Saturday, March 03, 2012

Rochester MN Trip Mayo Autumn Ridge Church Fazoli


The Plummer building of the Mayo Clinic interior looks absolutely amazing. Looks like a 1920 state capitol, nicely renovated inside, amazing ceiling work, most people are familiar with the outside shots with gargoyles.

Fazoli is a very reasonable Italian pasta fast food place I hadn't seen before on the west coast, $3.99 chicken alfredo bowtie brocolli, most dishes 6.50 for generous portions

Went to saturday night service at Autumn Ridge Church of Rochester. Ran into a member who was an agent looking at a house I drove by and by the time she showed us a second condo, she mentioned the church which was one of 4 we looked into from the internet. It used to be First Baptist Church, but now is a nondenominational format and just built a big new midsize megachurch with very modern auditorium setup with a large stage for either orchestral or contemporary christian worship service

Read about the evolution of their services here. The newly built sanctuary seats 1200, and can be expanded to 2500. The saturday evening and one sunday service is the contemporary christian band style, and the quality was very good with one main male, one female lead and a secondary female lead and switching lead /harmony roles with drum set, acoustic and electric guitar, electric bass, keyboard and percussionist 3 male and 3 female vocalists total. The A/V booth had 4 plus cameraman manning various positions. The youth service was in the new gym with seating on the floor, and the youth team had grown up leading on acoustic guitar, keyboard, bass, a very good drummer and very good backup  female harmony singer. There was a dinner with full china and dishwashing crew, an oven for keeping plates of food warm, and drinks included bottles of milk and juice in addition to the usual water and soda. Minnesota is still pretty much white American relative to the coasts, but we met a couple of people from China (they have a Chinese service as well) and a family from Kenya where the mother was one of the lectors.

It seemed pretty nice if you're used to contemporary christian services in a megachurch setting, seems to be the biggest contemporary christian church in town.

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