Monday, January 09, 2012

Chevy Volt, Fiat 500 Worst Auto Flops of 2011

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The Worst Product Flops of 2011

1. Ashley Push-Up Triangle (provocative bikinis for tykes)
Company: Abercrombie & Fitch

2. Qwikster (crappy spin off / cast off for DVD half of Netflix)
Company: Netflix

3. Volt (expensive electric car that's costs 3X Prius that is almost as good as the Cruze)
Company: General Motors

GM (GM) was originally so excited about the Volt that the company had announced in January it was speeding up its roll-out by six months. But by November the excitement had fizzled out. Larry Nitz, GM’s executive director for vehicle electrification told Reuters, “It’s naive to think that the world is going to switch tomorrow to EVs [electric vehicles].” Indeed, sales for the vehicle have been consistently low. Only 125 models were sold in July 2011. This was after GM spokeswoman Michelle Bunker was quoted as saying that the Volt was “virtually sold out” due to its popularity — a statement later shown to be misguided. Adding insult to injury, Chevy Volts are under investigation for fires involving the cars’ lithium-ion batteries. For concerned Volt owners, GM has offered free loaner cars.

4. HTC Status (Facebook Phone)
Company: AT&T/HTC

5. PlayBook (Crappy iPad)
Company: Research In Motion

6. Fiat 500 (They thought Americans would buy a rehash of a Fiat that was so bad it was never even imported into America, and they were never too fond of the Fiats that DID sell in America like the 128, 131, 124 etc.)

Company: Fiat

This year, Fiat released its new 500 — a three door car that is under 12 ft. long. The car was expected to be a big seller, rivaling BMW’s Mini. Even before the car’s launch, however, detractors were predicting failure. Alan Mulally, CEO of Ford (NYSE: F), stated in Panorama magazine, “I do not see a large market in the U.S.A. for a smaller car than the Fiesta. Those that tried failed.” He was right. According to online magazine DailyTech, “Fiat expected to sell 50,000 500s during 2011 in North America. Through the first seven months of 2011, Fiat sold fewer than 12,000.” Sales were so poor that Chrysler Group, which manages the Fiat brand in the United States, ousted U.S. chief Laura Soave this past November. (They also built a lot of expensive dedicated showrooms to sell only one kind of car, the Fiat 500 next to Chrysler/Jeep/Dodge showrooms)

7. Mars Needs Moms
Company: Disney

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