[main timeline]
Demons and Saints: Murder of Josh and Susan Powell Family
Compiled by an Asian American dad who wants to public to also remember the unsolved Murder of Robert Eric Wone whose murder(s) also got away despite obvious clues. I also wrote about a story of Fundamentalist Mormons vs Child Protective Services in a book called "The Flowers Cried in Texas" at the Yearning for Zion polygamist compound in Texas. That was a case in which the children feared the CPS more than their polygamist parents or their prophet and authorities feared another fiery apocalyptic end like the Waco siege. But Josh Powell indeed staged his own fiery end for him and the surviving boys of the family of Josh and Susan Powell and boys Braden and Charlie. Josh was clearly driven by demons, the Mormons often like to call themselves "saints" as in "latter day", and victims were certainly angels if not saints.
The story of a couple who met at a LDS singles group, married in a Temple wedding (which is the highest kind they have) and have two beautiful boys. Of all American religions and ethnic groups, the Mormons perhaps have the most to brag about upholding model marriages and families. But in this case the marriage heads for the rocks through disputes and even bankruptcy which first attracts national attention when who Nancy Grace describes as a "gorgeous 28 year old stock broker mother two" goes missing when the father Josh Powell returns from a midnight camping trip in subfreezing cold with a story about taking the boys for sledding and s'mores. There are suspicions, but authorities claim they don't have enough evidence to name Powell as more than a person of interest after searching his house, asking for numerous interviews, and seizing property from his house. Now in 2012, questions in the mind of many of his possible guilt are answered when the boys start drawing pictures of their mother in the back of the van on the camping trip, that she was looking for gems in the mines but didn't come back with dad, and point to a woman's chest saying "oweee". The Dad From Hell slams the door on a worried social worker who frantically dials 9-11, while Josh says "I have a surprise for you" and takes a hatchet to his screaming and crying boys, sends out e-mails saying "I'm sorry goodbye" and blowing up his boys and himself in a blazes that sends debris flying all over the Puyallup neighborhood as Josh Powell's family condemn how Josh was the one who was bullied and abused into an apparent suicide double murder.
Websites supporting Cox family
Websites supporting Josh Powell and his father
Steven Powell's elaborate conspiracy theory
4thekiddzz website by brother Michael C. Powell alleged maiming and abuse at Cox household
Sept 21 2011declaration
To read the charging document against Steve Powell, click here.

About West Valley City
West Valley City, Utah is a suburb of Salt Lake City
About Susan Powell
Mother of boys, wife of Josh Powell, missing since December 2009, probably murdered by Josh Powell
Job: Stockbroker Wells Fargo
Age: 28, born ~1981
description: Susan Powell is described as 5-foot-4, 130 pounds, with long, brown hair and blue eyes.
Religion: Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints ("the Mormons")
Children: 2 boys Braden, Charlie
Grew up in: Puyallup, WA
Married: April 2001, at the Portland LDS temple, age 19
Evidently did not go to college?
About the Powell family side:
About Josh Powell
Father of boys, husband of Susan Powell, murder of boys, probable suspect in missing wife case
Age / born 1/20/1976
"Charlie and his 2-year-old brother, Braden, are in Washington with their father, Joshua Powell. Joshua Powell turns 34 years old on Wednesday." Since the story was written on Tuesday the 19th, that means Josh's birthday is 1/20/76."
Family: Josh was the second oldest child of 4 who in 1992 ranged in age from 18 to 7. Steve given custody of the three boys, Terrica had custody of Alina, their youngest daughter. Brothers michael, and sister Jennifer Graves
Father: Steven Powell
Mother: Terrica Powell lives near Utah house
(2009) Occupation: Software programmer, real estate
Joshua Powell worked for Homenet Real Estate for several years
He operated a home-based business called Polished Marketing that creates Web sites and logos for business. He also worked as a computer programmer for a trucking and warehousing company.
Education: claims "2002 college graduation,"
Claim: http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://joshpowellrealtor.com
Grew up in: Puyallup, WA
Religion: Former Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints
Married: April 2001, at the Portland LDS temple
Interests:Joshua Powell's hobbies include radio-controlled cars, gardening and landscaping. Makes a knockout plate of pancakes and eggs.
Statements about wife from loving, faithful husband:
"Josh ... she came from an emotionally abusive home with controlling, manipulative parents."
Steve "We interacted in a lot of sexual ways because Susan enjoys doing that."
... was sexually promiscuous, emotionally unstable and suicidal
The Powells believe the missing woman may have run off with another man, although Josh Powell said in interviews Thursday he doesn't know if his wife was ever unfaithful.
Josh: Susan Powell has always struggled with emotional issues and anger management problems documented as early as November 17, 1992 (11 years old). Susan Powell has said that as a child, she was frequently required to act as a psychologist to her mother, Judy Cox.
Susan Powell's supporters are spreading misinformation about Susan Powell, her husband (Josh Powell), and her parents (Chuck and Judy Cox). The Cox "Friends and Family" frequently contradict themselves in both blogs and media because they change their story regularly.
About Steven Powell
Father of Josh Powell
Divorced from Terrica Powell 1992
performs as a musician under the name of Steve Chantrey
website: http://stevechantrey.com/Pages/Default.aspx
musician biography http://stevechantrey.com/Pages/About/MeetSteve.aspx
song lyrics made for Susan http://www.justicequest.net/forums/showthread.php?t=55475
religion: Former LDS
About Terrica Powell
Mother of Josh Powell
About Jenneifer Graves
Isolated from Powell family, supports Cox family
Graves, who is estranged from her own family but was close with Susan Powell and the couple's two children, has long maintained that she believes her brother had something to do with his wife's disappearance. Her family has not spoken to her since just after her sister-in-law went missing. "They are very bitter and extremely angry I went against Josh," Jennifer Graves said. "They're closing their eyes to the truth and I can't control what they're willing to see and not see."
About Michael Powell
A website called 4thekiddzz was launched by Michael C. Powell .. is accusing the Coxes of willfully "maiming" one of the boys and says the house is in a "state of emergency" and the children are in imminent danger.
About Alina Powell
Youngest sibling sister of Josh Powell
Supports Josh, says he was abused and victimized by government and press
Chuck Cox
Father of Suan Powell Cox
Believes Joshua Powell responsible for Susan Powell disappearance
Judy Cox
Mother of Susan Powell Cox
Believes Joshua Powell responsible for Susan Powell disappearance
Susan's friends
Kiirsi Hellewell, Susan’s best friend, said "She [Susan] wouldn't leave, and I don't know how to tell people that enough. She would not leave her children, and she wouldn't leave without letting her family know."
The Friends and Family of Susan Powell Facebook group was created by Kiirsi Hellewell, Susan Powell’s best friend
"hamsters" Terrica Powell.... recalled how Josh killed baby hamsters by throwing them against the side of their cages.
"mines" the missing Utah mom's four-year-old son reportedly said, "Mommy's in the mine, looking for crystals." http://www.opposingviews.com/i/missing-mom-susan-powell-s-son-mommy-s-in-the-mine
News by Kate Wharmby Seldman (6 Hours Ago) in Society / Crime In an explosive new development in the Susan Cox Powell case, the missing Utah mom's four-year-old son reportedly said, "Mommy's in the mine, looking for crystals." The boy reportedly made the statement after his mom went missing in Dec. 2009, but it wasn't made public until now
"ran away" Susan just happens to disappear the same time that Joshua disappears with the kids at 12:30 AM without telling anybody where they went, after somebody set up fans to dry a big red stain on the living room floor.
"trunk" "The four ladies that were supervising that activity said, 'well, what's this?' 'That's us going camping.' 'Who's in the car?' And Braden said, 'that's Daddy, that's Charlie, that's me'. Then he said, 'well mommy's in the trunk.' Well if Mommy's in the trunk, why is she in the trunk?' He didn't know, he didn't say, I guess. Then, he said we stopped somewhere and mommy and daddy got out and mommy didn't come back." ...That could strike some as a clue. But was young Braden's statement something that investigators could seize on, or just the ramblings of a toddler, who was then just 2?
"wet spot" Joshua Powell last week also added a new detail to one of the case's most glaring elements when he said that a wet spot on a rug in their home that was found the morning after Susan disappeared was caused by a red stain that Susan had decided to clean before she vanished. It was a detail that police have not corroborated.
Interesting his choice of color for the "stain" his wife was cleaning before she ran off with another man of. Gotta keep the house clean when you plan to leave and never return!
Note - Josh said the stain was red, evidently not the police
So after Susan was knocked out by the dinner and went to bed, she decided to set up the rug cleaner and 2 box fans to clean up the huge stain that was made after the dinner but before dad left?
Date: Josh as teenager
Terrica Powell.... recalled how Josh killed baby hamsters by throwing them against the side of their cages. And she said Josh's father, Steven Powell, "has totally stripped away all respect in Josh ... for fidelity in marriage and loyalty to one's spouse."
Date: 1992
Feb. 9, 2012 Josh Powell, the husband of a missing Utah woman who killed himself and his two young sons last week, was a disturbed adolescent who threatened and hit his mother, according to 1992 court documents obtained by ABC News. The documents, filed during the divorce of Josh Powell's parents in Washington state, Steven and Terrica Powell, include several statements by Terrica Powell describing her son's disturbing behavior. Terrica Powell wrote that her son once tried to commit suicide and also threatened her with a butcher knife. On other occasions, he and one of his brothers pushed and hit her, she wrote.
The butcher knife incident, Terrica Powell wrote, was the result of her asking her son to do the dishes.
The divorce of Steve and Terrica Powell involved allegations of mental unfitness, pornography, polygamy and even witchcraft. There were serious conflicts over religion and parenting, and a tug-of-war ensued over the children, who at the time ranged in age from 18 to 7. Josh, the second oldest child, was 16.
Steve eventually was given custody of the three boys, while Terrica had custody of Alina, their youngest daughter — though within a couple years she also went to live with her father.
@@Year 1996
Student at Pierce Community College
The 7th commenter wrote: "Josh Powell also lived in Puyallup at least in his late teens/early twenties. I met him as a fellow student at Pierce Community College and He was my Senior prom date in 1996. I do not know if his family is still there."
That is fine and great that he went to Pierce College (Not Pierce Community College), but they do not grant bachelor's degrees, only associates degrees. He probably got a two year, then transferred to a 4 year college. End result? He still has no 4 year degree. Here is their website: http://www.pcd.edu/
@@Year 1999
Date: 1999
Marini's husband, Tim, met Joshua Powell in 1999 at the singles ward in Tacoma, Wash. The couples were close until Rachel Marini had a falling out with Joshua Powell during a road trip from Utah to Washington several years ago. Rachel Marini, who met the couple shortly after they wed in 2001.
"She had lots of people tell her to end it and get a divorce because it was not worth going through that kind of heartache," Marini said. "But Susan didn't want to give up on her marriage."
However, the Marinis stayed close with Susan via Facebook. Over the past year or so, Susan told the couple the relationship "was still pretty bad, but that for the first time, Susan started standing up for herself," Rachel Marini said.
Mr. Powell reported he : met at Mormon Ward function. They were about age 20. He estimated he were together for 16 months. The couple dated for about a year prior to living together. During their relationship, they had been attending college. One point in their relatiormhip, they took a "break" and during this period ?susan? dated other men. Once and Josh got back together, he learned more about s involvement with another rrian and this had eroded his trust rn her. Ultimately, this caused the end of their relationship.
Mr. Powell met Susan in 2000, when he was 24 and Susan was 19. They met at a Mormon sponsored function. In April 2001, after dating about six months, the couple married. Mr. Powell reported a positive marriage. He noted that eventually Susan's parents urged her to have a separate bank account. He noted he had been agreeable to this idea and stated, "It was like an allowance. Each one of us was to have fun-money to spend without having to discuss it with each other.
Mr. Powell indicated the family did not have financial difhculties.
Early in their marriage, the couple lived with Josh's father, Steven Powell. Eventually, the couple took a 24/7 job, managing a retirement home. 'Iheir einployment required them to live at the facility. After working this job for a year the couple decided to relocate to Utah. In 2004, Joshua
Date: April 2001
He attended Rogers High School with his future wife, Susan Cox, but it wasn’t until the two went to a singles ward activity of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that they met. They married a short while later, in April 2001, at the Portland LDS temple. They found an apartment together a few miles away from her parents.
Susan and her husband are natives of Pullayup, Wash., and members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They met through a church activity at an LDS ward in Tacoma, Wash., and were married in April 2001, said Kiirsi Hellewell, Susan's best friend.
While Joshua Powell went to church sporadically, Susan Powell insisted on taking the children to church each week. And during the past year, despite their financial straits, she also bought them a few Christmas presents.
"Josh didn't like it, but he was letting her do it," Rachel Marini said
Susan Powell, who had worked as a cosmetologist in Washington, embraced life as a homemaker, learning to garden, can, bake bread and crochet.
Date: 2002
Josh says he has his college graduation photo from 2002 in a photo caption
"Mr Powell graduated from the University of Washington with a Business Administration / Management Bachelor's degree in 2002"
Date: Year 2003
Jennifer Graves said she had witnessed a gradual decline over the years in her brother's behavior. She said he was "a bit of an odd duck," but she felt he was making progress after moving to Utah in the fall of 2003 and getting away from his father, Steven Powell. Once in Utah, he would spend hours on the phone with his father, multiple times a week, she said. "If anyone knows anything, it would be Steve," Kirk Graves said, regarding Susan Cox Powell's disappearance. "When he finds a motive, then he'll talk."
Date: 2004
Date: January 2004
The couple managed an assisted living facility in Washington for a while, Hellewell said. They moved to Utah about five years ago searching for a fresh start and to be closer to Joshua Powell's mother and two sisters, who had relocated here, Hellewell said.
The couple found a home in West Valley City and joined the Hunter 36th Ward. Larry Richman, the lay leader of the LDS Church congregation, confirmed the couple are regular members of the church.
Joshua Powell worked for Homenet Real Estate for several years while Susan cared for their sons, ages 2=2007 and 4=2006. Friends and neighbors all say Susan Powell would never leave her two boys.
The other reason to move - to get away from Steven Powell
When I had known Susan a few months, she began talking to me about why it is that she and Josh decided to move to Utah. There were several factors, she originally said…a better job…a new start…a chance to get to know Josh’s sister Jennifer Graves, and Josh’s mother, Teri Powell, better. Then one day she told me that a very big part of the reason she and Josh moved to Utah was to get away from Josh’s father, Steve Powell.
Date: January 2005
Susan Powell becomes a stay at home mother. Susan Powell takes at least six weeks maternity leave then returns to Fidelity Investments for a few weeks of work. It is technically April 2005 when Susan Powell quits her job as Call Center Representative at Fidelity Investments in downtown Salt Lake City, Utah.
son born
Date: October 2005
Date: Year 2006
Josh stops attending LDS church
Date: 2007
son born
Date: Before 2007
Even before the bankruptcy, friends had counseled Susan Powell to leave her husband, who was "very, very controlling," said Rachel Marini, who met the couple shortly after they wed in 2001.
Date: 2007
According to court documents, Joshua Powell filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in April 2007 and listed more than $200,000 in credit card, furniture, student loan and other debts.
Date: 2008
Date: January 2008
Susan Powell starts as a Call Center Representative at Wells Fargo Investments in West Valley City, Utah.
Susan Powell openly discussed the trying year the couple had in 2008 during meetings at her church, where she served as a secretary in the Relief Society.
"Church was a big part of her life. It gave her a sense of feeling needed," said Stephanie Olson, a neighbor and fellow ward member. "A lot of people really loved her and needed her there."
Charles Cox, Susan Powell's father, said the couple had worked through their problems and were doing better.
Joshua Powell's hobbies include radio-controlled cars, gardening and landscaping.
He operates a home-based business called Polished Marketing that creates Web sites and logos for business. He also works as a computer programmer for a trucking and warehousing company.
susan Powell is a stockbroker with a local financial institution. She passed her financial certification while she was pregnant with her first child, Hellewell said.
"She kept saying, 'If anyone had told me I would be a stockbroker, I would have laughed my head off,'" Hellewell said.
Date: June 8, 2008
Police uncovered a safe deposit box that Susan Powell had opened at a Wells Fargo bank that included a will and a letter dated June 28, 2008, stating that if anything happened to her, people should contact Jennifer Graves. Susan Powell wrote that if she died "it may not be an accident, even if it looks like one," the warrants state. **evidence**
Date: Year 2009
Josh stops going to LDS church, discourages boys going with mother
Date: September 2009
Susan Powell and Joshua Powell - Neighbor, Tim Peterson, provides new information about the Powell's
One evening back in September Susan called Peterson to ask for a blessing because she wasn’t feeling well. Peterson called other church Elders and they came to pray for Susan.
When the elders first came into the house Josh talked to them about a computer conference he’d attended for about 45 minutes until Susan - looking pale and ill - walked into the room. They asked her if she wanted the blessing and she said yes.
They asked Josh if he wanted to join in. Peterson said Josh shrugged his shoulders and said OK.
A few minutes later their 4-year old son, Charlie, jumped on Susan’s lap and acted as though he was giving her a blessing. Rather than caring that Susan was ill and being serious about the blessing, all Josh could do was laugh at Charlie, Peterson said.
"All Josh could do was laugh at his son," Peterson said. "It was so heartbreaking to see he just didn't care about her needs."
Peterson remembers a time when Josh yelled at Peterson's family for taking their shoes and socks off in their home. He said he’d be up all night cleaning the floors from the germs on their bare feet.
Susan discussed her first four marriage counseling sessions with Peterson, but once he suggested she divorce Josh because he didn’t appear to be making any effort to improve their marriage, she stopped.
"I told her she was a beautiful, talented woman who could be so much happier in a different situation," Peterson said. "I told her her husband was an energy suck and no one could stand to be around him."
Though they had stopped talking about marriage counseling, they did stay in touch.
Susan wanted to be more social and have friends over. But Most people “couldn’t stand” Josh and would avoid him, Peterson said.
Peterson doesn’t believe Susan was a woman who wanted to leave. Susan sent Peterson an e-mail thanking him for a backyard play set for her two boys, saying it would be great to have next summer to entertain the boys while she did yard work.
Date: November 20, 2009
“I was in the temple with Susan on November 20, 2009, just two weeks before she disappeared,” Debbie said. “Susan would respect any religion as she believed in agency. She would tell you that religion is a way to God, a higher power, a great creator. When we say a prayer the great creator hears us and that doesn't have anything to do with what religion we chose. That just so happens to be the one she chose and believed her husband chose, after all she met him there.”
December 2009
29 30 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Susan Powell is 28 years old, two boys age 2 and 4
this was summarized by Isabelle Zehnder, cited and duplicated by blogs and comments
Sunday late morning: Josh is starting to cook a pancake and egg breakfast / brunch that takes 4 hours to prepare.
Susan Cox Powell, 28, and her two sons attend church services at the Hunter 36th LDS Ward, and then walk home with friend Kiirsi Hellewell. Joshua does not attend chuch.
10 a.m. to 12 p.m.: Stake conference at the Hunter-36 Ward/Stake Building at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Noon: Susan walked home from church with her two boys Isabelle Zehnger http://www.examiner.com/headlines-in-seattle/susan-cox-powell-detailed-timeline-of-days-surrounding-susan-s-disappearance#ixzz1nEhBYRc7
Date December 6, 2009 Time: 12:14 PM
The search warrants reveal Josh Powell told police he had washed the couch on instructions from his wife. His final call before allegedly taking his boys camping was made to his father, Steve Powell, at 12:14 p.m. on Dec. 6, the search warrants state.
One thing that is sadly obvious to me at this point is that even if he originally buried Susan in the area he went "camping," Josh moved her the day he left the police station, got a new cell phone and rented a car, putting 800+ miles on it. That he called Steven Powell the day Susan died to me indicates complicity, father and son. Steven Powell's talking is probably the only way Susan will ever be found. Maybe now is the time the Washington DA can do its part - question Steven Powell unrelentingly, threaten him with being an accomplice to murder, until he confesses where Susan's body is.
Neighbor JoVonna Owings visits the Powell's West Valley City home on Sunday afternoon to visit with Susan. The family had eaten pancakes and eggs for dinner. Susan, who was reportedly feeling ill, takes a nap at about 5 p.m. Owings left, as did Josh Powell, who said he was taking his two sons sledding.
Others have been more supportive, yet more guarded in their in their portrayals of Josh Powell. Jovanna Owings, who was the last person to see Susan (other than Josh and the kids) before she vanished, has characterized the evening of December 6th as a normal dinner (of pancakes made by Josh), with pleasant conversation and work on a crocheting project. But one thing sticks out in my mind. Susan suddenly went to bed feeling sick, even before Jovanna had departed. (poisoned?)
It was crocheting that brought Susan Powell together with fellow churchgoer JoVonna Owings. That friendship continued, and, shortly after Thanksgiving this year, Owings began baby-sitting Saturdays for the Powells.
On Dec. 6, she was at the Powells' home, helping Susan untangle yarn, and joined the family for a dinner of pancakes and scrambled eggs that Joshua Powell made.
"Susan is very energetic and enthusiastic. She's sort of like the Energizer Bunny," Owings said. "She was an excellent mother and wife. She took care of her family, house and husband, and often made meals from scratch."
Time line of Susan Powell's disappearance
Date: December 6, 2009 Time: 4PM Josh Finishes His Knockout Pancake and Egg Dinner
"He made us scrambled eggs with onions and bell peppers and pancakes with cream cheese.”
Afternoon, Dec. 6 » Neighbor JoVonna Owings dropped by the Powells' home Sunday afternoon to visit with Susan Powell. The family had pancakes for dinner.
JoVonna Owings clears up a misconception about the day Susan Powell disappeared
January 30, 2:22 AM
“The only thing that I thought was a little unusual was that Josh took so long to prepare brunch," she said, "Susan took the kids to church in the morning and walked home around noon. I came to their house for the afternoon to spend time with the family and to help Susan untangle some yarn."
“Josh had already started cooking before we got there and didn’t have the meal ready until about 4 p.m. I just figured he didn’t have much experience in the kitchen. When we did eat it was a pleasant meal. He made us scrambled eggs with onions and bell peppers and pancakes with cream cheese.”
"He served us individually. He served the food and gave each person their plates - Susan, Charlie, Braden, himself, and me. I thought he did that for portion-control," she said.
“Not long after we ate Susan was tired and wanted to take a nap,” Owings said. “One misconception I’d like to clear up is that Susan did not say she was sick and she did not appear sick. She was just tired and wanted to rest for a little while."
She went on, “Josh said he’d take the kids out sledding while she rested, and I left at the same time he and the boys left, between 5 and 5:30 p.m. on Dec. 6.”
JoVonna said she offered to bring the yarn back that evening but Josh said no, not to worry about it because Susan wouldn't get a chance to work on it until her next days off.
“Whatever it is that’s happened to Susan, I don’t believe it something she’s doing. It’s something being done to her. She wouldn’t leave her kids - it’s not in her to walk away from her children.”
Date: December 6, 2009 Time: 5PM Josh takes boys sledding as Susan takes a nap
Susan, who was feeling ill, laid down for a nap about 5 p.m. Owings left, as did Joshua Powell, who said he was taking his two sons sledding.
She went on, “Josh said he’d take the kids out sledding while she rested, and I left at the same time he and the boys left, between 5 and 5:30 p.m. on Dec. 6.”
Date: December 6, 2009 Time: 5-8PM
Boys were sledding from 5 to 8 PM, Josh woke them up after they were asleep to go camping.
She was so tired after eating Josh Powell's pancake dinner that he made sure not to serve buffet style, that she had to go lie down. Josh indicated that he decided in the middle of the night (when he and Susan both had to be at work the next day) to wake the boys up from their sound sleep (after they had already been sledding from 5 pm to 8 pm that night) to go on a camping trip in the wilderness (where there is no cell phone signal) "to do smores". That was during a dangerous snow storm. Susan wasn't feeling well, she was due at work the next day, Josh left the house he says around 12:30 am... Susan left her cell phone inside, Continue reading on Examiner.com Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/headlines-in-seattle/where-is-susan-powell-her-father-law-thinks-she-s-having-a-fling-hopes-she-ll-land-on-her-feet-1#ixzz1mP1CHkOK
Compiled by an Asian American dad who wants to public to also remember the unsolved Murder of Robert Eric Wone whose murder(s) also got away despite obvious clues. I also wrote about a story of Fundamentalist Mormons vs Child Protective Services in a book called "The Flowers Cried in Texas" at the Yearning for Zion polygamist compound in Texas. That was a case in which the children feared the CPS more than their polygamist parents or their prophet and authorities feared another fiery apocalyptic end like the Waco siege. But Josh Powell indeed staged his own fiery end for him and the surviving boys of the family of Josh and Susan Powell and boys Braden and Charlie. Josh was clearly driven by demons, the Mormons often like to call themselves "saints" as in "latter day", and victims were certainly angels if not saints.
The story of a couple who met at a LDS singles group, married in a Temple wedding (which is the highest kind they have) and have two beautiful boys. Of all American religions and ethnic groups, the Mormons perhaps have the most to brag about upholding model marriages and families. But in this case the marriage heads for the rocks through disputes and even bankruptcy which first attracts national attention when who Nancy Grace describes as a "gorgeous 28 year old stock broker mother two" goes missing when the father Josh Powell returns from a midnight camping trip in subfreezing cold with a story about taking the boys for sledding and s'mores. There are suspicions, but authorities claim they don't have enough evidence to name Powell as more than a person of interest after searching his house, asking for numerous interviews, and seizing property from his house. Now in 2012, questions in the mind of many of his possible guilt are answered when the boys start drawing pictures of their mother in the back of the van on the camping trip, that she was looking for gems in the mines but didn't come back with dad, and point to a woman's chest saying "oweee". The Dad From Hell slams the door on a worried social worker who frantically dials 9-11, while Josh says "I have a surprise for you" and takes a hatchet to his screaming and crying boys, sends out e-mails saying "I'm sorry goodbye" and blowing up his boys and himself in a blazes that sends debris flying all over the Puyallup neighborhood as Josh Powell's family condemn how Josh was the one who was bullied and abused into an apparent suicide double murder.
- storyboard: http://hu1st.blogspot.com/2008/06/yfz-ranch-raid-storyboard-flower-cried.html#!/2008/06/yfz-ranch-raid-storyboard-flower-cried.html
- Book:The Flowers Cried in Texas
- http://www.deseretnews.com/article/700222406/Timeline-of-events-surrounding-Josh-Powell-Susan-Cox-Powell.htmlDeseret News Detailed timeline of events surrounding Josh Powell, Susan Cox Powell
- ABC Timeline: http://abcnews.go.com/US/powell-family-tragedy-timeline-events/story?id=15520239#.Tzqvd7GvigN
- Time magazine timeline http://newsfeed.time.com/2012/02/07/timeline-the-powell-familys-tragic-two-years/
- AboutJoshPowell.com
- http://www.change.org/petitions/take-down-susan-powellorg-her-memory-is-all-we-have-left-of-her
Websites supporting Cox family
- http://www.facebook.com/pages/Friends-and-Family-of-Susan-Cox-Powell/158207040909324?sk=info (Named as attack site by the pro-Josh website)
Websites supporting Josh Powell and his father
Steven Powell's elaborate conspiracy theory
4thekiddzz website by brother Michael C. Powell alleged maiming and abuse at Cox household
Sept 21 2011declaration
To read the charging document against Steve Powell, click here.
Josh is a loving father and husband. He likes to take his wife out to dinner or watch movies with her. He regularly does activities with his beautiful wife and with his entire family. Josh is totally committed to his wife and children, continually finding new and engaging activities to do with them.
Josh loves to socialize with friends and family. He enjoys gardening, woodworking, and building construction projects. He knows a few songs on the piano and guitar. And he has been known to sing a song when the mood hits. He also loves photography, especially when the photos are of Susan and the boys. He enjoys problem solving and he is a computer programmer by trade. Josh is very involved in his children's lives and every day he includes the children in many hobbies, educational events, and outdoor activities.
About West Valley City
West Valley City, Utah is a suburb of Salt Lake City
About Susan Powell
Mother of boys, wife of Josh Powell, missing since December 2009, probably murdered by Josh Powell
Job: Stockbroker Wells Fargo
Age: 28, born ~1981
description: Susan Powell is described as 5-foot-4, 130 pounds, with long, brown hair and blue eyes.
Religion: Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints ("the Mormons")
Children: 2 boys Braden, Charlie
Grew up in: Puyallup, WA
Married: April 2001, at the Portland LDS temple, age 19
Evidently did not go to college?
About the Powell family side:
About Josh Powell
Father of boys, husband of Susan Powell, murder of boys, probable suspect in missing wife case
Age / born 1/20/1976
"Charlie and his 2-year-old brother, Braden, are in Washington with their father, Joshua Powell. Joshua Powell turns 34 years old on Wednesday." Since the story was written on Tuesday the 19th, that means Josh's birthday is 1/20/76."
Family: Josh was the second oldest child of 4 who in 1992 ranged in age from 18 to 7. Steve given custody of the three boys, Terrica had custody of Alina, their youngest daughter. Brothers michael, and sister Jennifer Graves
Father: Steven Powell
Mother: Terrica Powell lives near Utah house
(2009) Occupation: Software programmer, real estate
Joshua Powell worked for Homenet Real Estate for several years
He operated a home-based business called Polished Marketing that creates Web sites and logos for business. He also worked as a computer programmer for a trucking and warehousing company.
