are wrecking what's left of the planet with their false morals and breeding culture. Civilization must be exposed for the filth it is. All human procreation must cease!
Also, war must be halted. Not because it's morally wrong, but because of the catastrophic environmental damage modern weapons cause to other creatures. FIND SOLUTIONS JUST LIKE THE BOOK SAYS! Humans are supposed to be inventive. INVENT, DAMN YOU!!
The humans? The planet does not need humans.
These are the demands and sayings of Lee.
This is the same video posted by a channel named for the Korean-American Virginia Tech shooter, which is the same user who has also posted tributes to Cho as well on dozens of channels with similar Asian American themes, some with hateful 9-11 parodies and Jihad videos show US soldiers being attacked by mujahideen by IEDs. I suspect this is none other than Kenneth "Why I Hate Black People" Eng who publically praised Cho and announced he'd like to pull a similar violent act. It makes me wonder if this Eng fellow is somehow connected to these disparate incidents. No one has heard from him since he posted these videos.
Lee announced his contest here after he got into jail for throwing money in the air:
$200,000 Save the Planet ESSAY CONTEST!!!!! | Lead | [-] | ||
TAGS : None
Hi folks! Well, I'm back! They held me for 2 weeks! Can you believe it??? What's up with that? Anyway, as you all probably know, they didn't let me finish the $200,000 Essay Contest I was holding. So I am now going to have it online. It's actually $200,000 PLUS $10,000 in CASH!
Go to the website for all the new details:
Ask me anything you want or pry me for information here. That's why I am here, to find someone with the best idea for a TV show that I can give this money and property to!
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#1 | [url] | [-] | ||
If this bastard wants to save the planet, they should reduce his carbon footprint by putting him in a cell with no heat and no a/c.
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#2 | [url] | [-] | ||
Looks like that is where he is headed. Police shot Lee and he is now in custody.
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#3 | [url] | [-] | ||
There once was a man called Lee
Who didn't like what was on the TV One day, he went mad Everyone thought he was bad Because he's fucked in the head, you see What does my essay get? | ||||
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#4 | [url] | [-] | ||
Which poster said "strap a fake bomb onto your body and take hostages" cuz I think that guy won.... as did humanity for seeing an enviro-whackjob do the world a favor by exiting prematurely.
For all you followers of Gaia, self immolation in front of a Morning Show broadcast would be a great way to top Mr. Lee! Dispensing weiners and marshmallows on sticks ahead of time to passersby would be nice. sincerely, The ever helpful Registered User. | ||||
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#5 | [url] | [-] | ||
ILOVEDISCOVERYCHANNEL wrote:There once was a man called LeeA hearty amount of "lol" | ||||
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dear mr lee | #6 | [url] | [-] | |
what's it like?
lol | ||||
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#7 | [url] | [-] | ||
Registered User wrote:Which poster said "strap a fake bomb onto your body and take hostages" cuz I think that guy won. lol | ||||
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#8 | [url] | [-] | ||
See you in hell, you tree hugging whackjob. The cop that shot him should get a freakin medal for saving the taxpayers the expense of a trial. Also, putting him in prison wouldn't be fair to the other prisoners who would have to listen to his drivel.
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Here is where Lee announced his protest:
Save The Planet Protest
Author | Comment | |||
Save The Planet Protest | Lead | [-] | ||
TAGS : None
Protest to Save the Planet against the Discovery Channel in Silver Spring Maryland, 9am to 9pm on February 15-23, 2008.
Last Edited By: misterfifteen 01/16/08 07:31:50. Edited 1 time.
