Sunday, December 18, 2011

Who are Ron Paul's Base? Person of the Book and Quran 4

Why does it seem that Muslims and Islamocentric supporters seem to the strongest Ron Paul supporters? These comments have been removed from the blog,

Posted by: Quran 4:101 Not hard to guess this is a person who reads the Quran.

The thread is full of Islamocentric / anti-Israel comments: 

  • sunlight openness about sharia.... truth about Muslims (and assume that there actually are some good Muslims...?)
  • willing to risk the chance of blowback from bombing a few million Muslims for the financial gains of the politicians who own companies like Halliburton
  • You, Pamela are NOT a true Conservative
  • Bachmann and Santorum doesn't seem to like muslims very much and they are all aboutIsrael. 
  • Israel would be better off without any intervention from the United States. Israel can take care of itself. Benjamin Netanyahu doesn't want any intervention from the United States. The poster of evidently is not sure if Iran is a "threat" compared to US "interventionist policy"

Other people seem to understand just who Ron Paul is speaking for:, pro-Iran, pro-Hamas, pro-Hezbollah, pro-Nazi, pro-White, anti-War-On-Terror, anti-Israel. Why America tolerates a spokesman for Jihad as a congressman and presidential candidate is simply beyond belief.

  •  You are so correct, Pamela, Paul hates Jews and Israel, and loves Sharia. 
  • I completely agree with you. Ron Paul is an Islamofascist and an apologizer like Ob(s)ama bin Lying.
  • they all appear to be of the same ilk as those RP supporters who comment and congregate on the nazi racist SFront website.
  • they are shocked at the hate, the Anti-Semitism, the racism, even the blunt anti-Americanism that is encouraged on these Ron Paul support sites.

And check these out:

  1. Muslims for Ron Paul 2012 | Facebook
    Muslims for Ron Paul 2012 - 

    Dr. Paul wants to bring ALL THE TROOPS HOME!

    Muslims were in love with the election of Barack Obama however, his foreign policy has proved to be much more intense than George Bush.

    Dr. Paul has been an advocate for ending foreign aid to Israel and other countries for decades.

    The most outspoken politician against the military industrial complex which has murdered millions of brown skinned people for profit and continues to.

    Dr. Paul is also a strict Constitutionalist which means FREEDOM OF RELIGION!

    This is Ron's 3rd run for the White House and this time we have the best shot! Be sure to vote for him in the Primary so he can win the nomination.

    ‎"But to declare war on 1.2 billion Muslims.. and say all Muslims are the same..this is dangerous talk!" - Ron Paul (tonights debate) 
    Share your thoughts below! Thumbs up and subscribe to keep hearing the truth! Ron Paul For President! Restore America NOW!http://www/ ....
    Washington Post columnist and former George W. Bush speechwriter Michael Gerson examines Newt Gingrich’s history of anti-Muslim fear-bating and concludes that “those views demonstrate a disturbing tendency: the passionate embrace of shallow ideas.” But Gerson fails to acknowledge that Gingrich’s “sh...
  2. Muslims Discover Ron Paul
  3. An anonymous Ron Paul supporter posted the following message on the internet: "Muslims and Americans have an unique window of opportunity for the 2008 .., December 17, 2011

Pamela, please!
You are scraping the bottom of the barrel, Pamela!

Please think about what you are doing, what you want to accomplish: safety and peace for Israel.... sunlight openness about sharia.... truth about Muslims (and assume that there actually are some good Muslims...?)

....or just slinging mud, just as so much mud has been slung at you?

You are above this, smarter than this.

Please stop. ....Lady in Red

Bachman just wants to stay in lockstep with the current establishment. She’s willing to risk the chance of blowback from bombing a few million Muslims for the financial gains of the politicians who own companies like Halliburton. They are immune to conflict of interest rules so they have become investors in arms and companies paid to rebuild the infrastructure damaged by our military during the war. Ron Paul just wants to draw attention to their fear propaganda before it’s too late.
Wow...Bachmann is the best candidate? Really? Do you pay attention to anything or are you just awes truck by her, because she is a female? Paul is not a Conservative? Yet he is the only candidate who speaks of true Conservative idealogies? He doesn't flip flop when the lobbyists tell him to, like every candidate up there. You, Pamela are NOT a true Conservative, if these are what you believe. Enjoy the loss at the convention. I can't wait to hear about the conspiracy theories you have formed.
He may have went a little bit to far but in all honesty Bachmann and Santorum doesn't seem to like muslims very much and they are all aboutIsrael. Everything else that these candidates have that is good they have just copied of Ron Paul.

They love Muslims so much that they want to invade their countries and bomb them into submission.
Happy to see your article has brought out all the nasty Paul-bots, Pamela! The truth ALWAYS "sets them off"! Paul-bots are the lowest life form. You are so correct, Pamela, Paul hates Jews and Israel, and loves Sharia. I will not vote for him under any circumstances.
I respectfully submit that Rick Santorum is the best overall candidate, and I will be voting for him in Florida's Primary on January 31st. In the meantime, Paul-bots will continue to swarm various straw polls in counties all over Florida, as they have been doing recently. The Republican Party of Pasco County, Florida had a straw poll last week, and Paul-bots from all over Florida swarmed the county fairgrounds of that mostly rural county, and stuffed the ballot boxes. The Republican Party leadership of Pasco county reported to the Tampa Tribune that Paul-bots came from all over Florida, from Jacksonville to Miami, to stuff the ballot boxes of the Pasco county straw poll. What nutters! They should get a life. Virtually none of the voters in the straw poll for Paul were actually from Pasco County. The actual voters of Florida will have the last laugh, however, because the only primary polls that count in Florida will be tallied on January 31st, 2012!

Ron Paul is not a racist. Ron Paul is the least racist candidate running for president. Ron Paul is all about individualism, not collectivism. You do realize that Israel would be better off without any intervention from the United States, or are you too myopic to realize this? Listen to Ron Paul speak on racism here:

Israel can take care of itself. Benjamin Netanyahu doesn't want any intervention from the United States. Listen to him speak here:

Do you now understand?!

Just ignore all the pathetic stupid hateful comments by some ignoramuses above. I completely agree with you. Ron Paul is an Islamofascist and an apologizer like Ob(s)ama bin Lying.
Good for you, and keep supporting freedom.
Yours in Liberty

Now I'm gonna look up the creepy things that I've been hearing that are featured on Ron Paul supporters' online sites. Many different people are saying they are shocked at the hate, the Anti-Semitism, the racism, even the blunt anti-Americanism that is encouraged on these Ron Paul support sites.
The Ron Paul disciple denials and defense is sickeningly absurd - they all appear to be of the same ilk as those RP supporters who comment and congregate on the nazi racist SFront website.
Cut from the same filthy cloth, resembling an infestation of filthy coackroaches - shame one can't call upon Pest Control....

Yeah...because starting another multi-trillion dollar war right when we're on the brink of a total economic collapse is just such a resplendently conservative thing to do.
Go Bachmann!

For all that Ron Paul does to speak out for the interests of Muslims, why can't anybody figure out who he REALLY works for? Or the rest of the truther closet jihadists?
Wow a Ron Paul supporter whose user name is "Quran". Imagine that.

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