- MIT Low-Dose Radiation Mouse Study Doubts Evacuation Standards
- Fukushima: High-Dose X-Ray Radiation Death for Mice Similar to Human Doses
- Fukushima Water Level Reactor Unit 1 Only 40 cm deep Not 2M
- How was Cesium Transported at Fukushima and Chernobyl?
- Fukushima Index May 2012
- Fueling platform 3 ID's in Tepco photo
- There was a SECOND Meltdown and explosion at Reactor 3 3/29/2012
- Fukushima Reactor 2 - 70 SV/Hr and 2 Feet of Water 3/24/2012
Good Complete History
- Fukushima Daiichi: Inside the debacle (Fortune/CNN)
- Unit 1 Earthquake Radiation and Meltdown Sequence (SimplyInfo)
- World Nuclear (pro-nuclear)
Date: March 11, 2011 3:29PM Fukushima Radiation Alarms showed radiation was leaking before tsunami
Date: March 17, 2011 NRC warns Americans to evacuate outside of 50 miles, compared to Japanese 12 miles zone, and projects that radiation levels are high enough for a fatal zone within a half-mile, and still 16 times natural levels from the 50 mile radius. But harmful levels were expected to wash out of the air by the time they reached the United States.
@@Accident Rate
Berlin, May 23 — Nuclear disasters like that of Chernobyl and Fukushima are likely to recur once in 10-20 years, threatening Europe with the world's highest risk of radioactive contamination, says a study. Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for ...: "After Fukushima, the prospect of such an incident occurring again came into question." The researchers also determined that in the event of such a major accident, half of the radioactive caesium-137 would be spread over an area of more than 1,000 km away from the nuclear reactor.Their results show that Western Europe is likely to be contaminated about once in 50 years
@@Bird Population http://fukunukeblog.blogspot.com/2012/03/fukushima-crisis-impact-on-bird.html @@Chernobyl http://www.benlovejoy.com/journeys/chernobyl/radiation/index.html Radiation levels in the control room immediately after the explosion reached around 300 Sv/hr - providing a lethal dose in 1-2 minutes. Almost 22 years later, levels inside the reactor hall today are approximately 34 Sv/hr - a lethal dose in 10-20 minutes. Not really somewhere you'd want to include in the itinary. @@Chris Busby @@Conspiracy Theories Fukushima Conspiracy Theories Ken Adachi The Heretic on Jim Stone's theory @@Death Toll Japan Cities Certify 573 Nuclear-Related Deaths Ar... @@Depleted Uranium / Enriched Uranium Weapons Chris Busby supports an Arab doctor named Kobeissi who is certain that Israel used radiocative depleted or enriched uranium bombs against civilians in Lebanon. UN disagrees but he says their evidence is tainted by political pro-NATO agenda. Looks more like Hezbollah made-up propoganda to me, and tells a lot about whether Busby cares more about pro-Arab politics than science. Also promoted by Leuren Moret, http://fukunukeblog.blogspot.com/2011/12/fukushima-enriched-uranium-weapons.html
@@Fuel Rods Found Outside
Fragments or particles of fuel were found 1 1/2 miles outside reactor according to US intelligence, other reports that particles found outside unit 2 were bulldozed Just ouside reactor: Broken pieces of fuel rods have been found outside of Reactor No. 2, and are now being covered with bulldozers, he said. The pieces may be from rods in the spent-fuel pools that were flung out by hydrogen explosions. src: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/08/world/asia/08japan.html?_r=2&hp
Powerful Aftershock Complicates Japan’s Nuclear Efforts New York Times April 7, 2011
one 1/2 miles away: http://enenews.com/report-nuclear-fuel-fragments-found-mile-away-ejected-reactor-cores-explosions-according-nrc-video Paul Gunter, director of Reactor Oversight Project with Beyond Nuclear: We were involved in an Nuclear Regulatory Commission [NRC] hearing on July 28 of this year where the NRC basically admitted that fuel fragments found over one and a half miles away from the facility did not come from explosions from the spent fuel pools, according to the NRC those fuel fragments were ejected from the reactor cores in those explosions. (reliable?)