Education: claims "2002 college graduation,"
Claim: http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://joshpowellrealtor.com
"Josh earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration. Throughout his college years he received some of the highest honors available, including Phi Theta Kappa, Magna Cum Laude, and repeated placement on the President’s List. He also enjoyed people, electing to participate in many social activities, including among others: public speaking, campus politics, drama productions, and writing for the campus newspaper."
Nobody can verify a degree from any college in washington state.
"A reporter who has written many articles about the Susan Powell case .. stated she had been told Josh attended Eastern Washington University."
Josh Powell did NOT earn a degree while attending their institution. This is the THIRD college we websleuthers have received verification from that Josh Powell did NOT earn a degree!
National Student clearinghouse
Information verified:
Name on school's records: Josh S Powell
Date Awarded n/a
Degree title No Degree -- enrollment only
official name of school: Eastern Washington University
Major courses of study: business administration
date of attendance 9/11/1997 to 3/20/1998 (1 year)
Pierce College 1996 (2 year program)
Pierce College 1996 (2 year program)
Religion: Former Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints
Married: April 2001, at the Portland LDS temple
Interests:Joshua Powell's hobbies include radio-controlled cars, gardening and landscaping. Makes a knockout plate of pancakes and eggs.
Statements about wife from loving, faithful husband:
"Josh ... she came from an emotionally abusive home with controlling, manipulative parents."
Steve "We interacted in a lot of sexual ways because Susan enjoys doing that."
... was sexually promiscuous, emotionally unstable and suicidal
The Powells believe the missing woman may have run off with another man, although Josh Powell said in interviews Thursday he doesn't know if his wife was ever unfaithful.
Josh: Susan Powell has always struggled with emotional issues and anger management problems documented as early as November 17, 1992 (11 years old). Susan Powell has said that as a child, she was frequently required to act as a psychologist to her mother, Judy Cox.
Susan Powell's supporters are spreading misinformation about Susan Powell, her husband (Josh Powell), and her parents (Chuck and Judy Cox). The Cox "Friends and Family" frequently contradict themselves in both blogs and media because they change their story regularly.
About Steven Powell
Father of Josh Powell
Divorced from Terrica Powell 1992
performs as a musician under the name of Steve Chantrey
website: http://stevechantrey.com/Pages/Default.aspx
musician biography http://stevechantrey.com/Pages/About/MeetSteve.aspx
song lyrics made for Susan http://www.justicequest.net/forums/showthread.php?t=55475
religion: Former LDS
About Terrica Powell
Mother of Josh Powell
About Jenneifer Graves
Isolated from Powell family, supports Cox family
Graves, who is estranged from her own family but was close with Susan Powell and the couple's two children, has long maintained that she believes her brother had something to do with his wife's disappearance. Her family has not spoken to her since just after her sister-in-law went missing. "They are very bitter and extremely angry I went against Josh," Jennifer Graves said. "They're closing their eyes to the truth and I can't control what they're willing to see and not see."
About Michael Powell
A website called 4thekiddzz was launched by Michael C. Powell .. is accusing the Coxes of willfully "maiming" one of the boys and says the house is in a "state of emergency" and the children are in imminent danger.
About Alina Powell
Youngest sibling sister of Josh Powell
Supports Josh, says he was abused and victimized by government and press
Chuck Cox
Father of Suan Powell Cox
Believes Joshua Powell responsible for Susan Powell disappearance
Judy Cox
Mother of Susan Powell Cox
Believes Joshua Powell responsible for Susan Powell disappearance
Susan's friends
Kiirsi Hellewell, Susan’s best friend, said "She [Susan] wouldn't leave, and I don't know how to tell people that enough. She would not leave her children, and she wouldn't leave without letting her family know."
The Friends and Family of Susan Powell Facebook group was created by Kiirsi Hellewell, Susan Powell’s best friend
"hamsters" Terrica Powell.... recalled how Josh killed baby hamsters by throwing them against the side of their cages.
"mines" the missing Utah mom's four-year-old son reportedly said, "Mommy's in the mine, looking for crystals." http://www.opposingviews.com/i/missing-mom-susan-powell-s-son-mommy-s-in-the-mine
News by Kate Wharmby Seldman (6 Hours Ago) in Society / Crime In an explosive new development in the Susan Cox Powell case, the missing Utah mom's four-year-old son reportedly said, "Mommy's in the mine, looking for crystals." The boy reportedly made the statement after his mom went missing in Dec. 2009, but it wasn't made public until now
"ran away" Susan just happens to disappear the same time that Joshua disappears with the kids at 12:30 AM without telling anybody where they went, after somebody set up fans to dry a big red stain on the living room floor.
"wet spot" Joshua Powell last week also added a new detail to one of the case's most glaring elements when he said that a wet spot on a rug in their home that was found the morning after Susan disappeared was caused by a red stain that Susan had decided to clean before she vanished. It was a detail that police have not corroborated.
Interesting his choice of color for the "stain" his wife was cleaning before she ran off with another man of. Gotta keep the house clean when you plan to leave and never return!
Note - Josh said the stain was red, evidently not the police
So after Susan was knocked out by the dinner and went to bed, she decided to set up the rug cleaner and 2 box fans to clean up the huge stain that was made after the dinner but before dad left?
Date: Josh as teenager
Terrica Powell.... recalled how Josh killed baby hamsters by throwing them against the side of their cages. And she said Josh's father, Steven Powell, "has totally stripped away all respect in Josh ... for fidelity in marriage and loyalty to one's spouse."
Date: 1992
Feb. 9, 2012 Josh Powell, the husband of a missing Utah woman who killed himself and his two young sons last week, was a disturbed adolescent who threatened and hit his mother, according to 1992 court documents obtained by ABC News. The documents, filed during the divorce of Josh Powell's parents in Washington state, Steven and Terrica Powell, include several statements by Terrica Powell describing her son's disturbing behavior. Terrica Powell wrote that her son once tried to commit suicide and also threatened her with a butcher knife. On other occasions, he and one of his brothers pushed and hit her, she wrote.
The butcher knife incident, Terrica Powell wrote, was the result of her asking her son to do the dishes.
The divorce of Steve and Terrica Powell involved allegations of mental unfitness, pornography, polygamy and even witchcraft. There were serious conflicts over religion and parenting, and a tug-of-war ensued over the children, who at the time ranged in age from 18 to 7. Josh, the second oldest child, was 16.
Steve eventually was given custody of the three boys, while Terrica had custody of Alina, their youngest daughter — though within a couple years she also went to live with her father.
In 1992 court filings, Steve claimed his wife, who studied herbs and natural healing, had mixed a New Age mysticism with Mormon beliefs in a way that amounted to practicing "witch craft and devil worship."
Terrica responded that it was Steve who collected books on the occult and claimed his interest in pornography, which he had shared with their sons, had corrupted him.
"A huge part of that case involved the pornographic interest of Steven Powell and the impact it was having on the children," said Tacoma attorney Steve Downing, who represents Powell’s in-laws Chuck and Judy Cox.
@@Year 1996
Student at Pierce Community College
The 7th commenter wrote: "Josh Powell also lived in Puyallup at least in his late teens/early twenties. I met him as a fellow student at Pierce Community College and He was my Senior prom date in 1996. I do not know if his family is still there."
That is fine and great that he went to Pierce College (Not Pierce Community College), but they do not grant bachelor's degrees, only associates degrees. He probably got a two year, then transferred to a 4 year college. End result? He still has no 4 year degree. Here is their website: http://www.pcd.edu/
@@Year 1999
Marini's husband, Tim, met Joshua Powell in 1999 at the singles ward in Tacoma, Wash. The couples were close until Rachel Marini had a falling out with Joshua Powell during a road trip from Utah to Washington several years ago. Rachel Marini, who met the couple shortly after they wed in 2001.
"She had lots of people tell her to end it and get a divorce because it was not worth going through that kind of heartache," Marini said. "But Susan didn't want to give up on her marriage."
However, the Marinis stayed close with Susan via Facebook. Over the past year or so, Susan told the couple the relationship "was still pretty bad, but that for the first time, Susan started standing up for herself," Rachel Marini said.
Mr. Powell reported he : met at Mormon Ward function. They were about age 20. He estimated he were together for 16 months. The couple dated for about a year prior to living together. During their relationship, they had been attending college. One point in their relatiormhip, they took a "break" and during this period ?susan? dated other men. Once and Josh got back together, he learned more about s involvement with another rrian and this had eroded his trust rn her. Ultimately, this caused the end of their relationship.
Mr. Powell met Susan in 2000, when he was 24 and Susan was 19. They met at a Mormon sponsored function. In April 2001, after dating about six months, the couple married. Mr. Powell reported a positive marriage. He noted that eventually Susan's parents urged her to have a separate bank account. He noted he had been agreeable to this idea and stated, "It was like an allowance. Each one of us was to have fun-money to spend without having to discuss it with each other.
Mr. Powell indicated the family did not have financial difhculties.
Early in their marriage, the couple lived with Josh's father, Steven Powell. Eventually, the couple took a 24/7 job, managing a retirement home. 'Iheir einployment required them to live at the facility. After working this job for a year the couple decided to relocate to Utah. In 2004, Joshua
Date: April 2001
He attended Rogers High School with his future wife, Susan Cox, but it wasn’t until the two went to a singles ward activity of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that they met. They married a short while later, in April 2001, at the Portland LDS temple. They found an apartment together a few miles away from her parents.
Susan and her husband are natives of Pullayup, Wash., and members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They met through a church activity at an LDS ward in Tacoma, Wash., and were married in April 2001, said Kiirsi Hellewell, Susan's best friend.
While Joshua Powell went to church sporadically, Susan Powell insisted on taking the children to church each week. And during the past year, despite their financial straits, she also bought them a few Christmas presents.
"Josh didn't like it, but he was letting her do it," Rachel Marini said
Susan Powell, who had worked as a cosmetologist in Washington, embraced life as a homemaker, learning to garden, can, bake bread and crochet.
Date: 2002
Josh says he has his college graduation photo from 2002 in a photo caption
"Mr Powell graduated from the University of Washington with a Business Administration / Management Bachelor's degree in 2002"
Date: Year 2003
Jennifer Graves said she had witnessed a gradual decline over the years in her brother's behavior. She said he was "a bit of an odd duck," but she felt he was making progress after moving to Utah in the fall of 2003 and getting away from his father, Steven Powell. Once in Utah, he would spend hours on the phone with his father, multiple times a week, she said. "If anyone knows anything, it would be Steve," Kirk Graves said, regarding Susan Cox Powell's disappearance. "When he finds a motive, then he'll talk."
Date: 2004
Date: January 2004
http://susanpowell.org/Susan-Powell-missing-person/Steven-Koecher-Susan-Powell-connection/Parallel-work-histories-Utah-Steven-Koecher-Susan-Powell Susan Powell starts job as Call Center Representative at Fidelity Investments in downtown Salt Lake City, Utah. (Susan Powell's date of hire with Fidelity Investments is actually later. Susan started with a temp agency before being hired in the same position permanently.) |
The couple moved to Utah in about 2004 to be closer to Josh Powell’s mother and two sisters, who had earlier moved to the state. At their West Valley City home, Josh Powell would teach neighbor kids basic woodworking skills. He enjoyed playing with radio-controlled cars, gardening and landscaping.
The couple managed an assisted living facility in Washington for a while, Hellewell said. They moved to Utah about five years ago searching for a fresh start and to be closer to Joshua Powell's mother and two sisters, who had relocated here, Hellewell said.
The couple found a home in West Valley City and joined the Hunter 36th Ward. Larry Richman, the lay leader of the LDS Church congregation, confirmed the couple are regular members of the church.
Joshua Powell worked for Homenet Real Estate for several years while Susan cared for their sons, ages 2=2007 and 4=2006. Friends and neighbors all say Susan Powell would never leave her two boys.
The other reason to move - to get away from Steven Powell
When I had known Susan a few months, she began talking to me about why it is that she and Josh decided to move to Utah. There were several factors, she originally said…a better job…a new start…a chance to get to know Josh’s sister Jennifer Graves, and Josh’s mother, Teri Powell, better. Then one day she told me that a very big part of the reason she and Josh moved to Utah was to get away from Josh’s father, Steve Powell.
I was very surprised by this. Yes, I knew many people didn’t like or get along with their in-laws. But when Susan talked about Steve Powell, she expressed extreme disgust and even feelings approaching hatred.
Then she told me WHY she felt this way. She said that early in her marriage to Josh, when they were still newlyweds, they wanted to save money to get their own apartment. So they moved in for a short time with Steve Powell.
At the time, there wasn’t an extra bedroom for them. So they converted a dining room into their bedroom and hung a curtain over the opening for privacy. Shortly after moving in, Susan began to feel very strange around Steve Powell. She said that she felt like her father-in-law was looking at her inappropriately—and once she even caught him trying to watch her get dressed one day.
She tried to give her new father-in-law the benefit of the doubt, but the weird feelings and things continued, and one day it culminated in a very inappropriate episode where Steve Powell tried to kiss her. This was not a “family” kiss. This was a romantic kiss.
Susan was so creeped out, disgusted and horrified that she told Josh “That’s it, we’re moving out. NOW.” And soon after that, they did.
I was, of course, shocked, horrified and disgusted to hear about this. “That’s not all,” Susan said. “There’s more.” She told me that after living in Utah a couple of years, one day she received a package in the mail. Steve Powell had sent Susan several pictures of Susan’s favorite actor.
At first, Susan thought this was actually a nice gesture on the part of Steve Powell. She wondered if he had changed, and maybe become a kinder person. Then she saw what was sitting in the middle of the stack of pictures: several pictures of naked men.
She was horrified, sickened, full of revulsion. She threw the pictures away immediately and it re-affirmed more than ever her feelings about Steve Powell, her father-in-law. She told Josh on many occasions, even in the presence of my husband John and myself: “Your father is NEVER allowed to step foot in our house here in Utah. If he comes to visit you here, you can go see him in his hotel. He WILL NOT defile our house by his presence here.”
She also told me several times that she did not feel comfortable around Steve, and she did not want her little boys, Charlie and Braden, to ever be alone with him. She did not enjoy visiting Steve Powell when she and Josh went to Washington to visit family, but she endured it when she had to because she wanted Josh to be able to visit his family.
Date: January 2005
Susan Powell becomes a stay at home mother. Susan Powell takes at least six weeks maternity leave then returns to Fidelity Investments for a few weeks of work. It is technically April 2005 when Susan Powell quits her job as Call Center Representative at Fidelity Investments in downtown Salt Lake City, Utah.
son born
Date: October 2005
Susan Powell is rehired in her job as Call Center Representative at Fidelity Investments in downtown Salt Lake City, Utah. |
Date: Year 2006
Josh stops attending LDS church
Both families, like many in Utah, were active in the LDS church. In fact, Josh Powell had met Susan Cox at an LDS singles' ward before marrying in 2001 in Oregon. However, Hellewell says, by 2006 Josh had stopped attending church. Susan told Hellewell the reason Josh stopped attending church was his father Steven Powell, a former LDS member whom Hellewell described as being "anti-Mormon" and as "infecting Josh with his poison." Read more: http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,2106632,00.html#ixzz1mOhfIG6D
Hellewell says Susan remained strong in her faith despite constant harassment from her husband. Hellewell remembers that Susan told her how Josh would belittle her and tell her she shouldn't pay her tithes or go to church. "[He would] fight over everything she did as far as her faith," says Hellewell. "When she was trying to get the kids up and get them ready for church by herself, [Josh] would say things like, 'You want to go to boring, boring church with Mommy, or do you want to stay home and have cake with Daddy?' " Hellewell recalls. "He was constantly trying to undermine her when she tried to do what was right." Read more: http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,2106632,00.html#ixzz1mOi4SKry
Date: 2007
son born
Date: Before 2007
Even before the bankruptcy, friends had counseled Susan Powell to leave her husband, who was "very, very controlling," said Rachel Marini, who met the couple shortly after they wed in 2001.
Date: 2007
According to court documents, Joshua Powell filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in April 2007 and listed more than $200,000 in credit card, furniture, student loan and other debts.
Date: 2008
Date: January 2008
Susan Powell starts as a Call Center Representative at Wells Fargo Investments in West Valley City, Utah.
Susan Powell openly discussed the trying year the couple had in 2008 during meetings at her church, where she served as a secretary in the Relief Society.
"Church was a big part of her life. It gave her a sense of feeling needed," said Stephanie Olson, a neighbor and fellow ward member. "A lot of people really loved her and needed her there."
Charles Cox, Susan Powell's father, said the couple had worked through their problems and were doing better.
Joshua Powell's hobbies include radio-controlled cars, gardening and landscaping.
He operates a home-based business called Polished Marketing that creates Web sites and logos for business. He also works as a computer programmer for a trucking and warehousing company.
susan Powell is a stockbroker with a local financial institution. She passed her financial certification while she was pregnant with her first child, Hellewell said.
"She kept saying, 'If anyone had told me I would be a stockbroker, I would have laughed my head off,'" Hellewell said.
Date: June 8, 2008
Police uncovered a safe deposit box that Susan Powell had opened at a Wells Fargo bank that included a will and a letter dated June 28, 2008, stating that if anything happened to her, people should contact Jennifer Graves. Susan Powell wrote that if she died "it may not be an accident, even if it looks like one," the warrants state. **evidence**
Date: Year 2009
Josh stops going to LDS church, discourages boys going with mother
Desperately Seeking Susan Powell: A Best Friend’s Quest
February 10, 2012
Susan told Hellewell the reason Josh stopped attending church was his father Steven Powell, a former LDS member whom Hellewell described as being “anti-Mormon” and as “infecting Josh with his poison.” (In September 2011, Steven was arrested and charged with voyeurism and child pornography; he denies any wrongdoing and is likely to go on trial in March.) Although Josh stopped going to church, Hellewell says Susan remained strong in her faith despite constant harassment from her husband. Hellewell remembers that Susan told her how Josh would belittle her and tell her she shouldn’t pay her tithes or go to church. “[He would] fight over everything she did as far as her faith,” says Hellewell.
“When she was trying to get the kids up and get them ready for church by herself, [Josh] would say things like, ‘You want to go to boring, boring church with Mommy, or do you want to stay home and have cake with Daddy?’ ” Hellewell recalls. “He was constantly trying to undermine her when she tried to do what was right.”
Date: September 2009
Susan Powell and Joshua Powell - Neighbor, Tim Peterson, provides new information about the Powell's
One evening back in September Susan called Peterson to ask for a blessing because she wasn’t feeling well. Peterson called other church Elders and they came to pray for Susan.
When the elders first came into the house Josh talked to them about a computer conference he’d attended for about 45 minutes until Susan - looking pale and ill - walked into the room. They asked her if she wanted the blessing and she said yes.
They asked Josh if he wanted to join in. Peterson said Josh shrugged his shoulders and said OK.
A few minutes later their 4-year old son, Charlie, jumped on Susan’s lap and acted as though he was giving her a blessing. Rather than caring that Susan was ill and being serious about the blessing, all Josh could do was laugh at Charlie, Peterson said.
"All Josh could do was laugh at his son," Peterson said. "It was so heartbreaking to see he just didn't care about her needs."
Peterson remembers a time when Josh yelled at Peterson's family for taking their shoes and socks off in their home. He said he’d be up all night cleaning the floors from the germs on their bare feet.
Susan discussed her first four marriage counseling sessions with Peterson, but once he suggested she divorce Josh because he didn’t appear to be making any effort to improve their marriage, she stopped.
"I told her she was a beautiful, talented woman who could be so much happier in a different situation," Peterson said. "I told her her husband was an energy suck and no one could stand to be around him."
Though they had stopped talking about marriage counseling, they did stay in touch.
Susan wanted to be more social and have friends over. But Most people “couldn’t stand” Josh and would avoid him, Peterson said.
Peterson doesn’t believe Susan was a woman who wanted to leave. Susan sent Peterson an e-mail thanking him for a backyard play set for her two boys, saying it would be great to have next summer to entertain the boys while she did yard work.
Date: November 20, 2009
“I was in the temple with Susan on November 20, 2009, just two weeks before she disappeared,” Debbie said. “Susan would respect any religion as she believed in agency. She would tell you that religion is a way to God, a higher power, a great creator. When we say a prayer the great creator hears us and that doesn't have anything to do with what religion we chose. That just so happens to be the one she chose and believed her husband chose, after all she met him there.”
Date: Thursday, December 3, 2009:
Debbie Caldwell, Susan's friend and daycare provider, went to the Powell home for the evening. Susan had agreed to cut and dye Debbie's hair. Debbie remembers that evening being especially stressful for both Susan and herself. Isabelle Zehnder Click here to read an account of what transpired.Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/headlines-in-seattle/susan-cox-powell-detailed-timeline-of-days-surrounding-susan-s-disappearance#ixzz1nEgj2X5Y
29 30 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Date: Saturday, December 5, 2009
The Powell family attended a church Christmas breakfast from about 9 a.m. to noon. Susan then went to work and JoVonna Owings, a friend of Susan's, took care of the children while Susan worked. Isabelle Zehnder Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/headlines-in-seattle/susan-cox-powell-detailed-timeline-of-days-surrounding-susan-s-disappearance#ixzz1nEgj2X5Y
Police later discovered Josh Powell was the beneficiary of several life insurance policies taken out for his wife totaling $1.5 million, the warrants state.
Date: December 6, 2009 Sunday
Susan Powell is 28 years old, two boys age 2 and 4
this was summarized by Isabelle Zehnder, cited and duplicated by blogs and comments
- In this timeline they refer to "dinner", but the fact of the matter is, Susan's friend was there for brunch.
- The day before her disappearance Susan went to church with her two sons, Josh stayed home
- Susan walked home with her friend and neighbor, JoVonna Owings
- Owings stayed during the afternoon to help Susan untangle yarn
- Josh made pancakes and scrambled eggs for the family for dinner. Owings joined them
- At around 5:00 Owings went home and Susan went to rest because she wasn’t feeling well
- Josh took the boys sledding and returned at around 8:30 p.m.
- At about 12:30 a.m. on Dec. 7, Susan went to bed for the night
- At about 12:37 a.m. Josh took his boys, ages 2 and 4, camping in subfreezing temperatures
- Josh said they slept in the family van
- Mon., Dec. 7, the Powell’s daycare provider becomes concerned when the children don't arrive
- She contacts family and friends
- Family and friends grow increasingly concerned when they can't reach Susan or Josh
- They contact police
- Police knock at the door, no one answers
- Fearing the family was poisoned by carbon monoxide poisoning, police break in
- They find no one home
- They find two fans aimed at a wet spot on the floor
- Police find no visible sign of forced entry
- Susan’s personal belongings, including purse and cell phone, are still in the house
- Police believe family may have been taken to the hospital
- Josh returns home around 5:00 p.m. that day with his two sons
- Josh tells police he took his boys camping overnight
- When asked why he did not notify his work, Josh said he forgot what day it was
- Josh, Susan, and their two boys attend a church Christmas function on Sat.., Dec. 5
- Susan and the two boys attended church services on Sun., Dec. 6
- Susan Powell has been “missing without a trace” since Dec. 7
Sunday late morning: Josh is starting to cook a pancake and egg breakfast / brunch that takes 4 hours to prepare.
Date: December 6, 2009 10Am-noon
Susan Cox Powell, 28, and her two sons attend church services at the Hunter 36th LDS Ward, and then walk home with friend Kiirsi Hellewell. Joshua does not attend chuch.
Date December 6, 2009 Time: 12:14 PM
Josh Calls Father Steve Powell
The search warrants reveal Josh Powell told police he had washed the couch on instructions from his wife. His final call before allegedly taking his boys camping was made to his father, Steve Powell, at 12:14 p.m. on Dec. 6, the search warrants state.
One thing that is sadly obvious to me at this point is that even if he originally buried Susan in the area he went "camping," Josh moved her the day he left the police station, got a new cell phone and rented a car, putting 800+ miles on it. That he called Steven Powell the day Susan died to me indicates complicity, father and son. Steven Powell's talking is probably the only way Susan will ever be found. Maybe now is the time the Washington DA can do its part - question Steven Powell unrelentingly, threaten him with being an accomplice to murder, until he confesses where Susan's body is.
Date December 6, 2009 Time: 2:00 PM
Neighbor JoVonna Owings visits the Powell's West Valley City home on Sunday afternoon to visit with Susan. The family had eaten pancakes and eggs for dinner. Susan, who was reportedly feeling ill, takes a nap at about 5 p.m. Owings left, as did Josh Powell, who said he was taking his two sons sledding.
Others have been more supportive, yet more guarded in their in their portrayals of Josh Powell. Jovanna Owings, who was the last person to see Susan (other than Josh and the kids) before she vanished, has characterized the evening of December 6th as a normal dinner (of pancakes made by Josh), with pleasant conversation and work on a crocheting project. But one thing sticks out in my mind. Susan suddenly went to bed feeling sick, even before Jovanna had departed. (poisoned?)
It was crocheting that brought Susan Powell together with fellow churchgoer JoVonna Owings. That friendship continued, and, shortly after Thanksgiving this year, Owings began baby-sitting Saturdays for the Powells.
On Dec. 6, she was at the Powells' home, helping Susan untangle yarn, and joined the family for a dinner of pancakes and scrambled eggs that Joshua Powell made.
"Susan is very energetic and enthusiastic. She's sort of like the Energizer Bunny," Owings said. "She was an excellent mother and wife. She took care of her family, house and husband, and often made meals from scratch."
Time line of Susan Powell's disappearance
Date: December 6, 2009 Time: 4PM Josh Finishes His Knockout Pancake and Egg Dinner
"He made us scrambled eggs with onions and bell peppers and pancakes with cream cheese.”
By February 8, 2012 Cox family lawyer Downing thinks Susan's husband fed her pancakes laced with drugs that would put her to sleep.
Afternoon, Dec. 6 » Neighbor JoVonna Owings dropped by the Powells' home Sunday afternoon to visit with Susan Powell. The family had pancakes for dinner.
JoVonna Owings clears up a misconception about the day Susan Powell disappeared
January 30, 2:22 AM
“The only thing that I thought was a little unusual was that Josh took so long to prepare brunch," she said, "Susan took the kids to church in the morning and walked home around noon. I came to their house for the afternoon to spend time with the family and to help Susan untangle some yarn."
“Josh had already started cooking before we got there and didn’t have the meal ready until about 4 p.m. I just figured he didn’t have much experience in the kitchen. When we did eat it was a pleasant meal. He made us scrambled eggs with onions and bell peppers and pancakes with cream cheese.”
"He served us individually. He served the food and gave each person their plates - Susan, Charlie, Braden, himself, and me. I thought he did that for portion-control," she said.
“Not long after we ate Susan was tired and wanted to take a nap,” Owings said. “One misconception I’d like to clear up is that Susan did not say she was sick and she did not appear sick. She was just tired and wanted to rest for a little while."
She went on, “Josh said he’d take the kids out sledding while she rested, and I left at the same time he and the boys left, between 5 and 5:30 p.m. on Dec. 6.”
JoVonna said she offered to bring the yarn back that evening but Josh said no, not to worry about it because Susan wouldn't get a chance to work on it until her next days off.
“Whatever it is that’s happened to Susan, I don’t believe it something she’s doing. It’s something being done to her. She wouldn’t leave her kids - it’s not in her to walk away from her children.”
Chuck Cox: Susan could be poisoned or drugged
Susan Cox Powell's parents have taken issue with Powell's version of events. "I think everybody knows you don't go camping in the middle of the night in a snowstorm," Chuck Cox told FOX 13 the day after the murder-suicide. "And when the husband fixes a meal for the family and all of a sudden, somebody's sick..." Asked if he believed Susan was poisoned, Chuck and Judy Cox said "anything's possible." "Or drugged," Chuck Cox said. "Or something."
Date: December 6, 2009 Time: 5PM Josh takes boys sledding as Susan takes a nap
Susan, who was feeling ill, laid down for a nap about 5 p.m. Owings left, as did Joshua Powell, who said he was taking his two sons sledding.
She went on, “Josh said he’d take the kids out sledding while she rested, and I left at the same time he and the boys left, between 5 and 5:30 p.m. on Dec. 6.”
Date: December 6, 2009 Time: 5-8PM
Boys were sledding from 5 to 8 PM, Josh woke them up after they were asleep to go camping.
She was so tired after eating Josh Powell's pancake dinner that he made sure not to serve buffet style, that she had to go lie down. Josh indicated that he decided in the middle of the night (when he and Susan both had to be at work the next day) to wake the boys up from their sound sleep (after they had already been sledding from 5 pm to 8 pm that night) to go on a camping trip in the wilderness (where there is no cell phone signal) "to do smores". That was during a dangerous snow storm. Susan wasn't feeling well, she was due at work the next day, Josh left the house he says around 12:30 am... Susan left her cell phone inside, Continue reading on Examiner.com Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/headlines-in-seattle/where-is-susan-powell-her-father-law-thinks-she-s-having-a-fling-hopes-she-ll-land-on-her-feet-1#ixzz1mP1CHkOK
If they put the fans there, then what if Josh killed her and left with her and "Supposedly" went to go do "smores" while actually burying her body...it would be extremely helpful and something may be spilled if you get the kids to speak what they might have heard or seen. I think that they may be an important source and it would be smart if you asked them. And why won't Josh show the campsite he was at? There may be something he is hiding about there. Kyr: If he really hated her that much then he could of gotten a divorce or something much more easy going then killing her. Also the wet spots on the floor were prob. blood. I think he killed her packed her up, put her in the car and burried her. I myself would ask the kids what they saw and heard, you cant just ask one person and have the whole story down. And from what I have heard i am guessing that it was either Steven or josh powell. Josh it wasnt your place to hurt susan.
