Monday, December 26, 2011

Ron Paul and supporters of hate need to be purged from polite society

found this on a blog site: 

"Ron Paul and those who believe in his hate need to be purged from polite society and sent to the shadows where they belong."

Scott Kirwin said...
I've looked into Ron Paul after finding his economics policy appealing. What I've found is a racist (see Ron Paul newsletter), tin-foil hatted (see Truther comments, JFK conspiracy comments) anti-Semite throwback to the Dark Ages of conservatism of the 1930s. A conspiracy nut, anti-semite, and racist: Exactly what the Left paints the Right out to be.

If what you've written is true, the only thing we can do is shine the light on his beliefs and expose him for what he is. Let him take the bigots, the Jew haters, the tin-foil hat crowd out of the GOP. It would do the party good - as long as they are shown to be the hateful troglodytes that they are.

As Buckley jr did in the 1950's perhaps it's time we did it again. Ron Paul and those who believe in his hate need to be purged from polite society and sent to the shadows where they belong.

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