Saturday, May 05, 2012

Nondenominational Largest Growing, Mormons and Muslims Fastest Growing Religions#2 in Growth

Autumn Ridge church in Rochester is an example of a Baptist church that rebranded itself as nondenominational. I grew up Catholic but mostly go to non-denominational now. SAT college test survey gives a check off for every religion on the face of the planet EXCEPT non-denominational or "other christian", so I checked off OTHER and guess what mail we got - nondenominational.

The most controversial religions are the evangelical christians, Mormons and Muslims. The Muslims had a survey that was largely ignored but showed them to be the mirror opposite image of Muslims in terms of being conservative, and other traits.

  1. *** See the complete chart for USA and how to view report for your county, city, or state ***

    News for religion minnesota catholic non-denominational

    Chicago Tribune
    1. Census shows newer churches are flourishing in Minnesota

      Minneapolis Star Tribune‎ - 3 days ago
      The rise of these nondenominational churches -- most of them ...They're in the top five religious groups in every state [includingMinnesota], except two." While the Catholic Church remains the largest denomination nationally ...
    1. Minnesotans are going to church in large numbers, but fewer are attending mainline Protestant and Catholic churches, according to a new census of U.S. churchgoers. Instead, they are flocking to churches independent of any denomination.
      The rise of these nondenominational churches -- most of them Evangelical Protestants -- is documented in the latest U.S. Religion Census, taken every 10 years. The 2010 census counted membership in nondenominational churches for the first time.
      "The nondenominational churches have been around, but I don't think people realized they were quite so omnipresent," said Scott Thumma, a researcher at the Hartford Institute for Religious Research in Connecticut, who helped compile the data released Tuesday. "They're spread out in 88 percent of the counties around the country. They're in the top five religious groups in every state [including Minnesota], except two."
      While the Catholic Church remains the largest denomination nationally and in Minnesota, its membership has dropped sharply since 2000. Minnesota had 1.15 million Catholics in 2010, down 8.7 percent from 1.26 million in 2000.
      The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Minnesota's second largest denomination, saw membership sink to 737,537, a 13.6 percent decline from 853,448.
      By contrast, the fastest-growing religious segment in Minnesota is the Evangelical Protestants, with a total of 744,910 followers. Non-denominational churches are among the leaders in this group with 130,263 followers.

      Religious census: Nondenominational churches flourishing while ...
      2 days ago – Minnesota churchgoers are flocking to nondenominational ... inCatholic and mainline Protestant churches, according to a religious census of ...
    2. Census shows newer churches are flourishing in Minnesota
      3 days ago – The rise of these nondenominational churches -- most of them ...They're in the top five religious groups in every state [including Minnesota], except two." While the Catholic Church remains the largest denomination nationally ...
    3. What is your religion... if any? - USA Today
      Source: American Religious Identification Survey by the Graduate Center of the City University of New York ... Catholic Baptist No religion Christian Methodist Lutheran Presbyterian Protestant, no ... Saints Churches of Christ Non-denominational† Congregational/United Church of Christ Jehovah's Witness† ... MINNESOTA ...
    4. Religious - Metronet

      Religion census: LDS Church fastest-growing group in U.S.

      By Staff

      McClatchy Newspapers

      Fri, 05/04/2012 - 4:22pm


      CHICAGO -- Counted together, independent evangelical congregations comprise one of the largest religious groups in the nation, after Roman Catholics and their evangelical counterparts in the Southern Baptist Convention.
      Meanwhile, Mormons rank as the fastest-growing group in the nation, followed by Muslims.
      That's according to the census of American religious congregations unveiled Tuesday.
      This year, for the first time, a nationwide aggregation of religious traditions counted nondenominational evangelical congregations, ranging from storefront sanctuaries to megachurches.
      The 2010 U.S. Religion Census revealed that evangelicals affiliated with independent churches make up the third-largest religious group in the nation. In fact, in 48 out of 50 states, "sovereign" evangelicals occupy a top five spot. The 2010 U.S. Religion Census also improved upon past years by mapping Buddhists, Hindus, four branches of the Jewish community and practitioners of the primarily Japanese Shinto tradition.
      Pennsylvania ranked as the most diverse state in the union with 184 religious bodies.
      Religious leaders and sociologists welcomed the overview of America's religious landscape as a helpful tool for determining where to evangelize and understanding where certain religious traditions thrive. But some caution that the numbers and rankings could be skewed in some cases because religious groupsapply different standards for counting adherents.
      The religious census is the latest in a series of reports released each decade to coincide with figures from the U.S. census. It is compiled by the Association of Statisticians of American Religious Bodies. The 2010 edition is the sixth since the U.S. Census Bureau stopped asking questions about religious affiliation after World War II.
      Overall, the study shows a profoundly Christian nation with a lot of variety beneath the surface, including about 150 million Americans -- half the population -- who aren't engaged with a religious community.

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