Date: December 6, 2009 Time: 8:30 p.m
Josh Drives Into Garage
A neighbor saw Josh Powell as he returns home and parks in the garage of the Powell's West Valley City home
Steely Dan
08-26-2011, 04:32 PM
Last night's "Nightline" episodehttp://abcnews.go.com/watch/nightline/SH5584743/VD55140932/nightline-825-irene-cometh-state-emergencies-declared
Thanks, that guy gives me the creeps. :puke:
The search warrant not allowing ALL rooms searched???
Oh no come on, the whole family would HIDE stuff for dad and brother!
I have a feeling they would if they knew the cops were coming but I think they were totally caught off guard.
That was my thought, too. She was drugged/poisoned, and she got up and vomited. It also could be that the chemical caused bleeding in her stomach which is why the stain was red. I believe it was planned, too, because HE made the dinner (was he the kind of guy who cooked dinner often for them???) and HE served her the pancakes meant for HER. I think it was planned, but not planned well because he was in a state of anger and didn't THINK clearly about everything like her purse and cell phone being left behind, etc.
The "juice" could have been Kool Aid. Strawberry or Cherry Kool Aid are dark red.
In KOMO link:
On Friday morning, Steve Powell said police also took his personal journals and videos he had taken of Susan.
"I didn't want them to have my journals," he told KOMO News. "There's very embarrassing things in my journals."
So now...Did they take Josh's journal's also? How old are SP's journals they confiscated, since he stopped attending the LDS church? I'm sure they will tell a story. :shocked2:Did he continue with his journalizing? I'd place a bet on yes.
Investigators have declined to discuss what pieces of evidence they gathered.
"What we have here today will help us draw closer to a conclusion," Merritt said. "Whether it's the conclusion that everybody wants and hopes for, we don't know. It may be a conclusion that nobody wants to admit could happen."
What could this mean? She did leave on her own? LE told Mr C that didn't happen:
Cox said regardless of what Josh and Steve Powell have said, detectives have already proven their claims to be wrong.
"What the police have released is that they're sure that there's nothing to the theory that Susan went off on
That sounds like a very odd day.
She was feeling ok enough to invite the friend over to work on the yarn.
But after eating she is so tired she goes to bed for a nap while the friend is still there. Does sound unusual.
Then Josh makes the decision for her not to come back later to work on the yarn. Hmmm.
Josh sounds very attentive that day. Noticing she was chilled, preparing supper. Doing dishes. I wonder if he was normally that attentive or if it was just for show.
She says they got there about noon, and JP was already cooking.
Simple meal, eggs pancakes etc. Not real complicated or time consuming.
Yet the meal wasn't ready until almost 4?
Sounds more like stalling than someone unfamiliar with the kitchen. I wonder if her visit there that day was planned or unplanned? And if Josh was aware she was coming for the meal?
mysteriew;YES, that sounds like a very odd day.
Taking 4 hours to scramble some eggs and do pancakes? her own. And they basically have gone on record about that issue. That helps a lot. And they've clearly said that Josh is still a person of interest, because that's clearly contrary to what Josh is saying."
I think Josh may have already made meals for his entire family with plans to kill Susan and the kids or at least knock them all out so he could kill Susan without any witnesses. When Susan came home with a friend, he needed to start over and make a new meal. He was probably hoping the friend would leave before he served the food and when she didn't leave, he had to create a new meal or additional food that didn't have the poison added.
Could this be why he stated he would never hurt his wife or his boys? Is it because he knows his original plan was to kill both Susan and the boys?
Robbie, I'm starting to wonder myself...
did Josh "drug" Susan (as per the brunch he made her and her friend late Sunday afternoon wherein she had to lay down afterwards b/c she was so tired). He served everything individually (her friend thought b/c he wanted to "portion-control" (kids). The friend leaves b/c Susan is laying down, Josh leaves with the boys at the same time to go tobogganing"..
The friend said that she thought the reason why Josh took so long to make brunch was b/c he was inexperienced in the kitchen. But it has been reported that Josh used to spend hours talking to his dad on the phone. Maybe he was on the phone being coached while making brunch.
Did the dad pay a visit and help execute The Plan? Was the alarm heard for two minutes late at (11:00PM?) Susan's call for help?
Given everything that Josh and esp. his dad has said to disparage Susan, I believe both are guilty of whatever became of Susan Cox. The alarm going off for so long so late at night piques my interest to no end. Have LE luminal'd the garage?
robbie, I'm bringing this over from another thread I posted it on:
JoVonna said, “Susan and I knew each other from church for about a year and became close friends about a month before she went missing. I was with her on the day she disappeared and I’ve often wondered what I could have done differently, is there something I should have seen or heard that would have raised a red flag?"
“The only thing that I thought was a little unusual was that Josh took so long to prepare brunch," she said, "Susan took the kids to church in the morning and walked home around noon. I came to their house for the afternoon to spend time with the family and to help Susan untangle some yarn."
“Josh had already started cooking before we got there and didn’t have the meal ready until about 4 p.m. I just figured he didn’t have much experience in the kitchen. When we did eat it was a pleasant meal. He made us scrambled eggs with onions and bell peppers and pancakes with cream cheese.”
"He served us individually. He served the food and gave each person their plates - Susan, Charlie, Braden, himself, and me. I thought he did that for portion-control," she said.
JoVonna remembers things went well during their late brunch and that Josh and Susan showed no signs of trouble.
“Not long after we ate Susan was tired and wanted to take a nap,” Owings said.
“One misconception I’d like to clear up is that Susan did not say she was sick and she did not appear sick. She was just tired and wanted to rest for a little while."
NIC! I am dumbfounded by what you have written! The hubs was possibly making her Last Meal (guilty guilty guilty!) and then she laid down, feeling tired?! HIGHLY SUSPICIOUS BEHAVIOR INDEED!
Date: December 6, 2009 Time: 11:45PM
Alarm Goes Off In Garage
Neighbor hears car alarm go off in garage shortly before Josh says he went on camping trip.
KUTV 2 Neighbor Marco Bastidas says as he came home he heard car alarm was going off in the garage for a couple of minutes but decided not to inform them since they could probably hear it as well. Police want to know why the alarm went off.
Date: December 7, 2009 Midnight Monday
Josh says Susan went to bed at midnight. Did he tell her they would be camping?
Her husband, Josh Powell, is the last known person to see her when she went to bed at midnight. He told police and media that just after Susan went to bed he took their two young sons, then ages 2 and 4, on an overnight camping trip.http://www.examiner.com/headlines-in-seattle/where-is-susan-powell-her-father-law-thinks-she-s-having-a-fling-hopes-she-ll-land-on-her-feet-1#ixzz1mP6GUlme
Susan Approved Camping Trip
On 12/8/11 a follow up interview with Mr. Powell was conducted telephonically Mr. Powell clarified that on the evening on 12.06.09 when he had decided to take the boys camping he indicated his wife was "ok with it". He noted that her biggest concern was that the boys stayed warm. Mr. Powell estimated that the Pony Express trailhead was less than 40 miles out of town.
led in 2012 reveal that there was blood on the floor near the couch that matched Susan
Powell told Manley that his wife was "OK with it," when he decided to takJosh Washed the Couch and Set Up Fans
Search warrants unsealed Friday 3/29/2012 by a Washington judge detail the evidence West Valley City police have in the case of Susan Powell, including her blood on floor tile near a wet carpet and sofa in her home the day after her 2009 disappearance
As for the wet spot police found on the carpet of Josh and Susan Powell's home the day after her disappearance, Steve Powell said his daughter-in-law had decided to clean the carpets. There was a red spot on the carpet underneath the couch, he said. "It was probably juice or something," Steve Powell said.
While searching the house, investigators found two fans drying a wet area on the rug, where a red stain had been removed. Josh Powell said that his wife had been cleaning the rug before she disappearedhttp://abcnews.go.com/US/powell-family-tragedy-timeline-events/story?id=15520239#.T0LdiPFulBk
Date: Dec 7, 2009 Monday After Midnight Camping Trip
It looks like Josh did take his family for a midnight camping trip, but while told the police that Susan was sleeping at home, the boys seem to have the impression that mother Susan was in the trunk with them, went out into the mines to look for gems, and she did not make it back.
Josh woke them up after they were asleep to go camping.
Josh indicated that he decided in the middle of the night (when he and Susan both had to be at work the next day) to wake the boys up from their sound sleep (after they had already been sledding from 5 pm to 8 pm that night) to go on a camping trip in the wilderness Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/headlines-in-seattle/where-is-susan-powell-her-father-law-thinks-she-s-having-a-fling-hopes-she-ll-land-on-her-feet-1#ixzz1mP1CHkOK
OK, let's think up a way Josh's story could be true: He gets into a huge late night fight with his wife (maybe he even hits her) and he takes the kids out of the house to show her who is boss. She decides it is time to give up on the marriage and get out of town. Since he allegedly kept the car keys from her, she decides to hitchhike out of town. She gets picked up by the wrong person, and something terrible happens to her. Josh returns home, finds her missing, and when he can't contact her, he freaks out and tries to hide evidence of their fight the night before and refuses to help the police. This makes for good fiction, but in real life Susan would have called her parents to tell them what she was doing. She would have packed a bag and taken a few lightweight keepsakes. She might have called a battered womens' shelter or something like that. She would probably have left a note, maybe for her kids. It just doesn't hold water.
Mr. Cox needs to stop dreaming and realize that Susan is DEAD!!! Get the FBI involved and Mr. Cox get some balls will you...you are so wimpy about all of this....go after these bastards (Josh & more than likely his daddy Steven) that obvious to everyone except you and your family that they KILLED Susan! Now GO GET THOSE MURDERING MONSTERS!Joshua Powell... you are a coward and an @$$! No one but your idiot father believes you!
CPS needs to be doing private interviews with those children, ASAP!
In this version, Susan was busy cleaning the carpet, not getting ready for bed when they left home: He said he took the boys camping at Simpson Springs Recreation Area, leaving his wife at home, where she was busily working to remove a red stain from the carpet. http://newsfeed.time.com/2012/02/07/timeline-the-powell-familys-tragic-two-years/#ixzz1mO1ONTC2
(sister) Denise Cox speculates that Josh Powell drugged his sister before her death.
"I believe he drugged her so it didn't seem unnatural for the boys when he took her," she said.
"I believe he told them that they were going to go look for mines and I believe he buried her somewhere out wherever he went."
Cox said from what she gathers from her parents, the Powell boys had been talking about how their mother went into a mine to look for crystals and never came out.
“A neighbor reported he heard the Powell’s car alarm go off at around 11 p.m. for about two minutes - that’s a very long time late at night. I’m surprised no one called the police. Women are taught to push the panic button to raise attention in an emergency situation and I have always wondered if that’s what Susan did the night she went missing.”
“I feel like Susan stepped into a black hole. I just can’t see Josh doing anything physically to hurt her. But then again people do things you wouldn’t expect them to, so who’s to say.”
“Whatever it is that’s happened to Susan, I don’t believe it something she’s doing. It’s something being done to her. She wouldn’t leave her kids - it’s not in her to walk away from her children.”
One of Susan Powell's sons drew a picture of her in the trunk of the family car with father Josh Powell at the steering wheel, according to Susan's father and a family attorney. In interviews with PEOPLE, Powell's dad Chuck Cox said he believed it was younger son Braden who drew the picture, while lawyer Steve Downing said it was older son Charlie.
Chris Jones: What can you tell us about that night? From what we understand you went camping and then came home. Tell us what happened that night?
Josh Powell: Yeah, I just, a lot of times I just go camping with my boys. Nothing big, we just go overnight and we do S'mores and stuff like that. And so I just went with the boys and was planning to do some S'Mores in the morning and then when we got home, um, well on the way home I found out that people were worried about us that we were missing.
Chris Jones: The report is that neither you nor your wife called in sick and they said that's not usual. What are your thoughts on that?
Josh Powell: No, it's not usual. I ….
Chris Jones: Why didn't you call in sick?
Josh Powell: You know, I somehow was thinking it was Sunday. I didn't go to church and I just missed a day and thought we'd come back Sunday.
Chris Jones: So you got confused on what day it was?
Josh Powell: Yeah.
Chris Jones: Now, from what we understand there's nothing, it appears there's no foul play in the home. It appears your wife left her cell phone and purse. Do you have any idea … I mean, does she go off to clear head? Do you have any idea where she could be?
Josh Powell: No, she'll leave during the day but she's never left overnight.
Chris Jones: Does she have any enemies you can think of?
Josh Powell: No, I can't think of anyone.
Chris Jones: Now there's been a lot of talk on the Internet. Obviously in cases like this you, and you know this, that they talk about the husband, that he did something. Do you want to address that?
Josh Powell: I didn't do anything. I mean, I don't know where she's at. I don't even know where to start looking.
Chris Jones: And the boys, what do you tell them about their mom?
Josh Powell: I haven't told them anything. I mean, they've overheard stuff. By the time it all started I was already, it was already late and we went to bed.
Chris Jones: Now your wife laid down that night, she wasn't feeling well. That's when you went camping, right? Where did you guys go camping?
Josh Powell: She wasn't not feeling well. She was feeling well but she just went to bed.
Chris Jones: About 5ish? Is that what we heard? We heard 5, you'd know better than we would.
Josh Powell: No, she went to be that night.
Chris Jones: And what time did you go camping would you say?
Josh Powell: You know, I got out to a pretty late start.
Chris Jones: 9ish, something like that?
Josh Powell: No, it was later. Basically, I'm just trying to figure out what I can do and both try to find her and take care of life in general.
Chris Jones: Where did you guys camp?
Josh Powell: We went down south to some trails down there.
Chris Jones: Do you mean like Moab?
Josh Powell: No, no, we, um, we actually just went down to the Pony Express.
Chris Jones: Pony Express Trail?
Josh Powell: Yeah.
Chris Jones: Are there campgrounds down there?
Josh Powell: I, guess I better go.
Good luck to you, we appreciate your time.
Josh and Boys Slept in Minivan
Josh claims they slept in a minivan (3 hr drive there and back, they had free breakfast at 6:30, when would they have time to sleep? Did he even have a tent? Did they sleep in the minivan camping before? Miniva is too small for sleeping two adults, two boys. He did not have heater or generator before. Claimed to be shopping for a pop-up camper) src: Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/crime-in-national/witness-captures-photos-of-josh-powell-s-home-flames-after-explosion-photos#ixzz1mNyDpJ3g
03-31-2010, 01:30 PM
Post by Carla Jean Page - March 30, 2010 - Facebook group "susan powell part 2" wall:
"Marty Marchant I spoke with a man that saw Josh out in the desert the following day. reports are that he may have poisoned her and taken her out that night with her boys, the boys may have told police that Susan was with them camping, but sleeping. I hope that this all comes true and the Cox family can be at peace. I hope she is found this Easter weekend. God bless."
Carla Jean Page sent Marty Marchant a Facebook message asking him about his post because nobody could find it. Here is his reply:
Marty Marchant March 30 at 8:56pm:
"What do you mean the other group that was deleted? I was talking with a man yesterday about the search for Susan coming up April 10th and he stated that he had talked with the police back in December after hearing about Susan missing and that he had seen his van out in the desert in the snow. He also said that the van was trying to avoid having direct contact with his truck as the van would turn on its highbeems when his truck was to close. Where did you hear about my post? I had to delete it this morning as I was receiving so many emails about it."
CONTINUED AT SOURCE (Facebook group "susan powell part 2" - Membership to view required): http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=250373031438&ref=ts
"Marty Marchant I spoke with a man that saw Josh out in the desert the following day. reports are that he may have poisoned her and taken her out that night with her boys, the boys may have told police that Susan was with them camping, but sleeping. I hope that this all comes true and the Cox family can be at peace. I hope she is found this Easter weekend. God bless."
Carla Jean Page sent Marty Marchant a Facebook message asking him about his post because nobody could find it. Here is his reply:
Marty Marchant March 30 at 8:56pm:
"What do you mean the other group that was deleted? I was talking with a man yesterday about the search for Susan coming up April 10th and he stated that he had talked with the police back in December after hearing about Susan missing and that he had seen his van out in the desert in the snow. He also said that the van was trying to avoid having direct contact with his truck as the van would turn on its highbeems when his truck was to close. Where did you hear about my post? I had to delete it this morning as I was receiving so many emails about it."
CONTINUED AT SOURCE (Facebook group "susan powell part 2" - Membership to view required): http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=250373031438&ref=ts
Event: Breakfast at the Comfort Inn
Woman says she spoke to Susan Powell's son Charlie on day she vanished
Deaths lead to tips on Susan Powell THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 02/16/12
Some of the new information Utah police detectives received came from a hotel worker in Sandy, 17 miles south of Salt Lake City, who told them Josh Powell and the boys showed up for a continental breakfast the day Susan Powell was reported missing. The worker, Robin Leanne Snyder, 53, oversaw the free breakfast for guests at the Comfort Inn there. She called a tip line set up by police after Susan Powell’s disappearance began to make news, but she never heard back, she said. “Charlie looked right up at me and he says, ‘Do you know what happened to my mom?’ So I say, ‘No, what happened to your mom?’” Snyder told The Associated Press on Tuesday. She never got an answer. She was called to fetch coffee for guests, and when she returned, Josh Powell – who had kept his face down as his older boy spoke up unexpectedly – had left with his boys. “He didn’t even give the kids time to eat their sweet rolls - each had a small bite on them,” she said. It wasn’t until two weeks ago that a West Valley detective interviewed her, she said. By then, the hotel’s security tapes for the day had been recycled.
Date: December 7, 2009 11:00PM Late MorningZehnder timeline:
Event: Debbie Caldwell Notices Charlie and Braden are Late
Jennifer Graves, Josh's sister went in the the home with police the morning Susan was reported missing, Dec. 7. She saw Susan's purse and keys, but did not see Susan's cell phone. http://www.examiner.com/headlines-in-seattle/susan-cox-powell-detailed-timeline-of-days-surrounding-susan-s-disappearance#ixzz1nEc30Mnn
Debbie Caldwell, who cared for Charlie and Braden at Daydreams and Fun Things Day Care Center in West Valley for a year and a half ... Caldwell searched for the Powell family when the boys failed to show up at day care in 2009 — the first step that sparked the ongoing missing person case of their mother, Susan Powell... I have always felt that ... because I was the first to go looking for all the Powells that morning ... I wanted to always be able to tell them that I never quit looking for their mom," she said, noting she participated in multiple community-organized desert searches for the woman. Caldwell recently visited the Powell boys in Washington, where she played in a field with the children near the home of their maternal grandparents, Chuck and Judy Cox. She’d worried about the boys’ health and safety in the care of their father, especially after Josh Powell moved in with his father. Caldwell said she knew Susan Powell disliked her father-in-law
Event: Neighbors and Employers look for Josh and Susan
Neighbors and employers were calling all day to get ahold of Josh and Susan. Did they come back on monday or tuesday??
A day care worker becomes alarmed when the Powells fail to drop off their two kids at the center. She calls Joshua's parents, who then call the police. The police break into their home and find no one. However, they did notice two fans were blowing on a wet spot. Now it's said that a carpet cleaner was found in the house. (cleaning blood from carpet? Did they test for blood? When did he rent carpet cleaner? Josh later says the stain was red, did the police notice any stain or color? No metion of this in press accounts)
She was reported missing the next day after she failed to show up for her stockbroker job. She had been seen by friends at church and at dinner the day before.
Searching for Susan Powell: Neighbor describes husband's odd behavior
Neighbors called all day Dec. 7 after his wife was reported missing, and when they finally talked to Joshua Powell, it took him two hours to get home. "He just said he was driving around West Valley City," Peterson said. "He wasn't in a big hurry to get home and find his wife. It's just a really crappy situation."
Date: December 7, 2009 Time: 1PM Monday
Event: Police break into House:
While searching the house, investigators found two fans drying a wet area on the rug, where a red stain had been removed. Josh Powell said that his wife had been cleaning the rug before she disappeared. (After she went to bed??) Josh sister Jennifer who lives with mother Terri and daycare friend Debbie wonder if they might have had carbon monoxide poisoning. They call police who go to the house with thiem. When no one answers, police break in through front window and enter the house. (photos show broken window) There they find the family Dodge minivan is gone, but quickly find Susan's purse and keys. Susan doesn't have a car, as Josh made her sell it.
http://www.examiner.com/family-in-seattle/susan-powell-and-joshua-powell-neighbor-tim-peterson-provides-new-information-about-the-powell-s When police responded to the call and no one answered the door they thought the family might be dead from carbon monoxide poisoning. They broke through a window and once inside discovered no one was home. There was no sign of previous forced entry. The family van was missing but Susan’s personal belongings, including her purse and cell phone, were still there. They saw two fans blowing at a wet spot on the floor.
(They evidently only have one car, so how would Susan have "run away" without anyone else seeing her? she didn't take a taxi or drive her own car. Were any footprints left? Did they have dogs check for her scent if she stepped out the door or walked around the house? Clearly they didn't check)
Apparently Susan did not have a *second* car. No APB out for a car - only her cell phone purse were found in the home...no mention of car keys. Lucky for the police - deciding to break into the house - believing the family was perhaps suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning. Otherwise - the perp would have had time to dispose of the wet carpet, the purse and the cell phone.
Date: December 7, 2009 afternoon Josh spotted at strip club being a nuisance
Time: 2PMDate: December 7, 2009 afternoon Josh spotted at strip club being a nuisance
Witnesses: Josh Powell was at strip club on night his wife vanished ...
www.komonews.com/news/local/87175242.htmlMar 9, 2010 – Some people don't believe it, and police have no video footage to verify the claim. But three people say Josh Powell was drinking and talking ... Workers say Josh Powell was at strip club shortly after wife ...
www.ksl.com/?nid=148&sid=9943955Mar 8, 2010
Workers at a South Salt Lake strip club say Josh Powell may have been there in the hours after his wife ...Police doubt story of Josh Powell at strip club | Deseret News
www.deseretnews.com/.../Police-doubt-story-of-Josh-Powell-at-strip-...Mar 10, 2010 – SOUTH SALT LAKE — West Valley police say they doubt a man seen at a strip club on the day Susan Cox Powell disappeared was her ...Did Josh Powell visit strip club the day after Susan disappeared ...
www.abc4.com/...Josh-Powell...strip-club.../666gpASkxkaAnXq87N...Mar 9, 2010 – SALT LAKE CITY (ABC 4 News) - The bar owners and a customer tell ABC 4 News Josh Powell was inside their establishment the day after ...Josh Powell Visited Strip Joint After Murdering His Wife, Say ...
www.truecrimereport.com/2010/.../josh_powell_visited_strip_join.ph...Mar 10, 2010 – So far, it seems Josh Powell has gotten away with murdering his wife in... I don't know whether to believe the strip club because their story ...Josh Powell was reported at a strip club just hours after Susan ...
www.examiner.com/.../josh-powell-was-reported-at-a-strip-club-just-...Mar 9, 2010 – Several employees at the Duces Wild, a strip club in Salt Lake City have reported to the police that Josh Powell was at their club the day of ...Josh Powell was reported at a strip club just hrs after Susan ...
crimeseekers.net/.../showthread.php?...Josh-Powell-was...strip-club...10 posts - 2 authors - Mar 14, 2010Josh Powell was reported at a strip club just hours after Susan Powell's disappearance March 9, 2010 Several employees at the Duces Wild, ...Josh Powell Was at a Strip Club the Day His Wife Disappeared, Say ...
https://www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=11631Mar 11, 2010 – Josh Powell's explanation for what he was doing the night his wife Susan disappeared has never made much sense. Now, three witnesses ...
Re: Susan Powell -- Missing 12/7/09
Date: December 7, 2009 3PM
Date: December 7, 2009 3:34PM
Josh Leaves Message To Susan's Phone (which he has in van)
warrant indicates Josh Powell left a message on his wife’s cellphone at 3:34 p.m., informing her that he and the children were back from their camping trip. He also asked her if she needed him to pick her up from work
http://www.sltrib.com/sltrib/news/53824340-78/powell-josh-police-susan.html.csp?page=2 Date: December 7, 2009 4:48PM
Josh returned Jennifer's call (the family had frantically tried to reach Josh on his cell phone throughout the day)http://www.examiner.com/headlines-in-seattle/susan-cox-powell-detailed-timeline-of-days-surrounding-susan-s-disappearance#ixzz1nEjQDBD7
Powell allegedly told police that he left with his then 4 and 2 year old sons just after midnight for a camping trip and returned home with them around 5:00 p.m. No one at the bar claimed to have seen the two young boys.
Date: December 7, 2009 Monday 5:27 PM
Susan Graves Calls Josh, She Know He is Lying
Graves told investigators she called her brother at 5:27 p.m. on Dec. 7 and asked where he had been. Josh Powell told his sister that he had been at work, the search warrants state. Graves, who had been in contact with police already, told her brother that she knew he was lying. Josh Powell then changed his story and told his sister he went camping with Charlie and Braden, then ages 2 and 4.
Graves told her brother that his wife was missing and that he needed to return home. Josh Powell then asked Graves "how much she knew," the search warrant states. Graves questioned why her brother would ask her that, and then Josh Powell hung up, the warrant states. ( Josh also told JoVonna Susan was at work.)
Date: December 7, 2009 Monday 6:40 PM
West Valley City police Detective Ellis Maxwell spoke to Josh Powell on Dec. 7, approaching him on the passenger side of the minivan when Josh Powell arrived at his West Valley City home around 6:40 p.m. Josh Powell said he hadn’t been answering his cellphone as he’d kept it off to preserve the battery because he didn’t own a charger. Maxwell, however, observed a charger plugged into Josh Powell’s cigarette lighter.
** evidence ** Josh is obviously lying, he could have been arrested then and there
Disappearance of Susan Powell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Joshua Powell returned home at about 5:00 pm on December 7 with the two children
returned home between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. He was taken to the West Valley Police station to be questioned. Read more: KCSG Television - Intentional Explosion at Washington Home Kills Josh Powell 2 sons
http://abcnews.go.com/US/powell-family-tragedy-timeline-events/story?id=15520239#.Tzqto7GvigMPowell says that he returned home to find his wife gone; that Monday she did not show up to her job at Wells Fargo Financial.
Josh does not call Susan's father to say she is missing until 11AM the next day.
Date: Dec 7, 2009 monday after they arrive at home
Steven Powell version:Steven told PEOPLE that Josh had a conversation with police the night after Susan disappeared, and that, “The ‘interview’ turned into a marathon interrogation of about 10 hours. He told them everything he knew.”
Anon sources says they were back by 9PM: an anonymous source told Examiner.com that neighbors watched as Josh arrive at his home between 5 and 6 p.m. the day Susan was reported missing.
Police have interviewed [Josh] and the 4-year-old boy, but did not release any details.
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,580001,00.html?test=latestnews#ixzz1nDy1Xkhb
Date: Dec 8, 2009 Tuesday
Josh and his boys don't return until tuesday (some reports monday). They have been gone from the house over 24 hours. (or 17 hours)
Some reports say he returned on Tuesday 8th, not monday
Hellewell says she immediately was apprehensive about Josh's tale — that Susan had vanished while he and the boys were on a camping trip. "He came back without Susan and claimed to not know where she was. When I heard his ridiculous stories that he supposedly woke his children up at midnight Sunday night, took them out of their warm beds and went camping in the desert in a snowstorm, I just knew that was a total lie," Hellewell says. "Susan would have never allowed that to happen. She put her boys' safety above everything, and she would never let [Josh] do that. I knew that if he was claiming to have done that, he was either telling a complete lie or she was dead or incapacitated." Read more: http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,2106632,00.html#ixzz1mOh8ZZVm
Time: 11 a.m. Charles Cox received a telephone call from Joshua Powell, who informed him Susan was missing and that he was about to be interviewed by police again. He evidently doesn't even ask if Charles has any idea of where she went, as her parents would obviously (for anybody but Josh) be a place she would have gone if she decided to abandon the marriage.
When his son-in-law called him about her disappearance, [Chuck] Cox said he sounded upset.
"He informed me that she was missing and he didn’t have any idea where she was," he told Fox Thursday. "His voice cracked, like he was choking back tears or something."
He said some of his son-in-law's story "didn't sound normal" to him — including his account of taking the boys camping while his wife stayed home in bed.
"I have no evidence that he was involved in anything," Cox said. "Police have looked in the house. Currently, they have no official persons of interest or suspects at this time. We don't know what happened."
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,580001,00.html?test=latestnews#ixzz1nDxQLVzc
Date: Dec 8?, 2009 Time: 3:00 PM
Police, friends, family, and neighbors grew concerned. Neighbors finally reached Josh at around 3:00 p.m.
Date: Dec 8?, 2009 Time: 5:00 PM
It then took Josh two hours to get home.
"He just said he was driving around West Valley City," Peterson said. "He wasn't in a big hurry to get home and find his wife. It's just a really crappy situation."
http://www.sltrib.com/news/ci_13954018 West Valley City police looking for missing woman The Salt Lake Tribune Published December 8, 2009 7:10 pm. [This is first newspaper coverage of incident] Capt. Tom McLachlan said Susan and Joshua Powell and their kids were reported missing by family members Monday. Susan Powell's parents called police after not being able to find the family at home. They also checked with their employers and neither Susan nor Joshua Powell went to work Monday. Joshua Powell and his 4- and 1-year-old children returned to their home Tuesday, McLachlan said.
