Sunday, June 24, 2012

Iran announces capture of Mossad / CIA nuclear scientist agents on Veterans Today

Interesting PressTV evidently isn't Iran's only press outlet. Veteran's Today is the only Western press that is covering Iran's claim to have captured US/Israeli "terrorist" agents are the "true patriots" at Veteran's Today. Many including ADL have noticed VT's usual point of view that tellingly is anti-US and anti-Israel military policy, but consistently favors Iranian and its allies in Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine and pro-Iranian US figures such as Ron Paul and Michael Scheuer. 

Makes you wonder who is paying the bills for this outfit that seems to be right on top of every press release that either comes directly from the Iranian government, or is some outlandish conspiracy theory that is too crazy for PressTV but nevertheless supports the Iranian cause, such as Sgt Bales episode Afghanistan atrocities really being helped by the US Army rather than by the Taliban which seems more likely. 

Ziabari is VT's Iranian correspondent. Editor Gordon Duff has also bragged that he is PressTV's goto guy for commentary that opposes US and Israel military policy but supports Iranian and Arab military policy.

20 Mossad/CIA Face Execution in Iran for Terror Killings

Iran: Terrorists Arrested, Hopes Renewed

Kourosh Ziabari
Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan, the assassinated Iranian nuclear scientist

The announcement by Iran’s intelligence ministry that it has arrested 20 people associated with the terrorist operations in which two of the country’s nuclear scientists were assassinated received the Western mainstream media’s meaningful silence, but clearly demonstrated the influence and might of Iran’s intelligence apparatus, giving a serious warning to the hell-bent enemies of the nation that their further plots and conspiracies can be immediately nipped in the bud.
According to Iran’s intelligence ministry, about 20 suspects linked to the assassination of nuclear scientists Majid Shahriari and Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan have been arrested and further details regarding their detainment will be released as soon as the security precautions are lapsed.
In an interview with Young Journalists Club, Iran’s intelligence minister Heydar Moslehi said that these suspects, through the soil of a neighboring country, have frequently traveled back and forth to Israel to receive training, weaponry and ammunition needed to carry out their clandestine operations.
Different analyses have been put forward with regards to the assassination of Iran’s nuclear scientists. The common point in all of the political commentators’ assessments of the killings is that whether ordered and perpetrated by Israel or the United States, these killings are indicative of a large-scale, multifaceted covert conspiracy aimed at paralyzing Iran’s nuclear program.
So far, five scientists in connection with Iran’s nuclear program have been assassinated. The United States has denied any role in the murders, while Israel has remained silent. On June 14, BBC Persian website published a report in which it alleged that Israel has refused to deny involvement in the killings because it wants to intimidate Iranians and exaggerate the extent of its intelligence authority: “it’s not clear whether or not the ambiguous stance of Israel’s intelligence entities bespeaks of their actual involvement in the assassination of Iran’s nuclear experts or is aimed at intimidating [Iranians] and strengthening this standpoint that these organizations are strikingly capable of carrying out their plans.”

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