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#1 | [url] | [-] | ||
Hi Lee,
I think it is great that you have a cause, and saving the planet is a very admirable cause, but attacking Discovery Communications in Silver Spring is not the way to affect the change you want. Discovery is the largest non-fiction network in the world - I love and watch their programming all the time; I am also a trained wildlife biologist. I am not employed by Discovery (I work for a State natural resources agency) but do live in Silver Spring. To me, Discovery's mission is to educate and inspire viewers to care about nature, wildlife, the landscapes that surround them and the Earth as a whole. In the same breath, they are also showing people what not to wear, how to build motorcycles, how to grow from adversity faced and how to live healthier. Do you see a theme? They are in the business of entertaining in the hopes of changing behavior - Discovery is not the vehicle for change it is their viewers, and most people are not watching it because they are going to change - they watch for the entertainment value. I find much fault in your statements that they glorify those that rob us of fish populations and natural resources - mainly because it is blatantly false. Their commercial harvesting programming chronicles the lives of fisherman, how they harvest the very seafood you probably enjoy regularly and how they stay within the legal seasons and creel limits imposed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. None of these waterman have gone over their quotas set forth by these government agencies…. Because if they did, they would loose their license, boats and income. Discovery is getting viewers to think about what it takes to get the food they enjoy into the local markets and eventually their dinner tables. If the participants in these shows are glorified, it is because of the viewers. Because a corporation cannot get people, viewers, or customers to change behaviors when the medium is not personal in nature - one should not find what Discovery has in its programming at fault. And, protesting outside of their headquarters when they do so much for the ecology of North America and the Earth in general is a bit crazy. You are treating them as a scapegoat for your frustrations of the population. Instead of a protest, have you thought about starting a web resource or non-profit that will teach and show people what they can do in their daily lives to save the planet? Your scope could be a neighborhood for starters, building upon success after success until you are on a larger scale of a county or several metropolitan areas and then grow larger. The power lies with these organizations to affect change and not in a protest of a communications company - your energies could be put to so much better use and a greater good. The beauty of living in America is that we can have differing views, even on the same subject, and even though I respect your cause of saving the planet - your focus on Discovery Communications is way off target. If you wanted to see a change in Discovery's programming, why don't you work on some new show ideas, write up some proposals and request a meeting… I am certain they are always looking for new show ideas and would welcome a fresh perspective - but protesting is not effective for what you want to do. | ||||
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I disagree | #2 | [url] | [-] | |
I disagree. Discovery is hugely responsible for what is happening and their ineffective programming must be protested and dealt with. The time for pussy-footing around the subject is done. It's time to protest them until they start changing their stupid message. They ARE glorifying the damned fishermen who are overfishing the planet and I would think that you would see that for yourself instead of defending them.
I already tried to submit to them ideas even though I had a feeling that they were working for their own greedy ends and it didn't do anything. But I'm not satisfied with that, I'm not asking them anymore. I'm TELLING them they have to save the planet and lay off the propaganda.These people are harmful to the planet. Them and their glorifying of civilization and it's machinery. All they are intested in is SELLING stuff. I'm not interested in their greedy, corporate profits. They have to get on board with saving the planet and I'd better start seeing some REAL improvement in the news that things are changing. If not, then they can get the hell out of the television business altogether.
Last Edited By: misterfifteen 01/24/08 15:25:35. Edited 1 time.
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#3 | [url] | [-] | ||
If your proposals were written anything like your posts (with the tone, etc) then I am certain they were not well received. Their message is not stupid and very effective... and they are not glorifying the damned fishermen who are overfishing.... those on the deadliest catch stick to quotas. Quotas are in place so fish are not overfished. What is not being covered is the international vessels that are fishing illegally and over harvesting - not the ones their programming because they are being observed by several Federal and State natural resource agencies. For profit companies are to be greedy because their sole existence is to make money. But, if you look at Discovery as a whole they are a very solid company with a modest operating budget, great corporate sponsorship of hundreds of non-profits, they are working on LEED-Green Certification and they do so much for their employees and Silver Spring - we wouldn't have a downtown if it wasn't for Discovery. Enjoy your protest that is unneccessary and just plain crazy.
Last Edited By: wildforwildlife 01/25/08 15:22:22. Edited 1 time.
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#4 | [url] | [-] | ||
Really? Level with me. Are you really committed to this cause,as flawed as it is, or are you just a publicity whore? Becuase, if you were not a whore, I would hate to say that you are the type of uninformed, ass-hat that gives real conservationists, a bad name. I'm just saying.
Oh, and before you start slamming that "Planet Green" show again, according Discovery's website, "Planet Green" is not a program, it is a soon to be website and network. | ||||
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#5 | [url] | [-] | ||
Irv: So ummmm...what do you want to do next week? Steve: Well I was thinking of wasting my time, fighting some windmills. Irv: Yeah me too, but I really wanted to hurt legitimate causes, by staging a protest against a really caring company. Steve: Why? Irv: Good point...WTF, let's play guitar Hero and invite Lee. Steve: Nah, Lee's a buzz kill.