Date: "several days after the ordeal"
Burkholder says a [strip bar ]customer later recognized Powell on the news and called West Valley police. She says investigators showed up several days after the ordeal. "I wouldn't want the authorities finding out I was in a strip club the day after my wife came up missing," said former police officer and UtahDetective.com owner David Lundberg.
Date: December 9, 2009 Wednesday
Dec. 9, 2009: Police started searching the Powell residence in West Valley City, Utah, about 10 miles (16 km) outside Salt Lake City, for any clues into Susan’s disappearance; Josh wasn’t yet named a suspect Read more: http://newsfeed.time.com/2012/02/07/timeline-the-powell-familys-tragic-two-years/#ixzz1mO1uD0iB
Joshua 'Josh' Powell back in Utah, police issue a warrant and seize his van
January 30, 1:50 AM
JoVonna Owings, a friend of both Susan and Kiirsi, said, "I talked to Kiirsi today and she said Josh planned to meet her and her husband for lunch Friday. On his way to meet them, Josh saw reporters and didn't want to be confronted. He contacted the Hellewells who agreed to meet him outside a grocery store."
Josh got in their car and joined the Hellewell's at their home for lunch, leaving the van behind. When the three returned to the grocery store parking lot so Josh could retrieve his van they were met by police with a search warrant and tow truck.
“Police seized the van at 4:30 p.m. and returned it to Josh about three hours later,” Kiirsi said in an email this evening.
Owings stated she believes Josh has plans to lease the home where he, his wife, and two children lived before Susan disappeared, to a neighbor.
Friends and family have noted that Josh has been less talkative since Susan went missing, and that his demeanor has changed. “Yes, though he is more talkative with us now than he was,” Kiirsi said.
Josh’s sister, Jennifer Graves, said in a phone interview this evening that, “Josh hasn’t opened up at all. He used to be talkative to the extreme, dominating conversations to the point you couldn’t get a word in edgewise.”
“Now,” she says, “He just goes on about things that don’t matter.”
Article: http://www.examiner.com/x-34328-Seattle-Headlines-Examiner~y2010m1d30-Joshua-Josh-Powell-back-in-Utah-police-issue-a-warrant-and-seize-his-van
Josh Rents a Car to Drive 800 miles
UPDATE X: Josh Powell rented a car two days after Susan went missing, driving hundreds of miles in a 24 hour period.
It's once again very strange behavior for a man who would presumably be in the midst of a desperate search to find his wife. What? Did he suddenly have a series of long-distance errands that just had to be knocked off?
But since Josh isn't talking, and the car didn't have a GPS, police are at a loss about where he traveled that day.
Josh Powell rented a car from the Salt Lake City International Airport on Dec. 8, after police seized the Powell family’s blue minivan to search for potential evidence. He drove more than 800 miles before returning the vehicle on Dec. 10. He purchased a new cellphone, which he activated 80 miles north of Salt Lake City in Tremonton, the search warrants state.
comment: CharlieChan
police in West Valley City, Utah, a suburb of Salt Lake City, are trying to determine where Joshua Powell traveled in a rental car two days after Susan was reported to have disappeared. He reportedly logged hundreds of miles on the rental vehicle, the Deseret News reported.
Official Website of Susan Powell (Susan Cox), Missing Person December 2009
SusanPowell.org: Jennifer Graves ransacks missing woman Susan Powell's home
On the morning after Susan Powell left, Jennifer Graves came to Josh and Susan Powell's house with Josh's mother. Their stated purpose was to help Josh with the children....At the time, Josh was getting dressed to meet with West Valley City Police investigators. Before Josh left, however, Jennifer Graves found a large spot under the couch in the living room (Koolaid-pink and about 2 feet in diameter). Jennifer Graves looked directly at Josh with an accusatory expression and said, "Josh, how could you?" Josh explained that it was probably some kind of spilled drink and that it had been there a very long time. As quickly as Jennifer Graves brought up the issue, Josh forgot about the spot Jennifer Graves had found. Jennifer Graves continued her "cleaning" and Josh left in order to meet with the West Valley City Police at their headquarters.... Jennifer Graves took Susan Powell's car keys from Josh and Susan's house. It is confirmed that Jennifer Graves had the keys after Susan left, but we don't know how Jennifer Graves actually acquired the keys. We were told that those keys were later turned over to the West Valley City Police as "evidence".
December 2009
29 30 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Police searched the area where Josh said he was camping and failed to find any signs of his campsite. http://newsfeed.time.com/2012/02/07/timeline-the-powell-familys-tragic-two-years/#ixzz1mO28wGRU
Josh Powell returns rental car after driving 800 miles. He purchased a new cellphone, which he activated 80 miles north of Salt Lake City
Josh Powell, Chuck Cox and other family members gather outside the LDS Church's Hunter Central Stake Center [3937 S 6070 W, West Valley City, Utah 84128] to pray, sing hymns and start a 24-hour fast in hopes of Susan Cox Powell's safe return. A tearful Josh Powell does not speak. Chuck Cox says he is concerned about the focus on his son-in-law. That evening, Josh Powell joins an effort to hand out missing person fliers to fans attending a Jazz game.
I've known Josh for a year now and we have spoken many times. Josh doesn't show any of the traits I've read about in people involved in their spouse's disappearance. He's not living some false live, no girl on the side, no money problems outside he's underpaid at work.
Josh is a good guy so quit speculating about this and let the police do their work. WVPD are good group of guys and will figure this out.
Josh Powell hires Utah defense attorney Scott C. Williams and skips a third interview with West Valley City Police.
Utah Mom's Disappearance 'Suspicious,' Police Say
Friends and neighbors say he has shown little interest in finding his wife and seems oddly calm about her disappearance, ABC 4 News reported.
"They've had problems for a very long time and that's very obvious when you spend a short time with them, you can tell ... they're roommates," friend Tim Peterson told the station.
Peterson said Joshua Powell wouldn't talk about Susan when he asked where she was Wednesday night, according to ABC 4.
"I told him if my wife came up missing, I'd be going nuts, I'd be out looking for her. What do you think?" Peterson said. "He's like, the cops are handling all that."Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,580001,00.html?test=latestnews#ixzz1nDyTnx8h
Date: December 15, 2009 Tuesday
Police have interviewed Josh Powell three times but say he will not answer specific questions, such as exactly where he went camping. Investigators took samples of his DNA Tuesday. http://www.deseretnews.com/article/705352578/Friend-speaks-out-in-support-of-Josh-Powell.html
As officers in Utah struggled to find clues regarding Susan’s whereabouts, Josh, after retaining a defense attorney a day prior, failed to show up for his interview with police. The West Valley City police announced this development, claiming the husband was getting in the way of finding his wife. http://newsfeed.time.com/2012/02/07/timeline-the-powell-familys-tragic-two-years/#ixzz1mO124Vk5
Date: Dec. 17, 2009:
West Valley City police subpoena Salt Lake City TV stations for footage of interviews with Josh Powell taken days after his wife's disappearance.
A notebook that Susan Powell kept in her desk at work, possibly containing information about her relationship with her husband, was among the items seized by investigators last week, several sources have told the Deseret News. The notebook, according to one source, detailed threats allegedly made about a year ago against the missing West Valley woman.
Police confirmed Wednesday that they now consider him a "person of interest" in the case... there is circumstantial evidence that foul play cannot be ruled out," West Valley Assistant Police Chief Craig Black said. Black said Josh Powell is not the only person of interest. Black declined to discuss who the others are in the case....Black is quick to point out, however, that a person of interest is not the same as a suspect.
Date: December 18, 2009
Josh Powell Full Interview With 2News Utah News, KUTV, 2News, Utah Community.flv
Josh Powell and his sons travel to Puyallup, Wash., to stay in the home of his father, Steven Powell, for the holidays.
According to the June 7 issue of PEOPLE, Steven Powell said he supports his son’s decision to leave Utah and come live with him in Puyallup, Washington, Josh and Susan’s hometown. Josh moved the children to Puyallup before Christmas and then packed up the house and moved all of their belongings the first week of January. Less than one month after Susan disappeared.http://www.examiner.com/headlines-in-seattle/where-is-susan-powell-her-father-law-thinks-she-s-having-a-fling-hopes-she-ll-land-on-her-feet-1#ixzz1mP6nYVSN
Police Still Puzzled Over Utah Mom's Disappearance By BROCK VERGAKIS
Associated Press Writer 5:24 p.m. MST, December 18, 2009 Susan Powell never showed up at her stockbroker job the next morning -- her keys, purse and cell phone all left at home. The husband was a no-show at work as well, saying he lost track of what day it was during the camping excursion.Authorities suspect foul play, and they say the husband's reluctance to provide basic information about his whereabouts that night has only fueled their suspicion."Usually something will surface within a few hours or a day, and everybody goes home happy and singing Kumbaya," said Tom McLachlan, a police captain in West Valley City, a suburb of Salt Lake City. "On this one, that's not happening, and we're very concerned about that."
hired a criminal defense attorney who often defends high-profile clients. And when he has appeared in public, he often looks haggard and downcast.
.. [left] after midnight, even though he had to be at work a few hours later at his trucking company job. He said he forgot what day it was when he went camping because he did not go to church the day before.
Police have reportedly obtained a notebook or journal from Susan Powell's office that describes an alleged threat made by her husband about a year ago
Date: December 19, 2009 Saturday
zehnder's angle: http://www.examiner.com/family-in-seattle/in-support-of-josh-powell-friend-speaks-out-while-wife-susan-powell-is-still-missing
Wayne Hamberg says the media shouldn't convict Josh Powell despite circumstantial evidence ... "There is nobody being nice to him," Hamberg said. "Everyone is treating him like a Mark Hacking or Scott Peterson."
Hacking was convicted of killing his wife, Lori Hacking, in Utah in 2004. Peterson was convicted of the 2002 murder of his pregnant wife, Laci Peterson. Both men originally professed their innocence and even gave TV interviews while crews searched for their missing spouses.
Hamberg is Josh Powell's friend and also knows him through a computer club. He said Josh Powell was at his house as recently as Tuesday. Hamberg has seen the interviews on TV in which many have said Josh Powell seems to be aloof, distant or even evasive when answering questions.
"I don't know if he has anything to hide. I told him, 'Don't tell me anything. Don't talk to me (about Susan Powell's disappearance),' " he said. "He was so distraught; he could either be completely overwhelmed or ridden with guilt. I'd like to believe he's innocent." Hamberg said Josh Powell is a very talented computer engineer but felt he was underappreciated at work "To do a 'blue flu' and miss a day wouldn't surprise me," he said of Josh Powell's reason for not showing up to work Monday.
Date: December 20, 2009 SUNDAY
— Friends and family of Susan Cox Powell hold vigils in Utah and Puyallup, Wash., to keep attention focused on finding the missing woman.
UYALLUP, Wash. (CBS/AP) Josh Powell joined more than 60 people at a candlelight vigil in Washington state for his wife, Susan Powell,
Photo: Josh Powell at a candlelight vigil for wife Susan Powell, Dec. 20, 2009.
Josh Powell stood surrounded by supporters who shielded him with umbrellas while rain poured down on the proceedings. His 4-year-old son Charlie accompanied him and held a candle for his mother.
Susan Powell's family and friends were clearly shocked that Josh Powell had decided to attend the vigil, they have said that they were saddened that he was named as a person of interest in their loved one's disappearance but not surprised.
...After the vigil Josh Powell spoke briefly with his wife's sister, Denise and gave her a hug, The Salt Lake Tribune reported. She later told the Tribune that she asked him how he and the children were doing and if he could speak to him later and that he agreed to meet with her.
Susan Powell's parents, Chuck and Judy Cox, walked past Josh Powell after the vigil without speaking to him.
Date: December 21, 2009 Monday
Date: December 23, 2009
Neighbors Say Husband Possibly Involved in Disappearance of Susan Powell
Nineveh Dinha, Anchor/Reporter and Jared Preusz, Web Content Producer
FOX 13 News
Neighbors of Susan Powell are now saying they believe her husband, Josh, was somehow involved in her disappearance. One family friend of the Powell's, Jim Peterson, said Josh came over just days after his wife was reported missing, acting very odd, avoiding any conversation about Susan and talked about some new clothes that he purchased. Peterson also said police took Josh's cell phone and he purchased a new one at Wal-Mart. Authorities are not confirming the phone, but they said Josh rented a car and drove it several hundred miles in a matter of days while his van was being searched.
The Salt Lake Tribune reported that Powell told Peterson police had taken his clothes, the quilt on their bed, and his cell phone. They also took the carpet cleaner.
Stockbroker Susan Powell Missing in Utah; Husband's Actions Suspicious
Date: December 25, 2009
Susan Powell and Joshua Powell - Neighbor, Tim Peterson, provides new information about the Powell's
Joshua Powell’s neighbor, Tim Peterson, provided new information, saying Josh is a “crackpot” and that he seemed unfazed about his wife, Susan Powell’s, disappearance
“Josh is really possessive about his things," Peterson said. "He treated everything as his possessions, including his wife and kids. He was very controlling."
Peterson, like the Powells, is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and attends the same ward as the Powells.
Susan told Peterson that Josh was controlling and had become more possessive and obsessive since moving to Utah five years ago. She wanted Josh to become more active in the church and hoped he would get his temple recommend by their anniversary in 2010. If he didn’t, she was strongly considering divorcing him.
Peterson suggested she meet with the LDS Family Service counselor, as he’d done with his wife.
"She went to the marriage counselor hoping it would save their marriage," Peterson said.
Date: December 24, 2009
Dec. 24, 2009: After two weeks of investigations that involved searches of the Powell's home and interviews with the two boys -- who confirmed the camping trip they'd taken with their father -- police name Josh Powell a "person of interest" in his wife's disappearance.
Date: December 27, 2009 Sunday
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,580882,00.html?test=latestnews#ixzz1mEeCIzfn
Year 2010
Hellewell posted regularly on her blog about progress made in the search for Susan, linked to news articles that had been written about the case and sometimes shared information about the missing woman, such as her hobbies and favorite foods. "I've probably spent thousands of hours [searching for Susan]. There is no way to estimate it. It has taken up 80% to 90% of the majority of time since she disappeared," says Hellewell. "The Facebook page takes up a lot of time monitoring the comments. Susan's father continually asked us over the last two years to please not let anyone post anything that was accusatory towards Josh because it's about positivity. We have spent a lot of time taking comments off that were accusatory." Read more: http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,2106632,00.html#ixzz1mOiY3Y97
Date January 11, 2010
On Jan. 14 the creator of the “Susan Powell” Facebook group, Leslie Bleak, was notified by Facebook that her "Susan Powell" Facebook account was removed. Bleak’s group had about 6,000 members and provided a place where people could share information without it being censored.
[U]While there was speculation that Bleak’s account was removed at the urging of friends and family of Susan Powell, Shelby Gifford, a friend and spokeswoman for Susan Powell's parents, said the family did not complain to Facebook about Bleak's group.
JoVonna Owings said in a phone conversation this evening, “A person signed onto the Friends and Family of Susan Powell Facebook group as Susan and said awful things. The ‘troll’ says he has a friend in high places at Facebook and he would take the site down.”
It is believed the same ‘troll’ recently warned Kiirsi that he/she had purchased the URLs to www.susanpowell.com, .net, and .org. A search revealed the URLs had in fact been purchased years ago. The susanpowell.com URL has been owned by Banyan Productions in Philadelphia since Feb. 3, 1999.
Threats he/she purchased susanpowell.net were also false. That URL is owned by Susan Powell in Tustin, Calif., is administered by Emerald Publications, and was created on Dec. 2, 2004. The susanpowell.org URL was created July 16, 2006, and is registered privately.
However, that URL, and the others, were all created long before the threats were made by this ‘troll’.
Friends and Family of Susan Powell Facebook Group
The Friends and Family of Susan Powell Facebook group was created by Kiirsi Hellewell, Susan Powell’s best friend, as a place for friends and family to provide support for one another after Susan Powell disappeared Dec. 7.
There were hundreds of photos and links to articles and websites.
But most importantly, people from around the globe left tens of thousands of posts with words of comfort for Susan’s parents, friends, and other family members.
By Shomari Stone and KOMO News Services PUYALLUP, Wash. - Two vigils - almost 1,000 miles apart - were held for missing Susan Powell as friends and family gathered in Utah and Washington to commemorate three months since the 28-year-old mother of two disappeared.
But one person was conspicuous by his absence - the missing mom's husband, Josh Powell, who did not attend either of the vigils.
Nancy Grace 2/9/2012 It was summer 2010 when the boys were in preschool and 3 of the teachers / workers told them about the drawing with mommy in the trunk. Grandmother asked if they told supervisors or authorities, they said no, they didn’t think it was very important. Grandmother said yes it was very important, but they they said that they didn’t notify the police in Utah until october of 2011. Grace asks why murder warrant wasn’t set right then. But they didn’t tell the police or the public then.
Date: Jun 6, 2010
Anti-Cox site pins blame Mormon persecution by Mormons
Date: September 2010
Police told Steve has Susan's diary, underwear and lots of photos of her
Sandy Anderson described herself as a friend of Steve, and that Josh Powell's father had spoken to her several times since Susan Powell's disappearance. The first time, according to Sandy, was in January 2010, next in April of last year, and most recently last September."I told police September 2010, after I talked to Steve Powell, about things he said he had inside a locked cabinet in his house," said Anderson. According to Sandy, the items included "seven volumes of (Susan's) her journal, some of her underwear, plus a lot of photos of her."
Date September 10, 2010
Chuck Cox and Ed Smart appear together in Utah as part of an effort to raise awareness for kidnapped children and promote legislation that would require that DNA samples be taken from people arrested on suspicion of a felony.
Date: September 8, 2010
Josh Tries To Join PTA, Other Parents Object
Josh Powell causes stir trying to get involved in son's school
September 8th, 2010 By Paul Nelson
PUYALLUP, Wash. -- The husband of missing West Valley City woman Susan Powell is trying to get involved in his son's school by joining the PTA -- but this decision isn't sitting well with other parents in the school....say they don't want Josh Powell on the PTA of Carson Elementary in Puyallup, Wash.... quite frankly, just gives me the creeps..We're thinking about starting a petition [to bar Powell]," Quantrell said. ....All of our volunteers are required to complete the background check through the school district before volunteering." (Did he pass a background check? Only person of interest in disappearance of his wife under suspicious circumstances...._
Date: September 2010
Date: October 8, 2010
summer_breeze http://www.websleuths.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-92541.html
News by Kate Wharmby Seldman (6 Hours Ago) in Society / Crime In an explosive new development in the Susan Cox Powell case, the missing Utah mom's four-year-old son reportedly said, "Mommy's in the mine, looking for crystals." The boy reportedly made the statement after his mom went missing in Dec. 2009, but it wasn't made public until now.
Date: November 8, 2010

Rick Egan | The Salt Lake Tribune Josh Powell, looking at a family photo from his 2002 college graduation, said his wife, Susan, is “extremely unstable,” and that he believes mental illness drove her to leave her family behind. Josh Powell is living in Puyallup, Wash., with his father and children.
Date: Dec. 6, 2010
— Josh Powell and his father, Steven, assert that Susan Cox Powell ran away with missing Utah man Steven Koecher, who disappeared in Nevada in December 2009. The Powells claim the pair ran off to Brazil, where Koecher had served an LDS mission, and they assert the missing duo may have married and started a new life together.
Year 2011
Date: 2011 sometime - Josh gets job as programmer
Josh Powell’s boss says he was a good programmer BY NATE CARLISLE
The Salt Lake Tribune Kent, Wash. • When Ed Wadagnolo posted a job opening for his small software company last year, he received an application from an experienced programmer named Josh Powell.
Date: July 14, 2011
Steven Powell appears on the Today Show, to announce his intention to publish Susan Cox Powell's teenage diary, which he says will show she was "sexually open."
http://www.deseretnews.com/article/705376246/Josh-Powell-family-to-publish-teen-diaries-of-missing-wife-Susan-Cox-Powell.html By Emiley Morgan, Deseret News Published: Thursday, July 14, 2011 11:43 a.m. MDT The father-in-law of a missing West Valley mother says her journals as a teenager shows she was "sexually open" and he plans to publish those entries on a website.
Date: August 2011
Early August — Josh files restraining order against his father-in-law, forbidding Chuck Cox from approaching him or his boys.
Date: August 18, 2011
Police Search For Rocks in Mine Shafts
West Valley City police report a break in the case and conduct a two-day search of abandoned mine shafts in Ely, Nev. Few other details are released.
The same weekend as the honk-and-wave confrontation, West Valley police were conducting a search of abandoned mine shafts in the desert near Ely, Nev. Investigators said they had new information in the Powell case that prompted the searches, but have never said what that evidence was. Prior to conducting that two-day search, Downing said police had received statements from individuals involved with Puyallup's Gem and Mineral Club, about a bag of rocks at an exhibition.
"Josh and one of the boys seemed to be particularly interested, almost excessively interested, in a rock from Ely, Nev.," he said, adding that the subsequent actions of West Valley police were referred to by Josh Powell as "a circus."
Date: August 19, 2011 Friday Wierd News Conference
West Valley police Sgt. Mike Powell was the public information officer at the podium. ... Mike Powell, who is not related to the family of the missing woman.Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/09/14/police-find-unidentified-remains-in-search-missing-utah-mom/#ixzz1mfFDUDmn
"I can't say that I hope to have them find anything, really, to be honest. I mean, I can't imagine what of value, aside from Susan herself, they could possibly find." -Josh Powell
So he's honestly telling us that he doesn't want them to find Susan.His brain is scrambling for answers while his mouth is spewing out words. Disjointed, scrambled thoughts.
Date August 20, 2011: Saturday
Steven Powell and Susan's father Chuck Cox get into a shouting match at a Puyallup, Wash. remembrance rally for Susan. Steve Powell confronts Chuck Cox at the rally, calling him a "liar" and a "cyber bully." Speaking with the local media, Josh Powell says he does not appreciate the rally being near his home. "Putting this in my neighborhood is not appropriate," Powell said. "They're trying to push an agenda. ... I don't know what happened to her. There are 1,000 different theories that people need to consider in strong and serious ways."
c: Tell Steve to stick with writing bad songs and stay away from trying to brain wash the public and the authorities.
c: Steve Chantrey AKA Steven Powell is delusional. Should he be in the capacity to monitor ANY young children let alone Susan's sons? Susan stated to friends that she didn't want Chantrey anywhere near her sons and they were NEVER to be left alone with him. Where is child protective services to evaluate those boys?
c: Steven Powell wonders why the police aren't looking at other suspects. How about this: Because your son looks so absolutely guilty the police don't need to look elsewhere. But if they did, maybe they should take a look at you, Steven Powell. Or Chantry. Or whatever your name is this week.
comment: Steve, now I'm suppose to believe your theory of what happened to Susan? Ok then here's mine. You and your loser son know what happened to Susan and your trying to blame your victim. How do you like that theory Steve? and by the way your music sucks.
He had allegedly been camping with his boys in the West Utah desert. He claimed he last saw Susan the night before, around midnight, and left to go camping at around 12:30 a.m.
When he returned home between 5 and 6 p.m. the following evening, Dec. 7, police were there waiting for him. They had already suspected foul play when they saw two large fans aimed at a wet spot on the carpet and Susan's purse and keys in her bedroom and wanted to take Josh in for questioning.
Josh, police, and the two children, Charlie and Braden, left shortly after Josh and the boys returned home.
Date: December 7, 2009 Time: 9PM Josh and children back from police station
Josh's neighbors contacted Examiner.com's source around 9:30 p.m. that evening and said Josh, the children, and police all returned to the house shortly after 9 p.m.
According to neighbors, police went into the house for a few moments with Josh and the kids. They said police then came out of the house and drove away, leaving Josh and the children alone all night. http://www.examiner.com/headlines-in-seattle/where-is-susan-powell-her-father-law-thinks-she-s-having-a-fling-hopes-she-ll-land-on-her-feet-1#ixzz1mP5dr6rs
Police have interviewed [Josh] and the 4-year-old boy, but did not release any details.
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,580001,00.html?test=latestnews#ixzz1nDy1Xkhb
Date: Dec 8, 2009 Tuesday
Josh and his boys don't return until tuesday (some reports monday). They have been gone from the house over 24 hours. (or 17 hours)
Some reports say he returned on Tuesday 8th, not monday
Susan Powell Missing: Josh Powell Interview With Police » Right Juris | |
law.rightpundits.com/?p=1035Dec 15, 2009
On December 8th, Josh Powell returned home with the couple's children but Susan Powell remained missing ... |
On December 8th, Josh Powell returned home with the couple’s children but Susan Powellremained missing. Josh Powell stated that he took his two young children, aged 4 and 2, campingin Utah’s West Desert during the time that Susan would have gone missing. Police have been unable to verify this trip, and the campsite which Powell claims to have visited showed no signs of campers due to recent snowstorms.
According to a local Salt Lake City Newspaper:
Josh Powell told the Deseret News he last saw his wife about midnight Sunday at their home. He said that was when he decided to leave the house and take his two sons, ages 2 and 4, camping “down south.”
Powell claims that he didn’t know that his wife was missing until he received a call from a friendtelling him that the police were looking for him. He then cancelled an interview with Police after retaining a defense attorney.
Date: December 8, 2009 Tuesday
Time: 11 a.m. Charles Cox received a telephone call from Joshua Powell, who informed him Susan was missing and that he was about to be interviewed by police again. He evidently doesn't even ask if Charles has any idea of where she went, as her parents would obviously (for anybody but Josh) be a place she would have gone if she decided to abandon the marriage.
Utah Mom's Disappearance 'Suspicious,' Police Say December 14, 2009
"He informed me that she was missing and he didn’t have any idea where she was," he told Fox Thursday. "His voice cracked, like he was choking back tears or something."
He said some of his son-in-law's story "didn't sound normal" to him — including his account of taking the boys camping while his wife stayed home in bed.
"I have no evidence that he was involved in anything," Cox said. "Police have looked in the house. Currently, they have no official persons of interest or suspects at this time. We don't know what happened."
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,580001,00.html?test=latestnews#ixzz1nDxQLVzc
Date: Dec 8?, 2009 Time: 3:00 PM
Police, friends, family, and neighbors grew concerned. Neighbors finally reached Josh at around 3:00 p.m.
Date: Dec 8?, 2009 Time: 5:00 PM
It then took Josh two hours to get home.
"He just said he was driving around West Valley City," Peterson said. "He wasn't in a big hurry to get home and find his wife. It's just a really crappy situation."
http://www.sltrib.com/news/ci_13954018 West Valley City police looking for missing woman The Salt Lake Tribune Published December 8, 2009 7:10 pm. [This is first newspaper coverage of incident] Capt. Tom McLachlan said Susan and Joshua Powell and their kids were reported missing by family members Monday. Susan Powell's parents called police after not being able to find the family at home. They also checked with their employers and neither Susan nor Joshua Powell went to work Monday. Joshua Powell and his 4- and 1-year-old children returned to their home Tuesday, McLachlan said.
Date: "several days after the ordeal"
Burkholder says a [strip bar ]customer later recognized Powell on the news and called West Valley police. She says investigators showed up several days after the ordeal. "I wouldn't want the authorities finding out I was in a strip club the day after my wife came up missing," said former police officer and UtahDetective.com owner David Lundberg.
Date: December 9, 2009 Wednesday
Police serve a search warrant on the Powell residence and remove boxes, bags and a computer.
Searching for Susan Powell: Neighbor describes husband's odd behavior
BY SHEENA MCFARLAND THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE PUBLISHED DECEMBER 23, 2009 7:40 PM When Joshua Powell showed up at Tim Peterson's door with extremely wind-burned hands two days after his wife went missing, asking for a ride to the police station to get his van, he seemed "pretty unfazed." "We kept asking about Susan, but all he could talk about was the new clothes and phone he had gotten at Walmart after the police took his stuff for evidence," Peterson said Wednesday about his neighbor. Joshua Powell seemed to have that lax attitude from the beginning.
"I wanted to say 'Man, this just isn't adding up,' but I didn't, I was loving and supportive," Peterson said.
The Salt Lake Tribune reported Powell wouldn't answer questions about his missing wife, only saying he didn't know where she was and that he wasn't actively looking for her because the police were handling that, Peterson said.
"This guy was absolutely a crackpot and there was just something wrong with this whole situation," Peterson said.
Dec. 9, 2009: Police started searching the Powell residence in West Valley City, Utah, about 10 miles (16 km) outside Salt Lake City, for any clues into Susan’s disappearance; Josh wasn’t yet named a suspect Read more: http://newsfeed.time.com/2012/02/07/timeline-the-powell-familys-tragic-two-years/#ixzz1mO1uD0iB
Joshua 'Josh' Powell back in Utah, police issue a warrant and seize his van
January 30, 1:50 AM
JoVonna Owings, a friend of both Susan and Kiirsi, said, "I talked to Kiirsi today and she said Josh planned to meet her and her husband for lunch Friday. On his way to meet them, Josh saw reporters and didn't want to be confronted. He contacted the Hellewells who agreed to meet him outside a grocery store."
Josh got in their car and joined the Hellewell's at their home for lunch, leaving the van behind. When the three returned to the grocery store parking lot so Josh could retrieve his van they were met by police with a search warrant and tow truck.
“Police seized the van at 4:30 p.m. and returned it to Josh about three hours later,” Kiirsi said in an email this evening.
Owings stated she believes Josh has plans to lease the home where he, his wife, and two children lived before Susan disappeared, to a neighbor.
