Thursday, January 26, 2012

Ron Paul Top Contributors: Army Navy AF, Microsoft Boeing Google

Ron Paul (R)

Top Contributors

This table lists the top donors to this candidate in the 2012 election cycle. The organizations themselves did not donate, rather the money came from the organizations' PACs, their individual members or employees or owners, and those individuals' immediate families. Organization totals include subsidiaries and affiliates.
Because of contribution limits, organizations that bundle together many individual contributions are often among the top donors to presidential candidates. These contributions can come from the organization's members or employees (and their families). The organization may support one candidate, or hedge its bets by supporting multiple candidates. Groups with national networks of donors - like EMILY's List and Club for Growth - make for particularly big bundlers.
US Army $24,503
US Air Force $23,335
US Navy $17,432
Mason Capital Management $14,000
Microsoft Corp $13,398
Boeing Co $10,620
Google Inc $10,390
Overland Sheepskin $10,350
IBM Corp $8,294
US Government $7,756
DUNN Capital Management $7,500
Corriente Advisors $7,500
Greenstreet Co $7,500
Northrop Grumman $7,272
Lockheed Martin $7,208
Intel Corp $6,855
US Dept of Defense $6,524
United Technologies $6,316
Federal Express Corp $6,255
Entergy Corp $5,950

Percent of Contributions Coded How to read this chart


Why (and How) We Use Donors' Employer/Occupation Information
NOTE: All the numbers on this page are for the 2012 election cycle and based on Federal Election Commission data released electronically on Monday, December 05, 2011.
("Help! The numbers don't add up...")
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