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#6 | [url] | [-] | ||
Lee, Lee, Lee, Lee,
Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee, We're talkin' fuckin' Lee. I had a friend named Lee, He cast a spell a spell on me. If me and Lee and KG could be three, Flyin' free Tenaciously, Skinny-dippin' in a sea of Lee, I'd propose on bended knee To Lee Lee Lee, Lee Lee Lee, Lee Lee, Lee Lee Lee, Lee Lee Lee, Lee Lee, Le-Lut-Le-Le-Le-Lee Lee Lee, Le-Lut-Le-Le-Le-Lee Lee, If me, and Lee, and KG, (that's me) Could be three, (could be three) Plant a tree, (plant a tree) Just for Lee, (just for Lee) Just for Lee, (Lee) Just for Lee! Lee, Lee, Lee: [Psycho Knife Song style, 16X] Leeee, Leeee, Leeee: LEE! | ||||
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Just the Facts Lee | #7 | [url] | [-] | |
If you're not willing to heed the advice of others and take what they are telling you seriously, how can you expect the same of anyone else - including the world's largest non-fiction content brand? Wildforwildlife raises some irrefutable points that you blatantly ignore. Do you think that you are responsible for knowledge everywhere and that facts begin and end with you? Aren't you willing to search out the truth before firing your ignorance at the rest of us? I suggest you take that week that you're planning to protest and spend the time doing some research instead. Start with researching the way the television business works, focusing particularly on the standards for submitting show proposals. Then research Discovery Communications and ALL the programs they broadcast across ALL the networks for which they are responsible. The claims you make about their programming are as absurdly false as the theory that the Earth is flat. Finally, take a writing class. I suggest extensive immersion in the art of persuasion. You are the poster child for why Americans are hated throughout the world. You probably submitted a half-assed proposal for a show. You got rejected. Now, rather than putting some actual work into your cause, (the original one of selling a show idea to Discovery), you raise a personal jihad against a global company who personifies a villain to you in your fantasy world, but which in reality brings education about the world to the world. Did you take any of your ideas to other cable channels responsible for airing non-fiction content? National Geographic's headquarters are also in the DC/Metro area. God forbid you should actually put a little effort into getting what you want. In this country, it is possible for anyone to be anything they want, as long as they are willing to work for it. It's that last bit that people like you tend to ignore. In closing, I would just like to ask a few questions. What do you mean when you say you are "TELLING" them they have to save the planet? Do you know how ridiculously hilarious that sounds? Who do you think you are? If you think you have that much power, why not make the object of your revolt the government of this or any other country for that matter? Do you see what we're saying? Do you get it yet?
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#8 | [url] | [-] | ||
hey tardface: | ||||
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Shine on.... | #9 | [url] | [-] | |
you crazy Mfin' diamond.
As much as I wanted to be serious and give this guy a mental throttling, I just couldn't take him seriously. So I tip my hat to you Mfer for a brilliant post. As for you Lee...I really want to know if you are serious or just looking for exposure. Seriously, just tell us now; I am a very petty person, so if don't come clean now I wind up spending my weekend with a bottle of Templeton's Rye, drunk dialing, and making fun of you to anyone who will listen. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go and work on my rippeling abs. OH YEAH!!! | ||||
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#10 | [url] | [-] | ||
wildforwildlife wrote: If your proposals were written anything like your posts (with the tone, etc) then I am certain they were not well received. Their message is not stupid and very effective... and they are not glorifying the damned fishermen who are overfishing.... those on the deadliest catch stick to quotas. Quotas are in place so fish are not overfished. What is not being covered is the international vessels that are fishing illegally and over harvesting - not the ones their programming because they are being observed by several Federal and State natural resource agencies. For profit companies are to be greedy because their sole existence is to make money. But, if you look at Discovery as a whole they are a very solid company with a modest operating budget, great corporate sponsorship of hundreds of non-profits, they are working on LEED-Green Certification and they do so much for their employees and Silver Spring - we wouldn't have a downtown if it wasn't for Discovery. Enjoy your protest that is unneccessary and just plain crazy.
I don't care what 'laws' are there that say that just because they go by quotas that means it's ok. But what they are doing is a symptom of the disease that is part of civilization. It's a small part, but it's still damaging to the environment. Look at the state of the world and never mind what the laws allow. The laws 'allow' people to drive cars that cause pollution, right? So apparently, the laws favor the auto manufacturers over the planet, and how can that be good?