Friends and family have noted that Josh has been less talkative since Susan went missing, and that his demeanor has changed. “Yes, though he is more talkative with us now than he was,” Kiirsi said.
Josh’s sister, Jennifer Graves, said in a phone interview this evening that, “Josh hasn’t opened up at all. He used to be talkative to the extreme, dominating conversations to the point you couldn’t get a word in edgewise.”
“Now,” she says, “He just goes on about things that don’t matter.”
Article: http://www.examiner.com/x-34328-Seattle-Headlines-Examiner~y2010m1d30-Joshua-Josh-Powell-back-in-Utah-police-issue-a-warrant-and-seize-his-van
Josh Rents a Car to Drive 800 miles
UPDATE X: Josh Powell rented a car two days after Susan went missing, driving hundreds of miles in a 24 hour period.
It's once again very strange behavior for a man who would presumably be in the midst of a desperate search to find his wife. What? Did he suddenly have a series of long-distance errands that just had to be knocked off?
But since Josh isn't talking, and the car didn't have a GPS, police are at a loss about where he traveled that day.
Josh Powell rented a car from the Salt Lake City International Airport on Dec. 8, after police seized the Powell family’s blue minivan to search for potential evidence. He drove more than 800 miles before returning the vehicle on Dec. 10. He purchased a new cellphone, which he activated 80 miles north of Salt Lake City in Tremonton, the search warrants state.
comment: CharlieChan
police in West Valley City, Utah, a suburb of Salt Lake City, are trying to determine where Joshua Powell traveled in a rental car two days after Susan was reported to have disappeared. He reportedly logged hundreds of miles on the rental vehicle, the Deseret News reported.
Joshua Powell — a person of interest in his wife's disappearance — rented the car for 24 hours while police had his minivan in custody to process it for evidence.
Police are now looking into where he drove during that 24-hour period because the car lacked a GPS tracking device but had "several hundred" extra miles on it when he returned it to the rental car company, the Deseret News reported.
Police did not hear from 34-year-old Joshua Powell during that period of time, the paper reported.
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,580882,00.html?test=latestnews#ixzz1mEdPJqszOfficial Website of Susan Powell (Susan Cox), Missing Person December 2009
SusanPowell.org: Jennifer Graves ransacks missing woman Susan Powell's home
On the morning after Susan Powell left, Jennifer Graves came to Josh and Susan Powell's house with Josh's mother. Their stated purpose was to help Josh with the children....At the time, Josh was getting dressed to meet with West Valley City Police investigators. Before Josh left, however, Jennifer Graves found a large spot under the couch in the living room (Koolaid-pink and about 2 feet in diameter). Jennifer Graves looked directly at Josh with an accusatory expression and said, "Josh, how could you?" Josh explained that it was probably some kind of spilled drink and that it had been there a very long time. As quickly as Jennifer Graves brought up the issue, Josh forgot about the spot Jennifer Graves had found. Jennifer Graves continued her "cleaning" and Josh left in order to meet with the West Valley City Police at their headquarters.... Jennifer Graves took Susan Powell's car keys from Josh and Susan's house. It is confirmed that Jennifer Graves had the keys after Susan left, but we don't know how Jennifer Graves actually acquired the keys. We were told that those keys were later turned over to the West Valley City Police as "evidence".
December 2009
29 30 1 2 3 4 5
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Date: December 10, 2009 Thursday
Police searched the area where Josh said he was camping and failed to find any signs of his campsite. http://newsfeed.time.com/2012/02/07/timeline-the-powell-familys-tragic-two-years/#ixzz1mO28wGRU
Josh Powell returns rental car after driving 800 miles. He purchased a new cellphone, which he activated 80 miles north of Salt Lake City
Date: December 11, 2009 Friday
Police report that snow hampers their search efforts in the Simpson Springs area of Tooele County.
Date: December 12, 2009 Saturday
- First internet comments conclude Josh probably killed her, DNA will be found on that couch
Josh Powell, Chuck Cox and other family members gather outside the LDS Church's Hunter Central Stake Center [3937 S 6070 W, West Valley City, Utah 84128] to pray, sing hymns and start a 24-hour fast in hopes of Susan Cox Powell's safe return. A tearful Josh Powell does not speak. Chuck Cox says he is concerned about the focus on his son-in-law. That evening, Josh Powell joins an effort to hand out missing person fliers to fans attending a Jazz game.
BREAKING NEWS UPDATE: Susan Powell's father tells people to stop focusing on Josh Powell
Josh Powell
(AP Photo/Deseret News, Laura Seitz)
December 12, 2009-- The father of Susan Powell, the mother who was reported missing on Monday said about his son-in-law, Joshua Powell "I don't see him as capable of harming her. I'm kind of concerned that all the focus is on him." Charles Cox, Susan Powell's father, was wiping his tears at a 24-hour-fast for Susan Powell at the LDS Church's Hunter Central Stake Center. About one hundred friends, neighbors and family showed up to pray and hope for Susan Powell's return. Susan Powell's husband and two children were there too. Friends, family and supporters were handing out fliers to spread the word about her disappearance. Joshua Powell was outside the Energy Solutions Arena giving people fliers as well. He did not offer any comment about his wife's case.
Source:The Salt Lake Tribune
[These people clearly suspect Josh had something to do with the disappearance]
They always start with the closest person to the victim and then work their way from there. I think looking at him is very smart in this case though, because it's very odd that at the same time he goes off with the kids, she also goes missing. Most 2 year and 4 year olds are tired and sleeping at midnight, and the parents both had to work the next morning. So to take the boys with him instead of leaving them in the comfort of their beds with mom home, out to the freezing desert to test a generator is the strangest situation I have heard ever. Even if he's not guilty, his behavior with 2 young children is awful. I hope they collect enough evidence to find this poor woman.
Extremely suspicious, to say the least. I'm sure the cops are zeroing right in on him. They may not call him a 'suspect' or even a 'person of interest' yet, but they've got him under their microscope. I predict they'll arrest him for her murder within weeks.
Mark my words, he is the number 1 suspect for police..they won't say that beause then he will lawyer up. I hope it isn't him, but I will be shocked if he turns out not to be involved..it's just the sad facts of life that those who proclaim to love us, are theones most likely to hurt us.
The husband is always the first one on the list.
Things that make you go hmmm...he took to pre-schoolers to the freezing desert, his wife is missing, there are fans blowing on a wet spot??? If there is no hole in the roof, obviously something was cleaned. A normal spill or light cleaning does not require 2 fans. You don't need to be Sherlock Holmes for this one. Investigators will fine Susan's DNA in that wet spot. I would be on it. He is a suspect, obviously.
Wayne (same computer group Wayne Hamberg who comes forward to defend josh dec 19) * I've spoken to Josh many times outside his van after a user group meeting. Don't think there is GPS on his van. * Josh does have a cell as he has called me many times. Cell phone records are the first thing they track and would have been reported. * Josh doesn't have a girlfriend that I know of. I have seen Josh at user group meetings over the past several months and he spends most of the time talking to us guys. * I doubt there is any insurance policy. Josh is in his 20s.
I've known Josh for a year now and we have spoken many times. Josh doesn't show any of the traits I've read about in people involved in their spouse's disappearance. He's not living some false live, no girl on the side, no money problems outside he's underpaid at work.
Josh is a good guy so quit speculating about this and let the police do their work. WVPD are good group of guys and will figure this out.
Date: December 14, 2009 Monday
Utah Mom's Disappearance 'Suspicious,' Police Say
Friends and neighbors say he has shown little interest in finding his wife and seems oddly calm about her disappearance, ABC 4 News reported.
"They've had problems for a very long time and that's very obvious when you spend a short time with them, you can tell ... they're roommates," friend Tim Peterson told the station.
Peterson said Joshua Powell wouldn't talk about Susan when he asked where she was Wednesday night, according to ABC 4.
"I told him if my wife came up missing, I'd be going nuts, I'd be out looking for her. What do you think?" Peterson said. "He's like, the cops are handling all that."Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,580001,00.html?test=latestnews#ixzz1nDyTnx8h
Date: December 15, 2009 Tuesday
- Josh Powell provides a DNA sample to police.
- Josh Powell is labeled as a "person of interest" in the case of his wife's disappearance
Police have interviewed Josh Powell three times but say he will not answer specific questions, such as exactly where he went camping. Investigators took samples of his DNA Tuesday. http://www.deseretnews.com/article/705352578/Friend-speaks-out-in-support-of-Josh-Powell.html
As officers in Utah struggled to find clues regarding Susan’s whereabouts, Josh, after retaining a defense attorney a day prior, failed to show up for his interview with police. The West Valley City police announced this development, claiming the husband was getting in the way of finding his wife. http://newsfeed.time.com/2012/02/07/timeline-the-powell-familys-tragic-two-years/#ixzz1mO124Vk5
Missing Mom's Dad: Case Is Unexplainable
Charles Cox is unsure over what to believe about his son-in-law's involvement.
04:04 | 12/15/2009
Date: Dec 16, 2009
Dec. 16, 2009: After questioning Josh yet again, police named him a person of interest in the
case, a designation he held — and one that wasn’t slapped on anyone else — until he died.
case, a designation he held — and one that wasn’t slapped on anyone else — until he died.
Police have obtained DNA samples from Joshua Powell as part of their investigation into the disappearance of his wife, Susan Powell.
West Valley City police Capt. Tom McLachlan said investigators have taken DNA samples from multiple people in the search for 28-year-old Susan Powell, and the warrant served Tuesday does not imply her husband is a suspect.
"We hope to have him come in for a more extensive interview, but I don't know if a date or time has been set for that," McLachlan said Tuesday night.
Joshua Powell answered some "basic" questions at the station Tuesday, a day after he cancelled a police interview that was scheduled for Monday, McLachlan said.
Powell's attorney Scott C. Williams said Powell sought legal counsel shortly before the scheduled meeting.
There was the damp spot on the floor in the Powells' Utah home and a curious late-night camping trip described by Josh Powell. There were also the recollections of their young son Braden about a camping trip and his mother being "in the trunk." That could strike some as a clue, or the ramblings of a boy who was then just 2.For authorities in Utah, none of it was enough to bring charges http://www.seattlepi.com/local/komo/article/Warrant-Josh-Powell-withdrew-7-000-day-before-3131867.php#ixzz1lvtnPISx
Police Look to Husband in Missing Mom Case
Police say that Joshua Powell did not show up for a scheduled interview.
01:38 | 12/16/2009
Date: Dec. 17, 2009:
- Josh is person of interest
- Chuck Cox saddened but not surprised that Josh is POI
- Notebook with threats against Susan found
A notebook that Susan Powell kept in her desk at work, possibly containing information about her relationship with her husband, was among the items seized by investigators last week, several sources have told the Deseret News. The notebook, according to one source, detailed threats allegedly made about a year ago against the missing West Valley woman.
Police confirmed Wednesday that they now consider him a "person of interest" in the case... there is circumstantial evidence that foul play cannot be ruled out," West Valley Assistant Police Chief Craig Black said. Black said Josh Powell is not the only person of interest. Black declined to discuss who the others are in the case....Black is quick to point out, however, that a person of interest is not the same as a suspect.
Date: December 18, 2009
- Blue cap interview on TV
- Josh travels to father Steven Powell home in Puyallup WA
Josh Powell Full Interview With 2News Utah News, KUTV, 2News, Utah Community.flv
Josh Powell and his sons travel to Puyallup, Wash., to stay in the home of his father, Steven Powell, for the holidays.
According to the June 7 issue of PEOPLE, Steven Powell said he supports his son’s decision to leave Utah and come live with him in Puyallup, Washington, Josh and Susan’s hometown. Josh moved the children to Puyallup before Christmas and then packed up the house and moved all of their belongings the first week of January. Less than one month after Susan disappeared.http://www.examiner.com/headlines-in-seattle/where-is-susan-powell-her-father-law-thinks-she-s-having-a-fling-hopes-she-ll-land-on-her-feet-1#ixzz1mP6nYVSN
Police Still Puzzled Over Utah Mom's Disappearance By BROCK VERGAKIS
Associated Press Writer 5:24 p.m. MST, December 18, 2009 Susan Powell never showed up at her stockbroker job the next morning -- her keys, purse and cell phone all left at home. The husband was a no-show at work as well, saying he lost track of what day it was during the camping excursion.Authorities suspect foul play, and they say the husband's reluctance to provide basic information about his whereabouts that night has only fueled their suspicion."Usually something will surface within a few hours or a day, and everybody goes home happy and singing Kumbaya," said Tom McLachlan, a police captain in West Valley City, a suburb of Salt Lake City. "On this one, that's not happening, and we're very concerned about that."
hired a criminal defense attorney who often defends high-profile clients. And when he has appeared in public, he often looks haggard and downcast.
.. [left] after midnight, even though he had to be at work a few hours later at his trucking company job. He said he forgot what day it was when he went camping because he did not go to church the day before.
Police have reportedly obtained a notebook or journal from Susan Powell's office that describes an alleged threat made by her husband about a year ago
Date: December 19, 2009 Saturday
- Josh computer club friend defends him
zehnder's angle: http://www.examiner.com/family-in-seattle/in-support-of-josh-powell-friend-speaks-out-while-wife-susan-powell-is-still-missing
Wayne Hamberg says the media shouldn't convict Josh Powell despite circumstantial evidence ... "There is nobody being nice to him," Hamberg said. "Everyone is treating him like a Mark Hacking or Scott Peterson."
Hacking was convicted of killing his wife, Lori Hacking, in Utah in 2004. Peterson was convicted of the 2002 murder of his pregnant wife, Laci Peterson. Both men originally professed their innocence and even gave TV interviews while crews searched for their missing spouses.
Hamberg is Josh Powell's friend and also knows him through a computer club. He said Josh Powell was at his house as recently as Tuesday. Hamberg has seen the interviews on TV in which many have said Josh Powell seems to be aloof, distant or even evasive when answering questions.
"I don't know if he has anything to hide. I told him, 'Don't tell me anything. Don't talk to me (about Susan Powell's disappearance),' " he said. "He was so distraught; he could either be completely overwhelmed or ridden with guilt. I'd like to believe he's innocent." Hamberg said Josh Powell is a very talented computer engineer but felt he was underappreciated at work "To do a 'blue flu' and miss a day wouldn't surprise me," he said of Josh Powell's reason for not showing up to work Monday.
Date: December 20, 2009 SUNDAY
— Friends and family of Susan Cox Powell hold vigils in Utah and Puyallup, Wash., to keep attention focused on finding the missing woman.
UYALLUP, Wash. (CBS/AP) Josh Powell joined more than 60 people at a candlelight vigil in Washington state for his wife, Susan Powell,
Photo: Josh Powell at a candlelight vigil for wife Susan Powell, Dec. 20, 2009.
Josh Powell stood surrounded by supporters who shielded him with umbrellas while rain poured down on the proceedings. His 4-year-old son Charlie accompanied him and held a candle for his mother.
Susan Powell's family and friends were clearly shocked that Josh Powell had decided to attend the vigil, they have said that they were saddened that he was named as a person of interest in their loved one's disappearance but not surprised.
...After the vigil Josh Powell spoke briefly with his wife's sister, Denise and gave her a hug, The Salt Lake Tribune reported. She later told the Tribune that she asked him how he and the children were doing and if he could speak to him later and that he agreed to meet with her.
Susan Powell's parents, Chuck and Judy Cox, walked past Josh Powell after the vigil without speaking to him.
Date: December 21, 2009 Monday
Missing Mom's Family Suspicious of Husband
Susan Powell's dad expresses concern over Joshua Powell's silence.
Date: December 23, 2009
Neighbors Say Husband Possibly Involved in Disappearance of Susan Powell
Nineveh Dinha, Anchor/Reporter and Jared Preusz, Web Content Producer
FOX 13 News
Neighbors of Susan Powell are now saying they believe her husband, Josh, was somehow involved in her disappearance. One family friend of the Powell's, Jim Peterson, said Josh came over just days after his wife was reported missing, acting very odd, avoiding any conversation about Susan and talked about some new clothes that he purchased. Peterson also said police took Josh's cell phone and he purchased a new one at Wal-Mart. Authorities are not confirming the phone, but they said Josh rented a car and drove it several hundred miles in a matter of days while his van was being searched.
The Salt Lake Tribune reported that Powell told Peterson police had taken his clothes, the quilt on their bed, and his cell phone. They also took the carpet cleaner.
Stockbroker Susan Powell Missing in Utah; Husband's Actions Suspicious
Susan Powell and Joshua Powell - Neighbor, Tim Peterson, provides new information about the Powell's
Joshua Powell’s neighbor, Tim Peterson, provided new information, saying Josh is a “crackpot” and that he seemed unfazed about his wife, Susan Powell’s, disappearance
“Josh is really possessive about his things," Peterson said. "He treated everything as his possessions, including his wife and kids. He was very controlling."
Peterson, like the Powells, is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and attends the same ward as the Powells.
Susan told Peterson that Josh was controlling and had become more possessive and obsessive since moving to Utah five years ago. She wanted Josh to become more active in the church and hoped he would get his temple recommend by their anniversary in 2010. If he didn’t, she was strongly considering divorcing him.
Peterson suggested she meet with the LDS Family Service counselor, as he’d done with his wife.
"She went to the marriage counselor hoping it would save their marriage," Peterson said.
Date: December 24, 2009
Dec. 24, 2009: After two weeks of investigations that involved searches of the Powell's home and interviews with the two boys -- who confirmed the camping trip they'd taken with their father -- police name Josh Powell a "person of interest" in his wife's disappearance.
Date: December 27, 2009 Sunday
Joshua Powell's father says his son is being vilified, telling The Salt Lake Tribune on Sunday from his home in Puyallup, Wash., that the investigation has turned his son into a scapegoat.
"The whole thing has just turned into a vilification of Josh and it will turn into a vilification of me, my ex-wife and my other kids," Steven Powell said through the partially open front door of his home. "I'm not making any statement because it doesn't matter how benign it is or how supportive it is. Somebody will twist it around."
On Monday, West Valley City Police Capt. Tom McLachlan said an anonymous donor is offering up to $10,000 for original information that may lead them to Susan Powell.
Investigators have grown increasingly suspicious of Joshua Powell. On Sunday, he attended a candlelight vigil in Washington, although he did not speak to reporters or Susan Powell's family.
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,580882,00.html?test=latestnews#ixzz1mEeCIzfn
Year 2010
Date: January 2010
Hellewell posted regularly on her blog about progress made in the search for Susan, linked to news articles that had been written about the case and sometimes shared information about the missing woman, such as her hobbies and favorite foods. "I've probably spent thousands of hours [searching for Susan]. There is no way to estimate it. It has taken up 80% to 90% of the majority of time since she disappeared," says Hellewell. "The Facebook page takes up a lot of time monitoring the comments. Susan's father continually asked us over the last two years to please not let anyone post anything that was accusatory towards Josh because it's about positivity. We have spent a lot of time taking comments off that were accusatory." Read more: http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,2106632,00.html#ixzz1mOiY3Y97
Date January 4, 2010 — Family and friends of Susan launch a social media campaign to spread word of the woman's disappearance on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
Date: January 6, 2010 — Josh Powell and his brother, Michael Powell, arrive at the Powell's West Valley City home to pack the family's belongings. Friends say Josh Powell, who has been fired from his job, may be unable to keep the home and is moving to Puyallup.
Date: Jan. 8, 2010: Josh officially moved from Utah to Puyallup, where he and Susan had both grown up, taking Charles and Braden with him. While living in a house with his father, he claimed that mental illness and instability led Susan to leave the family. http://newsfeed.time.com/2012/02/07/timeline-the-powell-familys-tragic-two-years/#ixzz1mO0VdsdE
Date January 11, 2010
Josh packed up the house and moved all of their belongings the first week of January less than one month after Susan disappeared.http://www.examiner.com/headlines-in-seattle/where-is-susan-powell-her-father-law-thinks-she-s-having-a-fling-hopes-she-ll-land-on-her-feet-1#ixzz1mP6nYVSN
Josh Powell left Utah Monday morning ... officially left his West Valley City home bound for Washington around 9:30 a.m. Monday morning. Josh asked a members from his church to help him move over the weekend, a request met with mixed emotions. Among them was Wendy Trujillo who said, “Josh has his ups and downs. There are difficult times and I try to talk to him and get his mind off things."..ABC 4 asked Josh if he had anything he would like to say before leaving and he didn't acknowledge reporters as he quickly jumped in the moving van and sped off. http://www.abc4.com/content/ news/slc/story/Josh-Powell- leaves-Utah-home/ VuR4bt5AAk2EnHkNehtI4g.cspx
Date: January 14, 2010:
Susan Powell facebook group deleted by troll (Zehnder says it was just facebook revamping groups)
[U]While there was speculation that Bleak’s account was removed at the urging of friends and family of Susan Powell, Shelby Gifford, a friend and spokeswoman for Susan Powell's parents, said the family did not complain to Facebook about Bleak's group.
JoVonna Owings said in a phone conversation this evening, “A person signed onto the Friends and Family of Susan Powell Facebook group as Susan and said awful things. The ‘troll’ says he has a friend in high places at Facebook and he would take the site down.”
It is believed the same ‘troll’ recently warned Kiirsi that he/she had purchased the URLs to www.susanpowell.com, .net, and .org. A search revealed the URLs had in fact been purchased years ago. The susanpowell.com URL has been owned by Banyan Productions in Philadelphia since Feb. 3, 1999.
Threats he/she purchased susanpowell.net were also false. That URL is owned by Susan Powell in Tustin, Calif., is administered by Emerald Publications, and was created on Dec. 2, 2004. The susanpowell.org URL was created July 16, 2006, and is registered privately.
However, that URL, and the others, were all created long before the threats were made by this ‘troll’.
Friends and Family of Susan Powell Facebook Group
The Friends and Family of Susan Powell Facebook group was created by Kiirsi Hellewell, Susan Powell’s best friend, as a place for friends and family to provide support for one another after Susan Powell disappeared Dec. 7.
There were hundreds of photos and links to articles and websites.
But most importantly, people from around the globe left tens of thousands of posts with words of comfort for Susan’s parents, friends, and other family members.
Susan Powell Facebook page disappears
Online » It had more than 45,000 members and was intended to help in the search for the missing mother.
Updated: 01/30/2010 07:08:28 PM MST
The Friends and Family of Susan Powell" Facebook page, which claimed more than 45,000 members, stopped functioning about 2 p.m. Friday, said Shelby Gifford, the administrator of the Facebook page and a spokeswoman for Susan Powell's parents, Chuck and Judy Cox.
She said the page has been plagued by a "troll" -- an online term for a person who attempts to get reactions or cause controversy by posting hurtful messages. At one point, the troll assumed Susan Powell's identity and posted comments on the page as the missing mother, Gifford said. Administrators have passed threats made on the page to law enforcement agencies, she said.
Administrators also have made repeated complaints to Facebook and haven't received a response about the missing page, Gifford said. Susan Powell's father applied online for a job with Facebook to try to get the company's attention, she said. Cox did not get a response from his job application.
We would like to talk with a representative from Facebook so we can remedy this problem once and for all. Their lack of response is causing great frustration among Susan's friends, family and supporters."
The Salt Lake Tribune could not reach a Facebook representative for comment Saturday evening.
Online » It had more than 45,000 members and was intended to help in the search for the missing mother.
Updated: 01/30/2010 07:08:28 PM MST
The Friends and Family of Susan Powell" Facebook page, which claimed more than 45,000 members, stopped functioning about 2 p.m. Friday, said Shelby Gifford, the administrator of the Facebook page and a spokeswoman for Susan Powell's parents, Chuck and Judy Cox.
She said the page has been plagued by a "troll" -- an online term for a person who attempts to get reactions or cause controversy by posting hurtful messages. At one point, the troll assumed Susan Powell's identity and posted comments on the page as the missing mother, Gifford said. Administrators have passed threats made on the page to law enforcement agencies, she said.
Administrators also have made repeated complaints to Facebook and haven't received a response about the missing page, Gifford said. Susan Powell's father applied online for a job with Facebook to try to get the company's attention, she said. Cox did not get a response from his job application.
We would like to talk with a representative from Facebook so we can remedy this problem once and for all. Their lack of response is causing great frustration among Susan's friends, family and supporters."
The Salt Lake Tribune could not reach a Facebook representative for comment Saturday evening.
Angel Who Cares
01-31-2010, 12:59 AM
Susan Powell Facebook page disappears, Shelby Gifford ‘complaints to Facebook ignored’
January 30, 5:15 PM
Even before the Friends and Family of Susan Powell Facebook page disappeared yesterday, the family had been plagued with problems from an anonymous poster threatening to take the group down. “The ‘troll’ claimed to have control over the Facebook site,” Gifford said
“We don’t have evidence the group was taken down by Facebook,” Gifford said, “If a page violates the Terms of Service of Facebook they would normally send a warning and no administrators have received any warnings from Facebook.” “We don’t know why this person or these persons are not happy with the site. We have made police reports and will continue to be in contact with the police about this issue,” she said, “We will continue to pursue those avenues as needed.”
Asked if she knows who might be doing this, Gifford responded, “None I’m willing to speculate about right now.”
The Cox family and administrators of the site have sent dozens of complaints to Facebook regarding this individual and possible associates. “None of the friends and family of Susan Powell and Facebook administrators of the Friends and Family of Susan Powell Facebook page have been contacted following their complaints.
The family is not planning to start a new Facebook page at this time. Their hopes are that enough attention will be drawn to Facebook that they will restore the group and all its contents. Something James Hofheins, Administrator for the page, believes is possible. Gifford indicated an announcement will be sent out Tuesday about a secure server webpage that is being set up.
For now, people may visit:
Find Susan Powell
Hearts Knit for Susan
January 30, 5:15 PM
Even before the Friends and Family of Susan Powell Facebook page disappeared yesterday, the family had been plagued with problems from an anonymous poster threatening to take the group down. “The ‘troll’ claimed to have control over the Facebook site,” Gifford said
“We don’t have evidence the group was taken down by Facebook,” Gifford said, “If a page violates the Terms of Service of Facebook they would normally send a warning and no administrators have received any warnings from Facebook.” “We don’t know why this person or these persons are not happy with the site. We have made police reports and will continue to be in contact with the police about this issue,” she said, “We will continue to pursue those avenues as needed.”
Asked if she knows who might be doing this, Gifford responded, “None I’m willing to speculate about right now.”
The Cox family and administrators of the site have sent dozens of complaints to Facebook regarding this individual and possible associates. “None of the friends and family of Susan Powell and Facebook administrators of the Friends and Family of Susan Powell Facebook page have been contacted following their complaints.
The family is not planning to start a new Facebook page at this time. Their hopes are that enough attention will be drawn to Facebook that they will restore the group and all its contents. Something James Hofheins, Administrator for the page, believes is possible. Gifford indicated an announcement will be sent out Tuesday about a secure server webpage that is being set up.
For now, people may visit:
Find Susan Powell
Hearts Knit for Susan
Angel Who Cares
01-31-2010, 02:15 AM
Facebook Page To Find Susan Powell Deleted
Saturday, Jan 30, 2010 @11:48pm CST
It's been a multi-media drive to find Susan Powell.You tube, twitter and a facebook "friends and family of Susan Powell" Page. But now the facebook page has mysteriously disappeared.
UPDATE: Susan's FB is back up just as it disappeared...it was back. No idea why or what is going on! Troll did it??? They just don't know!
Video: Facebook Page To Find Susan Powell Deleted 3:06
The creator of the page talks to Brian Mullahy about what she thinks happened.
Video: Josh Powell In Town Again 10PM 2:35
Saturday, Jan 30, 2010 @11:48pm CST
It's been a multi-media drive to find Susan Powell.You tube, twitter and a facebook "friends and family of Susan Powell" Page. But now the facebook page has mysteriously disappeared.
UPDATE: Susan's FB is back up just as it disappeared...it was back. No idea why or what is going on! Troll did it??? They just don't know!
Video: Facebook Page To Find Susan Powell Deleted 3:06
The creator of the page talks to Brian Mullahy about what she thinks happened.
Video: Josh Powell In Town Again 10PM 2:35
Jan. 27 — Neighbors decorate the Powell home in West Valley City with dozens of purple ribbons, hearts and signs to bring renewed attention to Susan's case.
Jan. 28 — Josh Powell returns to West Valley City to make home repairs to his property, in order to rent it.
Jan. 29 — West Valley City police serve a search warrant on Josh Powell and seize the blue minivan he drove the night his wife disappeared.
Family: Missing mom's Facebook support page disappears
Story Published: Jan 30, 2010 at 4:20 PM PST
Story Updated: Jan 30, 2010 at 4:27 PM PST
A Facebook page devoted to missing mom Susan Powell has disappeared, and now her family and friends are asking the social networking site to restore the page.
The "Friends & Family of Susan Powell Facebook page" was launched to aid in the effort to find her, and had attracted more than 45,000 members, said Shelby Gifford, spokeswoman for the family.
"An entire database of people willing to help with searches and provide other services was deleted from Facebook as of approximately 2 p.m. Friday," Gifford said.
She says Susan's Facebook page has also been plagued by a "troll" who visited the page under assumed identities, even pretending to be Susan Powell herself at one point.
She said Susan Powell's family and the page administrators have made repeated complaints to Facebook and have not received a response.
"Obviously, our reason for using Facebook is that it can reach such a large audience quickly," said James Hofheins, social media coordinator for the Friends & Family of Susan Powell group. "Their lack of response is causing great frustration among Susan’s friends, family and supporters."
In the meantime, a new page called "Friends & Family of Susan Powell Part Two" has now been launched to replace the original page, but it lacks much of the photos, information and membership.
