Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Michell Obama Shows Solidarity With African American Leader Louis Farrakhan in 2004

And then there's this new picture surfacing on a variety of sites indicating a possible venue where Michelle blurted out against "whiteys." Note that Michelle Obama is in the company of the wife of the racist Reverend James Meeks (video) and the mother of Nation of Islam leader Minister Louis Farrakhan. AS noted by wsjreader, a Free Republic poster, the timing of this event is interesting because it was on was held June 26th-July 1st, 2004, the month before the Democratic Party opened its Convention in Boston (where Barack Obama would give the keynote address on July 27th, which first introduced him to a national audience). So, this panel discussion Michelle participated in occurred before Obama was a household name - and thus before national media was paying any attention to what Michelle Obama was doing.
CAPTION: Picture 11, Rev. Willie T. Barrow, chairman emerita, Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, enjoys the Women's Luncheon with Michelle Obama, wife of U.S. Senate candidate Barack Obama of Illinois and executive director of community affairs, University of Chicago Hospital, Shoshana Johnson, the nation's first Black female POW and former Iraqi captive, and Mrs. Jamell Meeks, wife of the Rev. James Meeks, vice president, Rainbow/PUSH, and Rev. Dr. Barbara King, Mother Khadijah Farrakhan, wife of Nation of Islam leader Minister Louis Farrakhan, and Judge Arnette Hubbard.;
Shoshana Johnson, an American hero, is also in the picture, but more likely as a guest - not a participant in any racist discussions - if there were any.

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