The Discovery has no excuse and money should not be an excuse for them. The world is at stake, did \I tell you that? Their Green Certification doesn't mean anything to me. It's a worthless piece of paper if you ask me. And if it wasn't for Discovery, maybe the Silver Spring area would have less 'development' where the whole area grows into a city at the expense of other creatures. | ||||
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#11 | [url] | [-] | ||
renton2005 wrote: Really? Level with me. Are you really committed to this cause,as flawed as it is, or are you just a publicity whore? Becuase, if you were not a whore, I would hate to say that you are the type of uninformed, ass-hat that gives real conservationists, a bad name. I'm just saying.
I saw the Planet Green site. More bullshit about recycling. It seems to me that recycling itself is not going to save the planet, IS IT NOW? Corporations, however, reap tremendous savings in recycling garbage back into all-important PRODUCT. So damn that 'show', because that's all it is.
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#12 | [url] | [-] | ||
renton2005 wrote: you crazy Mfin' diamond.
Of course, this subject needs as much exposure as it can get. The more the better. But, you are probably asking me that because it seems like I might just want attention myself. But why the hell would I risk the wrath of the networks by burning bridges? It's really not about me. It's about the pandas, lions, giraffes, dung beetles, worms, cockroaches, mice, eagles, sharks, whales, and don't forget about the gorillas not to mention the squirrels. Yes, even the numerous squirrels.
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#13 | [url] | [-] | ||
guyindc wrote: hey tardface:
There is no mention of saving the planet using Daniel Quinn's ideas. This is unsatisfactory and probably as effective as their "Animal Planet" show. More useless, useless, TRASH!
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#14 | [url] | [-] | ||
I want to know what creatures are being negatively impacted from the development? Squirrels, Sparrows, Finches, Woodpeckers, Salamanders? Do you have a species list or are you going off of your gut feeling? The species in the Washington, DC Metro area are suffering more from stray, feral and roaming pets than development - are you protesting the Humane Societies of the area to capture these pets and place them into loving homes? This would certainly help to save the planet, since it is at stake.
Are you saying you do not drive, take public transportation, live with electricity, running water and eat food? Of course you do, you have to live and living produces waste and by products. No civilization has ever lived in harmony with the environment, there has always been some strain on the system that caused an imbalance. I know the planet is at stake, but I also know the science that goes into gauging such and have full confidence in it. You don't need to tell me that, I certainly do need you to inform me of this - I am more intouch with what is going on than you - but unlike you I work every day to make changes and bring people closer to our wild places and mother nature. You are not bringing people together, you strive to divide which will make you message ineffective. I do not know why you cannot see that the people posting here are trying to help you, offer guidance and point you in more fruitful endeavors. We are not the enemy, we are logical professionals that want to see you succeed, but not with a protest on a company that is doing good and have a strong corporate conscious. Discovery is clearly not the enemy. You should set up a booth in downtown Silver Spring and invite passersby and others over to your booth to learn how they can save the planet in their daily lives. Yelling at a building and harrassing their intelligent and hard working employees will not get you anything except police attention. Lee, Save the Planet just take a different course - it will pay off in dividends because you don't have any platform, science, or truths to stand on. | ||||
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#15 | [url] | [-] | ||
In all seriousness Lee, listen to "wildforwildlife." I was busting your chops last week, but really I though this "protest" was about you needing publicity. I believe now that you are serious; and while your expression and desire to better the condition of the planet is justified, you are being foolish and irrational. The world needs balance (go rent the movie Koyaanisqatsi) and you need a direction and a venue to aid in achieving that balance. Please, do not go through with this. Discovery is not the enemy; you will make yourself look like an idiot and come away feeling disenchanted, and likely not to act in a positive, well thought out way toward your cause. And that my friend, will truly be a tragedy.
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#16 | [url] | [-] | ||
Also, stop mentioning Daniel Quinn... I highly doubt he would agree with your position.
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#17 | [url] | [-] | ||
wildforwildlife wrote: I want to know what creatures are being negatively impacted from the development? Squirrels, Sparrows, Finches, Woodpeckers, Salamanders? Do you have a species list or are you going off of your gut feeling? The species in the Washington, DC Metro area are suffering more from stray, feral and roaming pets than development - are you protesting the Humane Societies of the area to capture these pets and place them into loving homes? This would certainly help to save the planet, since it is at stake.