"Friends & Family of Susan Powell Part Two"
Family: Missing mom's Facebook support page disappears
Story Published: Jan 30, 2010 at 4:20 PM PST
Story Updated: Jan 30, 2010 at 4:27 PM PST
A Facebook page devoted to missing mom Susan Powell has disappeared, and now her family and friends are asking the social networking site to restore the page.
The "Friends & Family of Susan Powell Facebook page" was launched to aid in the effort to find her, and had attracted more than 45,000 members, said Shelby Gifford, spokeswoman for the family.
"An entire database of people willing to help with searches and provide other services was deleted from Facebook as of approximately 2 p.m. Friday," Gifford said.
She says Susan's Facebook page has also been plagued by a "troll" who visited the page under assumed identities, even pretending to be Susan Powell herself at one point.
She said Susan Powell's family and the page administrators have made repeated complaints to Facebook and have not received a response.
"Obviously, our reason for using Facebook is that it can reach such a large audience quickly," said James Hofheins, social media coordinator for the Friends & Family of Susan Powell group. "Their lack of response is causing great frustration among Susan’s friends, family and supporters."
In the meantime, a new page called "Friends & Family of Susan Powell Part Two" has now been launched to replace the original page, but it lacks much of the photos, information and membership.
"Friends & Family of Susan Powell Part Two"
Date: ? 2010 Sells House
Feb. 15 — The Cox family holds a news conference in Puyallup, Wash. Cox family members allege Susan had a physical altercation with Josh Powell and detail the couple's problems, citing controlling behavior of Josh Powell. They say Susan had suggested to family and friends she would end the relationship by her April 6 wedding anniversary if the relationship did not improve. The family also announces a nonprofit organization in Susan's name, aimed at helping families of missing persons.
Feb. 15 — The Cox family holds a news conference in Puyallup, Wash. Cox family members allege Susan had a physical altercation with Josh Powell and detail the couple's problems, citing controlling behavior of Josh Powell. They say Susan had suggested to family and friends she would end the relationship by her April 6 wedding anniversary if the relationship did not improve. The family also announces a nonprofit organization in Susan's name, aimed at helping families of missing persons.
Feb. 25 — Neighbors of Steven Powell canvass the Washington neighborhood with missing persons posters and ribbons. The Coxes say it upsets the Powell children.
March 1, 2010
Steven Powell theorizes that Susan has run of with another man to Brazil and presents a detailed pdf case at link
Date: March 7, 2010
Josh Powell Does Not appear at either Susan vigil
But one person was conspicuous by his absence - the missing mom's husband, Josh Powell, who did not attend either of the vigils.
Date: March 23, 2010: Josh Powell Claims of College Degree cannot be verified:
iew Full Version : 22 March 2010: Did Josh Powell really earn a college degree in business admin?
iew Full Version : 22 March 2010: Did Josh Powell really earn a college degree in business admin?
03-22-2010, 07:31 PM
Where did Josh Powell earn his bachelor's degree in business administration?
According to a recent search conducted by a Websleuth's member, the following two domains are owned by Josh Powell: http://joshpowellrealtor.com and http://susanpowell.org
Some time after his wife, Susan Powell, disappeared on December 7, 2009, Josh Powell disabled access to his real estate web site. However, it can be seen in full at the Way Back Machine Internet Archive web site by simply typing (or copying and pasting) http://joshpowellrealtor.com into their search engine: http://www.archive.org/index.php
This is the result you will get: http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://joshpowellrealtor.com
On Josh Powell's real estate site: http://web.archive.org/web/20080106071930/http://www.joshpowellrealtor.com/ under the "About" then subcategory "About Josh" tab: http://web.archive.org/web/20061101184809/www.joshpowellrealtor.com/about/AboutJoshPowell.aspx you will read the following under "Josh's Education":
Josh earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration. Throughout his college years he received some
of the highest honors available, including Phi Theta Kappa, Magna Cum Laude, and repeated placement on the President’s List. He also enjoyed people, electing to participate in many social activities, including among others: public speaking, campus politics, drama productions, and writing for the campus newspaper.
On Josh's http://susanpowell.org site under "Susan Powell Hairstylist: http://susanpowell.org/Pages/Susan_Powell/SusanCosmetologist.aspx in the fifth paragraph, last sentence, you will read this: Josh is a Quickbooks Certified Pro Advisor and has a degree in Business Administration.
Requests for verification of Josh Powell's business administration degree were sent to two colleges, Washington State University and University of Washington. Both colleges deny Josh Powell earned a degree:
According to a recent search conducted by a Websleuth's member, the following two domains are owned by Josh Powell: http://joshpowellrealtor.com and http://susanpowell.org
Some time after his wife, Susan Powell, disappeared on December 7, 2009, Josh Powell disabled access to his real estate web site. However, it can be seen in full at the Way Back Machine Internet Archive web site by simply typing (or copying and pasting) http://joshpowellrealtor.com into their search engine: http://www.archive.org/index.php
This is the result you will get: http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://joshpowellrealtor.com
On Josh Powell's real estate site: http://web.archive.org/web/20080106071930/http://www.joshpowellrealtor.com/ under the "About" then subcategory "About Josh" tab: http://web.archive.org/web/20061101184809/www.joshpowellrealtor.com/about/AboutJoshPowell.aspx you will read the following under "Josh's Education":
Josh earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration. Throughout his college years he received some
of the highest honors available, including Phi Theta Kappa, Magna Cum Laude, and repeated placement on the President’s List. He also enjoyed people, electing to participate in many social activities, including among others: public speaking, campus politics, drama productions, and writing for the campus newspaper.
On Josh's http://susanpowell.org site under "Susan Powell Hairstylist: http://susanpowell.org/Pages/Susan_Powell/SusanCosmetologist.aspx in the fifth paragraph, last sentence, you will read this: Josh is a Quickbooks Certified Pro Advisor and has a degree in Business Administration.
Requests for verification of Josh Powell's business administration degree were sent to two colleges, Washington State University and University of Washington. Both colleges deny Josh Powell earned a degree:
April 10 — Volunteers search for Susan in the Simpson Springs area but turn up nothing.
Date: Summer 2010
The boys’ grandfather, Chuck Cox, has said Braden, the younger of the two Powell children, had drawn a picture the summer after his mother’s disappearance. The drawing showed three people in a vehicle.
Asked what was in the drawing by his day care teachers, Braden – about 3 at the time – said the drawing showed himself, his dad and his brother Charlie.
Asked where his mother was, he replied, “Mommy is in the trunk,” Chuck Cox said Monday. He said Braden said the vehicle stopped somewhere and that his mother got out and never came back, Cox said.
He believes the children might have been able to remember more details about the trip had they been able to undergo hypnosis.
What happened to the drawing?
Braden gave it to his father, said Judy Cox, the children’s grandmother.
Nancy Grace 2/9/2012 It was summer 2010 when the boys were in preschool and 3 of the teachers / workers told them about the drawing with mommy in the trunk. Grandmother asked if they told supervisors or authorities, they said no, they didn’t think it was very important. Grandmother said yes it was very important, but they they said that they didn’t notify the police in Utah until october of 2011. Grace asks why murder warrant wasn’t set right then. But they didn’t tell the police or the public then.
Date: Jun 6, 2010
Anti-Cox site pins blame Mormon persecution by Mormons
Mormons mobilize against Susan Powell and family - SusanPowell.org
Updated June 6, 2010
– She said, "I cannot bring myself to believe in Mormonism, but I can lean on other people's testimonies." Susan Powell is a beautiful and .
All of the known administrators and all of the leaders of the "Susan Cox Powell" movement to date (May 2010) are Mormons. It is undeniable that the tone and rhetoric is led by Mormons. We do offer thanks to the many people who have supported Susan and her family in a positive way. However, too many supporters are openly parroting the Mormons' hostility toward Josh and his father Steve, because Steve is an ex-Mormon.
From the beginning, Susan's father, Chuck Cox, started using the Mormon Church phone directory and Facebook as networks to privately contact Josh's friends and loved ones. Multiple reports and evidence of this came back to Josh. Among other things, Chuck was asking people to "pressure" Josh, asking them to withhold affection and friendship, and asking them to spy on Josh. In addition, Chuck's organization used the media to spread rumors and innuendo.
Most of Josh's friends and even many co-workers were Mormon. When they heard that Josh was moving in with his ex-Mormon father, Steve Powell, some of them started magically "remembering" things about Josh that were terrible but untrue. Mormons frequently remind church members not to associate with people who disagree with their religious views, so Josh's moving in with an ex-Mormon was seen by them as a step down a very wrong path. Josh's estranged sister, Jennifer Graves, is among these detractors. She made it clear that she does not recognize the need to protect the children from the media and general hostility prevalent in Utah.
Jennifer was participating in the "pressure Josh" campaign when she made a concerted effort to alienate Josh from friends in the Mormon Church. After Josh and the children moved in with Josh's father, Jennifer and Kirk Graves made sure that Mormons knew that Josh's father is critical of Mormonism. For at least 20 years, Jennifer has hated her father, Steve Powell, for openly expressing his views as an ex-Mormon. Although Jennifer's siblings have attempted to maintain a relationship with Jennifer over the years, all four of Jennifer's siblings have always felt that Jennifer strongly resented them as well. Jennifer's long-held grudge has created a divide between Mormons and non-Mormons in the Powell family.
Leaving Mormonism
Josh and his family have recently been objects of contempt for "investigating Christianity as an alternative to Mormonism." It is unbelievable that anyone would feel threatened by hearing about the family's spiritual progress, considering the importance of God in this family's life. According to an ABC news story, Josh has his free agency to make choices, but "he is taking his two young boys [out of the Mormon church]. That infuriates friends of Susan." Obviously, this decision was difficult and painful, but a necessary decision for Josh and his children.
Josh still knows and loves many Mormons and he is convinced that most Mormons are good people. Many of the people in Josh and Susan's Mormon ward congregation have been supportive. However, Josh will not attend the Mormon Church again because of the various pressures placed on Susan, and now on him as well as his extended family. For instance, everyone following this case remembers when a fellow Mormon bragged to the media that as Susan's "marriage counselor" he had advised Susan to divorce Josh. This man also told the media that Susan immediately turned her back on him when he started pressuring her to divorce Josh. We don't think anyone actually believes that Susan wanted to divorce Josh, but it has become part of their propaganda. This is particularly disingenuous because some of these same individuals have recently acknowledged in a People Magazine article that Josh and Susan's marriage was good and improving all the time.
The recent People Magazine article (June 7, 2010 print issue) has shown how some Mormons have gone to desperate lengths to make new allegations against Josh, but have later conceded that those allegations are hollow. For example, despite some attempts to criticize Josh and Susan's financial decisions to occasionally tighten the belt, Josh and Susan are both fiscally responsible individuals. Like most people, Josh and Susan's family has weathered the occasional rough finances. As the article states, "Susan's loved ones discount such tightfistedness as the toll of the economic downturn." However, it goes on to say that these same loved ones are not willing to budge on their disapproval of Josh because "he had stopped going to church regularly over the past five years."
Friends have indicated that some Mormons apparently also feel increasing resentment toward Josh for "causing" Susan's testimony to decline. Toward the end of 2009, Susan bore her testimony in front of her Mormon ward congregation. She said, "I cannot bring myself to believe in Mormonism, but I can lean on other people's testimonies."
In the years after Susan's disappearance, Josh and his father publicly questioned Susan's LDS faith on the site www.susanpowell.org, stating that Susan had proclaimed in front of her ward that she could no longer bring herself "to believe in Mormonism, but I can lean on other people's testimonies." Hellewell believes that Josh and Steven Powell were attempting to tarnish her reputation with the comments. "The [lie] about her faith made me angrier than anything since she disappeared," Hellewell says. "Susan had such a deep faith. She believed so strongly, and she struggled going to church by herself, having prayers with [her sons] without Josh. He watched her struggle through that." It's difficult to ponder whether the tragedy could have been avoided if Susan had in fact divorced Josh. Asked if Susan's life could have been saved by a divorce, Hellewell says, "Yes. I think it could have, unless he had come after her because he was so angry. She was worried about that.": http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,2106632,00.html#ixzz1mOixcTjV
Police told Steve has Susan's diary, underwear and lots of photos of her
08-26-2011, 04:14 PM
http://connect2utah.com/news-story/?nxd_id=161707Sandy Anderson described herself as a friend of Steve, and that Josh Powell's father had spoken to her several times since Susan Powell's disappearance. The first time, according to Sandy, was in January 2010, next in April of last year, and most recently last September."I told police September 2010, after I talked to Steve Powell, about things he said he had inside a locked cabinet in his house," said Anderson. According to Sandy, the items included "seven volumes of (Susan's) her journal, some of her underwear, plus a lot of photos of her."
Date September 10, 2010
Chuck Cox and Ed Smart appear together in Utah as part of an effort to raise awareness for kidnapped children and promote legislation that would require that DNA samples be taken from people arrested on suspicion of a felony.
Date: September 8, 2010
Josh Tries To Join PTA, Other Parents Object
Josh Powell causes stir trying to get involved in son's school
September 8th, 2010 By Paul Nelson
PUYALLUP, Wash. -- The husband of missing West Valley City woman Susan Powell is trying to get involved in his son's school by joining the PTA -- but this decision isn't sitting well with other parents in the school....say they don't want Josh Powell on the PTA of Carson Elementary in Puyallup, Wash.... quite frankly, just gives me the creeps..We're thinking about starting a petition [to bar Powell]," Quantrell said. ....All of our volunteers are required to complete the background check through the school district before volunteering." (Did he pass a background check? Only person of interest in disappearance of his wife under suspicious circumstances...._
Date: September 2010
summer_breeze http://www.websleuths.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-92541.html
News by Kate Wharmby Seldman (6 Hours Ago) in Society / Crime In an explosive new development in the Susan Cox Powell case, the missing Utah mom's four-year-old son reportedly said, "Mommy's in the mine, looking for crystals." The boy reportedly made the statement after his mom went missing in Dec. 2009, but it wasn't made public until now.
Date: November 8, 2010
Josh Powell speaks: My wife, Susan, left us behind Disappearance • But missing woman’s family says son-in-law is looking for someone besides self to blame.
Rick Egan | The Salt Lake Tribune Josh Powell, looking at a family photo from his 2002 college graduation, said his wife, Susan, is “extremely unstable,” and that he believes mental illness drove her to leave her family behind. Josh Powell is living in Puyallup, Wash., with his father and children.
.... this week the husband of Susan Cox Powell broke his silence to say his wife is "extremely unstable," and that he believes mental illness drove her to leave her family behind.
Only reduced scrutiny from her family and the public, he said, will speed her return.
"She knows she will be chewed up like hamburger when she comes back," Josh Powell said in a Wednesday interview with The Salt Lake Tribune.
...Susan's family and friends have openly criticized Josh Powell's level of cooperation with investigators and recounted instances of controlling and abusive behavior toward his wife. Yet Josh Powell said his wife's family must stop lying about him and be more accepting of an imperfect Susan.
"She knows she will be chewed up like hamburger when she comes back," Josh Powell said in a Wednesday interview with The Salt Lake Tribune.
...Susan's family and friends have openly criticized Josh Powell's level of cooperation with investigators and recounted instances of controlling and abusive behavior toward his wife. Yet Josh Powell said his wife's family must stop lying about him and be more accepting of an imperfect Susan.
— Josh Powell and his father, Steven, assert that Susan Cox Powell ran away with missing Utah man Steven Koecher, who disappeared in Nevada in December 2009. The Powells claim the pair ran off to Brazil, where Koecher had served an LDS mission, and they assert the missing duo may have married and started a new life together.
Year 2011
Date: 2011 sometime - Josh gets job as programmer
Josh Powell’s boss says he was a good programmer BY NATE CARLISLE
The Salt Lake Tribune Kent, Wash. • When Ed Wadagnolo posted a job opening for his small software company last year, he received an application from an experienced programmer named Josh Powell.
Date: July 14, 2011
Steven Powell appears on the Today Show, to announce his intention to publish Susan Cox Powell's teenage diary, which he says will show she was "sexually open."
http://www.deseretnews.com/article/705376246/Josh-Powell-family-to-publish-teen-diaries-of-missing-wife-Susan-Cox-Powell.html By Emiley Morgan, Deseret News Published: Thursday, July 14, 2011 11:43 a.m. MDT The father-in-law of a missing West Valley mother says her journals as a teenager shows she was "sexually open" and he plans to publish those entries on a website.
Date: August 2011
Early August — Josh files restraining order against his father-in-law, forbidding Chuck Cox from approaching him or his boys.
Date: August 18, 2011
Police Search For Rocks in Mine Shafts
West Valley City police report a break in the case and conduct a two-day search of abandoned mine shafts in Ely, Nev. Few other details are released.
The same weekend as the honk-and-wave confrontation, West Valley police were conducting a search of abandoned mine shafts in the desert near Ely, Nev. Investigators said they had new information in the Powell case that prompted the searches, but have never said what that evidence was. Prior to conducting that two-day search, Downing said police had received statements from individuals involved with Puyallup's Gem and Mineral Club, about a bag of rocks at an exhibition.
"Josh and one of the boys seemed to be particularly interested, almost excessively interested, in a rock from Ely, Nev.," he said, adding that the subsequent actions of West Valley police were referred to by Josh Powell as "a circus."
Date: August 19, 2011 Friday Wierd News Conference
West Valley police Sgt. Mike Powell was the public information officer at the podium. ... Mike Powell, who is not related to the family of the missing woman.Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/09/14/police-find-unidentified-remains-in-search-missing-utah-mom/#ixzz1mfFDUDmn
08-20-2011, 03:45 AM
This business about a police department inviting reporters to join detectives in a search in eastern Nevada was just about the damnedest thing I’ve heard of in my 29 years as a newswoman.
It all started just after 8 a.m. Thursday, when we got a news release saying the West Valley City Police Department received “information” related to Susan Powell’s disappearance in late 2009.
A news conference was set for 10 a.m. aug 19 Friday and West Valley police Sgt. Mike Powell was the public information officer at the podium.
Trouble was, he had nothing to say.
He advised the newspeople that there would be no questions because the “information” was limited. Undeterred, reporters joined in a chorus of queries, which Mike Powell had to repeatedly deflect.
Still, he said, “it’s important … to involve the media in the process.”
Never heard that before.
Friday afternoon, I asked a reporter in Ely what the detectives told the newspeople who ran the risk of compromising evidence.
“Be careful where you walk.
Don’t step on anything that looks important.
Don’t fall down any mine shafts.”
Really? :banghead:
Seriously? :waitasec:
I don't know whether to :floorlaugh: or :banghead: or :cry: or :waitasec:
I hope they don't find anything unless they get rid of their camera crew and audience. :waitasec:
If they do find her while they have an entourage... odds are really good they won't get a conviction anyway. :banghead:
McEntee: A sideshow in the Nevada desert
This business about a police department inviting reporters to join detectives in a search in eastern Nevada was just about the damnedest thing I’ve heard of in my 29 years as a newswoman.
This business about a police department inviting reporters to join detectives in a search in eastern Nevada was just about the damnedest thing I’ve heard of in my 29 years as a newswoman.
It all started just after 8 a.m. Thursday, when we got a news release saying the West Valley City Police Department received “information” related to Susan Powell’s disappearance in late 2009.
A news conference was set for 10 a.m. aug 19 Friday and West Valley police Sgt. Mike Powell was the public information officer at the podium.
Trouble was, he had nothing to say.
He advised the newspeople that there would be no questions because the “information” was limited. Undeterred, reporters joined in a chorus of queries, which Mike Powell had to repeatedly deflect.
Still, he said, “it’s important … to involve the media in the process.”
Never heard that before.
Friday afternoon, I asked a reporter in Ely what the detectives told the newspeople who ran the risk of compromising evidence.
“Be careful where you walk.
Don’t step on anything that looks important.
Don’t fall down any mine shafts.”
Really? :banghead:
Seriously? :waitasec:
I don't know whether to :floorlaugh: or :banghead: or :cry: or :waitasec:
I hope they don't find anything unless they get rid of their camera crew and audience. :waitasec:
If they do find her while they have an entourage... odds are really good they won't get a conviction anyway. :banghead:
"I can't say that I hope to have them find anything, really, to be honest. I mean, I can't imagine what of value, aside from Susan herself, they could possibly find." -Josh Powell
So he's honestly telling us that he doesn't want them to find Susan.His brain is scrambling for answers while his mouth is spewing out words. Disjointed, scrambled thoughts.
Date August 20, 2011: Saturday
Steven Powell and Susan's father Chuck Cox get into a shouting match at a Puyallup, Wash. remembrance rally for Susan. Steve Powell confronts Chuck Cox at the rally, calling him a "liar" and a "cyber bully." Speaking with the local media, Josh Powell says he does not appreciate the rally being near his home. "Putting this in my neighborhood is not appropriate," Powell said. "They're trying to push an agenda. ... I don't know what happened to her. There are 1,000 different theories that people need to consider in strong and serious ways."
c: Tell Steve to stick with writing bad songs and stay away from trying to brain wash the public and the authorities.
c: Steve Chantrey AKA Steven Powell is delusional. Should he be in the capacity to monitor ANY young children let alone Susan's sons? Susan stated to friends that she didn't want Chantrey anywhere near her sons and they were NEVER to be left alone with him. Where is child protective services to evaluate those boys?
c: Steven Powell wonders why the police aren't looking at other suspects. How about this: Because your son looks so absolutely guilty the police don't need to look elsewhere. But if they did, maybe they should take a look at you, Steven Powell. Or Chantry. Or whatever your name is this week.
comment: Steve, now I'm suppose to believe your theory of what happened to Susan? Ok then here's mine. You and your loser son know what happened to Susan and your trying to blame your victim. How do you like that theory Steve? and by the way your music sucks.
comment: I don't know what is wrong with the boys staying at Grampa Steve's house right now. After all, look what a great job Steve did raising Josh and George?
comment: Susan and her parents knew what kind of person Steven Powell was and now so does the rest of the world.
comment: If Josh was innocent he would have cooperated with the police. He would of been looking and pleading for his wife to come home.He wouldn't have ran from the home she would return too. He wouldn't of lawyered up as to avoid the answering questions.He wouldn't be avoiding anyone who has questions such as his own sister.You can see he and his father are clearly not worried about what happened to Susan. Because they both know what happened to her. They made sure the purple ribbons came down but Steve can't stop pointing the finger at Susan for her own disappearance.Steve Powell can't keep his mouth shut because he has to make sure he stays in control. And who does Josh take after. The apple don't fall far from the tree Steve. Your starting to sound as guilty as your son! And it warms my heart to tell you. http://www.examiner.com/headlines-in-seattle/where-is-susan-powell-her-father-law-thinks-she-s-having-a-fling-hopes-she-ll-land-on-her-feet-1#ixzz1mP3cpgVQ
08-20-2011, 01:37 PM
I've been thinking he may have poisoned her at dinner. She felt ill and went to lie down, and he took the boys sledding thinking she'd be dead when he got back. She either had passed by then or completely out. However, she'd thrown up on the living room carpet (wet spot). If he did buy shrink wrap, he wrapped her up (which would have smothered her if she was breathing) and put her in the back of the van under blankets & "camping stuff." He hid her while the boys were asleep, then either moved her with the rental car or went back to make sure he'd done a good job hiding her.
August 21, 2011
August 21, 2011 by Kiirsi
Josh Powell denies porn accusations during custody hearing
By KOMO Staff & News Services Published: Sep 27, 2011
"I did not harm her, I did not have anything to do with her disappearance," Josh said at Tuesday's court hearing. "I love my wife. I have looked for her in my own private way."
But the Cox family also claims at least one of the children may know something about their mother's disappearance.
"That child was looking at a magazine, and pointed to a woman's chest and said, 'Mommy owee,'" said Steve Downing, an attorney representing the Cox family.
The missing woman's family hopes a trained counselor can help bring out the truth. The family believes Josh Powell has been keeping the children away from the Cox family primarily to keep the truth sealed.
"And the reason is because those kids may know something," Downing said. "And he sure as dickens doesn't want these children talking to anybody who could identify what it is that they do know."
Date: Fall 2011
Josh Powell Moves to Graham, Rental Owner not concerned about Susan Powell case
Josh Powell warned the Centralia couple who rented him their Graham-area home that they could expect some media attention.
Patrick and Necia Smalls researched Powell on the Internet and found the stories about his missing wife, Susan Cox Powell.
“But there were no charges against him,” Necia Powell said.
So last fall, they gave the go-ahead to a rental agency to let Powell and his two young boys move in the home. The Smalls had never met Powell but he had let them know through the agency that he was interested in buying the home.
On Sunday, they saw news reports that the home had burned with Powell and his boys inside.
Patrick Small summed up the feeling with two words: “Shock. Disbelief.”
The Smalls said they were are unsure whether they’ll rebuild the home. Their insurance company is still estimating how much of the damage it will cover.
Date: September 15, 2011
Police searching for signs of Susan Cox Powell are continuing to excavate an area where cadaver dogs have indicated there are human remains.
Topaz mountain search This remote area is about 30 miles away from where Josh Powell, the only person of interest named in his wife’s disappearance, says he took his two young sons camping the night his wife disappeared from their West Valley City home. Police have said Josh Powell liked to gem hunt — and family and friends have confirmed that Josh and Susan Powell had visited the area on previous family excursions.
Date: September. 22, 2011
Steven Powell is charged with using a telephoto lens to take photos of two young girls in the bathroom of a neighboring house. The photos, which were found during the August search of his home, are among thousands he secretly took of women's buttocks and breasts, according to charges filed against him. Powell was charged with 14 counts of voyeurism and one count of child pornography and held on $200,000 bail.
Josh Powell is named a "subject" in the child porn investigation, according to assistant Attorney General for Washington John Long.
When his father was taken to jail for investigation of voyeurism and possession of child pornography, Josh Powell had asked an aunt and uncle in Texas to take his boys "should the need arise," according to a statement released Tuesday by Maurice and Patti Leach
The Leaches have expressed a desire to take care of the body of Josh Powell, but no funeral arrangements have been made.
Date: September 23, 2011
Susan Powell's parents file to gain custody of the two boys in court the following day
Date: September 28, 2011
Josh and Susan Powell's two boys are ordered by a Washington court to remain in the custody of her parents Chuck and Judy Cox, because they had been living in a dangerous home environment with sexually explicit material, and because of the possibility that Josh Powell participated in the voyeurism and child pornography charges against his father. He is, however, granted visitation rights with his boys.
"Leads the state to believe [Josh] is responsible for [Susan's] disappearance"
Husband of missing Utah mom Susan Powell not getting kids back 9/29
John Long, an assistant attorney general, described during Wednesday's hearing a variety of concerns he has about Josh Powell, including that he has been uncooperative with law enforcement.
"It leads the state to believe that he is responsible for her disappearance," Long said.
Date: October 2011
In October 2011, Atkins — who presides over the Faith Bible Church of South Hill — helped Josh Powell move from Puyallup into the house in Graham. And a month later, Josh Powell asked the pastor to assist with court-ordered child visitation sessions. "We were supervising weekly visits in our home for the Department of Social and Health Services," Atkins said. "Our children would play together during these visits. http://www.sltrib.com/sltrib/news/53470987-78/powell-josh-cox-police.html.csp
Oct. 6 — The mother of Josh Powell says her son is a "loving and very engaging father in the care of his sons." Terri Powell had never publicly commented about her son or her missing daughter-in-law's case.
Oct. 15 — Friends and family members of Susan Cox Powell celebrate her 30th birthday.
Oct. 27 — Steven Powell's trial is delayed until March 2012. He remains in jail.
Nancy Grace 2/9/2012 It was summer 2010 when the boys were in preschool and 3 of the teachers / workers told them about the drawing with mommy in the trunk. Grandmother asked if they told supervisors or authorities, they said no, they didn’t think it was very important. Grandmother said yes it was very important, but they they said that they didn’t notify the police in Utah until october of 201
Date: November 2011
[november] Josh Powell asked the pastor to assist with court-ordered child visitation sessions. "We were supervising weekly visits in our home for the Department of Social and Health Services," Atkins said. "Our children would play together during these visits. http://www.sltrib.com/sltrib/news/53470987-78/powell-josh-cox-police.html.csp
The father blames Susan Powell's family mounting unnecessary pressure on her. For more, click here: http://abcnews.go.com/US/family-susan-powell-fights-back-husbands-accusations...
the wet stain - susan was trying to clean juice by kids
Steve says Susan ran off with another man
Nov. 8, 2010
Harsh words from the husband of missing Utah mother Susan Powell has her family seething and adamant that she was not mentally ill when she disappeared nearly a year ago.
"It's blatantly untrue," Susan Powell's father, Chuck Cox, told "Good Morning America" today. "It's obviously a self-serving statement. It's untrue, it's all untrue."
Joshua Powell blasted his missing wife and her family in an interview this weekend with the Salt Lake Tribune. He called Susan Powell "extremely unstable" and blamed her family for keeping her in hiding and causing her to leave in the first place.
"She can't come back with them treating her this way," Joshua Powell said. "They want her to be perfect, a saint with no fallibility."
Joshua Powell's sister, Jennifer Graves, said she found her brother's claims that his wife was mentally ill to be ironic.
"In the Powell family, my family, we're the ones with the mental illness, documented," she said, noting that her and Joshua Powell's brother was diagnosed with schizophrenia. "I never saw Susan display symptoms," she said.
