Saturday, June 16, 2012

Steven Powell Given Exceptional Sentence, Will Not Say Sorry

Steven Powell got an "exceptional sentence" and has to undergo treatment, but he's still not sorry, and this judge hasn't been shown anything to indicate that he had anything to with Susan's murder, which is still pretty remarkable authorities still want to let him off the hook for Susan.

Pierce County Superior Court Judge Ronald Culpepper said he felt Powell's actions warranted an exceptional sentence and ordered the 62-year-old man to serve 30 months in custody and up to three years on probation. Powell will have to take a psychosexual examination, undergo sexual deviance treatment and pay restitution to his victims, who are now in counseling.
"Here we have two little girls doing nothing but minding their own business and their creep of a neighbor is peering at them, leering at them," Culpepper said. "There's something seriously wrong with Mr. Powell's view of women in the world."
But the judge said he cannot hold Powell accountable for the disappearance of his daughter-in-law Susan Cox Powell and wanted to be careful not to sentence him because of the notoriety of that case.
"I know some people want Mr. Powell to rot in prison for the rest of his life," Culpepper said. "But I don't think that's appropriate. ... As far as I know, there's nothing to indicate he was involved (in the disappearance)."


With the credit, Powell will likely spend just over another 16 months in custody.

 before the hearing started, Bremner was taken into a back room where she served Powell with a lawsuit for "general wrongful acts, invasion of privacy, outrage and voyeurism."

"I have yet to hear you apologize. You've sat there smugly as if it's perfectly normal to commit your crimes," she said to Powell. "Shame on you! Shame on you for not admitting what you did was wrong, and for not admitting it at all."

 In a pre-sentence report, the Department of Corrections sided with prosecutors and recommended the same sentence, citing "aggravating circumstances."
also asked the judge "not to punish Mr. Powell for the crimes of his son,"  referring to Josh Powell
(what crimes, Steve says Josh was innocent)

Alina (who is on youtube pretending to be Susan):I think it's appropriate the judge did ignore the 10-year thing," Powell's daughter, Alina Powell, said after the hearing. "I don't know what to say about 30 months. I don't know what the law says about that." She said she does not know if she believes her father is guilty and always knew him to be a "wonderful man." Now, her father is doing "just fine considering the circumstances." She also said she was not surprised that he did not speak in court.

 At one point, the author of the report said he lost count of how many times Steven  Powell wrote about fantasies involving Susan, including a hope that his son would break up with her so he could marry her.
comments :

wool over eyes
Even though I agree that 10 years is extreme for voyeurism, this sentence feels like a simple slap on the wrist. Having never admitted any guilt or shown any remorse, he is very likely to be a repeat offender once he has fulfilled the terms of his sentencing.Steve Powell is a sick man and deserves to be required to take the sex offender course at Utah State Prison before he is allowed to be in the public again. His obsession with Susan was sickening. This man knows more than he is admitting, and it is too bad that the trial could only concentrate on the voyeurism charges. If he would engage in voyeuristic activities and fantasize about his daughter-in-law (ewwww!)I believe he is capable and culpable for other crimes as well.
Herriman, Utah
It may seem like Steven Powell "has gotten away with something," but believe me JUDGEMENT DAY is "just around the corner" for him if he doesn't amend his performance in life. Today's sentence will provide him an opportunity to finally acknowledge his crime(s) and change his life. But if he doesn't grab hold of that opportunity, the future seems to point toward a time when he will finally get what he has done and "fully pay the price!"

If he has any information that can be useful in finding his daughter-in-law, I would hope that he will do himself a great favor by sharing that information. However, his past performance and tendencies in seemingly always "leaning to the left" does not bode very well with regards to finding Susan's body either.

Good luck, Mr. Powell, you are certainly going to need it!!!

Our prayers are with the innocent victims in this case. May you all be blessed for having endured this tragedy!
Ex Pat
Salt Lake City, Ut
Too bad Susan didn't get 30 months. This guy is sick.
Manti, UT
This man is a quandary. He lost his son and two beautiful grandchildren to a vile death, yet he shows no emotion or remorse. In fact, he seems to have so much hate and filth inside of him he can't break out of his own twisted world to face reality. I almost have a sense of pity for him. What a wasted life he has. Anyone he touched has met pain and death. Two and a half years in prison will make no difference in this pervert's life to change him for the better. I don't know if anyone can help him. I have a feeling that in his dark, macabre mind he knows all about Susan and her whereabouts. But he will never tell because it's a matter of control and just plain meanness for him. Such a shame this man will be released on society in 30 months to do some more of his perversions.
Somewhere in Time, UT
If he admits knowing about Susan he is an accessory. He needs forced therapy and isolation from society. He is really warped.
Danbury, CT
This is a total travesty!!!
Wayne Rout
El Paso, TX
This is another example of liberal "justice" with extreme compassion for the criminal and none for the victims. Throwing out charges, giving him credit for time served, allowing for good behavior sentence reduction…totally unacceptable. He deserves the justice he would have received a century or more ago. This kind of justice is a waste of time and money.
A voice of Reason
Salt Lake City, UT
The judge was absolutely right in that he has not been authorized to make any such judgement regarding Susan's disappearance. He was also right to not penalize Powell in his judgement to any degree based on public outcry.

That is a 'text book' right thing to do and I believe it is for good reason. I don't need him to rot in jail forever over this crime. If this were another man, a more respectable man- then I feel that 30 months and 3 years probation would be a fair sentence primarily because I'm less concerned about prison time as I am about restoring him (if even possible) to living according to morally right choices.