Nope. This is happening. Why does it bother YOU that I'm protesting the Discovery Channel?? Do you work there? Like I said, if NO ONE agrees with me, I'll be standing there all alone like a fool and then I'll leave and you'll not hear from me again. The public will have spoken that they are happy with the Discovery Channel and that's IT.
I am sort of setting up a booth downtown Silver Spring. Right in front of the Discovery Channel. So I'm following your advice. You should be happy about that. I am LOOKING for solutions so that we may not NEED electricity and all that stuff. But the question is not so much that we use that stuff, but rather, WHY are we continually building more and more of those things? When we run out of land, we build 'up.' And up and up and UP! How high can we go? Until every square inch is covered by concrete and farmland? Then it will really be too late. The Discovery Channel has really fooled you good. Bravo. | ||||
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#18 | [url] | [-] | ||
renton2005 wrote: In all seriousness Lee, listen to "wildforwildlife." I was busting your chops last week, but really I though this "protest" was about you needing publicity. I believe now that you are serious; and while your expression and desire to better the condition of the planet is justified, you are being foolish and irrational. The world needs balance (go rent the movie Koyaanisqatsi) and you need a direction and a venue to aid in achieving that balance. Please, do not go through with this. Discovery is not the enemy; you will make yourself look like an idiot and come away feeling disenchanted, and likely not to act in a positive, well thought out way toward your cause. And that my friend, will truly be a tragedy.
Discovery is the enemy. They must be protested into saving the planet and reducing their propaganda. But if you feel that this is wrong, then don't show up. You're welcome to stay at home and watch TV or do whatever it is you do.
And if I look like an idiot, so what? But I won't fail in this. This is going to happen and Discovery is going to change their course and start saving the planet. I will never personally feel like an idiot for trying. | ||||
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#19 | [url] | [-] | ||
renton2005 wrote: Also, stop mentioning Daniel Quinn... I highly doubt he would agree with your position.
How do you KNOW that? He'll have to tell me that himself to my face. But even he can't stop it now.
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#20 | [url] | [-] | ||
I said before that I do not work for Discovery. I live in Silver Spring, MD and have since 2001. I work for one of the Washington DC Metro Area State natural resource management agencies. I specialize in managing and conserving our natural resources through understanding species (flora and fauna) biology and the perspections/beliefs of the people who live in the landscapes with them - it is a field called the human dimensions of natural resources. It is basically sociology and wildlife biology fused to manage ecosystems holistically. I also specialize in marrying technology and natural resources management together to get a big picture of what is going on and how resources are used.
I am happy that you are listening to some of what we say, I think everyone here posting understands and 'gets' your message and sees that you care about your cause. What you are not getting is that Discovery as a company understands and 'gets' your cause as well, and doing a protest against an entity that 'gets' your cause and is right there with you (but might not be at the same level you are from your point of view) is fruitless. If someone takes note of your protest and then calls Discovery out on the accusations you made against them; their facts, science and lists and lists of how they are working to better the planet will squash all of your claims and you will look the fool. This is the one thing we here posting to you do not want this to happen because you have a good cause. I think we all want you genuinely to be successful in carrying your message to the public. We are also going out of our way to offer you sound, professional advise on how to make a positive difference, instead of a negative one. If you do not take the advice given, that is your choice.... but have you notice there has not been one person posting that is in agreement with you on this protest? A protest of one is just a struggle of ones self, an internal struggle and not a movement toward changing the greater good. Just think about every piece of advice that was offered here, instead of reacting to each post as an attack. Nothing posted was an attack on your character, they are to persuade you to take a different path to getting your message out. You already have a web site, change the focus to just saving the planet.... if you disagree with Discovery's programming (which you seem to be confusing their various networks with actual shows - their networks are Discovery, TLC, Animal Planet, Health, Military, Science, Planet Green....etc.) ask you site visitors to not watch their programming. This is a much better protest that will not lead to an attack on your credibility and character, which will happen if you are the lone protester throwing stones or the leader of the protest in general. Just think about every post that was listed here. We took a lot of time to offer advice and post messages to you.... |
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