February 7th, 2012 Lawyer: Cops told Powell family arrest was near
Police repeatedly told Susan Cox-Powell’s parents in recent months that the arrest of her husband, Josh Powell, in connection with her disappearance was imminent, a family attorney said Tuesday.
“My clients were assured repeatedly by the West Valley Police Department that an arrest was pending, be patient,” attorney Steve Downing said on HLN’s “Nancy Grace.” “…They were told repeatedly that something was going to happen and it never did.” Downing said Chuck and Judy Cox were told last year that Powell would be arrested by November 15, and when that didn’t happen, they were told the arrest was coming sometime this summer. He said police were “absolutely” aware that Powell’s children had made statements about their mother being in a mine or in the trunk of a car - and one had even drawn a picture of the family van with Susan in the trunk - but they still did not act. “Assurances after assurances, the arrest never happened,” family attorney Anne Bremner told Grace.When asked about Downing's allegations, West Valley Police Sgt. Mike Powell told HLN that “Anything specific to our actua
Sept. 13 — Investigators conduct an 10-day search, using cadaver dogs, near Topaz Mountain in Juab County. Details of the search are not released.
Sept. 22 — Washington police arrest and charge 61-year-old Steven Powell with 14 counts of voyeurism and possession of child pornography, based on evidence seized from his home during August search. A judge orders the sons of Josh and Susan Cox Powell to be removed from the home and placed in protective custody.
Sept. 23 — Steven Powell pleads not guilty to charges, but remains in jail. A Washington judge rules that Susan Cox Powell's childhood diaries cannot be released to the public. Josh Powell files a 22-page response to the order. Chuck Cox files petition for custody of the young boys.
Date: September 26, 2011
http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20531765,00.html?xid=rss-topheadlines BY TIM NUDD
The father-in-law of missing Utah woman Susan Powell was sexually obsessed with her for years and couldn't stop talking about her, according to a longtime friend in whom he would confide.
Sept. 27 — West Valley City police Chief Thayle "Buzz" Nielsen tells Deseret News that the missing person case is at the "tipping point" of being solved.
Sept. 28 — A Washington judge grants custody of the sons of Josh and Susan Cox Powell to the boy's maternal grandparents, Chuck and Judy Cox. Order cites safety concerns. Judge also orders Josh Powell to undergo a psychological evaluation and attend parenting classes.
Date: September 30, 2012
Published on: September 30, 2011
Authorities believe they have the key to solving the two-year-old disappearance of Utah mom SUSAN POWELL – using the threat of 70 years in prison to force her husband’s father to rat out his son for her murder!
“They’ve got him dead to rights,” a source close to the investigation told The ENQUIRER. “Steven Powell will die in prison, unless he can cut a deal.
“If he throws his son under the bus for Susan’s murder, he might get off with a lighter sentence.”
....“Susan’s disappearance has left police stumped, but detectives believe Steven knows things that could blow the case wide open,” the source said.
“They don’t know if Josh actually confessed to his father, but they believe Steven knows a lot more than he’s told them so far.”
According to friends, Steven Powell had a sick obsession with Susan, once asking her to become a “common wife” to both him and his son, and peeping at her while she dressed.
Oct. 6 — The mother of Josh Powell says her son is a "loving and very engaging father in the care of his sons." Terri Powell had never publicly commented about her son or her missing daughter-in-law's case.
Oct. 15 — Friends and family members of Susan Cox Powell celebrate her 30th birthday.
Oct. 27 — Steven Powell's trial is delayed until March 2012. He remains in jail.
Nov. 15 — In court filings, Chuck Cox says his grandsons are seeing therapists. One boy is having nightmares. He reports the boys are more obstinate and defiant after weekly visits with their father. Cox requests a copy of his son-in-law's court-ordered psychological evaluation.
Dec. 6 — Friends and family of Susan Cox Powell hold charity event in Utah, marking two years since her disappearance.
Dec. 7 — Josh Powell files a declaration in Washington court as part of ongoing custody battle for his two children. He says the boys are in the middle of a "very hostile war."
Year 2012
Date: January 4, 2012
Steven Powell's Conspiracy Theory Appears as a Kindle Book
Two Disappear [Kindle Edition] Cliff Black (Author of mystery novels) Kindle Edition - Jan 4, 2012)
My characters are fictitious. The story idea is derived from the disappearances of Steven Koecher and Susan Powell as reported in the newspapers, on television, and over the Internet. ... I made i up, but I wove in unexplained events reported in the media. I hope no one is offended.
The book's characters read a book "How to disappear"
Another shot has been fired in the volatile case of missing West Valley mother Susan Powell — this time from the brother of her husband Josh Powell.
A website called 4thekiddzz was launched by Michael C. Powell just days before a custody hearing for the couple's two young sons who live with their maternal grandparents, Chuck and Judy Cox in Washington.
Michael Powell is accusing the Coxes of willfully "maiming" one of the boys and says the house is in a "state of emergency" and the children are in imminent danger.
"These children were willfully ripped from the safe and loving home they lived in with their father and were intentionally placed in an abusive household," where one of the boys has been subjected to repeated abuse, the site alleges.
The site includes a string of links to documents and news stories and says the police have bungled the investigation, while child protective service workers have ignored the children's peril.
"It doesn't surprise me because they're going to try and do stuff to take the eyes off them and put it on somebody else and make themselves look a little better," said Jennifer Graves, Josh and Michael Powell's sister, who reiterated she wants the boys to continue to stay with the Coxes. "They're trying to make Josh look better so he can get his kids back, obviously."
Graves said her brother Michael's website with its allegations of abuse against the grandparents and incompetence against the police department is tiresome, annoying and simply a smokescreen.
"They're trying to make it sound as if the Coxes are somehow bad guardians and that the West Valley Police Department hasn't been doing their job properly," she said. "Once you actually start analyzing it, it really doesn't hold water."
Jan. 30, 2012 — Josh Powell's brother, Michael Powell, launches a website accusing the Coxes of "maiming" one of the boys, alleging that the children are in danger.
Feb. 1 — A Washington judge orders Josh Powell to undergo a psychosexual evaluation, including a polygraph test. The order comes during a hearing about the custody status of Josh and Susan Cox Powell's two young boys, now ages 4 and 7.
Date: January 20, 2012
Sister-in-law: Josh Powell needs to 'fess up' to Josh Powell needs to fess up to what he did
Date: February 1, 2012 Wednesday
A judge rules that the two boys are to remain with their grandparents, the Coxes, while Josh Powell is ordered to take a psychosexual evaluation and polygraph test in order to get his boys back. Police noted that information and images were found on Josh Powell's computer that "specifically related to their children's welfare."
In an affidavit to the court, Josh Powell pled his case that his boys should be with their father.
"For over four months already, my interactions with my sons and many other aspects of my character have been investigated and documented … I have proven myself as a fit and loving father who provides a stable home even in the face of great adversity. ... It is time for my sons to come home."
Date: Feb 4, 2012 Saturday
"He had taken boxes of toys and books and donated them to the goodwill sometime over the weekend," Troyer said. "So this was definitely a deliberate, planned-out event.": http://www.seattlepi.com/local/article/Blast-kills-husband-of-missing-Utah-woman-2-boys-3052040.php#ixzz1lvv98ZsR
- Josh Powell withdrew $7,000 in cash from a Pierce County bank account on Saturday, according to a search warrant served on Josh Powell's financial documents.
Why wasn't anybody watching Josh?
Granny takes a plane ride for Christmas... she gets shaken down for trying to bring more than 4.5 oz of shampoo with her...Yet, a psycho like Josh Powell runs around withdrawing 7 grand, donating all the kids toys to charity, buying a wazoo load of gas in multiple cans... hey man, no problem! I didn't see anything? Did you see anything? He's just preparing a Superbowl party. It just does not make sense.
Jennifer and Kirk Graves later revealed their plan to eventually care for the children. The Graves had said they were working to adopt 7-year-old Charlie and 5-year-old Braden Powell into their family and raise them as their own children, "until (Susan) can take over again," Jennifer Graves said. A significant reminder of those plans now sits in their driveway — a 15-passenger van the couple purchased to make room for their family of seven they hoped would grow by two more.
Date: Feb 5, 2012 Sunday
Event Josh Powell and his sons are killed in an explosion he set inside Powell's Washington state home.
Elizabeth Griffin-Hall picks up boys for a supervised visitation from the Cox grandparents home in her Toyota Prius. It is the last time the Coxes see their grandchildren. They were playing with their cousins and they were told they could play again when they got back. These visits were originally held in an office, but they were disruptive and eventually took place at Josh Powell's home and nobody saw any problems with that, although the Cox's were apprehensive at first. Nobody expected today to be any different.
20 min before attack:
Josh Powell's final words to his loved ones, the voicemail he left for his family just 20 minutes before attacking his two young boys, Braden, 5, and Charles, 7, with a hatchet and igniting a gas leak that blew up his house on Sunday afternoon. "I am not able to live without my sons, and I'm not able to go on anymore. I'm sorry to everyone I've hurt. Goodbye," the voicemail message said.
Timeline of 911 log in Josh Powell response
Highlights of the 911 log detailing the police and fire response to Josh Powell's home on Sunday:
"The visit supervisor for this particular agency had taken the children to the home. When she does that, she sits through the visit and might take notes on her observations," Hill said
"She pulled up in the car, and the kids ran out ahead of her. He closed the door and locked it. She wasn't able to get in, and that's when she smelled gas.
Powell let the boys in the house, then blocked the social worker from entering, said Graham Fire and Rescue Chief Gary Franz.
12:05 A lawyer for Powell said he received a three-word email from his client just minutes before Powell and his two boys died in a house blaze. It said, "I'm sorry, goodbye." Attorney Jeffrey Bassett told The Associated Press the email arrived at 12:05 p.m. Sunday, but he didn't see it until two hours later, when others informed him of the fire.
Jeff Bassett, Josh Powell's attorney, told the 911 operator about an email he received from his client.
"I understand he may have had an explosion. I may have some information," he told the operator after identifying himself.
When asked what information, he replied, "Just if it was an accident or if it was more than that. I got an email from my client and that could give every indication it was intentional. ... Basically, it says 'I'm sorry and goodbye.'"
Ed Wadagnolo, who said Powell worked for him, called 911 after seeing news of the house explosion and said he received a similar "strange email" that read, "I'm sorry. Goodbye."
Both Bassett and Wadagnolo said they received the emails at 12:05 p.m.
The social worker’s first 911 call, before the fire
http://extras.sltrib.com/audio/powell/powell7-clean.mp3 The social worker’s 911 call after the fire http://extras.sltrib.com/audio/powell/powell1-clean.mp3 A neighbor’s 911 call http://extras.sltrib.com/audio/powell/powell2.mp3 A neighbor’s 911 call http://extras.sltrib.com/audio/powell/powell3.mp3 Alina Powell’s 911 call http://extras.sltrib.com/audio/powell/powell4-clean.mp3 Josh Powell’s boss’s 911 call http://extras.sltrib.com/audio/powell/powell5-clean.mp3 Josh Powell’s lawyer’s 911 call http://extras.sltrib.com/audio/powell/powell6-clean.mp3 |
Call from Josh Powell’s boss
Dispatcher: This is valley with a transfer
Man: Josh Powell works for me, I just saw on the news today that there was a problem. I got a strange email from him today at 12:05.
Dispatcher: What does the email say?
Man: I’m sorry, goodbye. That’s all it said
Dispatcher gets identifying information and phone number.
Griffin-Hall bangs on the door pleading to be let in. She hears Josh says "Charlie I have a surprise for you" and then hears a boy crying in pain, similar to when he hurt his foot before. She becomes very worry and makes some phone calls. She smells gasoline which makes her really worried something is afoot.
12:08:21 p.m. — Social worker makes initial call to 911 to alert authorities that Josh Powell has locked her out of his home while his two young sons are inside.12:13:20 — Calltaker transfers information from social worker to a dispatcher.
Elizabeth Griffin-Hall, who had brought the boys to Powell's home for a supervised visit, called 911 after she said the man let the two boys into the house but slammed the door in her face.
"Nothing like this has ever happened before -- one of these supervised visits. I'm really shocked," she said in the 911 call, one of seven released this evening. "I can hear the kids crying but he still wouldn't let me in."
She told the 911 operator she wanted to move her car out of the driveway because she smelled gas coming from the house, and then asked for police to be sent to the home. But the 911 operator said officers only get sent to life-threatening situations.
"This could be life-threatening," she said. "He went to court on Wednesday and he didn't get his kids back. I'm afraid for their lives.
Griffin-Hall: 8119 and I think it’s 89th, I don’t know what the address is, let me get in the car nothing like this has happened like this before. I’m really shocked, and I could hear one of the kids crying, and he still won’t let me in, OK, it’s 1, just a minute I have it here, you can’t find me by GPS?
Dispatcher: No
Griffin-Hall: OK, it is... I still can’t find it. He’s on a very short leash with DHSH, he looked right at me and closed the door.
It’s 8119 189th Street Court East Puyallup.
I’d like to pull out of the driveway because I smell gasoline, and he won’t let me in.
Dispatcher: He won’t let you out of the driveway?
Griffin-Hall: He won’t let me in the house.
Dispatcher: Whose house is it?
Griffin-Hall: Josh Powell
Dispatcher: You don’t live there?
Griffin-Hall: No, I’m contracted by the state to provide supervised visitation.
[Confusion about who Griffin-Hall is ensues, then gets cleared up]
Griffin-Hall: He’s the husband of Susan Powell, this is a high-profile case. I was one step in back of them.
Dipatcher: So they went in the house and locked you out?
Griffin-Hall: Yes, he shut the door in my face.
Dispatcher: What is your name?
Griffin-Hall: My name is Elizabeth Griffin-Hall.
Dispatcher: And what’s you’re phone number?
Griffin-Hall gives number.
Dispatcher: What agency are you with?
Griffin-Hall: Foster Care Resource Network, and the kids have been in there by now approximately 10 minutes, and he knows it’s a supervised visit. Braden is 5 and Charlie is 7.
Dispatcher: And the dad’s last name?
Griffin-Hall: Powell.
Dispatcher: Two L’s at the end of Powell?
Griffin-Hall: Yes.
Dispatcher: And his first name?
Griffin-Hall: His first name is Josh. [She gives physical description of him].
Dispatcher: Is he alone, or was anyone with him?
Griffin-Hall: I don’t know, I couldn’t get in the house
Dispatcher: Are you in a vehicle now or on foot?
Griffin-Hall: I’m in a 2010 Prius with the doors locked. He won’t let me in. I rang the doorbell and everything. I begged him to let me in.
Dispatcher: Elizabeth, please listen to my questions. What color is the Toyota Prius?
Griffin-Hall: Gray, dark gray.
Dispatcher: And the licence number?
Griffin-Hall: I don’t know, I can look. (Gets out of car) 750 ZMH
Dispatcher: OK, we’ll have someone look for you there.
Griffin-Hall: Do you know how long it will be?
Dispatcher: They have to respond to emergencies , life-threatening situations first.
Griffin-Hall: This could be life-threatening. He was in court on Wednesday and he didn’t get his kids back and this is really... I’m afraid for their lives.
Dispatcher: Has he threatened the lives of the children previously?
Griffin-Hall: I have no idea
Dispatcher: OK we’ll have the first available deputy contact you.
Griffin-Hall: Thank you
Dispatcher: Bye.
The social worker called her supervisors to report that she could smell gas, and the home erupted in flames.
emails that Powell sent authorities seemed to confirm that Powell planned the deadly fire. Troyer didn't elaborate on the contents of the emails, but said they make police believe "this is intentional, this is planned."
Speaking to NBC's TODAY on Monday, Troyer characterized the incident as a "double murder-suicide."
Event: boys are attacked with hatchet
Powell and both boys died of smoke inhalation, Pierce County Medical Examiner's Office investigator Melissa Baker said Monday evening. But they also suffered "chop injuries" that contributed to their deaths - 7-year-old Charles was struck on his neck and 5-year-old Braden had injuries to both his head and neck, Baker said. Pierce County Sheriff's Detective Ed Troyer said investigators found a hatchet that they believe was used on the boys.
A female neighbor told the 911 operator that there was "a loud, huge boom. And there's crap flying all over the place, dark smoke."
"Fire. Fire. There's a house on fire. Explosion," a male neighbor said. "The house is totally engulfed in fire, from front to back."
Call from male witness who saw house fire from the back of the home
Man: I just had a house explode.
Dispatcher: What’s your exact address?
Man: 8404 189th East Court East
Dispatcher: Hold the line
Man: There’s a house on fire and (excitedly talking, gives a couple different approximate addresses of the fire).
Dispatcher: You’ve changed the street numbers three times now.
Man: There’s explosions too.
Dispatcher: Is anyone home?
Man: I don’t know the house is totally engulfed.
Dispatcher: I’m getting help out there right now.
Man: I think it’s a possible meth house.
Dispatcher: Was anyone home?
Man: I don’t know, but if they were, they’re toast.
Elizabeth Griffin-Hall calls 911 again:
"There's two little boys in the house and they're 5 and 7, and there's an adult man, and he has supervised visits, and he blew up the house and the kids,"
Second call from social worker Elizabeth Griffin-Hall
Dispatcher: Hello. Were you calling about the fire on 189th street?
Griffin-Hall: Yes, he exploded the house. He exploded the house.
Dispatcher: Ma’am, do you know the exact address?
Griffin-Hall: It’s 8119 189th Court East in Puyallup
Dispatcher: What are you calling about?
Griffin-Hall: It exploded, the house.
Dispatcher: Do you know where you are?
Griffin-Hall: 8119 189th Street Court East in Puyallup
Dispatcher: Do you know if there’s anyone in the house?
Griffin-Hall: Yes, there was a man and two children. I just dropped off the children and he wouldn’t let me in the door.
Dispatcher: Stay on the line with me. I’m going to get the fire department. Hang on. Don’t hang up. Stay on the phone here with me ma’am. Fire this is Rose. I’m transferring the lady who has the exact address.
Griffin-Hall: I can hear the fire trucks, but they’re not here yet. It’s 8119
Dispatcher: We have an engine there.
Griffin-Hall: People are saying there is not somebody here, but there’s a couple of boys, 5 and 7, he has supervised visitation and he blew up the house and the kids.
Dispatcher: The kids and the father were in the house?
Griffin-Hall: Yes, he slammed the door in my face so I kept knocking. I thought it was a mistake, I kept knocking and then I called 911.
Dispatcher: You saw him go back in the house?
Griffin-Hall: He didn’t ever leave the house, he just opened the door, the kids were one step ahead of me, they are 5 and 7, they were one step ahead of me and he slammed the door in my face.
Dispatcher: Do you think he might have done this intentionally?
Griffin-Hall: Yes.
Dispatcher: County, go ahead with what you need.
Dispatcher: What is your name, ma’am?
Griffin-Hall: I’m Elizabeth Griffin-Hall, I’m the supervisor visitation (incoherent noises and crying)
Dispatchers: What is your last name?
Griffin-Hall calmly spells it.
Dispatcher: Where are you at right now?
Griffin-Hall: I’m at 8112 on the same court,
Dispatcher: So you are at 8112 189th Street Court East
Griffin-Hall: Yes
Dispatcher: Are you in the car?
Griffin-Hall: I was in it I’m standing outside it right now
Dispatcher: Is that your home address?
Griffin-Hall: No, I’m the supervised visitation coordinator.
Dispatcher: What is the person’s name
Griffin-Hall: His name is Josh Powell. Just a minute the sheriff is here.
Dispatcher: Go ahead and talk to the officer, ma’am
12:16:03 — Sheriff's deputies are dispatched to the home.
12:21:45 — Josh Powell's sister, Alina Powell, is on phone with dispatchers, telling them she received disturbing emails from her brother.
Powell's distraught sister, Alina Powell, called 911 to say she was receiving "weird" messages from her brother via email and voicemail that made her too "terrified to drive over there" herself.
"I'm not afraid of him," she told the emergency operator through sobs. "He's never hurt me. I'm afraid of seeing something I don't want to see."
lawyer Steve Downing, who represented Susan Powell's parents, Chuck and Judy Cox, in the custody fight. "The Coxes are absolutely devastated. They were always very fearful of him doing something like this, and he did it."
Downing also told the AP Sunday that the children had started talking to their grandparents about things they remembered from the night their mother vanished.
"They were beginning to verbalize more," Downing said. "The oldest boy talked about that they went camping and that Mommy was in the trunk. Mom and Dad got out of the car and Mom disappeared
Steven Powell didn't seem upset by news of deaths
When Steven Powell was informed of the deadly blast that killed his son and two grandchildren, he was put on suicide watch, according to Pierce County spokesman Detective Ed Troyer. "Steve Powell didn't seem very upset by the news, but was angry towards authorities who notified him," Troyer said. (Did he know about Josh's plans?)
West Valley City Police Chief Thayle “Buzz” Nielsen said his department wants to interview Steve Powell about what he might know about his son’s actions.Attorney Mark Quigley, who represents Steve Powell, said law enforcement officials have not made a request to speak to his client through him.
Sheriff’s deputies on Sunday informed Steve Powell of the fatal fire and asked whether he knew what his son had been up to. He refused to cooperate and then was placed on suicide watch.
Cox Grandparents Find Out About Fire From Facebook
On Nancy Grace, Chuck Cox says that a friend saw it on facebook and called them. They rushed to the scene of the fire and identified themselves and asked if the boys were gone.
Chuck said he was at church when a friend called him and said he’d read on Facebook that Charlie, 7, and Braden, 5, had died in a fire.
appearance on HLN’s Nancy Grace Show Wednesday afternoon Chuck and Judy Cox, grandparents of the two young boys who were killed by their father, Josh Powell, in Washington State Sunday in a double-murder-suicide, said they learned of the “explosion” through a friend who saw the information on Facebook.
“It was outlandish, hard to believe,” Chuck said. “I thought to myself ‘it can’t be true, it’s Facebook’.”
Moments later he learned the AP was reporting their had been a "blast" at the home Josh was renting in Graham, Washington, about 17 miles from Puyallup where the Coxes live.
Chuck said his bishop drove him to the home. “When we arrived I saw the police line and black smoke,” Chuck said. “I still didn’t want to believe my grandchildren were in that house.”
He said when he approached police he said, “I’m the children’s grandfather.” It was then that he was told it was true - his grandchildren and son-in-law had died in the fire.
Continue reading on Examiner.com Chuck and Judy Cox learn of grandsons' deaths through Facebook - National missing persons | Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/missing-persons-in-national/chuck-and-judy-cox-learn-of-grandsons-deaths-through-facebook#ixzz1mxcG3mQB
Date: February 7, 2012 Monday
Event: Salt Lake County DA acknowledges Susan Powell is likely dead, investigated as murder
The recordings were released just hours after authorities revealed they have been investigating the disappearance of Susan Powell as a murder for at least several months, while they publicly left open the possibility that the Utah mother might be found alive. A search warrant obtained by The Associated Press through a public records request Tuesday showed that police were investigating three felonies in Utah: first-degree murder, kidnapping and obstructing a public servant.
Salt Lake County District Attorney Sim Gill acknowledged for first time that they believe Powell is likely dead. He says in an AP interview that while the case points to her demise, it remains a missing persons probe for now. "I think when I talk about it as a missing persons case, that's because we haven't located the body of Susan Powell," Gill said. "Do we think that she may have met harm? Sure
http://foxnewsinsider.com/2012/02/07/disturbing-new-details-autopsy-reveals-josh-powell-attacked-sons-with-hatchet/police have revealed that Josh Powell attacked his two sons with a hatchet before setting his home on fire, killing all three of them.
Dan Springer revealed further details, including that Josh Powell poured five gallons of gasoline throughout the house, and then took an ax and chopped the necks of both of the boys, which didn’t kill them. He then lit another 5 gallon can of gasoline which caused an explosion. The two boys, and their father, all died of smoke inhalation.
Just a few minutes before committing this horrific act, Josh Powell sent emails to his lawyer, his cousins, and his pastor saying that he was sorry, and could not live without his kids.
there is growing speculation that Powell killed the boys because they were beginning to talk about Susan Powell’s disappearance, remembering details from the night she disappeared two years ago.
He reportedly showed almost no emotion when he was told about what happened to his son and grandchildren on Sunday and continues to be uncooperative with police.
ox was told by police, that had he lived, Josh Powell would have been arrested by June in the case of his wife’s disappearance.
- he laws in America seriously need to be changed!! They want to make sure something happens before they do anything, isn't that sort of pointless?? Same thing with domestic battery cases, they do nothing until the person in question actually beats someone then they give you a piece of paper saying they can't come within so many feet of their victim, really?? So i guess when that person comes back and you whip out your restraining order they'll flee in terror!!
- This psycho should have been watched 24-7 and the house should have had 24 hour surveillance until they had what they needed to lock him away for good!!
- MrjerorCollapse
- Major failure by the police and the legal system.
Tuesday Night:
Powell Relatives Say Josh was Victim, Blames government, religious bias
Two people who said they're related to Josh Powell blamed the government, "religious bias" and "the internet kangaroo courts" for what the family's endured since the disappearance of Powell's wife Susan in 2009, CBS affiliate KIRO-TV in Seattle reported Wednesday. Maurice and Patti Leach, who identified themselves as Powell's uncle and aunt, said in their Tuesday night statement that they were disillusioned by the legal system that granted custody rights for the boys to Susan Cox Powell's parents. "In our hearts and minds we feel that this family tragedy was set into motion from the beginning due in part to the various questionable government agencies' practices, religious bias, the internet kangaroo courts, and sensationalized news media, all of whom have circumvented the laws that protect all of our rights to due process," the Leachs said in the statement.
Date: February 8, 2012
Josh Powell's Cousins Blame Justice System for His Death
Josh Powell
Scott G. Winterton/AP
Josh Powell is being painted by his cousins, Maurice and Patti Leach, as a victim of outside influences.
"We felt that Josh represented himself using a great deal of restraint with patience and dignity at his children's custody hearing, even though it did not work out in his favor," they say. "We believe that Josh continued to use this restraint because of the fear of losing his sons and the love he had for all of his family members that he so desperately tried to protect."
Feb 08, 2012 · Josh Powell's aunt and uncle ... two young sons, Josh Powell's aunt and uncle released a statement, saying there's no justification for the loss of two innocent ...
they were also sympathetic to Powell, saying "internet kangaroo courts" and the media helped set the tragedy in motion.
In the statement released Wednesday, Maurice and Patti Leach states:
"When we arrived in the state of Washington we believed in America's legal system. After witnessing how broken the system was and the events that took place before our eyes, both inside the court room and outside, we left for home in disillusionment of the legal system and concern for our family's posterity."
Josh Powell's uncle and aunt write that they feel what happened Sunday was set into motion, in part, by "religious bias, the internet kangaroo courts, and sensationalized news media." Other members of Powell's family have said messages on social media critical of Josh Powell contributed too.
Below is the full statement released Wednesday by Josh Powell's uncle and aunt, Maurice and Patti Leach:
We are grievously saddened at the loss that the Cox and Powell families have suffered. There is no justification for the loss of two innocent children, Charles and Braden.
Josh had asked us to step in and offer our support in helping him as the next patriarchs of the family with the absence of Steve, his father. We were also asked by Josh if we would offer a safe haven for his sons should the need arise; our answer was absolutely yes.
We felt that Josh represented himself using a great deal of restraint with patience and dignity at his children's custody hearing, even though it did not work out in his favor. Our family's suggestions to Josh both before and after the hearing were that if he had any credible facts, no matter how disturbing, he should present it so that due process would be possible. We believe that Josh continued to use this restraint because of the fear of losing his sons and the love he had for all of his family members that he so desperately tried to protect.
When we arrived in the state of Washington we believed in America's legal system. After witnessing how broken the system was and the events that took place before our eyes, both inside the court room and outside, we left for home in disillusionment of the legal system and concern for our family's posterity.
In our hearts and minds we feel that this family tragedy was set into motion from the beginning due in part to the various questionable government agencies' practices, religious bias, the internet kangaroo courts, and sensationalized news media, all of whom have circumvented the laws that protect all of our rights to due process. We believe that the stewardship of the responsibilities that have been entrusted to those organizations and individuals has been completely compromised.
America, this is not only a tragedy, Sunday was a dark day for all of our families.
Uncle Maurice, Aunt Patti
P.S. Josh, Susan, Charles, and Braden, you will always remain in our hearts.
Josh had asked us to step in and offer our support in helping him as the next patriarchs of the family with the absence of Steve, his father. We were also asked by Josh if we would offer a safe haven for his sons should the need arise; our answer was absolutely yes.
We felt that Josh represented himself using a great deal of restraint with patience and dignity at his children's custody hearing, even though it did not work out in his favor. Our family's suggestions to Josh both before and after the hearing were that if he had any credible facts, no matter how disturbing, he should present it so that due process would be possible. We believe that Josh continued to use this restraint because of the fear of losing his sons and the love he had for all of his family members that he so desperately tried to protect.
When we arrived in the state of Washington we believed in America's legal system. After witnessing how broken the system was and the events that took place before our eyes, both inside the court room and outside, we left for home in disillusionment of the legal system and concern for our family's posterity.
In our hearts and minds we feel that this family tragedy was set into motion from the beginning due in part to the various questionable government agencies' practices, religious bias, the internet kangaroo courts, and sensationalized news media, all of whom have circumvented the laws that protect all of our rights to due process. We believe that the stewardship of the responsibilities that have been entrusted to those organizations and individuals has been completely compromised.
America, this is not only a tragedy, Sunday was a dark day for all of our families.