The Japanese government was told about the release of nuclear fuel material, which “fell all over the plant site”. The only disagreement about this is how far the pieces of nuclear fuel from Reactor #3 were blown; 1 mile, 2 miles or 3 miles? (see links below) Both the New York Times and the NRC stated that #3 had a nuclear explosion and that it spread nuclear fuel fragments a mile around the plant.http://vimeo.com/28222223
the official TEPCO for public consumption press release, where they still claim to this day that there was no fuel release, no reactor damage and no nuclear explosion, just a hydrogen explosion.
United States government engineers sent to help with the crisis in Japan are warning ...according to a confidential assessment prepared by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission ... suggests that fragments or particles of nuclear fuel from spent fuel pools above the reactors were blown “up to one mile from the units,” and that pieces of highly radioactive material fell between two units and had to be “bulldozed over,” presumably to protect workers at the site. The ejection of nuclear material, which may have occurred during one of the earlier hydrogen explosions, may indicate more extensive damage to the extremely radioactive pools than previously disclosed.
Gunter: NRC believes fuel comes from reactor core, not fuel pools: http://enenews.com/report-nuclear-fuel-fragments-found-mile-away-ejected-reactor-cores-explosions-according-nrc-video
Mar 17, 2012 Cesium found in plankton almost 375 miles from Fukushima nuclear plant The Yomiuri Shimbun TOKYO -- Radioactive cesium believed to have been released during the crisis at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant in Japan following last year's major earthquake has been found in plankton about 600 kilometers (nearly 375 miles) east of the facility, according to a Japan-U.S. joint research team.
Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/2012/03/17/3497945/cesium-found-in-plankton-almost.html#storylink=cpy
@@Radiation Alarm
Fukushima Radiation Alarms showed radiation was leaking before tsunami
@@Reactor 2 Damage
Fukushima Reactor 2 - 70 SV/Hr and 2 Feet of Water 3/24/2012
@@Radiation Sickness
Fukushima Radiation Sickness
ABC News concerns about "Radioactive Tuna Fish Migrating From Japan To U.S. Waters" canaries in a coal mine April 5, 2011 No proven danger yet, radiation will probably dissipate http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9aNVtaf1qgw&feature=related
@@US Evacuation Zone
NRC warns Americans to evacuate outside of 50 miles, compared to Japanese 12 miles zone, and projects that radiation levels are high enough for a fatal zone within a half-mile, and still 16 times natural levels from the 50 mile radius. But harmful levels were expected to wash out of the air by the time they reached the United States.
Fukishima Crisis Video Index
@@Fueling Platform
Fueling platform 3 ID's in Tepco photo
Fukushima What Happened To Fueling Platform #3?
Fukushima Firewood
Fish from the river Tone, a main source of drinking water for Tokyo, not safe to eat Effective April 1, 2012 Gunma prefecture imposed a voluntary ban on fishing and "catch and release" in several rivers with highly radioactive fish. Tone River, runs in the middle of Gunma prefecture, which is the main water source (87%) for the Tokyo population. Rivers indicated in green are under the "catch and release" rule, where fish in excess of 100Bq/kg has been found. Fishing Ban Map in Gunma Prefecture:
@@Leuren Moret
@@Low Dose Radiation
What is low does radiation
@@Paul Gunter
Longtime anti-nuclear activist
Appears on Thom Hartmann, Corbett Report, Russia Today, Democracy Now, Reuters, BeyondNuclear, IslamTimes, PressTV,
Paul Gunter was a 2008 recipient of the Jane Bagley Lehman Award from Tides Foundation for his work on the nuclear power and climate change. He has appeared on NBC Nightly World News, The Lehrer News Hour, BBC World News and Amy Goodman's "Democracy Now!" He co-founded Clamshell Alliance in 1976 to oppose Seabrook (NH) nuclear power plant construction through non‐violent direct action that launched the U.S. antinuclear movement.
see main article
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