Sunday, May 06, 2012

Julia Obama's Curious Propoganda Every American


    Take a look at how President Obama's policies help one woman over her lifetime—and how Mitt Romney would change her story.
  2. Under President Obama: Julia is enrolled in a Head Start program to help get her ready for school. Because of steps President Obama has taken to improve programs like this one, Julia joins thousands of students across the country who will start kindergarten ready to learn and succeed.
    Under Mitt Romney: The Romney/Ryan budget could cut programs like Head Start by 20%, meaning the program would offer 200,000 fewer slots per year.
  3. Under President Obama: Julia takes the SAT and is on track to start her collegeapplications. Her high school is part of the Race to the Top program, implemented by President Obama. Their new college- and career-ready standards mean Julia can take the classes she needs to do well.
    Under Mitt Romney: The Romney/Ryan budget would cut funding for public education to pay for tax cuts for millionaires.
  4. Under President Obama: As she prepares for her first semester of college, Julia and her family qualify for President Obama's American Opportunity Tax Credit—worth up to $10,000 over four years. Julia is also one of millions of students who receive a Pell Grant to help put a college education within reach.
    Under Mitt Romney: The American Opportunity Tax Credit would be allowed to expire, and Pell Grant funding would be slashed for 10 million students.
  5. Under President Obama: During college, Julia undergoes surgery. It is thankfully covered by her insurance due to a provision in health care reform that lets her stay on her parents' coverage until she turns 26.
    Under Mitt Romney: Health care reform would be repealed—Romney says he'd "kill it dead."
  6. Under President Obama: Because of steps like the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, Julia is one of millions of women across the country who knows she'll always be able to stand up for her right to equal pay. She starts her career as a web designer.
    Under Mitt Romney: He has refused to say whether he would have vetoed or signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.
  7. Under President Obama: After graduation, Julia's federal student loans are more manageable since President Obama capped income-based federal student loan payments and kept interest rates low. She makes her payments on time every month, keeping her on track to repay her student loans.
    Under Mitt Romney: Under the Romney/Ryan budget, interest rates on federal student loans would be allowed to double, affecting Julia and 7.4 million other students.
  8. Under President Obama: For the past four years, Julia has worked full-time as a web designer. Thanks to Obamacare, her health insurance is required to cover birth control and preventive care, letting Julia focus on her work rather than worry about her health.
    Under Mitt Romney: Romney supports the Blunt Amendment—which would place Julia's health care decisions in the hands of her employer—and repealing health care reform so insurance companies could go back to charging women 50% more than men.
  9. Under President Obama: Julia decides to have a child. Throughout her pregnancy, she benefits from maternal checkups, prenatal care, and free screenings under health care reform.
    Under Mitt Romney: Health care reform would be repealed.
  10. Under President Obama: Julia's son Zachary starts kindergarten. The public schools in their neighborhood have better facilities and great teachers because of President Obama's investments in education and programs like Race to the Top.
    Under Mitt Romney: The Romney/Ryan budget could force steep cuts in federal funding for schools in all 50 states.
  11. Under President Obama: Julia starts her own web business. She qualifies for a Small Business Administration loan, giving her the money she needs to invest in her business. President Obama's tax cuts for small businesses like Julia's help her to get started. She's able to hire employees, creating new jobs in her town and helping to grow the local economy.
    Under Mitt Romney: The Romney/Ryan budget could cut programs like the Small Business Administration by 20%.
  12. Under President Obama: Julia enrolls in Medicare, helping her to afford preventive care and the prescription drugs she needs.
    Under Mitt Romney: Medicare could end as we know it, leaving Julia with nothing but a voucher to buy insurance coverage, which means $6,350 extra per year for a similar plan.
  13. Under President Obama: Julia retires. After years of contributing to Social Security, she receives monthly benefits that help her retire comfortably, without worrying that she'll run out of savings. This allows her to volunteer at a community garden.
    Under Mitt Romney: Julia's benefits could be cut by 40%.

    From cracking down on gender discrimination in health care costs to fighting for equal pay, President Obama is standing up for women throughout their lives.


Republicans like this NY Times critique of this obvious propoganda piece and what it thinks the average American is about:  (hat tip Republican Security Council)
The Obama campaign invents a cartoon everywoman whose partner is, of course, big government.

Her name is Julia, and she has the lead role in an Obama 2012 slide show that follows what’s supposed to be an American everywoman from childhood into retirement, tracking everything the Obama White House’s policies would do for her and everything the “Romney/Ryan” Republicans would not. The list of Obama-bestowed benefits includes Head Start when Julia’s a tyke, tax credits and Pell grants to carry her through college and low-interest loan repayment afterward, guaranteed birth control when she’s a 20-something and government-sponsored loans when she wants to start a business, all of it culminating in a stress-free retirement underwritten by Medicare and Social Security.
All propaganda invites snark and parody, and the story of Julia is ripe for it. She’s an everywoman only by the standards of the liberal upper middle class: She works as a Web designer, has her first child in her early 30s (the average first-time American mother is in her mid-20s), and spends her golden years as a “volunteer at a community garden.” (It will not surprise you to learn that the cartoon Julia looks Caucasian.)
What’s more, she seems to have no meaningful relationships apart from her bond with the Obama White House: no friends or siblings or extended family, no husband (“Julia decides to have a child,” is all the slide show says), a son who disappears once school starts and parents who only matter because Obamacaregrants her the privilege of staying on their health care plan until she’s 26. This lends the whole production a curiously patriarchal quality, with Obama as a beneficent Daddy Warbucks and Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan co-starring as the wicked uncles threatening to steal Julia’s inheritance.

Life of Julia parodies

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On May 4th 2012, the Obama re-election campaign released a piece of statist propaganda called “the Life of Julia” essentially explaining how his policies are geared towards making Americans in general (and women in particular – like the eponymous “Julia”) lifelong wards of the state looking to government for solutions to virtually any inconvenience that could conceivably crop up.
This pathetic attempt to demonize the Republican candidate Mitt Romney predictably backfired with even bastions of left-wing thought like The Atlantic deriding the whole endeavor as the healthy dose of fail it so clearly is.
Naturally, right thinking Americans were not far behind in displaying their disdain for the Obama campaign’s contemptible patronizing, generating a slew of hilarious memes,tweets and articles poking fun at this heaping pile of crap.
A common tactic has been to either change out the captions on Julia’s story
or to use the simple cartoonish format to plant new images
In any case, hilarity ensued
In short order, an official twitter parody account appeared and the whole clusterfark came full cycle

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Life of Julia parodies
Life of Julia parodies
Life of Julia parodies
Life of Julia parodies
Life of Julia parodies
Life of Julia parodies
Life of Julia parodies
Life of Julia parodies
Life of Julia parodies
Life of Julia parodies
Life of Julia parodies

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2 days ago0
And here’s another one. The Life And Death of Julia:

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