Uncle Maurice, Aunt Patti
P.S. Josh, Susan, Charles, and Braden, you will always remain in our hearts.
Still not enough evidence to file murder charges.
http://www.seattlepi.com/local/komo/article/Warrant-Josh-Powell-withdrew-7-000-day-before-3131867.phpSalt Lake County District Attorney Sim Gill acknowledged for the first time that investigators believe Susan Powell is likely dead, but he said in an interview with The AP that the case remains a missing persons probe for now.Gill wouldn't discuss the evidence but said authorities had lacked enough information to file charges.
Father-in-Law Now a Person of Interest in Susan Powell Case
BY TIM NUDD http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20568259,00.html
Following the horrific double-murder-suicide of Josh Powell and his two young sons on Sunday, police have called Josh's father, Steven Powell, a person of interest in the 2009 disappearance of Josh's wife Susan. Police are not calling the elder Powell a suspect at this time, but believe he may know something about what happened to his daughter-in-law, according to Utah's KSL.com. "They lived together in the house," West Valley City, Utah, police chief Buzz Nielsen tells KSL. "There are things he should want to talk to us [about], we hope."
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
9:00 am-10:00 am
We listen to the chilling, infuriating 911 calls made by the Powell childrens' state-sanctioned supervisor before and after they died in this weekend's house explosion. Attorney Steve Downing who works with the Cox family says the police encouraged the Cox family to put pressure on Josh Powell and force confrontations. Downing also has a theory about what happened to Susan Powell before she disappeared. He thinks her husband fed her pancakes laced with drugs that would put her to sleep. Listen | Download
We listen to the chilling, infuriating 911 calls made by the Powell childrens' state-sanctioned supervisor before and after they died in this weekend's house explosion. Attorney Steve Downing who works with the Cox family says the police encouraged the Cox family to put pressure on Josh Powell and force confrontations. Downing also has a theory about what happened to Susan Powell before she disappeared. He thinks her husband fed her pancakes laced with drugs that would put her to sleep. Listen | Download
The parents of missing mom Susan Cox-Powell spoke out Wednesday for the first time since chilling 911 calls were released from the fire that killed their grandsons.
In a primetime exclusive interview with HLN’s Nancy Grace, Susan’s father said his first reaction when he heard from a friend that his daughter’s two young boys were killed in a fire apparently set by their own father was disbelief.
Date: Feb 9, 2012
Even after murder suicide, evidence has not reached "threshold" for West Valley police to bring to prosecutor
Police: New tips about Susan Cox Powell case pour in after Josh Powell’s death BY BROOKE ADAMS
The Salt Lake Tribune
West Valley City police say they have received several new email tips about the case of missing woman Susan Cox Powell.
West Valley City Police Chief Thayle "Buzz" Nielsen, who spent Tuesday meeting with local law enforcement, said the information is "new stuff coming out." Officers are reviewing them to see if they yield any credible leads.
"When we get back from this, we’re going to debrief what’s happened up here, what we have," he said Tuesday at the Pierce County Sheriff’s Office. "It will probably take about a month and we’ll reassess what we’re going to do. But we’re going to keep it active and open."
As far as Nielsen was aware, no one in law enforcement received an email from Josh Powell, the only publicly named person of interest in his wife’s Dec. 9, 2009 disappearance.
"He hasn’t been in touch with us before, I don’t suspect he is now," Nielsen said. "He’s not been cooperative ever during the last two years."
The chief said that while police had circumstantial evidence about what happened to Susan Cox Powell , it hasn’t met a "threshold" yet to take to a prosecutor.
The rights of children
The story of the murdered Powell children in this week’s The Seattle Times leads me to the conclusion that the legal rights of children in our society must be expanded [“Grandparents say boys didn’t want to see dad,” page one, Feb. 7].
No agency should be allowed to force children to spend time with any noncustodial parent, or other adult, who the children are uncomfortable spending time with. When the Powell boys told their grandfather that they did not want to visit their father that day, their wishes should have been respected.
Children are not always able to articulate the reasons for their feelings, but that does not mean that their feelings should be disregarded. Children should be given a chance to have a say about what happens in their lives, especially when the adults involved may have serious problems.
— Wynne Schweid, Seattle
It is our job to protect the innocent
I am stunned and broken over the deaths of Charlie and Braden Powell. How is it possible that this is the best protection that the state of Washington could offer those two little boys?
After all the bureaucrats from Utah and Washington are finished making excuses for themselves, there will be two little boys to bury. Children in the custody and under the protection of the state of Washington died an unthinkable death.
We as a society trust in the laws, police, judges, Department of Social and Health Services, etc. to protect the innocent, but that was a mistake in this case.
Our blind faith in justice wasn’t enough to save the lives of Susan Cox-Powells’ children. The failure of Washington state to prevent Josh Powell from murdering his sons should end the careers of all the state workers involved.
We pay the salaries of these people and should demand justice for Charlie and Braden. I don’t want to hear how no one thought it could happen, because that isn’t true. Charlie and Braden knew and were afraid, Chuck and Judy Cox knew and were also afraid.
— Cheryl Parrish, Redmond
Why was he allowed to visit them at home?
As a former Department of Children and Family services social worker, it is hard for me to fathom the court’s allowing visitation at the home. It should have been at a neutral, secure site under the circumstances.
How will DCFS and the court possibly explain this, especially since Powell was to undergo a psychosexual evaluation?
— Andy Thompson, Spokane
Letter from an 8-year-old
I read the newspaper Monday yesterday (I think it was the front page) about that man who killed himself and his kids [“Boys’ death ‘an act of evil,” page one, Jan 6].
I am very sad about that. I think the government should say that the police department should protect all kids that have criminals for moms or dads.
P.S. If they find Susan Powell alive, she’s going to be very sad.
— Samuel Merel Llanillo, age 8, Seattle
Date: February 10, 2012
Washington State Failed to Reveal Incestuous Images to Cox Family In Time to Save Boys
Josh Powell Had 'Incestuous' Images on Computer
The story of the murdered Powell children in this week’s The Seattle Times leads me to the conclusion that the legal rights of children in our society must be expanded [“Grandparents say boys didn’t want to see dad,” page one, Feb. 7].
No agency should be allowed to force children to spend time with any noncustodial parent, or other adult, who the children are uncomfortable spending time with. When the Powell boys told their grandfather that they did not want to visit their father that day, their wishes should have been respected.
Children are not always able to articulate the reasons for their feelings, but that does not mean that their feelings should be disregarded. Children should be given a chance to have a say about what happens in their lives, especially when the adults involved may have serious problems.
— Wynne Schweid, Seattle
It is our job to protect the innocent
I am stunned and broken over the deaths of Charlie and Braden Powell. How is it possible that this is the best protection that the state of Washington could offer those two little boys?
After all the bureaucrats from Utah and Washington are finished making excuses for themselves, there will be two little boys to bury. Children in the custody and under the protection of the state of Washington died an unthinkable death.
We as a society trust in the laws, police, judges, Department of Social and Health Services, etc. to protect the innocent, but that was a mistake in this case.
Our blind faith in justice wasn’t enough to save the lives of Susan Cox-Powells’ children. The failure of Washington state to prevent Josh Powell from murdering his sons should end the careers of all the state workers involved.
We pay the salaries of these people and should demand justice for Charlie and Braden. I don’t want to hear how no one thought it could happen, because that isn’t true. Charlie and Braden knew and were afraid, Chuck and Judy Cox knew and were also afraid.
— Cheryl Parrish, Redmond
Why was he allowed to visit them at home?
As a former Department of Children and Family services social worker, it is hard for me to fathom the court’s allowing visitation at the home. It should have been at a neutral, secure site under the circumstances.
How will DCFS and the court possibly explain this, especially since Powell was to undergo a psychosexual evaluation?
— Andy Thompson, Spokane
Letter from an 8-year-old
I read the newspaper Monday yesterday (I think it was the front page) about that man who killed himself and his kids [“Boys’ death ‘an act of evil,” page one, Jan 6].
I am very sad about that. I think the government should say that the police department should protect all kids that have criminals for moms or dads.
P.S. If they find Susan Powell alive, she’s going to be very sad.
— Samuel Merel Llanillo, age 8, Seattle
Date: February 10, 2012
Washington State Failed to Reveal Incestuous Images to Cox Family In Time to Save Boys
Josh Powell Had 'Incestuous' Images on Computer
Before Josh Powell was going to try to win back custody of his children last week, Washington state authorities received materials from Utah police that had been discovered on a computer in Powell's home two years ago. Authorities say the images depicted "incestuous" sex and were disconcerting enough that they prompted a psychologist to recommend that Powell undergo an intensive psychosexual evaluation.
But a lawyer for Powell's in-laws, who had custody of the boys, wasn't invited to see the materials before the custody hearing - even though a Utah judge had specified in a sealed court order that he was one of the few people allowed to see them.
Had he seen the images, attorney Steve Downing said, he might have asked the court to change the terms of Powell's supervised visitation with the boys
But a lawyer for Powell's in-laws, who had custody of the boys, wasn't invited to see the materials before the custody hearing - even though a Utah judge had specified in a sealed court order that he was one of the few people allowed to see them.
Had he seen the images, attorney Steve Downing said, he might have asked the court to change the terms of Powell's supervised visitation with the boys
Divorce documents shed light on Josh Powell’s trouble
Puyallup, Wash. • If there are any clues to the terrible events that culminated in the disappearance of a Utah mom, a dead father and two murdered children, they may lie in documents filed two decades ago.
Long before Josh Powell killed himself and his 7 and 5-year-old sons in a fire on Sunday, the pages of his parents’ divorce file portrayed him as a seriously troubled teen who attempted suicide, killed pet gerbils, once threatened his mother with a butcher knife and early on adopted his father’s allegedly disparaging view of women.
Detectives investigate Josh Powell’s visit to recycling center
Pierce County sheriff’s investigators have roped off part of a Graham recycling center after receiving a tip that Josh Powell threw some paper away there before he ignited a deadly house fire Sunday.Pierce County sheriff’s investigators have roped off part of a Graham recycling center after receiving a tip that Josh Powell threw some paper away there before he ignited a deadly house fire Sunday.
Date: February 11, 2012 Saturday
Saturday, both families temporarily set aside their differences as they remembered Charlie, Braden and Susan. A large number of relatives from the Cox family, including Kirk and Jennifer Graves, Josh Powell's sister from West Jordan, sat in front rows of the Life Center Church. About two dozen members of the Powell family, including Josh's other sister Alina and his mother, Terrica, sat in a balcony to avoid cameras and the main congregation. There was no mention of Josh Powell during the memorial service in Tacoma, nor at a private service held at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints' South Hill Ward following the initial gathering. Members of the Powell family, including Terrica Powell, also attended at the LDS church. The bodies of both boys were placed in a single, adult-sized blue casket in accordance with the wishes of the Cox family, who did not want the boys to be apart.
Dozens of members from local motorcycle clubs, including Bikers Against Child Abuse, the Gargoyles and Patriot Riders, also arrived early to the service. They said they were there both to counter any possible protest and to give support to the Powell children. Police were also parked along the street in front of the church.
There were no signs of protesters or confrontations prior to the funeral. But biker club members tried to form a barricade around the hearse and the limo to prevent the media from taking pictures of the Cox family and the hearse.
Several references were made throughout both services, including by Chuck Cox, that the children were now with their mother, who went missing in West Valley City, Utah, in December 2009 and is presumed dead.
Candy "Bear Mama" Gonzales said her grandson was friends with Charlie.
"He came home from school Monday and said, 'My friend Charlie died. I cried all day at school,'" she said. "We have to stop these child abuse things. We have to take a stand.
Memorial service for slain children
Memorial service held for Charlie and Braden Powell
Date: February 15, 2012
Josh Powell never lived in Graham house
Pierce County detectives say the rental home that Josh Powell used to murder his two boys was nothing more than an empty shell that he used to fool state social workers. (AP Photo/John Froschauer)
Josh Powell did not live in the rental house at the end of the cul-de-sac where he murdered his boys and then killed himself.Neighbors never saw him. They never saw the kids. Everyone in the neighborhood thought the house was abandoned. Powell was still living at his father's home, though he rented the home he eventually blew up three months ago.
Ed Troyer with the Pierce County Sheriff's Office says the house appeared to be set up only as a place where Powell could see his kids on supervised visits.
"There was no furniture," Troyer said. "There were some kids toys, a little bit of clothing, some pictures of Susan [Powell] on the wall, and that was about it. It was very, very sparse, not like it was set up for anybody to actually live in
Crime Stoppers buys plots so Josh Powell can't be buried next to sons
Salt Lake Tribune - 21 hours ago
Josh Powell's family visited the city-owned Woodbine Cemetery in Puyallup, Wash., on Tuesday and picked a plot about 25 feet from where the boys are buried, ..
Steven Powell tells authorities he wants to remain silent
MyNorthwest.com - 19 hours ago
(AP Photo/File) As Josh Powell's family members make plans for laying his body to rest, one family member is doing all he can to remain silent.
When Steven Powell was informed of the deadly blast that killed his son and two grandchildren, he was put on suicide watch, according to Pierce County spokesman Detective Ed Troyer. "Steve Powell didn't seem very upset by the news, but was angry towards authorities who notified him," Troyer said.
Josh Powell's Dad Takes the Fifth on Susan Cox Disappearance
KABC - 21 hours ago
Josh Powell's father has filed paperwork stating that he will not answer any questions from law enforcement authorities about the disappearance of his ...
Josh Powell's Father Won't Cooperate With Law Enforcement Officials Read more: http://www.myfoxdc.com/dpps/news/josh-powell-father-dpgonc-20110215-to_17965664#ixzz1maRXHGP9 |
(NewsCore) - Josh Powell's father has filed court papers saying he will not cooperate with investigations being conducted by law enforcement agencies, The Salt Lake Tribune reported Wednesday.
Steven Powell, whose son killed himself and his two children earlier this month, is currently jailed as he awaits trial on voyeurism and child pornography charges. He filed a notice in Pierce County Superior Court Tuesday, saying he does not want to speak with the FBI, Utah law enforcement or West Valley City police.
In the one-page filing, Powell asserted his right to remain silent and said he "does not wish to discuss or make statements of any kind regarding any subject matter, including, but not limited to, statements pertaining to any alleged or suspected criminal activity."
Read more: http://www.myfoxdc.com/dpps/news/josh-powell-father-dpgonc-20110215-to_17965664#ixzz1maQ7VQHA
Date: Feb 16, 2012
Josh Powell's family backs away from decision to bury killer near sons
Fox News - 4 hours agoSEATTLE – Just hours after two Washington police officers bought cemetery plots next to two boys to prevent their killer father Josh Powell from being ...Local: Josh Powell won't be buried in same cemetery as sons TheNewsTribune.com
In-Depth: Josh Powell's family backs down on burial site CBS News
ABC News - Los Angeles Times
all 1536 news articles »
- Date: FEbruary 17, 2012
- http://www.fox13now.com/news/kstu-josh-powell-josh-powells-death-certificate-released-by-washington-health-department-20120221,0,7297723.story
Josh Powell's death certificate released by Washington health department
PUYALLUP, Washington—
Josh Powell’s death certificate indicates he was cremated last Friday.
The certificate, released Tuesday, does not say where his family took his remains. The cause of death is listed as carbon monoxide poisoning resulting from the house fire he started by allegedly igniting canisters of gasoline.
The certificate, released Tuesday, does not say where his family took his remains. The cause of death is listed as carbon monoxide poisoning resulting from the house fire he started by allegedly igniting canisters of gasoline.
- Date: Feb 18, 2012
News 9 new results for josh powell Josh Powell Had 400 Cartoon Sex and Incest Images
ABC News
Three weeks before Josh Powell killed himself and kids in a violent inferno, Utah authorities disclosed to social workers for the first time that his computer once contained some 400 images of cartoon sex and incest. Investigators had initially told ...
See all stories on this topic »Social workers had worried that Josh Powell would harm 2 sons
Bellingham Herald
That Josh Powell might harm his children one day lingered in the minds of state social workers even as they took the steps to reunite him with his two young sons. Notes dropped into the voluminous records they kept on Powell show they were wary of ...
He smiled at them, hugged them and made eye contact with them, according to reports filed by Griffin-Hall.According to her reports, Powell often had activities planned, from building bug houses to carving a pumpkin to reading stories. He gave them juice, brought them lunch or made “beautiful” breakfasts.Powell set boundaries for the boys and officiated squabbles between them.“Dad is very attentive to the boys and listens carefully to their words and ideas,” Griffin-Hall wrote after an Oct. 23 visit.Initially, the visits were at the Foster Care Resource Network. Powell was always waiting for Griffin Hall to arrive with the boys, who after a brief stay in foster care were living with their maternal grandparents, Chuck and Judy Cox of Puyallup.By November, the visits, with the blessing of Jacobson and Griffin-Hall, had moved to Powell’s home near Graham. Griffin-Hall noted the home was clean and child friendly.The boys were happy to see dad and showered him with hugs and kisses. They often ran from Griffin-Hall’s car to see their father.visit Nov. 27, Griffin-Hall noted Braden told Powell, “They found Mommy in the desert.” When Powell asked the boys who said that, neither answered.“Dad became agitated and turned red,” the report noted. “He asked the boys again and they did not respond. I changed the subject back to eating dessert.”On Nov. 10, it appeared social workers were preparing to recommend the boys be returned to Powell on Jan. 19, the records show.West Valley City police then notified them about the sexual images found on Powell’s computer, and that plan changed.
Files show Josh Powell's twisted legacy of porn, hate
Salt Lake Tribune
Among nearly a thousand pages of documents released Friday detailing the child welfare case involving Josh Powell and his sons, one observation stands out. In a psychological evaluation he prepared for a Feb. 1 custody hearing, psychologist James ...
In a psychological evaluation he prepared for a Feb. 1 custody hearing, psychologist James Manley wrote that Powell had excellent parenting skills but needed to learn to "consistently place his children’s need for an emotionally safe and stable environment ahead of his own [needs]."Powell was oblivious, Manley said, of his "intensity and his overbearing manner toward his sons" and "cannot or will not stay focused on his children’s needs enough to leave his apparent suspicions, vigilance, and perceived threats out of his communication." The boys, as shown in documents released by Washington’s Department of Social and Health Services, repeated their father’s skewed observations, including hatred of Mormons and Jews.the psychologist was even more adamant that Charlie, 7, and Braden, 5, not be returned to their father’s custody until he received psychological help. Powell, he noted, had denied visiting any pornography sites that involved minors and said he did not have any knowledge of child pornography on his computer.after Steve Powell’s arrest, law enforcement began monitoring phone calls between him and his children, including Josh. The records also show the Coxes expected Josh Powell to be arrested some time between March and July.concerns of day care providers, a school principal and law enforcement about inappropriate statements made by Charlie and Braden which, given their ages, a social worker wrote could not have been "generated of their own mind/opinion." The anti-religious comments, many documented before the boys were placed with the Coxes, included statements about the "Mormons trying to steal them" and about hating Jesus. Most were made by the older boy.The principal at Carson Elementary in Puyallup, where Charlie was a first-grader, contacted a case worker after the boy began acting out in class. On one occasion, as students discussed siblings, Charlie claimed to not have a brother any more because "the Mormons killed my brother and my mom. Yeah, it’s just me and my dad.".. filed a report last June after Charlie threatened to kill a classmate and made disparaging comments about Mormons and Jews to other students and staff.When a little boy sat next to Charlie in class and asked to be his friend, Charlie replied, "No, I do not want you to sit by me. I am going to come to your house at night and kill you," documents state. Charlie then stated, "I hate Mormons."The outburst led to Charlie being sent to see a school counselor, where he repeated such comments. He also told the counselor he wanted to kill the boy because he was a Mormon and that Mormons "kill people; they are ordered to kill people and all scientists who believe in Jesus," the documents state. He added he "hates Jews and he speaks the truth but no one is listening."incident report, dated Aug. 20, 2010, detailed how Charlie apparently demonstrated to others at day care how to kill and bury a bear, something he said he’d learned by watching television. The comment would normally have been dismissed but seemed noteworthy, the school officials said, given his missing mother.Charlie also told people his mother was "hiding from everyone to keep from being abused" by her parents — something the case worker said reflected statements the boy had overheard "others make in his presence.
Pornography was "laying out" in Steve Powell’s room and it was unclear whether the boys had been exposed to it. The report noted that John Powell, the boys’ uncle, "runs around nude in the house and in a diaper.""He has met the police at the door naked before. Uncle John has a hangman’s noose and a gallows built in his room. He has a picture of a woman with a sword coming out of her stomach and into her vagina," the documents state.A report dated a month after the boys’ removal shows they struggled with the change in their lives. Charlie complained to a social worker his grandparents were abusing him and that he missed his pet bird. He "didn’t smile once during the visit and appeared sad,he boys wanted to live under their "dad’s rules," which included walking around the house naked and having an 11 p.m. bedtime, the documents state. They also made inappropriate "sexualized comments" about their parents and about the CoxesManley found Powell to be highly intelligent but also "subtly evasive and dodgy" in their sessions, particularly when asked about teenage troubles. Powell denied attempting to commit suicide as a youth,t there "appears to be a pattern of poor sexual boundaries between the family members.Josh Powell's confidential psychological evaluation includes images of adult ...
SALT LAKE CITY (ABC 4 News) - ABC 4 News has obtained Josh Powell's last and very disturbing psychological evaluation. I want to warn you - vyou read on - this is adult themed, graphic in nature and will most likely make you angry, ...
See all stories on this topic »- http://www.examiner.com/missing-persons-in-national/josh-powell-dshs-documents-what-they-reveal-part-2-josh-was-narcicistic
Josh Powell DSHS documents: What they reveal (Part 2 – Child porn, dysfunction)
He said he was not privvy to details of Steve Powell's case and that he was unsure if the events were related or coincidental. He said, "There appears to be a pattern of poor sexual boundaries between the family members. This area, in addition to his self-focus, over-control of the children, and his difficulty adjusting to his present situation are topics for therapeutic inquiry."Dr. Manley said, "Given the gaps of information about Mr. Powell there seems reason to conclude he may not presently be stable and appropriate for his children." He suggests that until Josh could overcome his defensiveness and openly discuss himself in all areas of his life including sexuality, family, and healthy boundaries, any additional change of visit structure was not recommended.
Uncle John Powell's Problems:.... also reported that the boys' adult uncle, John, who also lived in the home, ran around the house naked or in a diaper. Police say they found a hangman's noose and gallows in John's bedroom and disturbing posters on his bedroom walls. His sister, Jennifer Graves, has long said her brother John suffers from Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder...Terri Powell, attached a story her son, John, wrote as an exhibit to one of her many affidavits explaining why she was afraid of her sons, Josh and John, and why she believed Steve was the one responsible for their behavior. Josh and John were 16 and 14 at the time, respectively John's story was of a man who physically and sexually tortured a woman against her will.- Josh told his sons grandparents Cox were abusing them: ...The social worker asked the boys if they liked living with their grandparents and both said yes. The social worker then asked if their grandparents were nice to them and Braden said his daddy told him that grandpa was mean and said “but that is just silly and dumb.” When asked if grandpa was mean Braden said no.
Date: February 20, 2012
Listen: DSHS defends the handling of Josh Powell case
Dori Monson
97.3 KIRO FM reporter Brandi Kruse live from Chuck & Judy Cox's house
Charlie spoke up and said his grandpa (Chuck Cox) abuses him. The social worker asked what grandpa does to abuse him and Charlie said that grandpa doesn’t abuse him when he (Charlie) is there but that he does abuse him when he (Charlie) is gone. Charlie then said, “It doesn’t matter if you share blood with someone, it only matters how a person treats you. If you abuse my dad then you abuse me. My grandpa abuses my dad and so he abuses me. My grandpa abuses my dad through media and so he abuses me with the media too.”
Charlie repeated these statements. The social worker said it was very clear that Charlie meant what he was saying but that the thoughts were not his originally as he would say that his daddy tells him this.
When the social worked asked the boys if their grandparents do anything else to abuse them they both replied “no.”
Date: February 21, 2012
True crime author Ann Rule to write Susan Cox Powell story
The Salt Lake Tribune First published Feb 21 2012 05:51PM
The bizarre twists and turns in the case of missing West Valley City mother Susan Powell have all the makings of an interesting true crime story.
And now, the case will become just that: Renowned crime writer Ann Rule — who has tackled the stories of serial murderer Ted Bundy and the Green River Killer, Gary Leon Ridgway, during her 35-year career— plans to publish a book on the story of Susan Powell, who disappeared two years ago, and her husband, Josh, who killed himself and his two sons in a fiery blaze earlier this month.
Chuck Cox, Susan Powell’s father, confirmed Tuesday that he and his wife Judy will meet with Rule on Thursday as the Seattle-based author continues work on a project about his daughter and son-in-law.
Cox said it’s unclear whether the family will profit from Rule’s latest venture, but said the writer made a contribution to the Susan Cox Powell Foundation, and any other money entitled to the family would be used to advance the foundation’s mission.
Movement on boards to take down anti-Susan site.
This is a page of mis-information from SusanPowell.org about Jennifer Graves.
Apparently, Jennifer disowned her father 20 years prior. And Terri Powell was still co-dependent with her ex and her children.
Lots of pictures and what looks to be one of Steve & Terri Powell and 2 young children.
This is a page of mis-information from SusanPowell.org about Jennifer Graves.
Apparently, Jennifer disowned her father 20 years prior. And Terri Powell was still co-dependent with her ex and her children.
Lots of pictures and what looks to be one of Steve & Terri Powell and 2 young children.
Now that the sicko is imprisoned and Josh has done what he's done... I cannot help but wonder why the site is still up. I mean, who is helping SP keep it up or if it's just him doing it, how is he able to do it? I hope someone strong arms whoever is behind it to take it down.
I hope Jennifer plans to stay far away from that scary bunch for safety's sake. No one is safe around those people.
Is there any way we can have it removed? Anyone know? I know nothing about this area. How do we find out who is allowing them to keep that ugly site up? Maybe we can petition their server? I'm technically challenged as you can tell. That site has got to go.
Date Feb 22, 2012 National Enquirer Finally Breaks the Obvious Poison Pancake Breakfast Theory
Published on: February 22, 2012
'I am certain he poisoned her': Sister of missing Utah woman believe Josh Powell cooked lethal dinner for his wife on night before she disappeared By Rachel Quigley Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2104872/Sister-missing-Utah-woman-believe-Josh-Powell-poisoned-wife.html#ixzz1nDvXVVD9
Date: March 30, 2012
Should West Valley City have arrested Josh Powell?
Missing woman » Documents detail the evidence West Valley City investigators had in the case.
By Melinda Rogers, Nate Carlisle
And Brooke Adams
| The Salt Lake Tribune
Search warrants unsealed Friday by a Washington judge detail the evidence West Valley City police have in the case of Susan Powell, including her blood on floor tile near a wet carpet and sofa in her home the day after her 2009 disappearance and a safe deposit box note in which she warned her death may not be an accident.
note: Prosecutors never saw a case. Comments seem to pit conservatives pro-Josh and liberals = he's obviously guilty
West Valley City Police Chief Thayle "Buzz" Nielsen said at a Friday afternoon news conference his department can’t comment because the search for Susan Powell continues.
"My department is committed to finding Susan and figuring out what happened to her," Nielsen said.
Salt Lake County District Attorney Sim Gill and his predecessor, Lohra Miller, both confirmed Friday that West Valley City police never presented prosecutors a case to be screened. Screenings are required to file charges, Miller explained, so the district attorney and other prosecutors in the office can confirm the work of the prosecutor assigned to the case and ensure there is enough evidence to obtain a conviction.
"We had a prosecutor that was working with West Valley police monitoring the case as it progressed," Miller said. "To my knowledge, it never actually progressed to where it reached a formal screening."
However, Miller said, the prosecutor assigned to the Powell case kept her apprised. Miller said she knew of the evidence disclosed Friday and never believed it was enough to charge Josh Powell with a crime as it "would not rise to a level of reasonable doubt to convict a person."
Police and prosecutors in Washington disagreed.2 05:41:02PM
"There is direct evidence. There is circumstantial evidence. There is motive," said Pierce County prosecutor Mark Lindquist, who told The Associated Press he would have charged Josh Powell with murder. "There is everything but the body."
... obtained the warrant in an effort to retrieve the childhood journals of Susan Powell as investigators looked for more insight into the woman’s relationship with her husband
comments: pro-Mormon Robert is backing Josh innocent
Robert Berube Unapologetic LDS | Pro-America - reaching down our pockets for 'change' What rubbish. They didn't have enough evidence to indict him.
RossGa The DA in Washington sure thought they had enough evidence to indict him.
TruthLiberates: Yea... but what DA in Washington? That Lindquist fellow in Pierce County is an egomaniac who is constantly running towards the cameras. Playing Monday morning quarterback on another jurisdiction's case is extremely irresponsible. Does anyone remember Casey Anthony? To subject the Powell family to this banal coverage is cruel and self-serving. Lindquist is using the pain of others for self-promotion. Typical psychopathic modern politician.
SLSmitty Knowing full well that such is often the case, I had presumed all along that it was a lack of enthusiasm on the part of prosecutors to act on the evidence they were shown, asking the police to get more in order to add to the case ...Hindsight now reveals that it was the dim bulbs in the WVPD who lacked enthusiasm for the volume of evidence they had and that they never went to the prosecutors with their case ... and THAT is utterly and completely unforgiveable ...WVPD can now be seen along with the South Salt Lake PD as being nothing less than totally incompetent