The treatment, examinations, and paying restitution all add up to serving justice. Lengthy sentences most often produce criminals who simply recommit crimes. Examinations and treatment may or may not convince the guy to change, but I believe it is far more effective than confining someone for years- not to mention the fact that you've surrounded them by other criminals of all sorts for so long.

The only thing I disagree with is offering the possibility of even further reduction.
Salt Lake City, UT
Cats suggested "If he admits knowing about Susan he is an accessory."
Did he admit something, or are you one of those people that presume he knows something about Susan because he is the father of Josh. Don't you just hate living in a country where you can only be tried for your own crimes?
I would hope that Steve Powell will repent of the things he has done wrong and be able to be a productive member of society. Those that are calling for his head have no Christ-like feeling in them whatsoever.
EX Pat .. Susan is in a far better place now and lets not jump to conclusions-you have no idea if Steven Powell had anything to do with Susan's disappearance.
Miss Piggie
Salt Lake City, UT
@wool over eyes:

"Even though I agree that 10 years is extreme for voyeurism, this sentence feels like a simple slap on the wrist."

Even a slap on the wrist is excessive. This guy damaged or hurt no one. Not even himself.

"His obsession with Susan was sickening."

And what about her inamorata with him? Is that sick as well? Maybe they're both sick.

"This man knows more than he is admitting..."

Perhaps you can fill in the details of what else he knows. Go for it.

"... and it is too bad that the trial could only concentrate on the voyeurism charges."

What other charges do you have in mind?

"If he would engage in voyeuristic activities and fantasize about his daughter-in-law (ewwww!)I believe he is capable and culpable for other crimes as well."

Such as what? Perhaps he's in cahoots with the underwear bomber or started the First World War as well...
Salt Lake City, UT
@A voice of Reason:

"He was also right to not penalize Powell in his judgement to any degree based on public outcry."

The public apparently believes that, if he committed one crime he surely must be guilty of many others.

"I don't need him to rot in jail forever over this crime."

He shouldn't have to rot a day in jail for his so-called crime. Tell us, whom did he harm, other than himself?

"If this were another man, a more respectable man..."

How did you find out that this man was not a respectable man?

"... I'm less concerned about prison time as I am about restoring him (if even possible) to living according to morally right choices."

Are you saying our justice system should be concerned about moral choices?


"I would hope that Steve Powell will repent of the things he has done..."

Can you explain exactly what he has done wrong? Would taking snapshots of kids in some degree of undress in a bathroom warrant any time in jail? I've seen worse on a certain (unnamed) TV program shown for the humor it provided the viewing audience.
mapleton, UT
After all the evidence given, and the testimony from his daughter. Powell has been a dark and frightening example of a destroyer of souls: First his own soul, his ex wife, children, grandchildren, daughter in law, her parents, the girls he peeked at, and who knows how many others his actions have reached. He is almost flaunting his crimes and no one has helped this guy. Christ told us to love one another. This light sentence is not showing Steven Powell the kind of tough love and help he obviously needs. And what about Christ like love for the victims and children of the state of Utah? He is so sick (like someone with cancer of his soul) and has been for his adult life. Prison would be the hospital he needs. 30 months is not long enough for this sick soul. Destroyer of souls. The judge words were harsh but his actions of this 30 month sentence is weak, and cowardly. Actions speak louder then words. May his victims somehow find peace, forgiveness, and healing.
Canandaigua, NY
Count me among the people who believe the world will be a better place if Steven Powell never walks free again. As a retired family therapist, I know there is no effective therapy for sexual deviants. Therapy never works for someone who will not acknowledge they have a problem, and does not show remorse for the damage they have done.
A voice of Reason
Salt Lake City, UT

"I would hope that Steve Powell will repent of the things he has done wrong and be able to be a productive member of society."

That's really the best outcome that can happen. While some people foolishly think that they have no choice in the matter, they are wrong. We tend to think that criminals "can't change". I know some cases where that is true because of brain damage that has taken place. But aside from rare exceptions, people can choose as evidenced by those who have. It may not always happen, but that's what we should be working for. That is the ultimate form of optimism.

The German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche wasn't just insane (and imo partly responsible for motivating Hitler), but he was one of the the ultimate pessimists and essentially rolled over and died in his depression. I tend to view pessimists in a similar light. What on Earth does someone value in life with the attitude of not helping others be as best they can. All of us are sinners. I can't say I love the powells, but we all know what's right to do here- helping.
Mchenry, IL
Will he ever be tried for photographing Susan without her knowledge?
Cinci Man
Tell the truth and take the consequences. That's the only way both the victims and perpetrator can heal. An earlier poster stated that he has hurt no one. How amazing that one can be so casual about invasion of ones personal privacy and the destruction of the trust of family members and society in his moral compass. Society cannot trust Steven Powell, and only lifetime probation can keep society vigilant and aware. I'm amazed at how some posters can ignore the flashing red lights.
Florissant, MO
I hope that they watch him very closely once he is released, he will slip up and lead them to where Susan is, he worships her. Then they can go after him, and lock him up for life. If nothing else, God knows exactly what he did and he will have to account to his maker one day.
mapleton, UT
The question one comment posted......Will he face charges of photographing Susan without permission? Not in the sad state of Utah. A state like Texas would have done it. Utah is a good state to be a sexual criminal or murderer as long as you get rid of the body. Lets get some new politicians, judges, police that are not so naive.

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