Monday, January 09, 2012

Dueling Pan Am Recaps: Return of Bridget, Boilling Water, Beatles Tickets

more dueling recaps

Pan Am 1x11 "Diplomatic Relations" Promo

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[info]Andryroxy9th-Jan-2012 08:17 am (UTC)
Ughh Dean why?/ Colette :*( /Bridget GTFO!!!
[info]winter_lace9th-Jan-2012 08:18 am (UTC)
Well that lesbian story line is desperate
[info]thebadunkadunk9th-Jan-2012 10:20 am (UTC)
They set it up nicely in tonight's ep but IDK, I don't really care about Amanda enough to care whether or not she prefers women in a way that's not part-time
[info]winter_lace9th-Jan-2012 09:28 pm (UTC)
IDK... I always find random lesbian plots desperate. It always feels like a grab for ratings.
[info]masquerade_079th-Jan-2012 08:28 am (UTC)
[info]thebadunkadunk9th-Jan-2012 10:22 am (UTC)
Omg IKR I was just going to comment that I ship Kate/Anderson for some reason. It started in the last episode when they were pretending to be a couple and he was all stiff and ~British and she was all bubbly and ~American....DW this ship
[info]masquerade_079th-Jan-2012 10:41 am (UTC)
Oh man, I've shipped them since ep.1 so I'm really invested in those two even though I LOVED Goran Visnjic.
[info]lydzi9th-Jan-2012 11:22 am (UTC)
Never forget:

[info]epoche869th-Jan-2012 10:12 am (UTC)
Colette can do so much better than Dean lbr.
[info]lydzi9th-Jan-2012 11:18 am (UTC)
Pains me to see that it's going to be cancelled. They need to tight up those storylines tbh. There's a rythm problem imo. Characters are not consistent. But it definitely deserves a second season. The potential is there.

Also I must be one of the few who ships Maggie and Ted since first episode. They would be glorious.
[info]thebadunkadunk9th-Jan-2012 11:29 am (UTC)
Maggie and Ted have a good banter but for some reason I really do like Kate and Ted. I like Maggie with that reporter guy.

Yeah, tonight's episode was really choppy. I also thought it was going to be more breezy instead of so heavy-dramatic (more like a USA network show I guess).
[info]go3x9th-Jan-2012 11:29 am (UTC)
Fuck Bridgette. GTFO bitch!
[info]xhoney_bee9th-Jan-2012 03:13 pm (UTC)
this show had so much potential. they need better writers!
[info]yhbt9th-Jan-2012 04:47 pm (UTC)
God I love this show!! It is so bad, but I love it.

OMG DEAN I AM SO MAD AT YOU. Why would he go for that strange bitch, when he has Collette?? I'm hoping he comes to his senses and walks out on Bridget. Ugh.

Although I still would have gone to the Beatles :)

Laura is awesome, but I would rather her be with her hot sailor than Ted, although they are adorable together...

I MISS NIKO, where is that Yugoslavian hunk :(
[info]lydzi9th-Jan-2012 07:23 pm (UTC)
I'm so mad at the Beatles tickets. OMG BEATLES!! HOW WHY Dean better cry the rest of his life tbh. He deserves that.
[info]snark_ranger9th-Jan-2012 05:37 pm (UTC)
The problem with the show is each episode they spend too much developing the location of where they are and the time period that we don't end up learning or caring about the characters. It's like on crime/medical shows they set up the case, do it, all while getting some character development in. Pan Am never seems to get that. 

Its hard to care about characters you don't know. 
[info]intothairwaves10th-Jan-2012 04:01 am (UTC)
i agree, the character development seriously blows. it's an hour show. the pacing is awful. they front-load each episode with extraneous information (where we are/where we're going/who we are with) and then the end fifteen minutes is the plot. there is no need for that - locations are to be woven into the storyline, not announced. example: basically every character in the episode references them eventually going to London before it actually happens... why not show them just going there?
[info]onyxobsidian10th-Jan-2012 04:18 am (UTC)
I agree, but in this episode it wasn't that way. They didn't even go anywhere until half way through the story, and even then it was only 2 characters that left. I felt it was a much better format for the show and I am hoping that they focus it that way from now on. It's not about CRAZY AIRPLANE ADVENTURES! This episode showed a lot of the characters, and brought back a character from episode 3, probably a reaction to who the audience responded with.
[info]prophecypro10th-Jan-2012 03:16 am (UTC)
Cant believe the main blond chick is only 21. I thought she was in her 30s
[info]intothairwaves10th-Jan-2012 03:56 am (UTC)
I wanted to smack Dean's face when I saw him go for Bridget's neck. UGH MEN.
[info]homicidalslayer10th-Jan-2012 01:19 pm (UTC)
Am I the only one hoping that Nico will be in the USSR?
[info]verstand11th-Jan-2012 01:12 am (UTC)
Lmao this show is such a mess yet I still watch it. It just keeps getting more and more ridic.

