Friday, June 22, 2012

Fukushima Alert June 21, 2012 - TEPCO Performed Flawlessly???

Fukushima Alert June 21, 2012 - TEPCO Performed Flawlessly???

10 new results for fukushima
Nuclear Operator in Japan Exonerates Itself in Report
New York Times
The much vilified operator of the tsunami-hit nuclear power plant at Fukushima releases its final report on last year's disaster, exonerating itself of any failure.The much vilified operator of the tsunami-hit nuclear power plant at Fukushima released a report on Wednesday that said the company never hid information, never underplayed the extent of fuel meltdown and certainly never considered abandoning the ravaged site. It asserts that government interference in the disaster response created confusion 
and delays.


  • Japanese Officials Failed to Use U.S. Data Tracking Radiation After Tsunami (June 20, 2012)
    stuck to a defense it has offered since the earliest days of the crisis: that no company could have predicted or prepared for last year’s magnitude 9.0 quake and subsequent tsunami.
     new details of the disaster have emerged that build a picture of an organization that ignored or concealed that its reactors might be vulnerable to quakes and tsunamis, used its close links with regulators and nuclear experts to hijack nuclear policy and — since the accident — has worked vigilantly to shut out close scrutiny of the ravaged plant’s condition. 

    “The tsunami we experienced was just that big,” said the Tepco executive vice president Masao Yamazaki, who led the investigation. “The workers on the ground did their utmost under extreme conditions.”
    ...distancing itself from the layers of missteps in the nuclear disaster, which left more than 100,000 people displaced and areas uninhabitable possibly for decades.
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Crisis plans lag even as Japan's reactors restart
Fox News
TOKYO – If the Ohi nuclear reactors plunged into a Fukushima-style meltdown, the only route for escaping or for sending help would be a winding, cliff-hugging ...
started land surveys only this month for the multibillion-dollar project to repair the sole route to the Ohi nuclear plant, which sits at the tip of a peninsula, and to add a new alternate evacuation road. Heavy snowfalls and summer beach traffic often clog the existing, 740-meter (810-yard) access road.

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Husband of Fukushima suicide victim demands justice
Mikio Watanabe's Fukushima home is contaminated with radiation and filled with the nightmares of his wife's horrific suicide.
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Fukushima Watch: F1 versus Typhoon Part 2 — Water, Not Wind
Wall Street Journal (blog)
Late Wednesday, Tepco finally made its full report on Tuesday's Typhoon Guchol and its effect on the Fukushima Daiichi plant. The bottom line: The typhoon's ...
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Wall Street Journal (blog)
ANALYSIS: Concerned about Fukushima compensation, TEPCO ...
Asahi Shimbun
Tokyo Electric Power Co. admitted it wasn't prepared for the size of the tsunami last year. But it blamed the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency for failing to ...
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Japan nuclear minister speeds up Fukushima cleanup
Reuters UK
TOKYO (Reuters) - Workers at the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant will begin removing fuel rods from a damaged reactors a year ahead of schedule, ...
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Fukushima: The Accident Waiting To Happen
The Fukushima disaster was not 'unexpected' as much as it was ignored, tsunamis of that magnitude had occurred in the past, TEPCO knew that a tsunami of ...
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Japan turns the power back on
Financial Times
The Japanese are rightly sceptical of industry and government claims that things are fine – also made before and during Fukushima. The governance of Japan's ...
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TEPCO: Fukushima plant was not prepared
The operator of Japan's Fukushima Daiichi power plant, damaged by last year's earthquake and tsunami, said Wednesday it was not prepared for such a ...its investigation into the equipment failure .. revealed the plant's lack of precautions against such incidents, CNN reported. "All who were related to the nuclear plant could not predict an occurrence of the event which was far beyond our expectation," said Masao Yamazaki, TEPCO executive vice president. "We did not have enough measures to prevent the accident.
"We recognize these points should be improved," Yamazaki -- who chaired TEPCO's investigative committee -- said at a press conference Wednesday.

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Japan utility admits flaws worsened tsunami crisis
The operator of the Japanese nuclear plant devastated last year by a tsunami has issued a final report on the disaster, outlining organizational and ...
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Press Release (Jun 20,2012)
Release of the Fukushima Nuclear Accidents Investigation Report
We, Tokyo Electric Power Company, recognize ourselves as the main party involved in the nuclear accident triggered by the Tohoku-Chihou-Taiheiyo-Oki Earthquake on March 11, 2011. We have established the "Fukushima Nuclear Accidents Investigation Committee" and "Nuclear Safety and Quality Assurance Meeting Accident Investigation Verification Committee" comprised of external experts, and have been engaging in a thorough investigation of the accident. On December 2, 2011, an interim report including a summary of investigation/verification results and recurrence prevention measures was released. (Press release issued on December 2, 2011.)
Today, we would like to announce the release of the Accidents Investigation Report, which reports the summarized results of the investigation/ verification that have been done so far. After releasing the interim report, we have continued our efforts in learning as much as possible, especially important lessons learned, from the accident through a number of site investigations, reviewing documents and records, collecting information from parties involved in the accident, etc. Further investigation and verification were done through objective analysis by verifying the assessed results of the event progress using analyses based on the collected information. Additional topics such as support provided for the nuclear stations right after the accident, information disclosure, radiation control status and evaluation of the release of radioactive materials are covered in the report (these were not mentioned in the interim report).
This report was summarized with an eye on what is necessary for ensuring nuclear safety, and the important lessons learned will be incorporated into our future business operation. Once again, we keenly feel the responsibility for the accident and are determined to engage in business operation with safety on the top priority to prevent future recurrence. At the same time, we will continueimplementing our mid to long term measures toward decommissioning of the reactors at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station.
< Attachment >
-Fukushima Nuclear Accidents Investigation Report: Main body (Summary) (PDF 985KB)
-Fukushima Nuclear Accidents Investigation Report: Main body (Summary, Attachment) (PDF 328KB)
-Fukushima Nuclear Accidents Investigation Report: Main body (PDF 4.94MB)
-Fukushima Nuclear Accidents Investigation Report (Appendix-1) Statement of the Prime Minister's Office regarding decommissioning (PDF 215KB)
-Fukushima Nuclear Accidents Investigation Report (Appendix-2) Schedule(Time series) (PDF 3.22MB)
-Fukushima Nuclear Accidents Investigation Report (Attachment) (PDF 32.2MB)
-Major changes made on the interim report issued on December 2, 2011 (PDF 764KB)

English translations of the reports and the appendixes are now being developed and it takes a while to complete them.
We will post the translations one by one when it is prepared.
(The documents written in Japanese below will be replaced by English translations.)
We apologize for this inconvenience caused.
Blogs2 new results for fukushima
Fukushima disaster hasn't scared off global nuclear development - RT
While some countries have shut down nuclear energy plants, others are investing in new power units. Rosatom says its ready to invest in the construction of the second nuclear power plant at Temelin in the Czech Republic.
News RSS : Today
Mother Nature Reminds Tokyo of Fukushima's Ongoing Vulnerability
By (John Daly)
Japan are to restart nuclear reactors at its Oi nuclear power plant. Recent earthquakes and a typhoon show that Japan's nuclear industry is still vulnerable to. Daily News Update

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