Tuesday, January 31, 2012

NYT: Black Segregation Declining, Still Greater than Asian or Hispanic

January 30, 2012
Segregation Curtailed in U.S. Cities, Study Finds
More than 40 years after the federal government enacted fair-housing legislation and the Great Migration of blacks from the South began to ebb, residential segregation in metropolitan America has been significantly curtailed, according to a study released Monday.
The study of census results from thousands of neighborhoods by two economics professors who are fellows at the Manhattan Institute, a conservative research organization, found that the nation's cities are more racially integrated than at any time since 1910; that all-white enclaves "are effectively extinct"; and that while black urban ghettos still exist, they are shriveling

see article: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/31/us/Segregation-Curtailed-in-US-Cities-Study-Finds.html?partner=rss&emc=rss&pagewanted=print

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