Read more at ONTD:

  1. Pan Am – Dean makes the wrong decision | CliqueClack TV › CliqueClack TV › TV Shows › Pan Am
    1 day ago – 'Pan Am' returns to the friendly skies, with Kate's guilt, Ted's new ... fall into the bed and poor Collette is left alone with those Beatles tickets...
  2. colette and dean | Tumblr

    WAIT COLETTE'S SECRET WAS BEATLES TICKETS!!!!! OMG!!! why!!!!!! Excuse me while I go crawl up in a ball and cry in a dark corner… #Pan Am #Why! ...
  3. pan am | Tumblr

    “Please don’t make this any harder”.
    I've now seen two episodes of Pan Am and I'm pretty sure Colette is the ... going through a rough time. but when you ripped the Beatles tickets, i looked like this ...

    Finally got to see the new episode of Pan Am
    1. Kate is the greatest. All over this shite!!!
    2. Laura is adorable and i love the fact she never swears and said “fudge”
    3. Maggie you need to get your shit together. I’m so confused by you. BTW YOU SEEMED TO BE CONFUSED TOO. NOT THAT I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THAT, BUT I WAS SURPRISED BY THAT PREVIEW.
    5. Bridgett…GTFO
    6. Colette, i love you muchly, and i understand that you were going through a rough time. but when you ripped the Beatles tickets, i looked like this 
    7. Ted. I’d marry you, buuuuttt A) Laura B) ummm i think she plays for the other team?

It isn’t exactly a surprise that Ted is a bit of a dope. He’s proved it time and time again since we started flying Pan Am’s friendly skies; he might have some moments where his true heart is on display, but they are the exception to the rule. But here, he has really stepped in it. There’s a distinction between not seeing the awkwardness in his evolving relationship with Laura and walking head first into it. “Thanking” her with the camera shows just how oblivious he really is.
Notes & Quotes
  • Because I always like to tell you about the guest stars, and I missed him on the last go around, Congressman Rawlings is being played by Chris Beteem of JAG and One Life to Live fame.
  • “What was his name? Bedford?” – Colette
    “I doubt he’s that handsome off stage. They wear makeup, ya know?” – Dean
    “Redford … Robert Redford.” – Colette
    “See, even the name; he just sounds like a prima donna.” – Dean
  • “I have to photograph one beautiful face, and one unusual one.” – Laura
    “What, seriously? Who’s you’re other subject?” – Ted
    “Maggie.” – Laura
    “Oh, OK. For a second there I thought I was the weirdo face.” – Ted
    [Pauses] Yeah.” – Laura
  • “All I’m saying that there are some girls that are saving themselves for marriage; and I admire that. [Pauses] I’m just not one of them.” – Laura
    “Wait … waaa?” – Ted

Mad Men–Minded Guide to Episode 10 ofPan Am

Ted and Amanda not making hot toddies.
Ever since Karine Vanasse (a.k.a. Colette) accidentally tweeted that Pan Am was canceled, we've been wondering how the failed series will bow out. Will it have enough time to wrap up various plot lines? Or will our campy crew simply disappear without a proper good-bye—their mildly entertaining love lives and secret missions suspended in TV land without notice, à la Freaks and Geeks? In Episode 10, all signs point to: “maybe.” But if the small yet dedicated Pan Amfollowing that took to Twitter during last night's episode has anything to do with it, the show will rise from the depths of TV ratings and make the most glorious comeback in the history of semi-interesting shows. Determined to prove their love of the series to ABC execs, fans flooded our feed with #savepanam hashtags during commercial breaks, offering heartfelt arguments such as "How can they not want this show?! It takes place in the 60's! A time of Revolution! plus they travel the world!"

But enough about those desperate Pan Am lovers floating about the Twittersphere. Let's focus on Pan Am love triangles. As promised in the last episode, Bridget returns from exile after Kate completes what she thinks is her final mission in London. Remember that? Cheap tweed blazers? Lots of struggling? Kate shot a guy? Now that Bridget's back, her first order of business is to get her job back at Pan Am. (We'd probably contact family members and let them know we weren't dead, but, hey, that's just us.) Second order: Dean. She wants that charming, chin-dimpled country boy back in her life.

