Saturday, November 26, 2011

Kohls (Rebecca) Black Friday Ad Is A Bomb

I heard from my kids that Kohls did a take off on Rebecaa Black's controversial "worst song ever" Friday, so I tried to view it and found it it was SOOOOO un/popular the Kohl official site TOOK IT DOWN as private. It's not clear whether zillions of people expressed their hate, or if they forgot to clear the rights to the song but it's already generated dozens of anti-Kohl rants in tribute videos. Somebody who looks like Rebecca Black appears in a red coat.

Some Kohls employees and customers oppose the use of the song because of all the people who disliked it.

The best surviving copy of the commercial seems to be this one with 300,000 hits by Nov 26

Bing shows this, most reviews seem to be "annoyed" "awkward" "worst ad of the season"

  • We've already seen an early contender for best commercial of the 2011 holiday season. Here's one for the worst column—a Kohl's spot by McCann Erickson about Black ...

  • Naturally, kohls black friday, target black friday, staples black friday : RebeccaBlack’s ‘Friday’ Reappears – in Kohl’s Black Friday Advertisment Surely ...

  • From Yahoo! News: The department store hopes to get holiday shoppers in the door by spoofing Black's "Friday" — but might end up just irritating everyone instead

  • Nov 23, 2011 · The song we love to hate makes its holiday reprisal. But will it help shoppers get pumped for Black Friday?

  • Nov 21, 2011 · Kohl's enlists Rebecca Black's Internet hit "Friday" for its BlackFriday promotion.

    • By deswingsta · 
    • 1 min · 
    • Added 11/21/2011
    Nov 21, 2011 · Kohl's Black Friday commercial for 2011... hate it/love it? not mine... so I don't really care :)

  • Kohl's, a store that sells disgusting accouterments for people who hate things that are nice, has a new commercial that parodies Rebecca Black's Friday.

  • Rebecca Black and her song “Friday” continue to attract attention with a version used by Kohls for one of its Black Friday 2011 ads.
  • Kohl's uses Rebecca Black and her deliciously grating viral video Friday, for theirBlack Friday campaign.

    Adrants comments:
    You can argue Kohl’s is doing irreparable damaged to it’s brand by associating itself with Black’s Friday. You can be concerned several YouTube commenters who claim to be Kohl’s employees are ashamed to work at the retailer and, in some cases, have decided to quit. …Or you can laud the brand for latching on to something that’s guaranteed to garner a significant amount of conversation, discussion and publicity.

  • Congratulations to Kohl's on their early entry in the 2012 Worst Ad in America contest. Their parody version of Rebecca Black's "Friday" is just as grating as the ...

    Take a song that everyone hated so much that they watched it on YouTube eight million times. Add a singer displaying classic "bad consumer" behavior—shoving an elderly woman, stealing merchandise out of a fellow shopper's cart—and you have an ad so awful that people can't stop talking about it. Well, complaining 

    Grab a riot stick and my full-charged tazer Life insurance is paid up.. to... date Gotta get goin'.. credit cards in hand - my hand
    Should I go to KMart
    Maybe off to Wal Mart
    Gotta figure this out
    Which one checks receipts?
    Black Friday, Friday
    Waitin' in line Black Friday
    Putting my life on the line for amazing deals - amazing deals
    Black Friday Friday
    Killing myself on Friday
    Maybe I'll get trampled over an amazing deal...

Here is what is on YouTube, reposts, rants and one remix:

Kohl's "Rebecca" Black Friday Commercial

Kohl's Black Friday commercial for 2011... hate it/love it? not mine... so I don't really care :)
by deswingsta  5 days ago  284,653 views

Rebecca Black's "Black FridayCommercial

Watch Kohl's 'Black FridayCommercial - - Become a Fan! - Follow Us! What's going on everyone? You're back at the ...
by clevverTV  4 days ago  63,897 views

Rebecca Black "Friday" in Kohls Black Friday Commercial

I just wanted to share, because this was just to funny , i cant believe they brought this song back, i was just starting to forget it .. GAAAH and ...
by MCRdeathupsessed  6 days ago  21,447 views

Not Going To Kohl's on Black Friday!

Kohl's had the idea to make a parody of Rebecca Black's "Friday" song and use that music as their latest commercial promoting their Black Friday ...
by shirtsareoverrated  5 days ago  19,200 views

Kohls Rebecca Black Friday Commercial

@aritweets Kohls Rebecca Black Friday Commercial just had to share this with you guys!
by aritweets  4 days ago  16,127 views

Kohl's "Rebecca" Black Friday Commercial

Spaceballs! Hot girl
by kjba77  8 hours ago  29 views


PLEASE COMMENT/RATE/SUBSCRIBE! Hey! If you have a second, click the link below to Tweet this video out for me! It really helps me! :) ...
by PeteOnBlast  2 days ago  340 views

Kohls Black Friday Commercial

Kohls Black Friday Commercial to the tune of Rebecca Black's Friday
by MrTonitz  5 days ago  13,316 views

RESPONSE: Gotta Go to Kohl's on Black Friday!

Link to the original video: Keywords: Gotta Go to Kohl's on Black Friday! Gotta Go to Kohl's on Black Friday! Rebecca Black ...
by THEREALHEMINEWS  3 days ago  3,459 views

Kohls Rebecca "Black FridayCommercial!

Hahaha so funny! Tell me what you think! Like/dislike/comment/subscribe :)
by IndianaTrickShots  3 days ago  354 views

Kohl's black friday commercial rant

Kohl's Black Friday commercial doesn't necessarily give a good example for us and we rant about it.
by MrCadfans777  2 days ago  1,979 views

Kohl's Black Friday Commercial to Friday by Rebecca Black

Funny Kohl's Black Friday Commercial to the tune of Friday by Rebecca Black!!! HD
by prankCallers1436  3 days ago  747 views

Kohls-Black Friday 'FridayCommercial

Sorry it's not very clear-this was taken on my phone..this is the kohls commercial for black Friday based off the song Friday by rebecca black
by Ravidog1234  7 hours ago  0 views

Kohl's commercial remaking Rebecca Black's Friday?

Yes it's true. I found this commercial during a commercial break of my fave show Inside Edition, I was the only one in the room. My mom was on the ...
by WebkinzRocker99  4 days ago  1,909 views

Rebecca Black's "Black FridayCommercial Download: - Watch Kohl's 'Black FridayCommercial - - Become a Fan! - Follow Us! What's going ...
by thismorning24  1 day ago  1,169 views

NUSK Nov 22: J.Lo's Boyfriend, Black Friday, Mila's Promise "NEWS U SHOULD KNOW"

Every Tuesday pop culture and entertainment news that you ACTUALLY want to know about. Saving the world from bad entertainment shows. NUSK Nov 22 ...
by MistyKingma  4 days ago  614 views

Gotta NOT go to Kohl's on Black Friday

This could go down as one of the worst commercials of all time. It is so bad it will cause you to change the channel. It put me in a fowl mood ...
by 84Selby  3 days ago  2,466 views

(BlackFriday Commercial for Kohls

by xXBrittanyAnnXx  5 days ago  1,112 views

Black Friday Kohl's commercial (Remix) HD

Please like and comment!! - Enjoy :) ------------------------------------ I don't own any rights to this video or song.
by ryannatasha  4 days ago  2,655 views


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