Friday, December 23, 2011

Mark Weber: Holocaust Deniers for Ron Paul

The Mark Weber Report: Why US Politicians Boast of ‘American Exceptionalism’

December 7, 2011
Republican presidential candidates (with the notable exception of Ron Paul) and other prominent politicians boast of their belief in “American exceptionalism.” This is more than “feel good” talk. Such rhetoric is used as a pretext or justification for otherwise inexcusable policies that actually harm America and the world. Most of the world understandably regards such talk as dangerously arrogant and foolish. It’s no coincidence that the politicians who talk the loudest about “American exceptionalism” are also the most craven in their pandering to Jewish-Zionist power and vehement in their support for Israel. Americans are not inherently more virtuous or “freedom loving” than other peoples. America’s extraordinarily rapid rise, and its prosperity and eminence during the twentieth century, are due to objective historical factors, which are no longer as relevant as they were in the past.

The Mark Weber Report: Ignorance and Arrogance of American Politicians

November 30, 2011
GOP Presidential Candidates Debate National Security Issues In Washington
A striking expression of the corruption of America’s social-political life is the ignorance and arrogance of its prominent politicians. The presidential candidates who addressed a recent “debate” in Washington, DC (with the notable exception of Ron Paul) showed that they lack principle, a coherent worldview, or a reality-based understanding of history. Along with empty “feel good” rhetoric about “American exceptionalism,” they also showed a craven pandering to Jewish-Zionist power. In any healthy and educated society, such individuals would be considered unfit for any position of authority or responsibility.

Who is Mark Weber ?

Mark Weber

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mark Edward Weber (b. Portland, Oregon, October 9, 1951) is the director of the Institute for Historical Review,[1] an AmericanHolocaust denial[2] organization based in southern California.
Weber has been associated with the IHR since 1991 and has been the Institute Director since 1995.[1]
Weber was born in PortlandOregon in 1951. After graduating from Jesuit High School in 1969, he studied history in Chicago at theUniversity of Illinois.[1] He continued his studies for two semesters at the University of Munich, and, returning to Oregon, took a B.A. degree in history with high honors from Portland State University. In graduate school, he continued the pursuit of history at Indiana University, receiving an M.A. degree in modern European history in 1977.[3]
He has two children: a daughter born in 1996, and a son born in 1998.


Here's another good friend of Mark Weber

Holocaust denier David Irving, Ron Paul share fans
This is said to be a vehicle driven by a person attending David Irving’s speech, could be anybody though :)

And another blogger for Ron Paul

Blogger: User Profile: James Miller - Los Angeles, CA
My views draw from: Ron Paul, Nick Griffin, David Irving, Tom Metzger, David Icke, G. Edward Griffin, Norman Finkelstein, George Lincoln Rockwell, Chalmers .

We Are Change NYC
They like 9/11 conspiracy theories, David Irving AND Ron Paul. Who would have guessed what they are really about? 

November 19, 2011 10:00 PM - 15 attended

Texe Marrs and David Irving speaking at American Free Press conferance

1,438 Freedom Fighters
Next Meetup:
Saturday, Dec 24

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