Pan Am Recap: Neck Licking

PAN AM - "Secrets and Lies" -- Fate deals a blow to Dean and Colette's budding romance. Maggie writes a critical story for the Village Voice against her congressman's politics but doesn't count on falling for him after she submits it; though she wants to resist, the physical attraction between them is undeniable. Kate finds it hard to move beyond her last spy assignment and is haunted by the repercussions - she faces a fate similar to Bridget's if she cannot fake her way through a lie detector test. And Laura is in a tailspin as Ted thinks he's found the love of his life, on "Pan Am," SUNDAY, JANUARY 8 (10:01-11:00 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network.  (ABC/ERIC LIEBOWITZ)

It’s been a month since we’ve seen the Pan Am crew, and some of the staff got bored on their break. Maggie picked up freelance journalism, sort of, and Laura is now apparently taking photography classes. Laura needs to practice taking portraits of incomprehensibly fickle pretty ladies, and fortunately she’s got Maggie right there. Maggie is waiting to hear back about a piece she wrote on the evils of Congressman Rollings. (Burning his speech/hotel room were not enough.) Like some sort of moth drawn to the flame of crazy, Rollings himself shows up at Maggie’s door at that very moment to ask her on a date. She pretends like she’s annoyed, but she loves it.
Perhaps more urgent, Kate just shot somebody and has been standing in that hallway holding the murder weapon for God knows how long. Anderson tells Kate that she needs to run. Not even so much as a “thank you for saving my life”! Honestly, sometimes it feels like there is no real reason I can see as to why Kate is involving herself in this espionage business.

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Pan Am': 'Secrets and Lies' recap

Season 1, episode 10 | Airs Saturday, Dec 8 2012 at 10:00pm EST on ABC
Published Monday, Jan 9 2012, 10:10am EST | By Catriona Wightman | Add comment
'Pan Am' (ABC)
Pan Am has its critics (OK, it has a lot of critics), but the fall finale ended on a great shocker. I still maintain that it's an entertaining soap, and while some storylines are more enjoyable than others, that was largely in evidence this week.

We begin right where we left off - Kate's just shot that naughty jeweller Cyrus. Roger immediately sets about cleaning up, telling her to sort out an alibi and get out while he makes it look like a bungled robbery. Yikes!

But we don't get much chance to find out what happens in the aftermath - we skip forward to New York one week later almost immediately. Kate's at home when there's a knock at the door - Bridget's back! Now that list of agents has been taken care of, she can come out of hiding. She's going to return to Pan Am... and she's come back for Dean. NO. No, no, no.

Why am I so against this? Well, because of Colette! We get to see Colette and Dean post-date and it's all been going swimmingly. Bridget cannot have Dean now! No! It's heartbreaking when, at the airport, after some heavy-duty flirting, Colette spots Bridget from over Dean's shoulder and is forced to alert him to the arrival of his ex-fiancée

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Wow, it’s been a long time since I’ve recapped Pan Am. I almost thought I had forgotten how. But, it would seem that I haven’t. What is different is that I really don’t have much vitriol towards this episode, unlike what seems like the countless others, even though there have only been nine previous episodes.
Okay, a quick recap of the synopsis: Bridget comes back, having been cleared of whatever mess she was in with MI-6 and is now a private citizen. This causes direct problems for Colette because she is currently in a pseudo-relationship with Dean. However, she realizes that she can’t win because Dean still has feelings for Bridget. Bridget ultimately tells Dean who is really is and why she had to lie low, and after a lot of soul-searching, Dean goes back to Bridget, leaving a sad-but-resigned Colette alone. Meanwhile, Ted is being a jerk about his escalated relationship with his old friend Amanda. He confides in Laura about not being able to get in Amanda’s pants, and Laura tells him that he should be a gentleman about it, that some girls like to wait for marriage. He takes her advice, and grows into more of a man in the process. Maggie is dealing with her budding romance with Congressman Rawlings and her hatred for his politics. Lastly, Kate is facing the fallout from her killing the counter-intelligence operative; she is being forced to lie on a polygraph test in order to save her and her British handler’s lives. She has trouble dealing with her actions, but she ultimately succeeds. This would have gotten her clean out of the spy life forever, but, it is heavily alluded that she stays on, even after going through all of the rigamarole.

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The episode picks up where we left off last year; Kate has shot a soviet spy to protect one of her handlers. He quickly takes charge of the situation and sends Kate on her way, telling her she needs an alibi and to be somewhere else as soon as possible. It’s a fairly effective scene that gets across the gravity of the situation, which is essential for Kate’s plot later in the episode. Things go south from here though as we skip ahead one week to find that Bridget has been able to return to her old life now that her identity is no longer compromised. So what’s the first thing she does? Show up to Kate’s house to talk about how she’s totally going to talk to Dean as soon as possible. Wouldn’t it make just a little more sense to go straight to the guy she intended to marry rather than a co-worker who we’ve seen her share a scant few scenes with? The show tries to explain it away when Kate’s American handler tells her that they thought Bridget could use Kate’s help readjusting to civilian life, but it’s a dull scene that’s only purpose is to set up the reunion of Dean and Bridget rather than say much about the similar lives Kate and Bridget have led during their times as spies.
The contrivances keep on coming as Maggie begins to fall in love with the Republican Congressman she met in the last episode despite her utter abhorrence of his political view

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